bb-6565_deep_crotch_mother_curt_aldrich_ Page 11
“The antipasto was delicious,” he said. “Now how about a breadstick?”
He popped it out, and it stood stiffly quivering.
“Jesus, that’s a whole loaf!” Dotti groaned, and slid forward off the table.
Thad wouldn’t let her kneel yet. “Wouldn’t you like to spread something on it?” he asked. “How about some cream cheese?”
“Yes… yes…!”
She hurried to the refrigerator, and he watched her ass quiver. Bending forward, she let him peep at her black-haired, saliva-moistened pussy from between the tops of her pale thighs while she looked into the fridge.
“I don’t have any cream cheese!” she said. “Let’s try this!” She pulled out a jar of mayonnaise.
She uncapped it as she carried it to him, and he took it from her. Guiding his prick with his other hand, he stuck his hotly throbbing shaft deep into the cool, gooshy substance in the jar. It came out gobbed with the creamy stuff.
“Oooh, you’ve flavored the whole fucking jar for me!” she cried. “I’ll think of you every time I have a salad or a sandwich!”
“Well, think of me right now, why don’t you?”
She knelt before him and began to lick the thick, rich mayonnaise off his turgid cock. Her tongue gradually replaced the coolness of the refrigerated dressing with the warmth of her clear, glistening saliva, and she had cream all around her red mouth by the time she was finished.
That sight was so erotically stimulating that Thad forcefully grasped her by the head and speared his prick into her mouth. She glugged, and her eyes widened when she had her mouth stuffed by his thick, throbbing cock. Nevertheless she began to suck on it.
The gentle stroking motions of her “O”-shaped lips across the ridge of his glans and along his slippery shaft were not good enough to suit Thad, as wild as he felt right then. He grasped her by the ears and painfully jerked her head forward and back as he fucked her red mouth rapidly.
She gurgled and groaned in protest, but he didn’t let up. He kept staring at the mayonnaise that ringed her mouth as his prick pumped in and out through the slippery, silken circle of her lips. He wanted to add to the cream on her face. He wanted to give her a lot more.
His balls churned heatedly as he yanked Dotti’s ears harder and faster. The jerky motions of her body caused her titties to flop. Her eyes were wide and wild. She groaned ever louder, but the sound was muffled by Thad’s plugging prick.
He felt the heat rise from his nuts, and his shaft quivered between Dotti’s lips. Suddenly he let go of her ears, and she rocked backward, releasing his twitching, hard-throbbing cock. He held the shaft, pointing it directly at her, and his blast caught her full in the face: splat!
Thick, gooey cream struck her nose and cheeks. She shut her eyes just in time to protect them, and Thad’s second blast hit her eyelids, washing down through her long dark lashes. He struck her the third time on the mouth, adding immensely to the creamy ring she’d already had.
By the time he was through spurting, the woman had sperm dribbling from her eyelids, nose, cheeks and lips. The goo dripped off the point of her chin.
Thad smiled sardonically.
Dotti was furious, sputtering and moaning. She began to paw blindly at her face. Thad grabbed a napkin from the table and handed it to her.
“You lousy son of a bitch!” she said when she finally rose to her feet, still spitting and sputtering. “Just for that, I shouldn’t serve you any supper.”
Thad drew her into his arms. “I’ll make up for it later,” he promised.
“You can depend on it.”
Thad was as good as his word, most of the time, and this was no exception. Two hours later, after a satisfying meal, accompanied by a bottle of wine and enough cuddling and sweet talk to make Dotti feel appreciated again… he ended up on top of her in bed.
His prick was like a locomotive driveshaft, working tirelessly and steadily… stroking deeply and forcefully through the slippery, hair-fringed hole between her legs. In and out, in and out, he fucked her as the minutes passed. Dotti reached height after height.
Thad kept going, twisting his head from time to time and swooping to seize a dancing brown nipple which he stretched upward, shaking her tit. He let the nipple go with a tingling snap and kept stroking… stroking… stroking into her man-hungry cunt.
