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EdgeOfHuman Page 5

  Deckard's eyes opened a fraction wider. " 'Self-destruct'? What're you talking about?"

  "Don't get nervous on me. It's not likely to happen while you're sitting here." She gave a small shrug. "But it could. That's what it was designed to do, from the beginning. All of the Tyrell Corporation's headquarters complex -- everything around us -- was built with enough explosive charges in the substructure and imbedded in the walls, all of them linked by a programmed timing chain, to reduce it to smoking dust."

  She had trained herself to speak of these things dispassionately, by reciting them inside her head. Late at night before she fell asleep, like a bedtime story. "There might be a few pieces big as a man's fist in the pile. There might even be a few pieces of me, if I'm here when it happens. Though I don't think that anybody would be bothered to come and look. Everything's designed to implode, to fall in upon the center; that's why the towers are slanted toward each other. It'd be a thoughtful sort of apocalypse; nobody else would get hurt. So you see, Deckard, if the Tyrell Corporation goes out of business -- if the U.N. authorities are able to justify pushing that red button, starting up the self-destruct sequence -- it won't be going back into business any-time soon."

  "And that's what you believe they want?"

  "Rather than admit their own mistakes? That they were wrong about how they've managed the off-world colonization program?" Sarah leaned her head back for a quill hollow-sounding laugh. "Of course. That's another part of human nature. We always murder rather than apologize."

  Silent, Deckard appeared to be contemplating the empty glass in his hand, holding it by the faceted base. "Am I supposed to think . . ." His murmur was almost too soft to hear. "Am I supposed to think that if the Tyrell Corporation gets blown up into little pieces, that it'd be some kind of tragedy?"

  "I don't care what you think. You can think whatever you want. But I'm not going to let the Tyrell Corporation be destroyed. It's mine." She turned to look out the window behind her, at the towers glazed dark red by the setting sun. "I don't expect you to be as concerned about the fate of the corporation as I am. I just want you to do the job for which I brought you here."

  "Like I told Bryant, a long time ago . . ." He leaned forward and set the empty glass down on the bureau plat, beside hers. "I don't work here."

  "You will. For me."

  "Don't bet on it." His gaze narrowed. "I don't even know what you'd want me to do."

  "Isn't it obvious? There's still an escaped replicant -- a Tyrell Corporation Nexus-6 model, to be precise loose somewhere in the city. I want you to find it and -- what's the word? -- retire it. Before whatever's the next stage of the conspiracy can be set in motion. Before the Tyrell Corporation, and everything that my uncle worked to bring into existence, can be destroyed."

  "Like I told you . . ." Deckard slowly shook his head. "I don't regard that as a tragedy."

  "I can see that." She touched the rim of each of the empty glasses in turn. "So . . . I'd have to make it worth your while, then."

  "You don't have enough money to do that. Nobody does."

  "Perhaps not. But . . . there are other things I could offer you. Things you value. Say . . . the woman you love . . ."

  Deckard straightened up in the chair. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  She stood up from the bureau plat and went over to the suite's high windows. "Come here." With a single motion of her hand, she turned the glass dark, an artificial night. "I have something to show you." The sun's glare burned through the photochrome layers, like the end of a severed vein.

  For a few seconds he looked at her without moving, then got to his feet. As he walked toward her, she reached behind and loosened the binding of her hair.

  "You did that once already." Deckard placed himself right in front of her, watching as she shook the dark wave of her hair free, across the tops of her shoulders. "You don't have to do it again. I can see the resemblance."

  "It's not resemblance." Sarah brushed one hand through it, letting it fall again. "It's identity. You know that, don't you? No matter how many times you tell yourself otherwise . . . she and I are the same. When you love Rachael . . . it's me you love."

  He closed his eyes. One of his hands raised, as though to take her by the arm, then halted.

  "I'm the original. Rachael's the copy." She brought her voice down low. "You have to remember that . . ."

  The hand trembled, caught between his will and his desire. Her presence -- she knew, could see it -- radiated through him, hot and bright as the sun piercing the muted windows.

