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StealingFireCalibre Page 11

  "Humm, seems we have company. Stay where you are, my pets, and we shall pick up where we left off once I dispose of your lovers." Penny gasped. Adalardo and Tuthal had come for them.

  "He'll cut more than just your arm off this time, you son-of- a bitch," Tamara said, with a sinister smile of her own. Nasten glanced at her briefly, waved his hand, and a gag suddenly wrapped around her mouth.

  "You will learn obedience and silence when in my presence, slave," he said menacingly before stalking towards the door.

  Nasten was suddenly flung backwards as he reached the entrance of the bedchamber. His body slammed into the opposite wall.

  Penny twisted her head and whimpered in relief, seeing Tuthal and Adalardo storm through. But Penny had other problems as she screamed and writhed again. Adalardo glanced at her. A thundercloud of rage, he ran forward as Tuthal waved his staff towards the demon. For a moment he seemed pinned to the wall.

  The force that held Penny in place suddenly vanished and she was free. Penny twisted her body. Her hand moved down her body and between her thighs. She moaned as she started to rub her clit in fast furious circles. She desperately needed to come.

  "Make it stop, make it stop. Ohhh…" she moaned, trying to gain relief from what Nasten had done to her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Adalardo blinked in surprise to see his woman pleasuring herself out of desperation. The distraction cost him as he felt the power of Nasten hit him in the side. If he hadn't turned to look at Penny, he would have caught it full on in the chest. Pain exploded through his body. He collapsed onto the floor, momentarily stunned. Tuthal leapt over the bed and shot a power bolt of lightning at Nasten.

  "I see you've learned a few more tricks, sorcerer," growled Nasten, deflecting the bolt and returning fire.

  Adalardo climbed back to his feet, pushing the pulsing pain to the back of his mind. Again he raised his shield and gripped tightly onto the hilt of his blade. Adalardo lunged forward, swinging his sword.

  Nasten barely had time to deflect with his sword; he was damn strong as one single blow made Adalardo stagger backwards.

  "The amulet," panted Tuthal. Then he began chanting. Nasten was trying to counter Tuthal's spell. Penny cried out, but he couldn't afford to look at her. Not now, he would see to her once Nasten was dead.

  ~ * ~

  Tamara dropped free of the chains then crawled over to where Penny lay.

  "We've got to help them," Tamara whispered. Penny rolled over and sat up, glancing to where their men were battling Nasten. Adalardo was flung back when Nasten's sword hit Adalardo's shield, his head thumping into the stonewall. Nasten swung around and fired a bolt at Tuthal, clipping him in his right side.

  "What can we do?"

  "The amulet around Nasten's neck--I heard Tuthal tell Adalardo to get it. It must be the source of Nasten's power," explained Tamara.

  Penny glanced around the room, looking for a weapon but saw none apart from those that their men were using to battle Nasten.

  "We'll trip him up and give our guys an advantage." Penny fisted the sheet and Tamara nodded.

  Penny ripped the sheet off the bed, tossing the other end towards Tamara. They both charged at Nasten while he prepared to send another fire bolt at Tuthal. Penny and Tamara caught him by surprise as they dodged and rolled, pulling the sheet tightly around his legs. He stumbled and gave an almighty bellow of anger as he fell heavily when they yanked the twisted sheet.

  ~ * ~

  Adalardo was recovering and climbing to his feet. Penny gripped onto Nasten's right arm as Tamara leapt up onto Nasten's large chest, her fingers curling around the amulet. Tamara gripped the amulet tightly, yanking with all her strength. Nasten roared in rage, twisting under Tamara, making her stumble backwards, holding the glowing blue amulet in her hand.

  "Smash it, Tamara," Tuthal yelled. Without a second thought she pitched it at the wall with all the force she could muster. Nasten roared in rage, his free hand suddenly swung over his body and gripped Penny's throat. Adalardo, bleeding heavily from one arm, raised his sword and slammed it down into Nasten's chest. Penny coughed, gulping down air as Nasten's hand fell from around her neck. Penny scrambled away from him as fast as she could.

  From the broken amulet, blue streaks of light began to rise up and out through the ceiling. There were so many of them, so many souls that Nasten had taken. Both women moved to the side of the chamber as Adalardo whipped out a dagger from his boot, slicing open Nasten's chest. With his bare hands he reached into the demons body and ripped out his black heart, pitching it at the wall. Adalardo moved back, raised his sword and beheaded the beast. He was dead. Penny climbed shakily to her feet, Adalardo turned towards her. Whimpering she fell into his open arms. He sheathed his bloodied sword. Despite the pain in his arm, he lifted her up.

