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Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel) Page 15

  I end up helping Naomi and Tucker with a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and fried eggs. After we clean up, we head to the bathrooms to freshen up and change. It may be 10:30 in the morning, but no one is ready to go swimming just yet. During breakfast we decided to take a bit of a hike and check out our surroundings before lunch. After lunch, the guys plan to fish, while us women swim and lay out.

  After the hike and a lunch of sandwiches and chips, we get the boat situated into the water and take off towards the middle of the lake. Once the guys have their poles set up, they crank up Tim McGraw on the radio, and the girls and I relax on the deck while trying to catch the afternoon rays. Before long, I feel a set of fingers feathering up and down my spine. It feels good, and I instantly know its Nate.

  “Did you put any sunblock on, little one?” His voice is lazy, yet a bit of concern can still be detected in his tone. “I don’t want you turning into a lobster.”

  “I had Halley rub my back down earlier.” I yawn into my hand. My eyes are still closed, as I’m presently feeling too lazy to open them. “Though, I wouldn’t turn you down if you wanted to massage in a little more.” The sunlight I’m basking in is lulling me into a stupor, and the best thing I can imagine at the moment is a little rubdown from Nate.

  “The little one gets what the little one wants.” His voice is low and intimate. After a few moments, I feel his hands on my skin, massaging my shoulders with warm, coconut-scented lotion. “Tell me, Charlotte, does this feel good?” he whispers.

  “Mmm.” It’s all I can hum out as he molds my body into a formless state.

  I hear him laugh. “Charlie, you need to either turn over so you don’t burn, or take a dip in the lake. Though, just saying—if you turn over, I won’t be able to contain myself.” I feel his lips trailing over the back of my shoulders in light kisses. I can’t even respond. All of this attention feels too good, so I just let it be what it is. It’s sweet, it makes me feel special, and it’s even a bit romantic.

  “I don’t want to move, though. This feels too good. You and the power of the sun combined is just pure bliss.” I sigh, rolling over so I can see his gorgeous face. I manage a smile the moment we make eye contact. He lowers his head to brush his lips with mine.

  I prop myself up on my elbows so I can get a better handle on the sweet kiss we’re sharing. I feel like time has suddenly stopped, and it’s just us two in this moment. He gently pulls away and winks at me before he suddenly jumps to his feet and scoops me up. We’re racing towards the end of the boat when I realize what he’s about to do. I let out a shriek right when he jumps off the boat and straight into the cold water.

  I go all the way under before I crest the top of the water. I’m sputtering water out of my mouth as I try to stay afloat. Nate swims over to me and wraps his arms around my flailing body. I try to elbow him, but he holds me too tight, so I can’t. I can only manage to scissor my legs to keep from going under again, just as I hear the laughter coming from the boat. Next thing I see when I look up is Holt and Tucker jumping off the boat, too.

  “I thought cowboys were only able to buck broncos and heft a fishing pole,” I tease Nate.

  “I think I have a smart mouth over here, guys!” he laughs, right before he dunks me under the water again.

  We end up horsing around for a while until we decide to dry off in what’s left of the hot afternoon sun. The guys have taken to their fishing poles again, deciding to get more serious about it.

  “I hope they’re not trying to catch our dinner,” I say to the girls in a hushed tone. They giggle as they lay on either side of me while we dry off on our backs. I definitely had enough of lying on my stomach. I wouldn’t say that the boat deck is exactly comfortable, and now my body is starting to feel the stiffness from lying on it for so long.

  “No worries, I saw extra food in the coolers. I think we’re safe,” Naomi assures us.

  “What are you women whispering about?” Tucker calls out to us.

  “About how sexy your butt looks in your board shorts!” Halley teases.

  “Why don’t you do a little runway walk for us, so we can all check it out?” Holt razzes him. “And woman! You better not be looking.” He frowns at Halley. She just laughs as she closes her eyes and settles back onto the deck.

  “Are you threatened by my hotness? No woman can resist these sweet abs and buns of steel.” Tucker says as he flexes for us. Nate and Holt groan and shake their heads.

