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AnotherKindofSummer Page 5

  “You have the right to voice your thoughts and feelings,” he countered.


  “I know you’re scared, Summer, but I did all this to show you that I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you permanently at my side.”

  She threw up her hands. “Ah! You make me feel so guilty.”

  “Don’t feel guilty. It’s not about that.” He started to say more when Mrs. Cumberland appeared. She was dressed in a cool-looking white dress, and she held a dozing JR in her arms.

  “Mr. Scott, I’m going to put him down for a nap. Is there anything else you’d like me to do?”

  Summer bit her lip. She wanted to be of help. “Maybe we could find a grocery store to get JR some snacks.”

  “He’s not quite at that level,” Ian explained. His gentle tone didn’t lessen her embarrassment at being ignorant. “Cereal and a little bit of fruit and other baby foods is as far as we go right now.”

  “Oh.” She turned to leave, but Ian reached out and took her hand. He wasn’t about to let her hide, to her annoyance.

  “The grocery store suggestion is a great idea. We’ll mostly be eating out, but sometimes we might want a snack and some drinks in the room or late when we don’t want to go anywhere.”

  Summer made herself useful by searching for the nearest grocery store, and Mrs. Cumberland disappeared into the room she shared with the baby. Summer was glad she did. She couldn’t imagine what the older woman was thinking of her, because she’d done no more than offer a pleasant smile. Probably calling me a first class idiot who has no business dealing with babies.

  The two of them spent the day exploring the island, and then late that evening after dinner, she wanted to walk on the beach. Ian joined her, and they strolled along hand in hand. She breathed the sea air deep into her lungs and hummed a little. The sound of the waves lapping the shore, the far off laughter from other visitors to the island, and the moon overhead, all joined in together to calm her mind and spirit. Being with Ian like this, letting reality and worries drift away, was wonderful, and she didn’t want it to end.

  “So what was it like for you in the beginning?” she asked. “I can imagine it was tough. Did you ever feel like you couldn’t do it, you couldn’t be a single dad?”

  “Are you serious?” He chuckled, and she thought she’d asked a stupid question until he answered. “I felt that way every day for the first three months. I still feel it sometimes. I camped out at Kelly’s, letting her teach me everything she knew.”

  She watched the animation in his expression and hand gestures. He seemed excited. Something told her no matter how hard it was, Ian loved every minute of raising his son. He didn’t really need anyone. He might want a partner, but he was fine. She’d never imagined men could be naturals at it. Everyone thought of women having the instinct. Ian had it hands down.

  “Penny lay in that hospital bed the day after having Ian Junior and told me she was done. She said she’d completed her part and that if I wanted him I could have him. I thought she would change her mind, but a week later, I got paperwork from her lawyer. She signed over all her rights to Ian Junior. It floored me. I called her up and argued with her. Nothing changed her mind. In the end, I had to accept that I was alone.” He shrugged. “I’m happy. I love him, and I’m going to give him everything he needs and more.”

  Summer’s heart flooded with love for him. He was amazing. He seemed to feel her staring, glanced down at her, and touched her cheek.

  “I’m going to give him everything, Summer.”

  She frowned, wondering what he meant, and then it hit her. He was going to give JR a mother. She shivered. “I know you will. Both of you deserve everything.” She chewed her lip as she considered her next decision. “What do you say we take JR off Mrs. Cumberland’s hands tomorrow and do something fun with just the three of us?”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Are you sure? Baby, we don’t have to do that.

  I brought her for the express reason that you could enjoy yourself, and my attention from you wouldn’t be divided.”

  “And I love you for it.” She took his hand from her cheek and kissed his fingers. “I’m sure. What do you say?”

  He pulled her to a stop and turned her to face him. The love she saw in his eyes almost overwhelmed her, but it drew her into him too. She leaned on his chest, and he crushed her in his embrace. “I say you’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met. I knew that from day one.”

  She raised her chin, and he captured her mouth in a searing kiss.

