bb-6565_deep_crotch_mother_curt_aldrich_ Page 5
He stopped, spun around, and slapped her so viciously across the face that he knocked her off her feet. She landed hard on her panties on the floor.
“OOOOOOH!” she wailed, as much from rage and frustration as from physical hurt.
Thaddeus stomped from the house. He got into his car and began to drive, having no fixed destination at first, but then realizing that he would have to see Len Carpenter, who was the assistant pastor and the logical choice to take over the congregation.
In his travels, which had begun in his home state of Tennessee a dozen years ago, Thad had established branches of his church in several states. A couple had since broken away, but the rest had remained loyal, because he had called back on them frequently, and they continued to send him a small percentage of their financial proceeds. It was a good racket, not calculated to make a man wealthy, but permitting him to live the good life and keep moving. That was what Thad required. If he ever were to settle down, he firmly believed, he would die.
The Carpenters lived in a modest house on the edge of town. Len was an insurance agent, in addition to working in the church. His wife was a stay-at-home woman who gave the impression of being very devout. She doted on the fundamentalist aspects of the religion without practicing its libertarian concepts — except with Thad. He had gotten to her, of course, and had found her a hell of a screw.
The beauty of Thad’s religion was that its precepts were sufficiently elastic to cover just about anything a person wanted to do, while giving them a sense of security and sanctification, also. He emphasized the free-wheeling aspects of the faith only when it served his personal purposes to do so, or when a “sinning” church-member came to him in guilty torment and sought absolution. He made them feel a lot better, whether he fucked them or not. Not all of the enthusiastic adherents to the faith were female and, of those, certainly not all were attractive. Thad made them all feel good, when they really needed it, and that was one of the reasons that his church was so popular.
He had removed the masochism from religion and set the people free. In so doing, he truly believed that he was serving God.
He parked in front of the Carpenters’ house, got out, and walked up the cracked strip of concrete to the front door. A little girl came bounding off the porch to greet him.
“Hello, Cindy!” he said with a big smile. “Are your mommy and daddy home?”
“My mommy is, Pastor Polk!” the six-year-old replied.
“Well, good! I’ll just walk right in and have a talk with her, if I may.”
All good homemakers were preparing dinner at that hour, and Mae Carpenter was no exception. The buxom blonde was busy at the stove when Thad walked up behind her. But she — unlike Edna a little while ago — was fully dressed. Thad was out of gas, anyway.
“Hello, Mae,” he said, and she jumped.
“Oooh, my Lord!” she exclaimed. “Thaddeus, you nearly frightened me out of a year’s growth!”
He chuckled and sat on a kitchen chair.
Mae made a few quick adjustments at the range, then looked around anxiously. “Well, uh, Len will be home in a little while…”
“That’s okay,” Thad smiled. “I’m in no big hurry to see him.”
It was a perfectly innocent remark, as far as Thaddeus was concerned. For once, he had no ulterior motive. But Mae didn’t take it that way.
A smile wreathing her round, doll-like face, she hurried to him and plumped herself onto his lap. She unzipped her dress-front, reached inside, and brought out a full, quivering breast.
“Wouldn’t you like an appetizer before dinner?” she asked.
The pastor stared at Mae’s milk-white tit with its jutting pink nipple, and he touched his lips with his tongue. Still, he hesitated.
“Well, don’t make me feel cheap, Thaddeus!” she said, a blush coming to her face.
He bowed his head slightly, tilting it to the side, and he licked the rigid, pale-pink protrusion on the rounded, trembling titty that she held.
“Ooooh, that makes my day!” she exclaimed, lowering her lashes sensuously and keeping her moist, pouty lips apart. She rotated her rich titty, dragging the super-stiff nipple all around Thad’s tongue.
“Suck it!” she finally ordered, and he opened his mouth to take her nipple in.
His lips drew at the tasty titbit, finally stretching it well out, then letting it snap free. The nipple nodded on its bouncy base, gleaming wetly with his saliva.
“Try the other one!” Mae lasciviously invited, and pulled her second eye-popper out.
