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Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel) Page 18

  Charlie’s body is shaking with silent laughter. “You big meanie! I can’t believe you did that. How did she even find out?”

  “One of the guy’s, who happens to be her boyfriend now, finally had enough. He figured he would be the brave one and take the plunge. He also figured she was safe, now that she’s over 18, and that I had no ground to stand on when it came to scaring him off. He went for it, and told her all about my high school antics.”

  “I can’t believe those boys fell for it. What a bunch of wimps.” She laughs. “I’m glad my brother wasn’t in school with me. It would have been a death sentence. Why do you think I live so far away? Yet, I’m still close. I need privacy from my siblings or they will forever be in my face. Anson would be beating the guys back at my door, and my sisters would be sending those same guys to my door. They think I lead a very mundane existence.”

  “Well, it’s good you live out here, then. And there better not be any other men at your door, or I’ll put a round or two in their backside with my pellet gun.”

  “Settle down, cowboy. It’s only you.” She nuzzles her head into my chest and darn if that didn’t feel good to hear. Though, I already knew it. It makes the burn go deeper, and I know we’re headed for choppy waters. I just can’t stop it.

  We stay in the back of my Ford for a little longer, talking, and stealing kisses in the stillness of the night with an occasional plane flying overhead. Eventually I gather up the strength to pull away and take her home, where I deposit her on her front porch.

  We kiss for a little longer, until a few neighbors walk by, whistling and cat-calling so we give it a rest. I hug her and tell her I’ll see her before Sunday. She goes into the apartment, where I hear her lock the door before I jog down the steps. I’m just getting to the truck when she yells out her window.

  “You totally took pictures, didn’t you?” I can’t help the burst of laughter that comes rolling out of me. “I knew it!” She exclaims.

  “Calm down, crazy lady. I won’t post anything, and I won’t even tell your family. See? Your secret is safe.”

  “You’re so lucky I’m too tired to come down there and beat you with a broom!” She yells back.

  “Keep yelling and someone else will come down and beat me with a broom.” I call back. “I’ll send you the photos when I get home. Sleep tight, short-stack!” I call out before climbing in my truck, effectively cutting off anything else she has to say. I laugh the rest of the way home, knowing she’ll pay me back somehow, later.

  I’ve been dealing with tooth sensitivity off and on for a while now, but haven’t done anything about it. Now, I’m so over it, so I scheduled an appointment for laser treatment. The dentist was concerned on my last cleaning about my gums receding. He felt like causing a scar on my gum would help, as well as stop further problems. So, that’s how I’m spending my Friday afternoon. Instead of with Nate, or my friends, I’m sitting here— in the dental chair listening to the assistant, Chris, explain the procedure and how uncomfortable I’ll be. Lovely.

  I’m a bit nervous, as I’ve not had a shot in my gums in years. Just seeing the syringe is doing all kinds of things to my brain. I can list a hundred other things I would love to be doing at this moment, though I know this is important.

  My dentist comes into the room, making small talk to ease my nerves a bit, until Chris has to wipe a cloth over my gums. Shortly after, I see hands, so I look down just in time to see the big syringe get close to my mouth before it makes its way to my gums.

  I have just enough time to say, “Oh no! I had a feeling this was going to happen,” before the syringe does its job, and goes straight into my gums.

  “We could always do this without the numbing effect,” my dentist jokes.

  “No way is that going to happen!” I laugh.

  After I’m thoroughly numb I have about 15 minutes to sit around, as I wait for my mouth to be ready for the laser procedure. At one point Chris comes in to swish water around my mouth, then she tries to suction it back out. Unfortunately, my mouth is too numbed, so I can’t latch onto the hose, and the water dribbles out of my mouth, and all over my chin, and chest. Well, that’s just lovely, feeling like the biggest dork ever. I laugh, as does Chris before she wanders away.

