Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Page 6
“Good evening Clara. Welcome back.”
I recognize the man as the guard I’d knocked out earlier. I’m immediately ashamed of my behavior.
“I’m sorry about knocking you out earlier. I really hope you can forgive me?”
The guard laughs. “ No harm done. It was all part of the plan. I just thought I was smart enough to catch you before you snuck up on me. I must say, well done.”
I was not expecting praise from him. Before I can say another word, I notice Sgt. Jensen walking toward me.
“Good to see that you’ve decided to stay with us Clara. We have all been back briefed on tonight’s mission. Would you mind if I walk with you for a moment?”
I sigh. I should’ve known that I’d still be treated as a prisoner. Sgt. Jensen must have sensed the change in my mood.
“It’s not what you think. I’m not here to guard you. I’m here to go over your schedule with you. Starting now, you’re one of us, and that means you’ll have to adhere to our grueling schedules, and our long list of rules.”
I breathe a sigh of relief. I couldn’t stand it if I were to be here as a prisoner again.
“All right then, let’s see what you have for me.”
It turns out that I have quite a busy schedule. Starting at 0600, everyone rises for the day. A quick breakfast and by 0700 we’re to be ready for exercise and training. At 0900 we convene in the command center to go over the evenings missions. Once missions are handed out, then plans begin. There is a little free time after lunch, then everyone goes to their offices in order to get caught up on “paperwork”. Dinner is at 1800 hours. Then, those who are tasked with a mission, prepare to go out. Everyone else is free to do whatever they like until lights out at 2200 hours.
I’m a little relieved to see that I’m going to be busy. I want answers, but some of my nerve has resolved, and I’m not ready to face Jackson again, just yet.
I walk with Sgt. Jensen toward our rooms. He doesn’t even walk me all the way to my room. He bids me goodnight and leaves me standing alone in the middle of the hallway. I turn toward the direction of my room and smile. Finally, I feel as if I’m no longer a prisoner, and I relish in the feeling.
Jules – Present Day
Yet again, my men have failed me. Every day they return here without so much as a hint that Clara is still alive, and for that, every day one of them is punished. I feel that it adds a little extra incentive for them to find me something, and fast. I’m not a patient man and right now, my patience is wearing thin.
I know she’s alive, I feel it. I don’t know what it is about her that drives me crazy, but my infatuation with her has only grown. I tell myself it’s the chase, the game she plays. She’s the only girl to ever turn me down, to try and fight back. Now that I’ve realized the fact that she must have faked her death, it makes me want her that much more. Her sick mind makes me even more attracted to her. I find that the anticipation of finding her has me on edge.
The phone rings, and it brings me back to reality. It had better be good news.
“Sir, we’ve found something.”
“You better not be wasting my time. You know how I feel about that.”
“Yes sir, I do. However, I think you’ll want to see this.”
The soldier recites me an address. I try not to get excited, but I can’t help myself. I know she’s close, and it gets my blood going.
It only takes me ten minutes to arrive at the address the soldier gave me. It’s an abandoned apartment building at the edge of town. It’s so rundown that I don’t even think rats would live there. I again silently applaud her, this time for her choice of hideouts.
As I walk into the apartment, I’m greeted by the soldier who had phoned me earlier.
“What do you have for me?”
He hands me a couple items. One is a picture of Jonathan Blake. I immediately burn it with the lighter I carry in my pocket. I couldn’t stand his smug face when he was alive, and I hate it even more in death. At least the picture tells me she was here. The second item is a necklace. It’s a shiny silver cross. I remember her wearing that necklace all the time. Jonathan gave it to her the night they got engaged. I remember spying on them the night he proposed to her. I remember how excited she had been to receive it, so I know for a fact that she’d never have taken it off. The fact that it’s here in this apartment is enough evidence to support my theory that she’s alive. I just have to find out where she is now. It’s glaringly apparent that she left in a hurry.
The soldier approaches me again.
“I think I know where you might be able to find her.”
He hands me a pamphlet. It’s a pamphlet for a church in the lower district. Jonathan had preached outside of the guidelines of what was allowed at the church, against my father’s wishes. It was another thing I had used in my case against Jonathan with my father.
I smile to myself knowing that Clara used to visit the church with Jonathan. I was willing to bet that she still did. The next time she decides to visit, I’ll be there waiting for her.
Jackson – Present Day
I want nothing more than to talk to Clara, and clear the air between us this morning, but I have a busy schedule, as does she now. Our next mission is set for two nights from now. As each target falls, it gets harder and harder to get close to the next one. They know someone is hunting them down, so they’re starting to play it safe.
I don’t know what made Clara decide to return here with me, but I’m grateful. I know I need to talk to her and tell her everything, but I’m not ready for her reaction. Instead, I will go work off my frustrations with my men. It’s time to step into the boxing ring.