Thad sucked that breast, also. Soon he was turning from one to the other, using a large hand to squeeze whichever luscious orb he wasn’t sucking, and his penis hardened against the woman’s warm lap.
“We’ve got time for a quickie before Len gets home,” she said, wriggling against his risen cock.
“Does he… know about us yet?” Thad asked, breathing hard after the strenuous sucking.
“Yes, I told him,” she replied, surprising Thad. She twisted her shoulders, gently slapping her lush titties against the minister’s cheeks. “I thought it was only right and proper to do that and…” she giggled, “… he didn’t seem to mind! In fact, he wanted to know all the details. He even said he wished he could watch us some time!”
“Ooooh, shit!” Thaddeus groaned, and sucked a big titty into his mouth once again. He rolled his eyes toward the kitchen door as his lips and tongue pulled at Mae’s nipple.
Again he let the goody pop free. “Your little girl might come in.”
“No. I sent her to the store for ice cream. She won’t be back for ten minutes.”
“That doesn’t… give us much time!” Thaddeus said between sucks.
“Well, listen… if you promise we can do it later, when Len’s here…” the woman said, a hoarseness creeping into her voice, “I’ll let you go now. Stay and have dinner with us. I’ll put Cindy to bed early.”
Thad looked up at her flushed, excited face. “Mae, you surprise me!”
“Well, you said it was all right for us to do it. You said it was the Lord’s will for me to have that experience and it would make my marriage stronger. And it has! Sex has been so good with Len and me lately that he asked me how come I changed, and I had to tell him, being an honest, God-fearing woman. You know I never lie.”
“Yes, Mae, but…”
“Len said he sure wished he could watch, and I want him to!”
“Are you sure he meant it?”
“Yes! Oooh, you should have seen his cock quiver when we talked about it.” She giggled. “Just like yours is quivering now.”
“Well, put your tits away, and it will stop.”
“You know,” she remarked, tucking in first one titty, then the other, “that kind of talk used to make me ashamed, whenever I heard it. But it don’t any more. Why, shoot, I even say things like fuck and titties and cock myself — and I know it’s not wrong, because you said the Lord loves honesty. Right?” She zipped up her dress.
“That’s right, Mae.”
“And you ought to see how Len acts when I talk to him that way in bed.” She smiled happily. “It really turns him on!”
She exuberantly jumped up, and the large, shapely mounds in her dress-front quivered. “Like me without a bra?” she asked, noting the direction of Thad’s gaze. “I’ve quit wearing ‘em.”
“Looks like you’re liberated,” he said with some misgivings.
He was half-afraid that, after he left, she might go all the way and start peddling her pussy around town. That wouldn’t be good for the church.
“Well, the Lord wants us to be liberated, don’t He?” Mae earnestly asked. “That’s what you always told me.”
“It’s true. But He wants us to do His work, also. You and Len are going to have a special chance to do that. We’ll discuss it later. Don’t you think you’d better check on dinner?”
“Oh.” She turned to the stove. “I guess I had.”
sp; Thad got up, his penis having relaxed. He wasn’t sure he was going to enjoy what Mae had in mind for the evening. And, despite what she had said, he wasn’t sure Len would like it, either.
Watching another man fuck his wife?
That was strong stuff.
Thad thought of an alternative. What if he just sort of worked Mae up, got her corpuscles perking and her pussy all wet, then turned her over to her husband? That might be the best way to handle the situation. There were a half dozen places where Thad could go in town to get his own gun off, without risking the future of the congregation by involving the minister-to-be and his wife in a game of menage a trois.
Still, the prospect tickled Thad in a lascivious way, and he reserved a decision until after Len came home. He would verbally feel Len out, he decided, before committing himself.
The assistant pastor was of medium height, chunky, and wore glasses. He had a ready smile and a friendly manner. He grinned warmly when he saw Thaddeus sitting in the kitchen, watching Mae cook.
“Well, hello, Thad!” he said. “It’s good to see you. Will you stay and have dinner with us?”