  By the time the dentist comes back, I can’t feel my mouth— or my nose. Chris warns me I’m about to smell a burning smell right when the dentist starts working away at my gums. I’m not going to lie; this wasn’t as easy going as I thought it would be. By the time I’m done, and go to leave, I can’t feel my nose, or my lips. I’ve got a killer headache, to top it off with.

  My mouth is in a lot of pain, and I realize I should have asked someone to drive me. I take a few pain killers once I’m in the car, already starting to feel exhausted from the pain, and the long bout in the chair. I can’t fathom how I’ll drive home in this condition, but I know I have no other choice. Why didn’t I ask Nate, or one of my friends to come with me?

  I had mentioned this appointment to Nate, telling him it wasn’t a major deal, and that I would be fine to meet up later. Boy was I wrong! I can’t remember the last time I was in this much pain after a dental appointment.

  I decided to text Nate, before I pull out of the lot—though I wait for his reply before I leave.

  Charlie: I’m headed home from my appointment and I’m pretty tired with a bad headache. Can we postpone tonight?

  He responds immediately.

  Nate: Sure little one, we can go out another night. Do you want me to come over?

  Charlie: As much as I do want to see you, I won’t be good company. Trust me. I’ll probably just pass out once I get in the door.

  When I don’t hear anything back, I decide to head home. I really need to lie down, and pass out pronto!

  By the time I get home, there’s a truck in my extra spot with one handsome guy leaning against it. He stands there with his arms folded across his chest. Secretly, I’m thinking how grateful he ignored what I said, and just showed up anyway. His concerned eyes take me in, as I get out on wobbly legs, yet he still has a smile on his face, happy to see me. I have to admit, I’m happy to see him too.

  “You okay, Charlotte? You look exhausted. I know you didn't want company, but I was worried about you. I missed you and I needed to see you in person— just to know you were ok,” he says, walking over to me, and wrapping his arms around me.

  I love being wrapped up in him, as he provides me with warmth and the feeling of safety. I try to smile up at him and admit, “I’m actually glad you came over.” I’m pretty sure that all came out slurred, because Nate’s chest all of a sudden started vibrating against my good cheek.

  “Are you laughing at me?” I ask.

  “Come on little one, let’s get you inside and get you taken care of,” he chuckles, as he moves his arm around my shoulders, propelling us to the stairs that lead to my door. Once we reach our destination, he reaches over for my keys to unlock the door, letting us into the apartment.

  He takes my hand into his, while flipping the light on with the other. He leads me over to the couch where he plants me. He crouches down to take off my shoes before heading in to the kitchen. Once he gets me situated with pain relievers, he stands me up, and walks me down the hall to my room where he helps me to sit on the bed. He starts searching my drawers, coming up with sweats, a t-shirt and warm fuzzy socks— which he lays on the bed next to me. He tilts my chin up as he leans down to place a sweet kiss on my nose. Gazing into my eyes for a moment longer, he finally let’s go and walks out, shutting the door behind him.

  I’m still out of it, due to the pain as I walk back down the hall to the living room, where I find Nate in the kitchen. He looks up and smiles at me with a warm smile that turns my insides into butterflies.

  “Come here sleepy-head.” He says to me. So I make my way into his outstretched arms.

  “How about we get a blanket, snuggle on the couch, and put on a movie? Does that sound good?” He nuzzles my hair.

nbsp; “What if I pass out? I’m tired, my mouth hurts, and I have a killer headache,” I try to reply back, but it just sounds like a garbled up mess of words.

  He shakes his head, grinning at me, as if I’m a goofball. “Don’t even worry about that. I only had one thing on my list tonight, and that was to see you. So, we’ll stay in. If you happen to fall asleep, then that’s okay. I want to be here to make sure you’re all right.”

  “If you’re sure, then I would love to cozy up to you and a movie.”

  “On one condition.”

  “Oh brother.” I groan, though a giggle escapes.

  “What? I know how much you love my conditions. Besides, you don’t get a choice on this one.”