Finally, as she begged for mercy, he reached underneath her, squeezed her asscheeks together, and fucked furiously, giving her the best orgasm of all as he spurted twitchingly in her hot box… putting out the flames of her passion for a few hours, at least.
In the early morning he awoke with her astride him, in her favorite posture, pumping her voracious pussy on his slick pole as he gazed at her bobbing ass in the moonlight.
And they finished as they had begun.
“Oh, I don’t know, Thad,” Marcella said, obviously troubled. “The Lord doesn’t seem to be speaking to me now. When I don’t hear His voice, I don’t know what to do.”
“But I’m telling you what to do,” Thad insisted. “The Lord has told me we must lease that hall which Barnaby Rhodes owns, and you are the only one who can persuade Barnaby to lease it to us. You see, he is a Baptist. He has yet to reach an exalted state of awareness.”
Marcella turned away. “Perhaps I’m no longer in an exalted state myself. I did something wrong, and I believe the Lord has abandoned me to the devil.”
“Sister Marcella! Such a thing cannot happen. The Lord doesn’t abandon his own. Uh, just what did you do that was so bad?”
She faced Thad. “I had sex with a woman.”
“Why did you say that?”
Thad forced a smile. “I was merely surprised. I’m sorry. What woman were you with — your new landlady?”
“No,” Marcella replied matter-of-factly. “It was your housekeeper — Edna.”
“You mean, back in Centerville? Before you left?”
“No, right here. Yesterday. Edna came to Floyd’s ranch, looking for you.”
“Well, it’s not that I’m jealous, Thad. I realize jealousy is a sin.”
He grasped her by the shoulders and shook her. “Why didn’t you tell me that cunt was in town?”
Marcella stared at him, wide-eyed. “Oooh, please don’t use such filthy language! And y-you’re hurting me!”
He let her go. “Why didn’t you tell me last night?”
“I was confused and upset. I didn’t want to talk about what happened. But now I realize I must face it and admit I did wrong.”
“Why in the world did you have sex with Edna?”
“It just sort of happened. She attacked me and threw me onto the ground. She sat on me and ripped my dress. And then, before I knew it, she was sucking one of my nipples and… and… I liked it! Oooh, Thad, I climaxed with her so strong! But that wasn’t the power of the Lord that was working. It was the devil that had hold of me. I’m afraid that the Lord has given me up and that the devil owns me now!”
“Mama, what’s the matter?” young Beth asked as she entered the room. “What are you yelling about?”
“It’s nothing, dear,” Marcella said, seeking to reassure the child. “Now just go back to your game with Timmy.”
Thad suddenly got an idea, one of the most wicked that his devilish mind had ever conceived, and he smiled broadly.
“How would you like to go for a ride with me, Beth?” he invited.
“Oh, yes!” the twelve-year-old cried. “Mama, may I?”
Marcella turned questioning eyes to the pastor.
“I want to take a little tour of the area,” he told her. “I realize that you’re busy, getting settled in this apartment. Your children and I should get better acquainted, anyway.”
“Yes, of course. Perhaps Timmy would like to go, also.”
“Some other time,” Thad said quickly. “Come on, Beth. I’ll have her home in a couple of hour
s,” he added over his shoulder as he ushered the child out.
If Marcella won’t help me with old Barnaby, I’ll get her daughter to do so, he was thinking. A man of Barnaby’s age would probably appreciate some real young stuff.
Too many years of playing God had pushed Thad over the line into madness. He was able to justify in his own mind anything he wanted to do, however capricious or outlandish, regardless of whom it hurt.
His penis twitched in his trousers as he guided young Beth to his car. He was threatening to get a hard-on even before he began with her.
He was so intent upon his perverse plan that he didn’t notice the car parked mid-way up the block, a man and woman seated inside it. The woman’s red hair would have attracted his attention if he had glanced that way, and he would have recognized her immediately.
The other car pulled away from the curb and followed him as he drove toward the outskirts of town…
Marcella felt desolate. She couldn’t shake the notion that she had fallen from grace with the Lord. If the devil now owned her, she had no guidelines to follow any more.
