Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Page 4
“I watched them bury your casket, yet, I was never given permission to see your body. If you’re still alive my sweet, I will find you, and I will remind you, that you’re mine.”
Clara – Present Day
I’m having trouble falling asleep. My anger toward Jackson keeps me from a much needed sleep. Too much has happened in a short amount of time. Jackson had told me that I was a guest here, but yet, every time I check the door, I find it locked. If he thinks he can keep me here as a prisoner, he has another thing coming.
Since I can’t sleep, I spend half of my sleepless night trying to find a way out of my temporary quarters. What I find is that this place is highly secure.
Sgt. Jensen was kind enough to bring me dinner last night, even if it was at gunpoint. I can see that he has me figured out already. Given the chance, I would have attacked him in order to escape. When he had pulled the gun, I didn’t have the heart to go through with my attack. I know he wouldn’t have shot
me, but I didn’t want him to be punished for letting me escape. I start to feel as if I’m becoming soft. I need to get out of here, and fast.
After endless hours of pacing the floor, I’m surprised to hear the door open.
“Easy Clara. General Blake has asked me to escort you to breakfast. I would really appreciate it if you would do this the easy way.”
I couldn’t help but smile at Sgt. Jensen. The poor guy probably drew the short straw, and ended up with the detail of guarding me. I decided to put Sgt. Jensen’s mind at ease.
“I promise to be a good girl and not fight you. Besides, I’m starving.”
My stomach growls at that moment, as if to show him that I am in fact hungry.
Sgt. Jensen actually smiles back at me, which catches me off guard. His smile doesn’t fool me though, he still seems a little weary of my promise to be complacent.
“Please don’t try to escape either, there are guards posted at every exit. They have been informed to watch out for your possible attempt to escape.”
“I give you my word that I will not try to escape, or attack you. I do wonder about one thing though. If I’m supposed to be a guest here, then why am I still on lockdown?”
“Sorry ma’am, I can’t answer that. Just know that it’s in your best interest.”
I thought about arguing that statement, but decided to let it go. Besides the fact is, I really am hungry. I’m going stir crazy and I want to get out of this room. This will also give me a chance to explore possible future escape routes.
“Well then, since we have called a truce, how about you lead the way.”
Sgt. Jensen let out a sigh of relief as I watch the muscles in his face relax, which almost makes me laugh.
On the way to the dining hall, I decide to get to know Sgt. Jensen a little better. It can’t hurt to try and get him on my side.
“Sgt. Jensen, can I ask you your first name?”
“Yes ma’am; it’s Seth.”
“Would it be okay if I called you Seth, or do you prefer Sgt.?”
Sgt. Jensen winked. “You can call me Seth when it’s just the two of us. I actually prefer to hear my first name from time to time. It reminds me that I actually have one. But, if you don’t mind, in front of everyone else, please call me Sgt. Jensen.”
I smile back at him, and I surprise myself by feeling more relaxed around him. “You got it, Seth.”
As I enter the dining hall, the individuals I had so graciously flipped off last night stop eating to glare at me. I wish I could say that it bothers me, but I really don’t care. To me, each of them are acting as my captor, and I resent them for it.
Sgt. Jensen, sensing the tension, decides it’s time for introductions. I’m practically dragged to the front of the table.
“Good morning losers. I want to introduce you all to Clara.”
One of the guys stands up to face us. He towers over me at an impressive height. I don’t think there is an inch of fat on him, anywhere. He has wavy brown hair, and piercing dark green eyes. I would be lying if I said he didn’t terrify me. It’s at that moment he decides to address me.
“So, you’re the one that gave us the one finger salute yesterday.”
If I have learned one thing from my training, it was to never show fear. Sure this guy could crush me in two seconds, but I’m not about to let him know how scared I am.
“Do you have a problem with the way I say hello?”
Time seems to stand still as we stand there staring down one another, waiting for the other one to cave. I almost vomit with fear, when he starts to laugh. He catches me off guard when he reaches out and pulls me into a bear hug. Now, I’m thoroughly confused. When he releases me, I’m finally able to take a breath. He then looks down at me.
“You have some balls woman. Let me be the first in the group to welcome you to our humble home. The names Nyx.”
“Just Nyx? Not Sgt. Nyx, Captain Nyx, Just Nyx?”
Nyx flashes me another smile. “To you, just Nyx. Only those afraid of me call me Sgt. Nyx.”
In less than two minutes, I have succeeded in making the biggest guy here my friend. I have to admit that I’m pretty proud of myself.
One by one Nyx introduces me to the group. It turns out that Captain Adrian is a pretty nice guy, and the groups’ doctor. I find out quickly that he has somewhat of a serious side. I guess being a doctor for a group of assassins could cause you to take things more seriously. Major Phoenix is a lot more on the reserved side, but I find him friendly enough. It’s when I’m introduced to the other female, Sgt. Shade, or Shade, as she likes to be called, that I sense her hostility toward me.
