Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel) Page 6
Our goal is to someday have our own company, and that is why we all live together now. We purchased the home we live in so that we could pool all of our resources together and save the money needed to build our company.
We’re currently working on a big project, building 30 new homes for B&B. We just happen to be building in a subdivision that’s close to my childhood home, which was the deciding factor for me to stop by and check in. I have a little bit of time to go by the house and see how everyone is before I need to get back to the site. My dad works from his home office a couple days a week, so at least he should be there.
“Hey, you ready to blow this place and grab some lunch?” Tucker semi-shouts as he and Holt make their way over to me.
“I’m actually going to head over to see my dad and check in. I’ve been slacking on keep in touch lately. What about you guys? Any plans?”
“Not really. I sent Halley a text to see what she’s doing. She’s supposed to have lunch with Charlie today and make a plan for this weekend to meet up with us.” Holt says, double-checking his phone for an update. “But she hasn’t responded back about it yet.”
“Do you really think it’s going to be that hard to convince her to come out?” I didn’t get that vibe from her last weekend. I thought she wanted to see us — me —again.
“I think the girls will be able to get her out. I really don’t think it will take that much convincing. She seemed pretty into you, especially for being super shy. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” Tucker tries to reassure me, but you never know. Sometimes people can surprise you with who they really are.
Holt looks down at his phone again when it dings. Reading the text, he smiles, looking back up at Tucker. “Have any lunch plans?”
“No. Why?”
“You do now. Halley says she’s meeting Charlie at Freebirds. Feel like burritos?”
“Sure, why not? Food is food, and I don’t care where we go. I’m freaking starving right now.”
“Good. You ready to surprise the ladies and crash their lunch date?”
“I’m definitely game. Let’s get a move on already before I start eating dirt.” Tucker says, as he heads towards Holt’s truck.
“Hey, are you sure you don’t want to tag along and see the pretty little mouse?” Holt taunts me.
“Man, you guys suck, you know that?” I give them an unhappy look before scrubbing a hand down my face. “As much as I want to see her, I can’t. I really need to check in if I want to have a fun-filled weekend. I would go after work, but I’ll be too beat and much dirtier. It’s best to get it over and done with now, rather than later.” I tell him, letting out a long breath.
“Fine, suit yourself. Enjoy lunch, and tell your pops we said hi. Kiss that sister of yours on cheek, and make sure you tell her it’s from me, too.” Holt winks at me as I try to sock him in the arm. He sees it coming and easily dances out of my way. He’s a big flirt, and doesn’t really mean anything by it. Carianna is practically a sister to both of the guys. Holt just likes to get under my skin whenever he can. Although, right now, I believe he’s trying to lighten my mood before I head home.
“Don’t have too much fun without me, and make sure you tell Charlie that tomorrow night her dance card will be full, with only my name on it.”
“Aye aye, Captain!” Holt says, giving me a mock salute. “See you in less than an hour. Chin up, man.” He says, slapping me on the back as he leaves me to go have lunch with my girl.
What a day. Can’t time just speed up so I can get to the part where I’m holding Charlie in my arms, swaying to the slow beat of some sappy country song?
“How’s work today?” I ask Halley before taking a really big bite of my burrito. This place is awesome, and I’m so dang hungry, I’m surprised I didn’t order two of everything.
“It’s going okay, nothing special or major at the moment. Although, the weather is awesome, so I would rather be at the beach. Or hanging at your pool would work, too.”
“Is Kyle still striking out on getting a date out of you?” I ask. Kyle works at the same medical center with Halley, but in a different department. He doesn’t seem to get that Halley isn’t interested. He feels that if he keeps being persistent, she will eventually cave and accept at least one pity date with him. Although, it wouldn’t be a hardship, seeing as he’s a good-looking guy. Why he’s so fixed on Halley is beyond me, though. You would think he would take a couple of ‘no’s’ from her as a hint, then move on. However, the rejection only seems to egg him on further in pursing her.