  “Don’t hate!” Tucker wags his brows at the guys.

  “Go crank on Southern Girls,” Nate pushes him towards the cabin, laughing at him. “You have nothing on us, anyway. Though, if you want to prove you’re a real man, we can take it to the track.”

  “I don’t need to prove anything, but I’ll see you on the track. That’s a promise,” Tucker replies in all of his cockiness.

  Pretty soon, we hear Tim’s voice coming through the speakers on full blast. Nate comes over and pulls me to my feet to start dancing with me. I fan myself, because this boy is pure hotness when he dances. He makes my cheeks blush with his moves.

  “I can’t wait to get you back on the dance floor at T.J.’s,’ he yells over the music, causing an instant grin to pull at the corners of my lips. I can’t wait, either.

  The day turns into the evening before long, and we make it back to camp to clean up and fry up the fish the guys caught, though I politely decline. I’m grateful there are other things to choose from, as we settle around the campfire with plates in our laps, the night descending quickly upon us. We’re all content to be with each other in the cold mountains on our last evening outdoors—where I get one more chance to sleep right next to Nate in my own sleeping bag—before we pack it up bright and early the next morning. I relax into my chair and watch my friends as they talk and tease each other. This is the feeling of really living, and I’m so glad I took a chance on Texas Jacks, for once in my life.

  IT’S THE DAY AFTER THE lake, and I’m on my way to check in on Charlie. As it turns out, she came home with a nasty sunburn that kept her home from work.

  After I finished work for the day, I stopped by the store to pick up soup, saltine crackers, and Coke, in hopes that she would feel better with something in her stomach. I also purchased aloe vera gel to help with the burn.

  I pull into her complex parking lot and luckily enough, there’s an open space close by her place. I pull in, grab my purchases, and then jog up the steps to her door. I have to knock a few times before she finally opens the door, and to my surprise, her skin is worse than I could have imagined.

  “Charlie, wow. I had no idea,” I regretfully say. I should have paid better attention to her the next morning as we cleaned up our campsite to leave. I knew she was moving at a snail’s pace, and that her skin was beet red, but who would have known she had water blisters all up her legs? Shaking my head, I gently push her out of the way and walk into her living room.

  “Little one.” I say into her hair, as I kiss her cheek. “Go lay down. I’ll warm up some soup and bring you some aloe.” I head towards her kitchen to unload my goodies, and she doesn’t complain, just does as I ask.

  Ten minutes later, I’m pulling a kitchen chair up to the couch she’s laying on. “All right, Charlie. Why didn’t you tell me it was this bad, sweetheart? I would have gotten here sooner.”

  “You had work, and I didn’t want you to worry. Besides, I didn’t realize how bad off I was until this morning. I woke up not feeling well, and then noticed the blisters. I could barely get my sleep shorts and tank top on last night. I think I’m stuck in them for the next few days.” She pushes her lower lip out in a pout.

  “Do you have the air on? I just realized it feels like a freezer in here.” I rub my arms for emphasis.

  “I can’t seem to get comfy, and the air feels great on my overheated skin. I called my mom—she says I need to lay low for a while, stay home from work, and rest, using plenty of aloe and fluids. You know, she tried to bully her way out here, and I had t
o make a convincing argument as to why I didn’t need her help.”

  She gives me a fond smile over her mom wanting to help, and I wish I could bottle up the feelings she’s wreaking havoc on me with—and she doesn’t even know she’s doing it.

  “Well, I know I put sunblock on you, but Charlie, I’m sorry it wasn’t enough. I feel bad you’re in so much pain.”

  “No need to feel bad. You didn’t do it. I did have a lot of fun, just so you know. This burn is totally worth the trip,” she openly flirts.

  “Remind me to have you repeat that in a couple of days when you’re still miserable.” I uncap the aloe, rub some on my hands, and forewarn her that I’m going to apply the green slime to her legs. “Be prepared, it’s going to be cold, too!”

  “I can do that. You don’t want to touch my gross legs, and that aloe leaves your hands sticky when you’re done.” She tries to protest as I attempt to rub her legs with aloe.

