Embrace Page 7
“Huh,” he shrugged, putting everything back in the kit. “What an odd gift,” he then whispered, wondering if someone somehow knew his plans to sneak into the valley.
The gift seemed a little too timely, and yet he could not help but admit it might come in handy, as he had no idea what lied in wait for him on this journey.
He set the kit aside and went back to his new page from Corny. It still spelled nothing coherent. In fact, it did not look like words at all.
Something triggered in Colin’s mind.
“They’re not words,” he almost shouted, rearranging the pages. “It’s a map!” A short while later Colin had pieced it together. It appeared to need one final page.
Colin hoped Corny would deliver it soon. As he studied the pages, it also became clear that it was a map of Eidolon’s Valley. There was one heavily traced path. Am I supposed to follow it? Will this lead me to Catrina? Colin studied the map impatiently, wishing he could depart right then.
Along the path were outlined “safe” spots. Colin’s mind reeled over what he needed to be kept safe from, but it did not matter. He could not back out now. Catrina needed his help and did not have much time.
Dishes clanged together in the kitchen. The Mochries were home. Colin hoped that the inevitable confrontation between Jae and Irving would not get too ugly.
“Dinner,” called Sheila a short while later. Colin obligingly took his seat at the table.
Irving was not there and Jae drifted in a minute later. Mireya ate in silence, next to her mother. It was a quiet meal, with no discussions of the previous events of the day.
Colin wondered if he was picking up some of his sisters’ intuition, as he felt a strange sense in the air. It told him that things in the Mochrie house had changed, forever.
The Feast of the Blest Arcane was beginning, which included seven days of frivolity and fun, according to Jae and Mireya. The one time a year the Svoda “let their hair down,” so to speak.
“I don’t know how out of control things will get this year though,” Jae said, “with everything that’s happened and there being Scratchers about. If you think about it, though, a week of fun doesn’t sound so bad, does it?”
Colin could not disagree. Although his current hope, was that the festival would cloak his absence as he trekked into the valley. He impatiently waited for the final piece of the map from Corny, hoping he would deliver it soon. He was eager to get his quest underway.
Corny granted his wish later that evening.
It was just after dinner that Corny’s door opened, and his arm jutted out, holding what Colin knew was the final piece of the puzzle. Colin attempted not to look too eager but went directly to his bed after snatching the paper. Minutes later, Jae joined him, pulling the curtain shut as he sat down on Colin’s bed.
Colin laid the final piece in its place, and the two boys jumped in surprise, as the pages rose off the bed and reorganized themselves, stacking on top of each other, then sealing themselves together, forming a solid, yet translucent, one-piece map.
“Corny may seems nuts, but he sure is talented,” admired Colin.
“Definitely!” agreed Jae. “It makes no sense though, how he can create something as brilliant as this map, or know to warn you about being attacked, and yet never speaks, lives in the dark and barely eats enough to stay alive.”
“He’s a genius,” Colin replied, picking up the map, adding, “Albeit a creepy, smelly, crazy kind of genius.”
Jae bit his tongue trying not to laugh too loudly.
The map was thick, yet in the form of a foldable square. Disappointingly, Colin found he could not read the map, and worse, the once outlined path he believed he was to follow had vanished.
“Maybe it will make more sense once you’re in the valley,” suggested Jae.
“I hope you’re right,” nodded Colin, nervously.
One thing did become clear as they studied the map: It would be an arduous journey across unfriendly terrain, especially for the short-legged Colin Jacoby.
His thoughts turned then to Eidolon. What would he do if their paths crossed? Colin would be caught breaking nearly every rule set forth in this place, and it seemed as though the Gypsies presence was little more than tolerated, on the part of Eidolon.
After allowing panic to ensue for just a second, Colin let out a deep breath, regaining control of his racing heart. He sank back against the cave wall.
“So when are you going to leave,” asked Jae. “The festival is in full swing tomorrow.” Thinking about leaving, and actually doing it, suddenly become too real for Colin, and for the smallest moment, he did not want to go.