  “What?” I act affronted.

  “Hey, you’re in no shape to talk back.” He laughs. “You know you’ll pass out, so this means I get full control of the remote.” He waggles his brows at me, causing me to crack up.

  “Stop making me laugh!” I smack his chest.

  “What was that? Are you learning a new language?” he’s having a lot of fun at my expense.

  “I’m the one in agony.” I pout.

  “Stop gripping, and get your cute butt to the couch.” He orders as he starts pushing me towards the couch. “You’ll watch whatever I pick and like it.” He gives me a lopsided grin.

  “I’m so glad I’m about to pass out so I won’t be subjected to horrible movies and a bossy man!” He shakes his head, but laughs as he smacks me on the butt.

  “Sit down, Charlie, and don’t hog the whole couch!” he winks, so I know he’s playing around.

  “If I wasn’t in such pain, I would take you down, right here and now, WWE style.”

  I watch in fascination as his smile takes over his face and he belts out in laughter.

  “Ahh, Charlotte,” he smiles at me. ”Sit down.” He pushes me onto the couch.

  I watch as he gets everything we need, and then sits down on the couch, where he rearranges me so I’m lying on his chest, before he pulls the covers up and over us. He turns the TV on and shortly after I pass out, completely missing the James Bond movie he ordered from On-Demand.

  I wake up later to find Nate passed out under my cheek and nice big drool puddle on his chest. I can’t help but snicker over it, though I’m mortified. I start to pull myself up, so I can go use the bathroom. When I look back up, I see Nathan is staring at me.

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice you slimed me. Trying to make your grand escape?”

  “I just have to answer the call of nature.” I poke him in the chest, before climbing off the couch. When I come back out he’s still laying in the same spot, with his head propped up on his hand.


  “Nothing. I’m just trying to figure out how long it will take me to beat you to the bed, so I can have it all to myself.”

  “Not very smart to give your secrets away. I have a head start.”

  “Yeah, but you’re all doped up, with a slow delayed reaction time.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I might be on pain meds, but I’m not an invalid.”

  “Get your butt back over here, so we can go back to sleep. I’m beat!”

  I lay back down, on Nathan—my life size bed. We lay there for a while, trying to get back to sleep, but it’s just awkward.

  “Do you want to sleep on the bed?” I ask him. “You get your side and I get mine, and no funny business, mister!”

  “I think I should just head home. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He starts to push up, causing me to have to move, too.

  “It’s okay. I know you’re tired. I’m not worried. Come on, don’t make it a big deal. I won’t make it one either.”

  “Alright, shorty, get a move on. I’m tired and I need my beauty rest.” He hops up off the couch, scoops me up in his arms, and I point him to the only room in the apartment. He sleeps on one side and I sleep on the other, with only our hands holding on to each other. Eventually his breathing evens out, then I finally let go and fall back into a deep oblivion.

  THE PAST FEW WEEKS HAVE flown by without much excitement. The last exciting thing to happen was my dental appointment— when Nathan was really sweet to me. The group met up a few times at Texas Jacks, and we still see each other— it’s just not as frequent as it has been for the last few months.

  Halley, and I, had medical training seminars out of town recently, while Nate and the guys are working a lot of extra hours to finish a major project for their company. If they aren’t working, then they’re home keeping a low profile so they can recuperate. Unfortunately, my time with Nathan has been cut down to half of what it was.

  Naomi’s been around, but it seems like she’s taking this opportunity to have one-on-one time for herself. She said she needed to reconnect with life outside of our group. I can understand that.

  As for myself, I haven’t had time to go home for family dinners, much to my family’s dismay. I can honestly say that if I haven’t been busy with work, or out of town for training, then I’ve been home—retreating to my old ways.