“Don’t even get me started on him right now. It’s the same old garbage as usual. He asks, I say no, he thinks I’m playing hard to get, and the cycle starts all over.” She says, waving her hands at me in a shooing action. “Enough about him, let’s talk about what our plans are for the weekend. What are you doing?”
“I plan to relax and swim a few laps in the pool. What about you?”
“I’m thinking we need a night out dancing again. I had a blast last weekend, and I want to see the guys again. What do you say?” she asks with a hopeful look on her face.
“What about Naomi? Is she up for going, too?”
“Of course! I think she really liked Tucker, so she’s definitely on board to run into the guys again.” Halley says through a grin before taking a drink of her soda.
“Fancy meeting you here, you saucy woman,” we hear Holt say as he stands over Halley, looking down at her with a sexy grin on his face.
“Of all the places, in all of the burrito joints, in the entire world, you had to walk into mine.” Halley deadpans while looking up into Holt’s eyes and carefree, smiling face.
“Babe, you have to know I would follow you anywhere.” He quips back at her.
“So — what are you two doing here? Stalking much?” she asks with a tiny smile playing on her lips.
“Hey, it’s your fault for texting Holt where you would be. You had to know after last weekend that he’s head over heels in love with you. He would kiss your feet if you asked. You know, I bet he would even let you paint his nails and curl his hair,” Tucker teases both of them.
Holt cuts Tucker a look and replies sarcastically, “You’re oh so funny there, Jim Bob.” He turns back to Halley. “What? We were hungry, and decided to stop by. Is it a crime that two handsome men wanted to eat lunch with two hot babes?”
Rolling her eyes, Halley smiles sweetly at them. “Well, when you put it that way, how can a girl resist the likes of you two and your charms? Go ahead, pull up two chairs, cowboy, before my food gets cold.”
“Yes ma’am.” Holt mockingly tips his nonexistent cowboy hat at her.
“Where’s your little firecracker friend, Miss July?” Tucker looks around the restaurant like Naomi might appear out of thin air.
“She’s at work, like every other red-blooded American. You should have sent her a text to meet you for lunch.”
“Well, I didn’t know I would be coming here until the last minute, when I was roped into spying on Charlie for Nate.” He winks at me.
“Spying? Why, if he wanted to know what Charlie was up to, all he had to do was tag along with you all,” Halley huffs out.
“We aren’t here to spy for Nate,” Holt corrects. “However, he was pretty bummed to be missing out once he knew we were coming to see you both for lunch. Okay, mainly it was because he would be missing out on seeing Charlie.”
“Why didn’t he come?” I wonder out loud.
“He had some family stuff to take care of. He did leave an important message for me to pass on to you though,” Holt says, wagging his eyebrows.
“Oh yeah? What is it?” I ask, trying not to sound too eager at what his response would be.
“That he would see you tomorrow night, and your dance card would be full with one name on it—his.” Holt says, watching to see what my reaction will be to this news.
On the inside, I’m giddy; butterflies are swimming around, and my heart races. On the outside,
I try to remain cool and collected. However, when I look back up, three faces are staring back at me with probing eyes.
With a small smile, I say, “Well, I guess I’ll just have to go out with everyone tomorrow night and see about fulfilling that request, now won’t I?”
“‘Atta girl.” Tucker says, throwing a wide grin over at the other two.
“Well, Tuck-boy, we’d best get something to eat and leave these pretty ladies alone. We need to grab lunch to go and get back to the jobsite.” Looking back at Halley, he says, “And you, woman, I’ll text you for the details later. Until then,” he reaches over and grabs her hand, eyes locked on hers, as he places a kiss on her knuckles whispering, “later, babe.”
“Later, ladies.” Tucker echoes in a deep sexy voice as he walks over to the counter to place an order to go.
“Oh. My. Gosh. Those two —” Halley sighs as she fans her flushed cheeks with her hand.