“Honestly, Jae, I think the sooner the better. Otherwise, I don’t know if I’ll be able to go through with it,” Colin’s voice cracked as he spoke.
Jae did his best to sound encouraging, but it was clear he still doubted Colin’s plan.
“You have a great map,” he reminded, “hopefully accurate and readable once you get into the valley. Besides, you seem determined Colin. Otherwise, I would definitely talk you out of it.”
“I am determined,” agreed Colin in a firm whisper, as much for his own benefit as Jae’s.
“The thought of leaving Catrina behind is just about as dreadful as not knowing whether my Uncle Arnon is still alive or not.”
“So tomorrow, then,” asked Jae.
“Yeah, tomorrow.”
“In that case, I have something for you,” informed Jae. He tiptoed to his dresser and searched for a moment. “Here,” he said, throwing something at Colin.
It was a long sleeved tunic.
“Thanks,” replied Colin, unsure why Jae would offer him this tunic.
“That’s not just any old shirt, Colin. You need to pack light on a journey like this. That tunic will keep you at the perfect temperature. You won’t get hot or cold if you’re wearing it.”
“Test it out. It’s cool in here right now, put it on, you’ll warm right up,” insisted Jae.
Colin pulled the tunic over his own shirt and within seconds, it proved Jae right, as Colin could no longer feel any chill.
“Wow. Awesome. Thanks, Jae.”
“They are pretty common, really. Nothing special.”
“Like you said though, I do need to pack light, so it’s perfect!” Colin decided to make a list of everything he needed to bring, but when it came down to it, all he really needed was his 43
new shirt, the J & T First Aid Kit, the map, and the Magicante; all of these would provide him with anything else he needed along the way.
“Well, I guess that’s it,” said Colin. He put his map and book in a small over-the-shoulder bag and laid out a sturdy outfit and shoes for trekking through the valley.
“Tomorrow,” he muttered.
“I will help you get away,” offered Jae. “I’m sorry I can’t help more.”
“Jae, you’ve done more than you probably should. I hate even having you involved with something that could potentially cause a lot of trouble.”
“It’s for a good cause though,” said Jae.
“Yes it is,” Colin answered confidently, reassuring his friend.
“We should try and get some sleep,” said Jae, climbing into his own bed.
Colin wished for slumber, but it would not come.
What would Meghan say if she knew what he was about to do? What about his Uncle Arnon? Or for that matter, Uncle Eddy?
Colin tried to relax and breathed deeply. He needed to rest. Tomorrow was the biggest day of his life. He was heading into an unknown valley full of potential dangers. Nevertheless, he knew deep down that Catrina was worth it.
Ivan waited impatiently, huffing and puffing through his growing agitation with Meghan, as she looked through her backpack, nervously rechecking her list.
Ivan had packed light. One small backpack, and in his hand he held a map, which was clearly marked with locations
to camp, as well as their final destination.
Juliska had personally planned their safe passage through the valley of Eidolon. As they prepared to depart, the Banon was officially opening the Feast of the Blest Arcane. All eyes would be upon her… and not the two people sneaking into the forbidden valley.
Many thoughts raced through Meghan’s mind. Could she do her job correctly? Could she live through spending a few days alone with Ivan Crane? How much hell would he put her through before she cracked? She even, for a slight second, thought, I’m only thirteen… well practically fourteen now, but why am I here? I am too young for a journey like this! She had to quell that doubt instantly.
Her thoughts also strayed to Colin. Would he be all right without her? He had never been completely on his own before. Guilt suddenly took over, as Meghan realized she had not been in contact with him for days.
She had promised Uncle Eddy she would keep the connection open, always. Moreover, look at what had happened the last time she had not … Colin had nearly been killed!
But Colin had his secrets now, too. Still, she should be taking better care of him. He might be turning fourteen also, but he’d still barely grown any taller.
“Nona,” whispered Meghan.
Nona stood at attention, sensing a request from her mistress.
“I have a very huge favor to ask of you.”
Nona knew already what she wanted, and though she was not happy about it, she understood Meghan’s concern, and agreed without argument.