  I feel so disconnected, not just with my friends— with their busy schedules, but with Nathan as well. I can't pinpoint exactly what's going on with him, but I feel like he's pulling away. Ever since our last date, he hasn’t asked me out again. Nor has he invited me out to the track when he’s racing. I understand that his job is really demanding at the moment, but still, something's not right. I mean, it's not like we don't see each other, or call, and text when we can. It just feels off kilter, and I can't shake this feeling.

  I think that’s why I’ve retreated into my shell again. But this time, being around the family, isn’t even enough to pull me out of my weird funk. I miss my family a lot, but I miss the connection I have with Nathan even more so. It’s put me in a downer of a mood—when I let my head have space to it, which is more often than I would like.

  It’s Saturday night, and once again, I have no plans with a single soul. It’s just me, and my DVD player. What a sad, lonely existence I’ve been living in lately. Thank heavens for work, which keeps me busy. My sisters, and mom, try to keep me up to date with the family, as for Halley and Naomi —they still drop in at random. I guess I’m not completely alone, it just seems like, for the past three weeks, everything has changed.

  I pop some popcorn, put one of my favorite movies in the DVD player, and settle in to what I know will be a crying fest soon. I’m still hopeful Nathan will call and ask me to go out, or invite himself over.

  About an hour into The Notebook, I hit pause to answer my cell. I’ve been lying in the middle of the floor, feet propped up on a chair while watching the movie.

  “Hello?” I sniffle into the receiver, hoping like crazy Nathan will be on the other end.

  “Are you watching that movie again?” Go figure, I can’t even hide that I’ve been crying— with one clogged word, from Halley.

  “So, what if I am?” I volley back, feeling bummed it wasn’t who I was secretly wishing for.

  “Get your butt up, right now! Go wash your face, and make yourself pretty. We’re going out. I’m tired of our lame groups’ existence lately. It’s time for fun and for once, I don’t want any of the Stooges tagging along.”

  “Halley, are you okay?” I sit up, snatching a tissue off the floor, amongst the mess of popcorn, to wipe my eyes and nose with.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I’m bored. I’m restless. Work has kept me busy. So, I’m declaring this a girl’s night out. Is that a problem?”

  “No.” I climb up onto the couch, getting comfortable with a throw blanket. “I’m bored, too. Though, I’m curious as to why the guys can’t come along.”

  “Do they always have to?” she replies with irritation.

  “Are you having problems with Holt?”

  “Mr. Non-Commitment? Who, him? What’s new there? Anyway, why can’t a girl hang out with her two best friends, without inviting the guys?”

  “Sorry. They don’t always have to be with us. I ju
st miss Nate, that’s all.” I heavily sigh. “I miss the whole group, in general. You know? We had a lot of fun together, before life got in the way and ruined it. Now, I’m back to being a fuddy-duddy again.”

  “That’s exactly why you need to pick your butt up off the floor and get ready!”

  “How did you even know I was hanging out on the floor?”

  “A lucky guess. Now, quit stalling. Are you in or not?” she asks matter of factly.

  “Fine. I’ll go get ready. What about Naomi?”

  “We’re both on our way to you now, actually.” she laughs.

  “Thanks for the warning.” I huff. “I hope you’re prepared to wait. I haven’t even showered today. It’s been a lazy, pajama day.”

  “Stop yapping, and get ready. We’re almost there.” She hangs up on me.

  I stretch fully out on the couch one last time, then toss my phone onto the cushion next to me, before I head down the hall to start getting ready—knowing that when I get out, they’ll be in my apartment waiting.

  About 45 minutes later I’m all dolled up and ready to paint the town. I’m not completely feeling it, though. The thoughts of seeing Nathan still plague my mind. It’s a good thing I’m getting out of the apartment. I know it’ll be ten times better than sitting around, crying my eyes out. I’ve missed my best friends, and our nights like this before the guys came along with the added complications of feelings.

  “I vote for California Pizza Kitchen!” Naomi smiles at me when I walk back into the living room.

  “Nice! I second the vote.”