“Pull it together, woman. We need to meet up after work with Naomi. We have plans to make for tomorrow night.” I snap my fingers in her face. “Time to get back to work. The clock is ticking, and we are wasting time.” I say while getting up to throw my trash away. “I’ll text you later to let you know when I’m off.”
“Okay, sounds good. I’ll get Naomi on board. She’ll be so upset she missed Tucker today.” Halley replies as she gathers up her belongings.
“All right, I’ll catch you later.” I tell her, then look over and see the guys grabbing their orders. “See you later, boys!” I call over my shoulder as I saunter out of the restaurant.
“How did it go with your dad?” Tucker asks me as we’re putting things away for the night at the job site.
“Not bad. He was actually at home working, and Carianna had stopped by for lunch in between classes. I think they were both surprised to see me. It was a short visit, but pleasant at the same time.”
“I’m glad it went well. Do you plan on stopping in again now that we’re working close to the house?” asks Holt. “If you do, next time, I’d like to tag along and see your family. It’s been awhile for us too, you know. That is if you’re cool with it, and all is well on the home front.”
“Yeah, that’s fine, Holt, I don’t mind. I would actually prefer to have you guys with me. It would make it easier and less awkward. I’ll give you plenty of notice when I decide to head that way again. Anyway, enough heavy stuff. I want to know how lunch was.”
“Oh, you know — Charlie was cute as ever, and good old Tuck had her convinced we were there to spy on her for you,” Holt laughs.
“Great. This is what I get when you two are sent to the front lines. So, what’s the plan? Are they meeting up with us tomorrow night?”
“You insult me,” Tucker acts as if he’s wounded. “I’m the king of smoothness.”
“Yes, Casanova, you can simmer down. The girls are cool with us and our joking ways so we didn’t scare your mouse off — yet.” Holt gives me a wicked looking smirk, making me want to kick his legs out from under him to wipe it off his face.
“Good. I’m glad you didn’t screw it up.” I chuckle, knowing they wouldn’t really ruin it for me. “Let’s get out of here. I’m definitely ready to grab something to eat. Pizza sound good?”
With nods and grunts all around, we head off toward the lot to our vehicles together.
As I follow the guys out, I smile and think to myself, one more day until I get to see Charlie again.
FRIDAY NIGHT HAS FINALLY ARRIVED, and I’m definitely ready to get it started. I’ve been excited all day about seeing the guys again, especially Nathan. I don’t know how I survived my half-day of work at the reception desk. Luckily, I was able to go swimming and lay out by the pool after I left the office. Sleeping under the sun’s rays was relaxing, and helped to speed up time.
Halley and Naomi showed up for dinner, which consisted of chicken salad sandwiches and fruit. Truthfully, that was all I could stomach, with my nerves being so on end. I didn’t want to eat something heavy, and it was too warm out to cook. So, easy and cool it was.
The night before, the girls and I sat around their living room, eating pizza and frozen yogurt, making plans for tonight. It was decided that they would come over after work, since they both had a full day, to get ready and have dinner. Then we would head over to Texas Jacks in one car, in case one of us wanted to hitch a ride home with one of the guys. I’m thinking the girls and Nathan’s friends cooked up this little plan, trying to get Nathan and I together again.
Before long we’re back at Texas Jacks, passing through the lot. I don’t see Nate’s truck, which leaves me feeling a bit disappointed. I had hoped he would be here first. Sighing, I keep reminding myself that it’s no big deal; his friends said he would be here, so he will be. I just need to relax and know that he’ll show up at some point. Until then, I’m sure the girls and I can make our own fun while we wait.
Pulling into the lot of Texas Jacks, I note that the girls have arrived before us. That’s fine by me; it gives me a chance to find her, instead of her searching for us.
I woke up this morning in a great mood, which in turn made the rest of my day at work turn out well. It also helped the day go faster, knowing that I would see Charlie later. Though, time did slow down over the last few hours before leaving to meet up with the ladies, as my anticipation to see Charlie grew stronger.