  She laid her own hand against his chest, to balance herself as she brought her lips close to his ear. "You know . . ." A whisper. "You know that it's me . . . always . . . '

  "No . . ." He shook his head, eyes still closed. "You're not . . .

  Her own eyelids shut out the little light remaining. All she felt was the brush of her lips against the side of his face. "She's dying. She's dead . . . that's the only difference." A whisper.

  "Why should you love the dead?" Soft as her breath. "When you can love me?"

  He made no reply. But his hand flew up and caught hers at his chest, locking tight upon the wrist's fragile bone.

  The past was on tape, but she knew she didn't have to play it for him. Words that had been spoken beside another window, in another room, that had been caught by his own hidden cameras. The place where suspicion, a blade runner's occupational hazard, intersected with longing. The tapes had been left behind in Deckard's own apartment; they had been found and brought to her. So she knew what had been said in that other place, that other time, that other world.

  She drew back a few inches from him. "Say . . . 'Say that you want me . . ."

  As though caught in dreaming, he turned his head. Listening.

  "Say it." Her whisper a command now.

  He spoke, the words slow on his tongue. "Say that you want me . . ."

  Time folded around them. His past, this present; his words, and the words Rachael had spoken. Long ago. "I want you . . ."

  His hand let go of her wrist, but only so that it could sink into the darkness of her unbound hair, his other hand grasping her arm tight, drawing her toward him. Crushing her against him. The unspoken words in the kiss, the past that opened around them, that had never ended.

  With a sudden convulsion he pushed her away, hard enough to snap her head back, as if he had struck her. Her breath trembled at her parted lips. Dizzied, she saw him turn his head back toward her, his eyes narrowed in the glare of one who has woken from a betraying vision. From the remembered past, into this world, and unsure for the moment which was the hallucination into which he'd fallen.

  Another movement of her hand, and the window returned to an unfiltered transparency.

  The smoldering light from outside washed over them, an ocean of luminous red. She returned his gaze with one steady and unflinching. Though she wondered what he saw in her eyes, as naked as that in his. Some other human quality, the one that would probably kill him. Irrational and faithful. No, she told herself. Fate . . .

  "All right." Deckard wiped his mouth with the flat of his hand. "I'll take the job. I'll find your sixth replicant for you."

  At least he hated her; she could see that in the ice and steel at the center of his eyes. She knew she could have that much of him.

  "Why?" She was surprised by the single word. Her voice had spoken it.

  She watched as he poured himself another shot from the bottle on the bureau plat. He knocked it back, then turned and looked at her.

  "You reminded me." Voice flat, drained as the glass in his hand. "Of her. I had almost forgotten."

  I won. She gazed unseeing at the light fading to black. I must have. The edges of the towers blurred, and she tasted salt at the corner of her mouth.

  Deckard's voice came from behind her, from somewhere in the great empty space that had held the two of them. "You're the quickest way. Back to her. To Rachael." She heard the hollow note of the glass as he set it down. "Tha
t's my price."


  "What's your plan?" Andersson -- if that was really his name -- glanced over from the spinner's controls.

  Deckard shrugged. "I've got my methods." The spinner swooped in low enough to the Olvera Street souk that Deckard could see the animal dealers packing up their wares, business done for the night. The zooid merchandise had to be gotten under tarps before the day's heat fried their synaptic circuits; the rarer and more expensive real animals needed water and temp-controlled cages to survive. "I think I've hunted down enough replicants to remember how it's done."

  He kept his eyelids lowered partway. When he'd seen the city again, as Sarah Tyrell's agents had taken him in to his meeting with her, gouts of fire had flared into the dark sky, subterranean gases ignited as they seeped up through the trembling earth beneath L.A. Now those shouting torches were lost in the sun's advancing glare.

  "This replicant -- number six -- might be different." The other man apparently knew all about the job Deckard had taken on. "Harder than you're ready for."