  Summer submitted to his rough and hungry claim and the invasion of his tongue. She moaned and pushed her tongue into his mouth, wanting just as much to taste him. Desire coiled in her belly, and her nipples tightened. He ran his hand down her back and cupped her ass. When he pulled her up to her toes, she felt his hard cock between them. Her need increased tenfold.

  “I want you now,” he whispered against her mouth.

  She squeaked. “What? Here? Ian, we can’t.”

  “No one’s around.”

  She cast a few furtive glances to their left and right. Just as he’d said, no one was around. The closest late night partiers were way down the beach, and their music was going loud enough to drown out any noise she and Ian might make.

  “The sand,” she worried.

  “I’ll hold you on my lap. You won’t touch the sand.” He moved one hand from her ass to her pussy and skimmed a finger over her swollen clit through her dress and panties. She couldn’t help crying out.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  He picked her up and walked higher on the beach away from the water. When they reached a good spot, he set her on her feet and helped her remove her panties. Of all the places she’d had sex, she’d resisted the beach because of the sand. She knew it wasn’t an uncommon place, but still she hadn’t done it. Doing so with Ian made it extra special.

  As he took down her underwear, he made sure to skim her legs, his thumbs brushing her inner thighs. In the moonlight, she caught the glimmer of lust in his eyes. She raised her dress when his face was pussy level, and he took the invitation by kissing her down there. One long suck at her bud had her shivering.

  Ian leaned back a moment and looked up at her while he stroked her bare pussy. She bit her lip, trying not to make too much noise.

  “Do you want me to eat your pussy, baby?”

  She moaned. “Yes! Please, Ian, do it. I’m so hot right now. I have to come.”

  She cupped his head while he knelt before her and licked from the base of her pussy to the top. He delved his tongue deep inside of her, wiggled it around, and pulled out. Her knees threatened to give in, but she hung on, bracing herself with one hand on his shoulder. He moaned, allowing the vibration to pass through her clit. The sensations set her on fire, and she pumped slow and easy against his hungry mouth.

  Ian feasted on her pussy, and she was so wet, she thought she could supply him for life. Spasms of pleasure rocketed over her body, starting from her core. She whimpered as each new orgasm rose. When they hit, she held him off, struggling to catch her breath and allowing her poor clit to ease in its sensitivity. Yet, Ian seemed eager to get back at it. She’d never been with a man who loved going down on a woman as much as he did.

  “Oh, Ian, you’re going to make me come again,” she exclaimed, tangling her fingers in his hair.

  “More, baby, give me more of your sweet come.”

  She bit down, suppressing a scream, but the next climax hit so fast and strong, she couldn’t hold back. The night echoed with her cries, and her legs gave out. She sagged forward, but Ian popped up and caught her.

  While he held her to his chest with one arm, he worked his pants open and shoved them over his hips. He dropped to the sand again, taking her with him. Summer sat with her legs wrapped around his waist. He hoisted her up and brought her down onto his cock. He was so hard and big, she sucked in a ragged breath as he sank deeper.

  “Damn, this was worth the wait,” he mutte
red against her neck. “Baby, your pussy is so perfect. You fit me like a glove. Hold still, or I’m going to lose it before we get going.”

  She did her best to do as he asked, but what she really wanted was to bounce all over his tool. Ian held her in a steel grip at her waist. When he was ready, he began raising her up and lowering her on his cock. She rocked her hips and leaned on one of his shoulders so she could watch their bodies coming together. The shadows of the night made it difficult, but his paler skin made him almost glow. She spanned a hand over his chest, loving the ripple of muscle, the contractions in his efforts.

  He grunted her name as they pumped in rhythm. She tweaked a flat nipple and circled his ear with her tongue. “I want to make you feel good too, baby,” she whispered.

  “You already are.”