The first thing I notice upon entering the doors of Texas Jacks is one very absent person — Dave. I have never been here on a night he hasn’t been working the door. Instead, Tim seems to be the man in charge at the moment. It may not seem like a big deal, but for some reason, I want to know where he is. After last week, I got the impression that he was really into Charlie, and tried to stake somewhat of a claim when we were leaving.
“What’s up, man?” I ask Tim with chin lift. “I see you got stuck with the boring job tonight. I guess this means you won’t be inside, scoping out the women.”
The guys and I chuckle, knowing how Tim is, and that being at the front door is the last place he wants to be. He might be able to see the women walk through the door, but that’s as far as it goes for him tonight.
“So, where’s Dave? Does he have the night off or what?” Holt asks.
“I’m only filling in for Dave while he’s on a break. No way am I going to babysit the door the whole night,” Tim replies.
“It’s weird seeing you up here, for once. I bet Dave’s scamming on your action inside,” Tucker laughs.
“Dude, that’s not even funny. I wouldn’t worry about Dave, anyway. He’s inside with three hot chicks. He went on break the minute they walked in. They even waited for him before heading inside, so it’s safe to say my game is all good when it comes to Dave.” Tim says without even realizing that all three of us are staring at him with hard eyes. I bet we’re all thinking the same thing, and hoping it’s not the same three women we’re here to see. Since we already know that Dave is friendly with them, I’m sure I’m right.
“Oh, is he now? And exactly who might they be?” Holt immediately responds, trying to sound as causal and friendly as he can through a forced, lopsided grin. Meanwhile, I see his left hand forming a fist by his side.
“One’s blonde, and the other two are brunettes. What’s it to you? You probably don’t know them, anyway.” Tim raises his eyebrows while looking at Holt, like he knows something’s up.
“No, it’s cool. I’m just curious how Dave got so lucky, is all. I want to know how he’s got so much game, being stuck at the door all the time,” Holt smoothly replies.
“What do you say, gentlemen? I think we should drop in on Dave, and see if he’s willing to share.” Tucker says, although he’s not looking happy, either.
“Sounds good to me,” Holt replies, looking through Tim and over to me, nodding his head before pushing through the last set of doors to the inside of the club.
Tonight, Dave decided to take a break when we came through the doors, which he never does. Normally, he just stops by at s
ome point in the evening to check on us, and then at the end of the night, he walks us out. I think he has a bit of a crush on Naomi, though sometimes I think he may even like me, too. I can’t tell. He’s definitely not obvious about it.
“So, Dave, what’s shaking with you lately? Any new babes you have on your hook?” Halley playfully nudges Dave, who happens to be standing between her and I at the table we’re sitting at.
Dave looks over at Naomi, then shyly at me before responding, “No. However, there is one person I’m interested in. I’m just not sure she knows it yet.”
“Maybe she doesn’t have a clue. What have you done to let her know you’re even interested in her?” Halley asks him.
This is not my area of expertise, so I keep quiet and let the girls hold up our end of the conversation.
“Dave, you just have to be bold and flat out ask her to go on a date with you. Is she a regular here?” Naomi asks.
“Yes. I see her from time to time with her friends,” he says, looking over at me, and then back to the girls.
Okay, why did he just look at me? “Sorry, Dave. I’m not good with this stuff, so you won’t be getting any advice from me.” I reply with a nervous laugh as he simply gives me a small smile.
“She’s not joking, either. She’s definitely not good at reading the signs. You’re barking up the wrong tree there.” Naomi laughs, causing me to shoot her a thanks a lot look, even if it is true.
“Well, I think we need to help this poor guy out, don’t you, ladies?” Halley asks.
“No, it’s okay. I’m sure I can manage to ask a woman out on my own. Thanks, though.” Dave tries to stop this train wreck of an idea from completely forming in their minds.