  Deckard ignored the comment. The sooner he was down in the city's streets, the sooner he could wrap up this sorry business. And head north again. "Where we going?" He looked out the side of the spinner's canopy, watching a herd of artificial emu being herded down a back alley. The marketplace died, bit by bit, as the multilingual neon signs were switched off.

  "You'll see." Andersson reached forward and flicked on the landing prep switches. "Soon enough."

  One neon sign, the biggest, stayed lit. He remembered it always being on, no matter the time or weather, looming over the district's transactions like a silent blessing. Only the size of the letters competed with the cruising U.N. blimp, with its flat-panel screen and booming exhortations to leave the planet, and all the rest of the city's tidal wave of ad slam.

  VAN NUYS PET HOSPITAL. Pink letters, with a shiver of blue around their edges. And a cartoon puppy face, shifting every two seconds from sad and injured to happy and bandaged. He'd always figured that every resurrection should be so easy.

  The spinner dropped toward the landing deck atop the building. "Why we going here?" asked Deckard. "You got a kitten with ear mites or something?"

  "No--" Andersson took his hands from the controls, the descent locked on auto. He smiled humorlessly. "Orders from Miss Tyrell. You've got an appointment."

  Deckard let himself be hustled into the elevator. even before the other two spinners touched down. He'd come this far without putting up a fight; no point in starting one now. He watched as the man beside him punched in a security code. The elevator doors slid together; the tiny space sank into the faint but unmistakable odors of disinfectant and animal droppings.

  Panel lights charted the descent into the building's midsection. When the doors opened, he found himself gazing into the spectacled eyes of a smaller man, lab-coated, drooping tabby asleep in the cradle of his arms.

  "Should I stick around, Mr. Isidore?" Andersson held the elevator door from reclosing.

  "No . . . I don't think that'll be nuh-necessary." Scratching behind the tabby's ears, the gnomish figure tilted his head, brow wrinkling. "I'm sure our guh-guh-guest will behave himself."

  "I have a choice?"

  "Well . . ." Isidore mulled, frowned. "Probably nuh-not."

  "Don't," whispered Andersson into Deckard's ear, "do anything stupid." He stepped back into the elevator, hit the buttons, and disappeared behind the stainless-steel doors.

  "Not to worry." The tabby stirred and yawned. "They're puh-paid to act like thuh-that. It's all an act. You should nuh-know."

  Deckard followed the man. "Sometimes it's not an act."

  "Oh, yes . . ." Isidore glanced over his shoulder. "You know that tuh-tuh-too. That's when people -- and other things -- thuh-that's when they get hurt." He held the tabby closer against his chest, as though protecting it.

  The concrete-floored space narrowed to a corridor lined with cages, stacked three or four deep, and larger kennels. The air beneath the bare fluorescents was laced with mingled animal scents. As Isidore passed by, the small creatures -- cats, rabbits, toy breeds of dogs, a few guinea pigs -- pressed against the wire doors, mewing or yapping for the man's attention.

  Deckard turned his head, getting a closer look. Some of the animals in the cages weren't animals. Not real ones.

  A partially disassembled simulacrum suckled a row of squirming kittens; its white fur had been peeled back to reveal the polyethylene tubes and webbing beneath aluminum ribs; the optic sensors in its skull gazed out with maternal placidity. A wasp-waisted greyhound danced quivering excitement, front paws flurrying at the kennel gate; all four legs were abstract steel and miniature hydraulic cylinders.

  A headless rabbit bumped against a water dish. Its mate -- flesh and blood as far as Deckard could tell -- nuzzled against its flank.

  "Wuh-what's wrong?" Isidore had caught a hiss of inhaled breath behind him.

  "These things give me the creeps."

  "Really?" Isidore stopped in his tracks. He looked amazed; even the tabby in his arms blinked open its eyes. " Why?"

  "They're not real." He had seen plenty of fake animals before, out in the dealers' souk, and they'd never bothered him. But those had had their skins and pelts intact. These, with their electromechanical innards exposed, flaunted a raw nakedness.