She strolled listlessly into the next room, where her twelve-year-old son was seated at a gameboard, waiting for his twin sister to return.
“Mama, where’s Beth?” he asked, turning his bright, boyish face in his mother’s direction.
“She went out for a ride with Pastor Polk,” Marcella replied. “They’ll be back in awhile.”
“But we didn’t finish our game!” the lad protested. “And just when I was winning!”
Marcella moved up beside his chair. “Well, maybe I can finish the game for her. How do you play it, anyway?”
She leaned forward to look at the gameboard as her son started to explain the moves. Inadvertently she allowed a braless breast to rub against the lad’s shoulder.
He turned his head and gazed into the valley between his mother’s tits. The dangling globes, which were very white and soft, were visible nearly to the rims of her nipples.
“Mama, I don’t feel like playing the game any more,” Timmy said.
“Well, what would you like to do, dear?” Marcella innocently inquired.
“I’d like to suck your titties.”
She had let Timmy do that when they were in bed, never at any other time. And she had permitted it only because the Lord had told her it was all right. Wasn’t it natural for a child to suckle at his mother’s breasts?
A surge of forbidden excitement coursed through Marcella, because the fact was that she enjoyed very much the feeling and sight of her son’s mouth tugging at her nipples. Perhaps it wouldn’t be bad to let him do it right now, she thought.
Why am I even thinking about good and bad any more, she mused, now that the Lord has abandoned me?
She unbuttoned the top of her dress and let a full, luscious titty pop out. Her son’s eyes widened with fascination, and he clutched her exposed, quivery breast. Pulling the pliant mound to his innocent young face, he clamped his lips around her rosy nipple.
Marcella shut her eyes in rapture as her son began to suck her tit. She had to remain leaning forward, her titty dangling somewhat. As she squirmed, the soft flesh shook liquidly against Timmy’s mouth. He tugged on her nipple harder and made a muffled moaning sound.
Marcella released her other breast from confinement, so that both her soft white beauties hung before the child’s face. She slowly shook them to and fro, dragging one stiff nipple from his mouth and shoving the other in. The lurid sound of the lad suckling at her nipples, and the warm, loving feel of it, thrilled Marcella.
She became very hot.
As was her custom when she and Timmy were in bed together, she reached into the lad’s lap and freed his young penis from his clothes. Of course, it was very stiff. Marcella began to stroke her son’s adorable upthrust rod, gliding his foreskin up and down across the ridge of his glans.
She got hotter and hotter.
The old restraint, which had kept her from going beyond a certain point with Timmy because the Lord wouldn’t have approved, no longer applied; the Lord didn’t approve of her anyway. She no longer felt she was one of His chosen people.
Giving free rein to the incestuous passion that she felt, Marcella clutched her son’s free hand — the one that wasn’t holding the plump breast he was sucking — and she directed that hand up underneath her skirt.
Obviously delighted, his little pecker quivering in his mother’s grasp, Timmy wedged his hand between her warm, satiny thighs and he felt the enticing softness of her pussy through the sleek nylon that cuddled it.
Marcella’s cunt throbbed. Her knees turned weak. She could no longer remain standing, bent forward as she was. She would have to lie down…
It was but a small additional step to take Timmy to bed, and she did that, wrapping the youth’s slender body in her arms and hugging him against her soft, bare tits. She wiggled her abundant warm flesh against his face, and his eager mouth chased her nipples.
Of his own accord, the lad replaced his hand between his mother’s legs, and she squirmed heatedly as he found her pussy once again. She hated the sleek, thinly stretched nylon that separated his groping fingers from the throbby, fast-moistening crevice of her cunt, and she wriggled more actively, hoping her son would get the idea and extend his youthful fingers underneath her panties.
He was hesitant, however. Or else he simply didn’t know what to do. But he was busy enough, getting his pecker stroked by his mother’s warm, loving hand while he sucked a titty and pawed the other bobbly globe with one hand, continuing to tease and tickle her sleek panty-crotch with the other.