  Tuthal already had Tamara. It had not taken the strength of the two of them to defeat Nasten, but also the strength and power of their women.

  Adalardo turned towards his sorcerer. "Get us from this unholy place, Tuthal."

  Tuthal nodded, sweeping his staff to open a portal.

  "It will not take us back to the palace, but we will be in Kell once again."

  It was good enough for him. With Penny secure in his arms, he carried her though the portal.

  ~ * ~

  "Ahhh, baby?" Tuthal glanced down at his Tamara, never had he been so proud.

  "What be it my beauty?"

  "I think we'd better give them some time alone. Whatever Nasten gave her, I think only the king can cure." Tuthal turned his head to see Penny tackling the King and tearing at his clothes, despite his bloodied state. Tuthal realized Nasten must have used a powerful drug known as Zaznar. It intensified and stimulated sexual desire. Penny would be consumed with complete hunger and need.

  "Agreed." He gave her a half smile. "As long as he keeps her satisfied over the next few days, she will be well." Tuthal almost chuckled.

  Indeed, the King and his new queen would be very busy. Tuthal carried Tamara down a hillside. He could see the rolling San-Ra River in the distance. They were south of the Kingdom.

  "Are we safe this time? I mean truly safe," Tamara asked. "You have to tell me if you have made anymore enemies who are going to try and pull that kind of shit again, because quite frankly I won't put up with it. This baby needs a home to grow in peace and safety."

  He sat them down on the soft sandy bank of the river and placed his hand over her stomach.

  "There is nothing to fear my beauty; our child will grow up in peace and harmony. It pains me that you have suffered because of my youthful folly and foolishness." A smile snaked cross her face.

  "How about another round of punishment?"

  Tuthal laughed. "My beautiful, sexy Tamara, that kind of punishment will always entice me to misbehave."

  "I know, baby. The games are fun, and we are going to keep doing them for a long time to come; maybe I'll misbehave for you sometime."

  "I do not deserve such a wicked beauty such as you."

  Tamara gave a soft sigh, "Oh, I know, and don't you ever forget it."

  ~ * ~

  Penny threw back her head, crying her releases and relief. Adalardo clutched her hips, thrusting up into her tight channel. A second later she felt him shudder and groan in his climax, jerking his seed deep into her belly. She collapsed on top him. They both struggled to bring their breathing under control. At last, her body felt calm; her ache was calmed, for the moment.

  Penny was comforted by his strong arms around her as he held her tightly to him. It felt good to breathe in the clean sweet air of Kell.

  "We are home, we are safe," Adalardo comforted her.

  "This is my home," she said, raising her head to look into his beautiful dark eyes. "Here in your arms is the only place I ever want to be." He gently stroked her cheek with his thumb; she could see the love shining in his dark depths. "You risked your life to save me."

  "And I would do it again and again. You are my world, my he
art, and you are my Queen. Never have I been so proud to call you mine."

  She smiled, feeling the warmth of her love for Adalardo in her heart. "I'm glad you love me, darling, because you're going to need to love me a heck of lot in the next few days. Already I need you again. I need you to fuck me, Adalardo."

  "I may not like what he did to you, my sweet, but I am enjoying the way you need me like this. I will always see to your needs." She could feel him growing hard inside of her; he rolled them until she was under him and began slowly sawing in and out of her hot channel.

  "Oh, Adalardo, I love you," she breathed on a sigh of bliss, feeling him moving his large thick cock in and out of her. "But enough talk, more sex, harder, faster!"

  She felt the rumble of her Adalardo's laughter against her body.

  "As my lady wishes." He obeyed the command of his future queen.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tuthal generously had given the King and Penny the use of his tower for several days until the drug began to dissipate from Penny's system. Tamara was calling it their pre-honeymoon.

  Tuthal was making good on letting Tamara 'punish' him again and it amused her that Tuthal struggled not to let his dominant side take over. But she also teased him until it was her time to be 'punished.'

  Several days passed peaceably in the kingdom. Life was moving about at the normal Kell pace. Jane sat with Tamara in the meeting room, a large map of the Earth spread out on the table before them as they decided where to take the matchmaking service. Since they couldn't go back to Tasmania, they had to find a new location to set up shop.