“The boys may think your little finger salute was cute, but I didn’t find it amusing at all. The best thing you can do, is to stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours. Do I make myself clear cupcake?”
Again, I’m not about to show fear and to be honest, she doesn’t scare me. I’m not sure what has crawled up her butt and died, but I’m not about to let her push me around. It’s at that time that Nyx decides to put an end to Shade’s drama.
“Oh, lay off of her Shade. You’re just pissed because you now have competition for General Blake’s attention.”
In that moment, I could have sworn that Shade grew horns, and her head was about to spin off. I actually fear for Nyx’s life.
I decide it’s best to put her mind at ease in that department.
“Whoa, no need to mark your territory, I have no interest in General Blake. As far as I’m concerned, he’s all yours, cupcake.”
I couldn’t help but throw her term of endearment back at her. But, I only succeed in pissing her off even more.
As she roughly bumps my shoulder as she passes, all she says in response is, “just stay out my way.”
All the guys are making childish oh and ah sounds as she walks away. I actually feel a little sorry for her having to deal with all the male testosterone in the building.
After the show is over, they invite me to join them for breakfast. I have to admit, it’s nice to have others around. I had my trainer Brina, but we never joked around or just hung out, it was mostly business and training.
I look around and notice that Colonel Donavan is not with the group.
I haven’t seen him since the night I was brought here. He wasn’t the most welcoming, but I hope nothing has happened to him.
“So where’s Colonel Donavan? Out torturing a helpless puppy I presume.”
Nyx snickers. “Don’t worry about the Colonel. He’s on some much needed vacation time, if you know what I mean.”
I did in fact know what he meant by that comment. I just don’t need to know about their private lives.
I should have known it wouldn’t be long before one of them brought up the subject of General Blake again. Nyx just had to be the one to ask.
“So, is what you said earlier true? Do you not find out fearless General attractive? If not, you’re the first woman to be immune to his charms.”<
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I actually had to laugh out loud at the question.
“I admit that since he looks like his twin brother who I was in love with, that he’s handsome, but I have no warm and fuzzy feelings for your egotistical General, nor will I ever.”
“Well, now that’s a shame.”
I was so distracted by my discussion with the others, that I didn’t hear him enter the dining hall. When I hear his voice, I turn to see him standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and looking as cocky as ever. He has the nerve to be grinning from ear to ear, and all I want to do is throw something at him. Instead all I can muster to say was, “well shit.” This only makes the others at the table laugh even more at the already awkward situation.
After last night’s successful assassination of one of the main figures in the capital, I couldn’t sleep. Normally I don’t have an issue with falling asleep, even after we take out a scumbag. However, knowing that Clara is under the same roof as me, is driving me crazy.
Before I could reach the dining hall, I spot Clara being escorted around the compound by Sgt. Jensen. I had asked him to walk her around today, and introduce her to the rest of the group. I want her to feel welcome here, but I don’t want her to
try and escape.
As I watch her now from the doorway, I almost intervene when Nyx tries to stare her down with his intimidating face, but the way she’s standing her ground, I decide to step back and see how it all plays out. I’m overcome with pride for her when she doesn’t show any fear. For a brief moment I catch a glimpse of the Clara I remembered from before. She doesn’t know that we’ve met before. I had slipped up and mentioned it the day she was brought in, but to my relief, she hasn’t mentioned it since. Someday, I hope to tell her about all the times we did meet, but now is not the time.
I knew that if one person would have a problem with Clara being here it would be Sgt. Shade. I know how she feels about me, but I just can’t reciprocate the feelings. Things have been tense between us since the night I turned down her advances toward me.
I can’t help but tease Clara when she says she’ll never be interested in me. She also called me egotistical. Oh hell, who was I kidding? I can’t argue with that. Being placed in a position of authority at an early age didn’t help with my ego problem. However, I feel as if I’ve earned it. I’ve sacrificed my body, and any chance of a future for this mission. Love, marriage, and a family were not in the cards for me. That was supposed to be for Jonathan. Just the thought of my brother sends my blood boiling. Even after all the time that has passed since his murder, it still sets me on edge. I need someone to pay, and soon. I thought my urge for revenge would cool over time, but with each target I take out, the anger only grows.
It’s Clara’s string of curse words, and the tables’ laughter that brings me back to the present.
Now, as I approach the table, I can see she’s starting to close herself off again. I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable here with me and my group.
“Would you mind if I join you?”
I watch Clara stiffen, grab her tray, and stand up to depart.
“You can do what you want. I’m done eating anyway, so you can have my seat. Sgt. Jensen, I would like a tour of the rest of the facility now, if you don’t mind.”
Nyx stands up and volunteers his services to escort her around. I was not about to let Nyx close to her. I trust him with my life, but he’s something of a playboy. I had to intervene.
“Sgt. Nyx, you have other duties to attend to. Sgt. Jensen is more than capable of escorting her around the compound.”
Nyx gives me a smart ass salute. “Yes Sir.”
I watch as Sgt. Jensen leads Clara out of the dining hall.