As I enter the room, I can hear Nyx taunting Shade in the ring. I don’t know what Nyx is thinking since Shade is still pissed after our discussion last night. I made it clear to her again that I have no interest in her. She hadn’t taken it well, especially after she had taken the time to try and seduce me again. I know her ego is hurt, but I just don’t have any desire to be with her. She believes it’s because of Clara. Hell, maybe a major part of it is, but the truth is, Shade is more like a little sister to me.
I’m brought out of my thoughts when I hear a body hit the mat. I turn thinking it will be Shade, but instead I find Nyx lying flat on his back. Donavan smirks and decides he can’t let Nyx live it down.
“What’s the matter big guy? You seem to be a little off your game today.”
“Shut up Colonel and help me up.”
Colonel Donavan looked down at a smiling Nyx. He was surprised to find him in good humor after being knocked on his backside by Shade.
After Donavan helps Nyx to his feet, Nyx tries to give Shade a hug.
“Come on Shade, just a little hug. I just want to show you there are no hard feelings.”
“Get off me you big overgrown beast. Keep your damn hugs to yourself. It may work on other women, but not me.”
“Yeah, in order for it to work, it would require you to have a heart.”
“You’re such a jerk Nyx.”
I can sense the tension getting thicker between them. It was time to step in and stop it before it got out of control. I swear there are days it feels like I’m babysitting a bunch of children.
“All right you two, enough. You will shake hands and be done with this match.”
I watch as Nyx extends his hand to Shade, but she puts her hands in the air while backing away, she refuses to be a good sport.
I find my patience growing thin as Shade heads for the exit.
“Sgt. Shade.”
She stops, but she doesn’t turn back to face me.
“If you want to act like a child, I will treat you like one. Until your attitude changes, you are suspended from going on any future missions. Do I make myself clear?”
She still doesn’t turn around, but gives me a sarcastic salute and walks away. I’m seriously thinking of transferring her to a
nother unit. The one thing that stops me is the person I see following her out of the room. Sgt. Jensen has had a thing for Shade since the first day they met. It’s because of him that I keep her on here. However, if she doesn’t shape up and change her attitude soon, she’s gone. I can’t afford to have someone on my team who will put the lives of the others in danger.
I quickly put Shade and her childish behavior out of my mind. Nyx smiles at me and I know he’s challenging me. Nobody has ever beaten me in the ring, although they have all tried. Normally I would take him up on the offer, but I find my thoughts straying again to Clara. The need to see her is overwhelming, and I hate it. I have never wanted someone as much as I want her.
I shake my head at Nyx. He’s disappointed, but he knows I will take him up on the challenge another time. I don’t say another word as I leave the room in search of Clara.
Clara – Present Day
Since it’s my first day of training, I don’t want to be late. I want to prove to the team that I can be a valuable asset. I don’t know why I feel so strongly now about fitting in, when before I couldn’t care less. If I’m honest with myself, it feels really good to be around other people again. Brina had been there with me on and off, but besides her, there has been nobody else to fill the void of loneliness. I try to tell myself that I don’t need anyone else, but deep down, I know it’s just a lie I tell myself to get through the day.
Now, as I face off with Major Phoenix as part of my training, I start to wonder if I need my head examined. We’ve been sparing for over an hour. The first half hour was pretty brutal. He took me down so many times, that I contemplate just staying on the mat this time. However, I’m not a quitter, and besides, I can’t let him get the best of me.
I’m starting to anticipate his moves a little bit more, and he has yet to take me down again. My goal for today is to make him fall flat on his back.
We circle one another trying to figure out the others next move. I see it in his eyes. He’s getting ready to make a move toward me, but this time, I’m ready for it.
Brina taught me how to read my opponents eyes and facial expressions. She would say, “You can read them like a book if you just pay close enough attention.” His eye twitches, and I prepare myself. He then strikes quickly, almost too quick for me, but I’m ready this time.
As he lunges for me, I duck and sweep my leg out taking his legs out from under him. He lands with a hard thump on his face. It isn’t his back, but I will take what I can get. I expect him to be angry, but instead, he’s laughing. I didn’t think Major Phoenix laughed, ever. I watch him roll onto his back. I guess in a way, I did meet my goal today.
“Well done Clara. Now be a good sport and help me up, will you.”
I find his laugh contagious, and I start to laugh with him. I’m pretty proud of myself for taking him down. I reach down to help him up, but instead, I find myself flat on my back, again.
Now, he’s leaning over me while were both still lying on the mat. If he were anyone else, it would seem like an intimate moment, but the truth is, we’re both too exhausted to think about moving right now.
“I told you to never trust your opponent, even when they ask you for help.”
I smile at him through the pain. My body is sore from the intense workouts, and I have been on my back for most of the morning. I doubt I’ll be able to walk right tomorrow.
I’m oblivious to anything when I hear someone cough behind us.
“Am I interrupting something?”
Major Phoenix jumps up before I can even bat an eyelash.
“Sorry sir, we were just resting from our workout. Clara is a quick study. The training she was provided with before coming to us, is very impressive.”