“I already invited him, darling,” Mae said as Len came up behind her and gave her a kiss on the neck.
“And I accepted with thanks,” Thad put in. “Mae’s the best cook in town.”
“Well, maybe not tonight,” she said, and glanced at the pastor. “I seem to have neglected the dinner a bit.”
Thad averted his eyes and changed the subject, explaining to Len and his wife that he was getting ready to leave town. Len was impressed by the pastor’s offer to turn over the congregation to him, and he accepted with enthusiasm.
The discussion continued over dinner, with Mae saying little. Mostly she was watching Thad. He noticed that she squirmed from time to time on her chair, as if her ass were hot.
Little Cindy was bored by the dinner table conversation and seemed willing to go to bed early, though it wasn’t yet dark. She kissed her daddy and mommy in turn, said good night to the pastor, and trotted upstairs.
“Beautiful child,” Thaddeus said. “You have a fine family, Len.”
“Yes, I know that!” he replied, and glanced fondly at his wife.
She blushed a bit and looked down.
It was beginning to look to Thad as if there would be nothing doing. That was just as well, he judged, though there was a pang of disappointment.
“Dear…” Mae said as she walked toward the living room, her husband’s arm around her, “I discussed with Thad that matter we talked about before.”
Thad tensed.
Len didn’t withdraw his arm from his wife’s waist. “Wh-what matter was that?”
“You know. We talked about it in bed.”
At that point, he drew his arm back and turned uncertainly to glance at Thad, without seeming angry.
Thad gave him a half-apologetic smile and shrugged, as if to say, It wasn’t my doing.
Len, however, was interested. “Do you want to?” he asked.
“Well…” Thad cleared his throat and glanced at Len’s blonde wife.
“Let’s!” she said firmly.
Thad had to congratulate himself on drawing Mae out of the psychological shell in which she had lived before he got to know her.
“Is it all right?” Len asked the parson earnestly. “I mean, in the eyes of God?”
Thad felt like squirming. But he didn’t. Lust was in the saddle by that time. “Yes, it’s all right,” he declared, “so long as each of us maintains the proper attitude toward what is happening. The Lord wants us to broaden and fulfill ourselves in all ways. This will be an experience — a quest for understanding. Adultery is committed in the heart and not with the body — the Bible makes that clear — therefore as long as our hearts are pure…”
“Oooooh, Thad!” Mae exclaimed, and rushed to him, pressing her warm softness against his tall, lean form.
He grasped her by the arms and shoved her backward. “Mae!” he cautioned, glancing quickly at her husband. “You must be entirely detached in a spiritual sense, as I will be and as Len must be, also. That is the only basis on which we can continue.”
“Yes… yes… I understand!” the woman said anxiously.
“And you, Len?” Thad asked.
“Yeah.” He had tensed up, and he nervously nodded his head.
“Then we may proceed,” Thad declared, inwardly gloating. He took a chair. “Len, I suggest you sit down, also.”
The assistant parson took a chair across from Thad, while Mae remained standing between them.
“Take off your clothes,” Thad told her. “Very slowly. Walk around while you do it. Show yourself off.”
“Ooooh, my goodness!” she exclaimed, blushing, and she pressed her hands against her cheeks. “I didn’t think you would want me to do thaaaat!”
“You would like to do it, wouldn’t you?” Thad asked her.
She looked from him to her husband. “Well, I don’t know…” she said. But her blue eyes sparkled. She looked as giddy as a schoolgirl.
“Of course you would,” Thad said reassuringly. “All women have a secret urge to show off. You must have thought about it. Well, now is the time to let that urge out.” He shut his eyes. “The Lord is speaking! Can’t you hear Him? STRIP, MAE!”
It was preposterous, of course. But Thad had learned long ago that human nature required only the flimsiest of sanctions to do what it wished to do anyway, and his position permitted him to convey those sanctions.
Len stared through his horned-rim glasses, obviously excited. Mae was all fluttery as she smiled through her blush. She shut her eyes and began to turn, sensuously weaving her voluptuous body, which was more suited to a stripper than to a smalltown religious zealot.