  "How about the United States?" Tamara glanced over the map on the table. "It's a big place; for certain we'd find plenty of lonely hearted women looking for a hunk to sweep them off their feet," Jane said.

  "I agree, but there are so many different cities. Where would we start the new company?"

  Jane jabbed her finger down to the southern coastline. "California. All sorts of weird and wonderful people live there, and men like ours wouldn't get noticed as much. We have to make certain when the women leave Earth for Kell, that friends and family are notified they have left of their own free will. Not abducted, or murdered for that matter."

  Jane had a point, and Tamara smiled. Drystan strode into the hall looking gorgeously handsome as usual but nothing compared to the man who walked next to him. Both sisters heaved a collective sigh then glanced at each other and grinned.

  "What mischief be you making, my blue fire?" Drystan questioned. Smiling at his Jane, he wrapped his arms around her as his hand smoothed over her more pronounced pregnant belly.

  "Not as much as I would like to," Jane replied with a grin. "But we have decided where to set up shop next."

  Tamara felt the warmth of her Protector's arms surrounding her. "Have you been to this location?" Tuthal asked, as Jane pointed to the spot on the Earth map.

  "No, but I've got photos." Tamara knew Tuthal could open a portal in that location from just looking at an image.

  He gave a nod.

  "The King has returned and it is time for the official ceremony to crown Penny as Queen." Jane was practically bouncing in her husband's arms in excitement. He chuckled, offering her his arm to escort her out.

  "My dearest protected, may I have the honor?"

  Tamara couldn't contain her smile as she took her husband's arm. "Yes, my protector, you will always have the honor."

  "Have I told you how ravishing you look today?" Tuthal wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her. Tamara fought to hold back her laughter.

  "Yes, twice before morn break but not since noon day."

  "Then I shall have to re-show you after the ceremony." His secret smile told Tamara what pleasures and delights he had in store for her. Tamara couldn't have found a better life than she now had here with Tuthal. Living on an alien planet, in love with an alien man, was the best thing she had ever done. Tuthal complemented her in every way, and she him. Tamara knew she was going to enjoy the fruits of her decision for the rest of their lives.

  She smiled up at her husband with a seductive smile.

  "Hummm, baby, yes, you shall."

  ~ * ~

  Penny glanced down at the flowing soft blue and silver robes. Her hair had been curled around a silver inlaid crystal band. Queen, she was going to be a queen.

  Vanora drew in a breath, "So very beautiful. It fills my heart with pride to see this day. The King has chosen well. It will be an honor to serve you."

  Penny gripped the taller woman hands tightly. "No Vanora, I have no desire to be served, but to serve."

  "The true heart of a Queen," she said, and Penny hugged the older Kell woman. "Come, I can hear the assembly. Our King will be waiting.

  Penny gave a nod and followed Vanora out.

  Her heart beat wildly in her chest as she walked the long empty hallway towards the throne room. The guards opened the door for them and Penny strode through with a feeling of belonging. It felt as if somehow every step she took towards the dais was predestined. She passed the assembled citizen's of Kell. She could hear the murmurs of approval and whispers of her beauty, but she blocked it all out, her eyes focusing on only one. Adalardo stood tall and proud in his regal robes. His love for her shone in his eyes as he held her gaze.

  When she reached the dais, Adalardo stepped down. Holding out his hand to her, she slipped her trembling hand into his, feeling his warmth surrounding her as he walked her up the dais and stood her in front of all present.

  "Under the moons of Kell and before all assembled, do you Penny Summerton accept I, Adalardo King of Kell, as your Protector?"

  "With all my heart I do," she answered. Adalardo produced a jeweled inlaid bracelet. Penny extended her wrist to allow him to snap and lock it in place.

  "As King, I here proclaim Penny, Queen of all Kell." Upon her head he placed the most beautiful crystal crown; it sparkled, catching every aspect of the light. A cheer roared through the hall and Penny found herself caught up in Adalardo's tight embrace, his mouth on hers, kissing her deeply. She clung to his arms, kissing him back with all the love she felt inside.

  "My protected, my queen." He murmured against her lips.

  She smiled. "My protector, my king."

  Penny had gone from the depths of despair to a wondrous future she never could have dreamed possible. Yet, it was not just her future, but the future of the whole kingdom of Kell.




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