I can see Jackson’s face now, and he’s not a happy camper. I can’t imagine what has him so fired up. He gives me a look and then addresses Major Phoenix.
“You’re dismissed Major. From this day forward, I will handle her training.”
The Major doesn’t argue. He throws an apologetic look my way. I think it’s also a mystery to him why the General is so upset. He then walks out the door without another word.
I want to keep lying there and ignoring Jackson, but I know there is something on his mind. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for his undeserving wrath.
“Is there something I can help you with, General?”
“Yeah, you can stop flirting with my men.”
I was prepared for a lot of things, but I was not prepared for that. Is he being serious right now? Is it possible that he’s jealous? But, how can he be jealous? He has no right.
Although my muscles scream at me, I’m too angry at the moment to care, and I’m up in an instance.
“First of all, I was not flirting with the Major, nor have I ever flirted with any of your men here. Secondly, if I want to
flirt with them, it’s none of your damn business. What makes you think you know me? You have no right to talk to me like this.”
I’m too tired and pissed off to continue fighting with him. I don’t say another word, I just walk away from him, and toward my room. I just want to be left alone.
I get halfway down the hall when I hear him loudly yell my name. In that moment, I know that this fight between us is far from over.
When I walk into our training room to find Major Phoenix and Clara lying together on the mat, looking comfortable with one other, I see red. I shouldn’t feel this way. I shouldn’t have felt that way when she was with my brother. I had felt ashamed of my feelings for her then. Now, I only want to make her my own.
I watch as Clara walks away from me. I expected more of a fight from her, so when she walks away, I contemplate letting her go for about one minute. I just can’t leave it alone, and I don’t know why. I call for her to come back. Was I really expecting her to obey me? I take a deep breath and set out after her.
She’s trying to shut the door to her room when I kick it open.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get out of my room.”
“I will do what I damn well please. You don’t walk away from me when I call for you.”
“Oh, forgive me, the Great General Blake, for not obeying your every beck and call. You and your ego can go straight to hell!”
I can’t help myself and I start to laugh. This only serves in making her angrier. She tries her best to push me out of the room. This only makes me laugh harder. She’s struggling with everything she has left now to get me away from her. I have to hand it to her though, as she’s pretty strong. However, she’s not strong enough to push me away. She finally relents and gives up on trying to get rid of me, as she leans her head on my chest. I know it’s only because she’s tired, but I like the feel of her against me. I don’t move. I don’t want the moment to end, but it does. She leans back, looks into my eyes, and asks me the one question I was dreading to answer.
“The day after I was brought to the compound, you mentioned that we had met before. I want you to explain that to me, please.”
After what I have to say, she may not talk to me for weeks, or ever again for that matter. Just in case I lose her completely, I do what I’ve wanted to do since she was brought here.
I smile down at her. “Let me refresh your memory.” Before she can blink, my lips are on hers. She fights it for a brief moment, but it’s as if her body recognizes me and she gives in. The passion between us is even stronger now. My lips devour hers over and over. The need to possess her is overwhelming. I almost lose it when she slips her tongue in my mouth begging for more. She presses her body against mine, and it’s all I can do not to lay her down on the bed and make love to her right now.
Just like in the past, I know we have to stop. I don’t want to, and my body screams for release. It screams for her.
Reluctantly, I push away from her. I move to the other side of the room. I need space or I might lose my nerve.
She rea
lizes that she’s just responded to me, and she’s angry. Angry at me for making her feel that way, and angry with herself for giving in.
I put my hand up to stop her before she can say anything. She can sense my need to speak, so for once, she remains silent.
“That’s not the first time we’ve kissed. You asked me a question and I owe you an answer. All I ask is that you hear me out before passing judgment on me.”
She nods. I can see an array of different emotions playing across her face. I watch her sit down on the edge of the bed. I take a seat in the chair at the desk. I brace myself, then begin my story.
Three years ago
“You’re only twenty one Jonathan. Are you sure you’re ready to get married? And what about her, she’s only nineteen. How can you be sure that she’s ready for such a commitment at her age?”
“I appreciate your concern, but I have known her for over three years now. I fell in love with her the moment I was introduced to her. She understands me and my need to help and minister to others. Why the inquisition? Can’t you just do the brotherly thing and pretend to be happy for me?”
Jackson sighed. He knew there was no talking his brother out of something when his mind was set.
“I’m happy for you, really I am. All I have ever wanted was for you to live a normal life, and it seems to me that finding your soulmate is as normal as you can get. So, you’re sure about this?”
“I’ve never had a clearer head about anything in my life.”
“Did you receive permission from the President yet?”
“Not yet. I have an appointment to meet with him later this month.”
Jackson put his hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“Listen, you’re my brother, and I love you more than anything. If you’re happy, then I’m happy. I mean it. I just wish I could meet the woman who has stolen your heart.”
Jonathan seemed to ponder what Jackson had just said for a moment.