Sticky, warm juice began to seep through the nylon, and it dampened the boy’s fingers. Timmy seemed surprised by that, and he drew his hand back.
Giving a groan, Marcella rolled atop him. Straddling his childish form, supporting her weight on her elbows and knees so as not to crush him, she worked her hips hotly, grinding her pleasure zone against the youth’s prick, which was sandwiched upward between their bodies. This activity caused her dangling tits to drag to and fro across his face, her stiff nipples jumping in and out of his mouth.
“Oooh, my sweet, darling Timmy!” Marcella moaned. “Mama loves you so much!”
“And I love you, Mama!” he groaned in reply. “Gosh, this is great!”
His hands found their way to her wriggling, writhing bottom which was scarcely covered by her skirt, and the lad boldly flipped her skirt up to the small of her back. This exposed his mother’s panty-clad curves, and he wrapped his boyish hands around her vibrating mounds, squeezing them through the filmy nylon.
“Pull Mama’s panties down!” she begged, continuing to grind against him. Her heart was thumping madly, and her throat was dry.
Down between her legs, however, she had turned into a swamp. As her son dutifully lowered her underpants, his fingertips touched the gooey-wet inner surface of her panty crotch. She kicked to help him pull her panties all the way off, then spread her legs even wider and smacked her sopped pussy against his quivering, bone-hard little penis.
“Ooooh, Mama!” he cried and, acting apparently on instinct alone, because he’d had no experience along this line, he started bumping his hips, as if to ram his prick up into his mother’s hair-fringed hole.
There was only one problem: his cock stood against his clothed belly and, while it tickled her clit ecstatically as he rubbed and bumped against her, his rod wouldn’t go up her channel.
She got a hand down between them to solve the dilemma, and she raised her hips sufficiently to let her stand her son’s cock at right angles to his body. With a deft twist of her lower region, she caught his pecker’s tip between her passion-flared labia, then voluptuously let her snatch down, enfolding his small prick completely in her slippery warmth.
The thrill that went through her at that moment was impossible to measure. It was the greatest burst of excitement she had ever known. Moaning and panting, she began to rotate her slippery, heated cunt around her
son’s little rod.
“Mama, that’s the greatest!” he cried, and resumed bumping, this time stroking his cock up and down in her pleasure-giving hole.
“Yesss… yesss… yesss!” she hissed. “Oooh, Timmmmm-eeeee!”
She fucked him wildly, turning off her thought processes and stifling her conscience utterly as she concentrated on the wonderful feeling of her son’s little dick, pumping inside her body. More than compensating for the smallness of his sexual equipment was the fact that his rod was super-stiff and, by bearing down as she worked, Marcella was able to achieve delirious friction on the tip of her clitty.
Her tits tossed wantonly against the lad’s face as she screwed like a frenzied mink. Her son gasped and gurgled, clutching the soft, wobbly cheeks of her ass. His balls assumed a tightness he had never felt in them before, and he realized that something new and wonderful was going to happen to him.
His body began shaking, and his penis twitched in the fleshy, wet grasp of his mother’s cunt. Feeling him climax, Marcella was so thrilled that she finished, also, and her vibrating contractions around his cock heightened his own bliss which was almost unbearable as he spurted out his first few drops of immature sperm.
His mother wrapped him warmly in her arms and legs, rocking his youthful body from side to side beneath her.
“Ooooh, that was wonderful, darling!” she gushed. “Didn’t you just love it?”
“Yeah, Mama!” the lad replied, gasping for breath. “Wowww! I never… felt anything… like that before!”
“You’re going to feel it a lot from now on.”
“Does the Lord say that’s all right?”
“Hush!” Marcella exclaimed, feeling a sharp pang. “You just do what your Mama says and never mind anything else!”
If Marcella had felt she was in bad standing with the Lord before, she was certain of it now. But she felt so good, after the frenzied lovemaking with her son, that she didn’t care.
It was possible to live without the Lord, after all. Look at all the sinners who got away with it!