  “Charlotte, lay still and let me help you.” I reprimand her as she finally gives up and lets me near her legs. If this were anyone else, they could do it themselves, but it’s Charlie, so that’s all there is to it. I would do anything for her.

  “So, I have a question to ask you.” She bites her lip.

  “Keep that up and I’ll kiss you, and right now, I’m trying to worry about your wellbeing and not your kissable lips.” Her lip pops back out. “Why do you seem nervous all of a sudden?” I ask her.

  “Well, I was wondering if you would like to take a trip with me next weekend.” She starts twisting her hair as I continue to gently apply the goop to her left leg.

  “Depends. If it’s back to the lake, forget it. I’m not being held responsible for damaging your porcelain skin any further,” I tease her.

  “No, nothing like that. It’s actually another family dinner in Sacramento. I’m inviting you to come with me.” I look up at her and see that her face is full of hope, but she looks hesitant, too.

  “In that case, I think I can manage a nice drive with my favorite person.” I wink at her. I go to start on her right leg now in the silence of the room. Why she chooses now to be speechless, I haven’t a clue. I’m confused, so I question her. “What?”

  “I just didn’t think you would want to go, that’s all.”

  “Of course I’ll go. I said you couldn’t go back up there unless I took you, remember? So—of course I’ll take you.” She looks slightly crestfallen, and my heart breaks a little at the sight. “Charlie, sweetheart, why the long face?” I ask as I tilt her chin up. “I thought this is what you wanted? I don’t understand.” My brows draw together in concern.

  “I wanted you to come because you wanted to, not out of obligation.”

  “I don’t feel obligated. I really do want to meet your family,” I immediately reply.

  She gives me a small smile and rests her head back on the pillow. “I’m overreacting. Sorry. I feel out of sorts today.”

  “Charlie, there’s no need to apologize. Now, be a good patient and let me finish with your legs so I can move on to your arms and face before you eat your soup. I’m not leaving until you do,” I warn her. I see her mouth curve up into a grin, and I know I’ve changed her mood again. “That’s better.” I lean down and kiss her, which causes her to wrap her arms around my neck. I pull back a bit. “You’re not being a good girl.” I tease, and then go back in for a few more kisses.

  I spend the rest of the evening caring for her, and just spending time with her. I ask her surface questions about her family, and who she thinks will be at her house. We put on the movie, 50 First Dates, and watch it all the way through before calling it a night. I’m itching to hold her, but I know I can’t, as I fear I’ll make her body hurt worse.

  “Come lock the door behind me, little one.” Once we get to the door, I lean in and whisper, “Even with a water-blistered, sunburned body, you’re still hot.” She rolls her eyes. “Now kiss me, so I can leave you to rest.” She pouts but pushes up on to her toes so she can lean up to kiss me. We break apart all too soon, and I kiss the top of her head before leaving. I stay on the porch for two seconds more when I hear the locks click into place, and then lumber down to my truck and straight for my bed.

  “Nate is finally going to Sacramento with you?” I hear Halley’s shocked voice in my ear, as I flounder around my bathroom, getting ready.

  My body is on edge with anticipation of how tonight is going to go. Nate will meet my family for the first time, and I don’t know how he’s going to react. I’m not worried about my family, but more about Nathan. He’s so closed off and secretive about his own family that I can’t gauge what this will mean for him.

  “Yes—finally!” I proclaim triumphantly.

  “Wow. I can’t believe he’s actually going this time.”

  “Well, he did tell me that the next time he wouldn’t let me go alone, and definitely not in the Honda. Though, I didn’t believe he would seriously follow through with it. At the time, I could only hope that he was serious.” I put the phone on speaker, so I can put the finishing touches of my makeup on and double-check my hair.

  “Charlie, don’t be so surprised that he would want to meet your family. You must know by now he has feelings for you, and only you. By heavens, he can’t even take his eyes off you when we’re all out somewhere. He’s got it bad for you, in a good way. Why do you still question it?” She chides me.