  “More,” she insisted and stood to turn around. He guided her on his hard-on again, and she sank until he filled her to capacity. She supported herself on his thighs and worked her hips. A glance at him showed Ian staring at her ass, eyes wide and nostrils flared. She grinned. “You like my ass?”

  “Hell, yes!”

  She reached between her legs and massaged his balls. He went hoarse with his next words for her not to stop. She bounced faster. Making Ian feel good set her pleasure even higher. She closed her eyes and put her head back, but she never stopped teasing his sensitive sac. Ian hissed something she didn’t understand, and then his fingers bit into her sides. He jerked, and she felt the warmth stealing up her channel. After a few moments, come spilled around the sides of his erection, and he pulled her to him. They kissed softly, their noses touching.

  “Let’s finish this in our room.”

  She nodded, and Ian helped her up. He fixed his clothes, pocketed her panties, and took her hand. Summer didn’t feel a bit self-conscious as she returned with him to the hotel and took the elevator to their room.

  Chapter Six

  Ian stood in silence watching Summer. She held his son on her hip while peering down at the brochure in her hand. They looked so good together, so normal. He didn’t think she realized how Ian Junior had responded to her when she took him from Mrs. Cumberland’s arms that morning. Since then, she’d held the baby, kissed him, and tickled him so that he giggled. Ian didn’t believe she was trying hard to do it all. Their interaction came naturally, but if he pointed it out, she’d stiffen up. So for the moment, he watched, enjoying the sight. Over time, he had every intention of making her see that they were already becoming a family.

  “I think we might have made the wrong choice coming here,” she said, distracting him from his thoughts. “It says here that Folkstone Marine Park has an artificial reef that they made by sinking a ship called Stav-rrrr…”

  He chuckled and strolled over to peer over her shoulder.


  She stuck her tongue out at him, and he tried catching it but missed.

  “Anyway, people come here to scuba dive and go snorkeling. We can’t take JR in that much water.”

  He nabbed the brochure and read it for himself. “Ah, there’s also an aquarium. He’ll like that.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Like he’s going to pay attention.”

  “And they have a picnic area and a children’s playground.” He pinched her ass, and she yelped. “You can get on a swing with him.”

  “Uh huh, why do I get the feeling you just want to videotape me looking crazy?”

  He shrugged. “No idea.”

  They ended up packing a lunch and enjoying the park just fine. Ian walked alongside Summer, who insisted on pushing the stroller. Every now and then she stopped to use a damp cloth to wipe the baby’s face and arms to keep him cool. The heat of the day was making his son fussy.

  He searched the area for a good shaded spot and noted a small crowd of kids around a man. “What’s going on over there?”

  Summer shaded her eyes. “Oh! It’s face painting. JR will love that.”

  “I don’t know,” he began, but she moved off in that direction. Ian followed at a more leisurely pace. By the time he made it over to the group, she’d already made arrangements for Ian Junior to get a design. At least it was shady in this area, he noted.

  “How about a butterfly?” Summer asked, eyes full of so much happiness, he felt his own heart stir. She was beautiful. He wanted to reach out and touch her but resisted the usual draw this woman had for him. He had to be satisfied with just watching her.

  She hoisted Ian Junior out of the stroller and sat on the small chair with him on her lap. The baby whined, but Summer bounced him a little.

  “It’s okay, little man. You’re going to be so cute, and we’ll take lots of pictures to show your future wife.”


  She burst out laughing. “Kidding…sort of.”

  He squatted by a tree, leaning his arms on his thighs. While the artist drew on Ian Junior’s cheek, Summer continued to talk to him, keeping him calm. When they were done, and Ian had paid for the design, they moved on. This time, Summer came across another group of kids. They surrounded a woman adorned in an old styled dress from the seventeen hundreds. He wondered if she was baking under that outfit.

  “Story time. Come closer, everyone. Come on,” the woman called.