I find my body reacting to her just like it used to. I really need to get a grip on myself. If I don’t control my emotions and desires soon, I’ll be forced to move her to another facility, and I can’t let that happen.
My thoughts of her are interrupted by the return of Sgt. Nyx.
“Excuse me General. I hate to interrupt your breakfast, but the Leader would like to speak to you. It sounds urgent.”
I push my food away and follow Sgt. Nyx into the control center. I don’t know who the Leader of our rebellion is. He has gone to great lengths to disguise his voice, and his face is always hidden. The only thing I do know is that he hides his face because he’s deep inside our enemies’ territory, but it would be good to know who we’re all working for, who we’re risking our lives for.
Jackson – 8 Years Earlier
“Thank you for showing up here tonight. I apologize for the discretion, but after what I’m about to tell you, you’ll see why meeting here, and in the middle of the night, is necessary.”
Jackson eyed the man suspiciously. When he had received a mysterious note asking to be at a particular place and time, and alone, he had to admit his curiosity had been peaked.
Now, as he faced this man dressed all in black, as if he were trying to blend into the night, he felt foolish for taking such a risk. He wasn’t scared of the man, he just didn’t want to disappoint his parents again by getting into another fight. Jackson knew they were tired of explaining his behavior to their friends.
As if reading his mind, the man began speaking again.
“I’m not here to harm you. I come with a message from our Leader. Word has it that you’re not a fan of the current
government, or the President.”
Jackson didn’t confirm nor deny the allegations. He knew better than to admit to anything.
The man took his silence as permission to proceed further with the discussion.
“Our Leader has had his eye on you for some time now. He feels that you would make a great asset to our rebellion. Of course, it’s your choice. You can agree to fight with us in order to take down the government, or you can chose to live out your life in luxury, and let others suffer.”
Jackson felt himself growing angry. He hated what the government was doing to the lower class citizens. He had accompanied his brother Jonathan to that part of the city a few times. When he saw how they were being treated, and the harsh living conditions they had to endure, he knew he wanted to take action, he just didn’t know how to make a difference.
Now, here was someone offering him a way to help. He didn’t want to appear too eager. This could still be a trap.
“Let’s just say that I do agree to work for you and your Leader. How does it work? Am I to become a spy, or will I have to leave my family?”
The man smiled. Besides the man’s lips and eyes, Jackson couldn’t see anything else, as he was covered in head to toe of what Jackson would describe as a ninja outfit.
“I have many contacts in the capital. According to your file, even though you’ve been mouthing off about your displeasure of the government, you’re still to be selected to remain in the upper class. My guess is that someone else has their eye on you, but for different reasons. If you agree to work with us, your selection to the lower class will be made during the casting ceremony.”
Jackson pondered what the man was offering. The man waited patiently to see if Jackson had any more questions. When Jackson didn’t seem to have any more questions, the man continued.
“When you’re selected to be placed in the lower class system, you must act shocked. You must fight the guards, and make a scene.”
Jackson put up his hand to stop the man.
“So you’re saying for me to basically commit suicide. I don’t see how that helps your cause to recruit me.”
“The guards will be some of our men. Once you become violent, they will inject you with a sleeping serum that will render your heartbeat undetectable. When you’re dragged off to the medical facility, you will be pronounced dead. Your body will then be loaded into one of our trucks disguised as a morgue truck. You will be brought to our facility to begin your training. Think on this offer carefully. Jackson, we need men like
you. Men who want to make a difference. You don’t have to give me your answer right now. However, you must let me know before the ceremony.”
“What about my family? They will believe that I’m dead. I can’t do that to them.”
“You must not tell anyone. If you choose to do this, you must say goodbye to the life you have now, and everyone in it. Think carefully about what I’m offering you. I will be in contact with you the night of the ceremony. You won’t see me, but I’ll find you.”
Before Jackson could say another word, the man disappeared into the night.
On the walk home, he pondered what the man was offering him. The one problem he had with it, was not telling his brother. His parents would forget about him soon enough. He had always known that Jonathan was their favorite, and it didn’t bother him as much as it should have. Jonathan had a good heart, and he deserves to have everything he wants.
Before Jackson entered his house, he made two decisions. One of those decisions was to tell his brother all about his plans, and to hell with what the man had said. Jonathan is his twin brother, and he had a right to know what was about to happen. The other decision was to prepare himself for a whole new life.
Jackson – Present Day
After my meeting with the Leader, I called my group together in the command center. I’m not happy to see Clara following Sgt. Jensen into the room.
“Sgt. Jensen, please escort Clara back to her room.”
I’m not surprised when she turns to face me with defiance in her beautiful eyes.
“No Sgt. Jensen, remain where you are. I will not be locked in my room like I’m a criminal.”
I seriously want to throttle her right now. She’s really forcing my hand. I don’t want to be an ass, but she’s not giving me a choice.
“Clara, you’re a guest here, and welcome to go anywhere in the facility you wish. However, right now I have business to discuss with my troops. You will return to your room, and remain there until I send someone for you. Do I make myself clear?”