  "Guh-gosh." It seemed to come as news to Isidore. He looked down at the tabby for a moment. "I guess I duh-don't see it thuh-that wuh-wuh-way. They all seem real to me. I mean . . . you can tuh-touch them." Leaning toward Deckard, lifting the tabby closer to him. "Here."

  He scratched the cat's head, getting an audible purr in response. It might have been real. Or well made, well programmed.

  "You suh-see? It must be real." Isidore managed to open one of the empty cages and off-loaded the tabby into it. "There you go, tuh-Tiger." The cat complained for a moment, then curled nose to tail and closed its eyes. "Come on. My office's juh-just over here. I'll close the door . . . so you won't huh-have to see anything you don't want to." The gaze behind the glasses narrowed, then he turned and started walking again.

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "Oh . . . nothing . . ." Turning a key in a lock, Isidore directed a thin smile at him.

  "Juh-just that I wouldn't have thought you'd be so . . . suh-sensitive." He stepped through the doorway. "Given your domestic arrangements and all."

  "Got a point." Deckard walked into a low-ceilinged, windowless cubicle, walls covered with freebie calendars and thumb-tacked photos of pets and their owners; satisfied clients, he figured. "Except Rachael's all in one piece. That's the difference." He had to remember to keep cool, to get through whatever drill he'd been brought down here for. So he could get back to the sleeping, dying, waiting woman up north.

  "Please . . . sit duh-down." The other man dropped himself into a swivel chair behind a desk covered with mounds of papers and empty foam cups. "Really . . . I do wuh-want you to be comfortable. We have a lot to talk about."

  "This says your name's Hannibal Sloat." Sitting, he'd picked up the cheap wooden plaque from the desk. He held it by one end. "You or somebody else?"

  "Mr. Sloat was my boss. A luh-luh-long tuh-time ago. Then he died." Isidore looked around at the office's moulting walls, then pointed. "That's him up there."

  He turned his head and saw a hard-copy newspaper clipping, browned with age, stuck to the wall. In the low-rez photo, a fat man with pockmarked skin held a dangling cat out to a couple, the woman stroking the animal with one delicate hand, the man turning a slightly embarrassed smile toward the camera. Deckard shifted around in the chair. "Nice guy?"

  "Oh, sure. Real nuh-nice. In his will . . . he left me the puh-pet hospital." He brought his gaze back down to Deckard's. "He left me . . . everything. Really." The swivel chair seemed to have grown larger, as though it were capable of swallowing him up, as he folded his hands in his lap. "It's a big responsibility."

  "What is? Giving distemper shots? Lube job
on a replica Pekingese, maybe. Doesn't seem like anything you couldn't handle."

  "Thuh-that's what I used to think. There wasn't any thuh-thing more to the job than that.

  Even when old Mr. Sloat was still uh-uh-live and I was working for him. That's what I thought the Van Nuys Pet Hospital's buh-business was. Like you said -- shu-shots and ruh-ruh-pairs."

  "So if it's not that . . ." Deckard set the plaque down on the desk's corner. "Then what is it?"

  "Well . . . you'd probably say we duh-deal in fuh-fakes. Like out in the souk. Fuh-phony goldfish, and kuh-kuh-cats and dogs and stuff. That you can't tell from the real thing. I mean . . . the living thing. What yuh-you'd call the living thing."

  "Don't you? I thought that's where the money is. That's what people like. The fakes. The real ones . . . they just make a mess. It's just easier dealing with the simulations."

  The other nodded slowly, wisps of silky white hair drifting over his pink scalp. "I guess that's what somebody who spent so much time as a buh-blade runner wuh-would think. You had your own wuh-way of dealing with those . . . suh-suh-simulations. Didn't you?"

  He studied the lab-coated figure on the other side of the desk. "Look -- is this why I was brought here? So you could rag on my moral condition, or something? You needn't have bothered." He put his hands against the chair's arms, as though he were about to push himself upright and walk out of the office. "You know so much about blade runners . . . you ever hear of something they call the Curve?"