  “Halls, what would you think? He hasn’t even brought me home to meet his family, let alone talk about them at all. I barely know anything, and it’s been months! I feel like he’s hiding behind our friends and good times, to safeguard his heart. Have you noticed we haven’t had a lot of one-on-one time?” I point out, feeling irritated with her.

  She doesn’t say anything for a few moments, so I decide to speak up. I’m trying not to ruin my day with this heavy anvil I carry around with me constantly. “Anyway, I don’t want to overthink it right now. I just want to focus on the positive. He’s coming with me, and it’s a giant step for him. So, I’m determined that all will go off without a hitch!”

  “I’m sure whatever is lurking behind his barriers will come out soon. You just need to be patient. He’s happy, and from what Holt says, it’s been a long time since he’s been like this. That means something, Charlie. Don’t make it less than what it is. It’s good, so let’s keep the streak going.”

  All of the fiery heat I was building up with this conversation goes right out of me at that. “Right,” I quietly admit. “He should be here soon, and I need to finish up with my hair. I’ll call you later, or tomorrow, depending on when we get back tonight.”

  “Sounds good, Charlie. Have fun. Tell your family ‘hi’ for me. Maybe next time, Naomi and I will get an invite to the family table.” She pushes with no subtlety whatsoever.

  “I’ll pass the word along, Halls. Why don’t you go out to dinner with Holt?” I try to bring the man issues back around her way. Deep down, I want to be nosey and dig for a little more information about them.

  “Maybe. I can’t promise you anything. I can’t even get him to promise me anything. It’s —” she’s cut off by an incoming call.

  “Hey, that’s my other line ringing. I need to take it. I call you later. Bye!” I don’t wait for her reply, as I click over, knowing exactly who’s calling on the other line.

  “Hey—you’re not getting cold feet are you?” I blurt out before he can say anything.

  “Hey, little one. No. Why would you think that?” Nate hesitantly asks.

  “Oh. Well—” I stammer, worrying my lower lip. “I thought you would be here by now, yet you’re on the phone, calling instead.”

  “I’m calling to say I’ll be a few minutes late. I had to stop by my dad’s on the way over.”

  “Oh. Umm. So, uh—is everything okay?” I don’t even know how to approach that topic, since I feel like I have no right to even ask.

  “Yeah, all is well, I was just checking in on everyone. I feel like it’s been a while since
I’ve been there so—yeah. It was just time, is all. Nothing truly pressing or important. So, hey, listen, I just wanted to say I’m on my way, and to see if you were ready yet?”

  “I’m almost ready. Just last-minute touches. Just text when you get here, and I’ll come right down.”

  “Charlotte, there will be none of that.” He scolds me. “I plan to come up to the apartment to get you. I better not find your cute butt downstairs waiting.”

  That makes me laugh into the phone. “Aye-aye, cowboy. I’ll be good, and wait up here.”

  “Darn straight. See you in a few.”

  The line goes dead, and I slide the phone back to the counter. I finish up my hair in record time, and then brush my teeth again. I feel a little OCD at the moment, wanting everything to be just right. Not like my breath is a deal-breaker, but still, I can’t help it. I’m nervous.

  Not too long after, Nathan is at my door, pulling me into a hard, closed-lip kiss. Then we’re locking my door, and walking down to his truck. He lifts me up into the passenger seat, and moments later, we’re on our way.

  “Slide over, Charlie.” I gently order her.

  She does, and makes herself comfortable next to me, placing her hand on my thigh. Right where I usually place it when we’re together and she’s in this same spot.

  “Are you nervous?” She nibbles on her lip, looking up at me.

  “No. Should I be? They don’t plan to do any secret initiations, do they?”

  She giggles. “No.”

  “No secret handshakes? No weird chants? No weird food to test out on me?” She just laughs, and shakes her head. “No weird board game matches with your whole family?” She busts up laughing at that.

  “No. Just my sisters, who will try to find out all of your innermost secrets,” she teases.

  “Phew! Glad I don’t have to turn around and head for the hills, then.”

  She nuzzles her head into my arm, then reaches over to flip the stereo on. We drive to her folks’ house in a relaxed mood, ready for whatever the evening has to offer.