Thad watched with satisfaction as she unzipped the front of her housedress.
Her breasts bobbled out, big and creamy, her pink nipples perkily erect.
“Your wife has great tits, Len,” Thad said, being deliberately crude. The situation seemed to call for it, and it gave him pleasure.
It obviously pleased Len, also, as he chortled, “She sure has, hasn’t she? I’m glad I’m not the only one who appreciates them.”
“On the contrary,” Thad said. “They made my eyes pop as soon as I saw her, and I said to myself, Man, you’re going to have to suck those titties!”
“Have you sucked Mae’s titties, Thad?” her husband asked eagerly as both men watched her twist and turn, her eyes still shut and her cheeks rosily glowing. She was pushing her housedress down off her widely rounded hips.
“I certainly have!” Thad replied, squirming on his chair, because he was already getting a hard-on. “I’ve sawed my prick right up and down between ‘em, too! Mae really likes to get her tits fucked!”
“Sheee-it!” Len exclaimed, and laughed excitedly. “Is that right, Mae? Tell me, baby! Tell both of us!”
“Ooooh, yessss!” she said in a richly sensuous voice as her dress dropped to the floor, leaving her in pink underpants. She brought her hands up underneath her breasts and grasped the full, squidgy mounds. “I just love to feel a long, bone-hard cock stroking up and down between my titties! And to see it, also — surging right toward my face — while the man is sitting on me!”
“Damn!” Len croaked, squirming in his chair and grinning. “Oooh, hell! Keep goin’, baby! This is great!”
Mae squeezed her plump breasts, rubbing them together, and her nipples bulged so far forward that they looked as if they were about to jet from their circular pink launching pads. Thad visually stroked her rounded tummy, which was covered by her full-sized briefs. Her navel peeped hazily through the filmy, peach-colored nylon, just beneath the waist elastic of her panties. Lower, where the silken fabric clung to the secondary curve of her mons, a faint shadow of blonde pussy-fluff could be seen.
Her thighs were full but smooth, the color of rich cream.
She turned, and Thad ogled her ass. He liked women’s asses in panties, especially
asses like Mae’s, which were well-rounded and firmly aquiver.
“Ooooh, I feel so looooose!” she said, and shook her tits at her husband. Her buttocks wobbled in the flimsy pants that didn’t quite contain all their bulgy roundness.
“You are not loose!” Thad spoke up. “And you are not wicked! You merely are expressing your natural sensuousness, sharing it with both Len and me.”
“Yessss!” she steamed. “I want to give myself to both of you!”
She faced Thad once again, and her eyes were open, smoldering. Her moist lips were parted. Gazing full at the parson, she curled her thumbs around the elastic band at the top of her panties and slowly stripped the pink nylon down, gathering it in her hands. Her pale tummy peeped out, crowned by a cute belly button. She lowered her panties further, showing the top of her asscrack to her husband and the curly upper edge of her cuntal fluff to Thad.
“Which part of her would you rather look at, Len?” he asked. “Her beautiful backside or her blonde pussy?”
“Oh, I like everything she’s got, Thad!” her husband said exultantly, obviously getting keen perverse pleasure out of discussing his near-naked wife with the other man. Mae seemed to enjoy it, also, as she writhed, stripping her stretchy, inside-out panties down her thighs.
“Doesn’t she have the prettiest cunt you ever saw?” Len continued. “But she’s gotta be spread out on her back for you to really appreciate it, with those goldie curls along the edge of her slit and her pink lips all wet and open!”
“Do you eat that sweet pussy of hers, Len?” the pastor asked.
“Damn, I’ve sure wanted to! But I never had the nerve!”
“Ooooo!” Mae squealed sensuously, and tossed her pink panties at Thad. They struck him in the face, and he grasped them to hold them there.
“These smell delicious!” he said, his rich voice somewhat muffled by the nylon of her panties. He sniffed audibly. “Yessss, their crotch is all perfumed by her pussy!”
“Aaaaw, maaaan!” her husband croaked, and unzipped his trousers.