  Summer joined them, and Ian took a spot next to her on the grass. Kids sat all around them, and Summer positioned Ian Junior against her belly. The woman began her tale in the lyrical accent of native Bajans. “Many years ago, there was an infamous pirate by the name of…”

  As Ian listened, he grew more relaxed. His eyelids began to droop, and he had to force them open on several occasions. When he heard someone snort, he jerked and realized it was him. He scanned the crowd around him, but kids and adults alike were enthralled by the exploits of the pirate.

  He checked on his son and found him sound asleep in Summer’s arms.

  Her head dipped as well, eyelids lowering, but she held onto the baby as if her life depended on it. Ian reached for him and placed him against his one shoulder. Then he put an arm around Summer to draw her head to his other one. She settled in close to him and sighed. Even though they hadn’t done much with their day, he had never felt more satisfied or more alive.

  When story time was over, Ian helped Summer to her feet. He tucked his son in the stroller, and they walked along in silence.

  “Aw, such a beautiful baby,” an elderly woman commented to her male companion. She stopped in front of them and patted Ian Junior’s back. “Your wife is pretty too.” She grinned at Ian, and he murmured his thanks. At his side, Summer had gone stiff. Although he held on, she tugged her hand from his until he had to let go to avoid hurting her.

  They found a picnic table, and he bounced his son on his lap while Summer set out the food and drinks. She didn’t say a word or look at him.

  “You want to tell me what’s eating you?”

  “Not really, no.”

  He sighed. “We were having a good day. Ian Junior loved it.”

  “I know.”

  He covered her hand when she set a plate in front of him piled high with chicken and potato salad. His stomach rumbled, but he ignored it.


  “She assumed I was your wife.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?”

  “No, it’s just…” He watched her heave her shoulders and blow out a heavy sigh. When she smiled, the sun shined for him. “You’re right. We were having a great time. How about we eat and then walk. Then later we can take him in the kiddie pool at the hotel?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Ian didn’t pursue what had gotten her down. He knew. No matter how great things were going, Summer still didn’t believe she could be a good mom. He knew that would come with time, and he needed to be patient. For some reason, she was under the impression that just because she couldn’t physically have kids, that somehow also removed her ability to care for Ian Junior. He knew that despite her mood just now, today went a long way to showing her she was wrong.
  They splashed with the baby all afternoon. Several times, Ian had to brush off the advances of other women in the area. He made it clear to one and all that Summer was the only woman for him. She and his son were indeed his family, and if he had anything to say about it, very soon, she would be his wife in name as well.

  * * * *

  The trip back home was uneventful. Ian had secured business class seats for himself, Summer, the baby, and Mrs. Cumberland. The expense meant nothing to him. As long as the two people he loved most in the world were comfortable, he was satisfied. Over the last few days, Summer had relaxed even more, and the episodes of her demonstrating her insecurity had all but disappeared. He watched her sleeping in the seat next to him and touched a finger to her soft cheek. When he peered over his shoulder to the row Mrs. Cumberland shared with the baby, he found her awake.

  “I guess you didn’t have much to do this trip,” he commented to her.

  She smiled. At first he guessed the nanny didn’t approve of Summer.

  Her reserved attitude, which was contrary to her personality, had made that much clear. She’d also warmed up over the last few days. “I’m sorry I wasn’t of more use, but Miss Summer was great with the baby. She wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. I didn’t think you wanted me to turn her down.”

  “You’re right,” he agreed. “They both had a good time, and that’s what’s most important to me. You’ll still get your full pay. Don’t worry about that.”

  She tsked. “I’m not worried, Mr. Scott. You’ve always been fair. I enjoy taking care of your son, and also like seeing you happy. The two of you make a great couple.”

  He couldn’t hold back the grin that spread across his face. “Thank you.”

  With the sun beginning to lower in the sky, their plane set down in Charlotte. Ian hustled his family to the spot where he had parked his car, and he got their luggage stowed. The trip to his house took longer than he liked because of the traffic. He was exhausted and wanted just to shower and fall into bed with Summer at his side. He would take Mrs.