Being able to stall their departure no longer, Meghan advised Ivan she was ready, and they took their first steps into the red rock valley of Eidolon.
Colin grabbed his bag at the last minute deciding to tag along a small amount of food and water, just in case. Jae paced anxiously in the Mochrie kitchen. The rest of the Mochrie family was off attending the opening of the Feast.
Jae was late, which typically would not have been tolerated by his father. However, since the outburst a few weeks prior, Irving had been unusually quiet and easy going.
“Ready,” announced Colin finally, pulling the small bag over his shoulder. Jae stopped pacing and stared. The look on Jae’s face was not one of confidence. Colin gulped, nearly canceling his excursion on the spot.
“Maybe …Maybe I should come with you!” said Jae. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea for you to go alone.”
Colin, on one hand, would have loved to have company. On the other hand, with Jae’s strange behavior as of late, perhaps going alone would be best. Colin did not have to make the choice.
“No. The original plan is better. You should go alone. It’ll be easier for you to sneak through the valley.”
“Okay, then,” said Colin. “I’d better go.”
Colin followed Jae out the door. As expected, it was deserted. All Svoda were celebrating the Feast, deep inside the canyon. The Viancourt had announced just the night before that the opening day festivities would take place inside, in order to maintain the nature of the festival, as well as the safety of those in attendance.
Colin and Jae walked side by side to the edge of the valley and stopped. Jae nodded to Colin, who did not verbally reply, but rather grunted, attempting poorly to control the rocket of nerves taking off in his chest.
As Colin took his first step in the forbidden valley, a voice startled them from behind.
“And just where do you think you’re going?”
There was no need to guess. It was Darcy Scraggs.
Of all the people to have to follow me…
Darcy’s two bullies were paced a few feet behind her: the eloquent speaking Dulcy Hadrian, followed by a towering Daveena Troast.
“I warned you I’d be watching,” Darcy sneered triumphantly.
“You are so in trouble,” then added Dulcy, before her leader could shut her up. “Darcy knew her extra-century complexion would find you up to something.” Both Colin and Jae burst out laughing.
Even Daveena could not hold back a thick snort.
“Thanks, Dulcy. That is just what I needed, a good laugh!” Colin exclaimed.
“Extra-century complexion… good one,” added Jae.
Colin contained his laughter. Joke or no joke, this situation did not bode well.
“How did you ever graduate to Intermediate level, Dulcy?” Jae then asked.
Again, without thinking, dumb Dulcy made her admittance.
“There’s a little thing called cheating,” she said proudly.
“Cheating is impossible,” argued Jae.
Darcy cupped her hand over Dulcy’s mouth, before implicating herself any further.
“You found a way to cheat?” muttered Daveena’s hardening face.
The other two had clearly not shared this information with her. Colin hoped the distraction would be enough to sneak away. However, three steps in Darcy roared for him to stop.
“We’ll fix this later, Daveena,” she then prompted, in an overly apologetic tone. “And as for you two,” she turned to Colin and Jae, “I’ll be turning you in now.”
“How am I going to get out of this one?” questioned Colin under his breath.
As if in tune with his thoughts, his book, Magicante began to shake. He dropped the bag as the top popped open and out spun the leaf tornado, the same one that had helped him to locate Meghan back in Cobbscott, when she had first become ill. The leaves shimmered in the morning beams of sunlight, expanding in size as it furiously twisted toward the now distracted trio.
Daveena dove into a small crevice, avoiding the blow.
“Stop!” demanded Darcy, thinking this tornado would somehow stop its advance on her command. When it did not, she sacrificed Dulcy to the whirling chaos, and scurried away.
The tornado lifted off the ground, leaving Dulcy scrambling in the dirt. It formed a cone shaped leg, which it then proceeded to use as a foot, kicking Darcy’s backside. She went sprawling into the red dirt, yelling a non-stop stream of profanities as she fell.
The tornado then caught the tongue-tied Dulcy trying to slip by and pushed her onto the ground next to her swearing counterpart. Both frantically crawled away, but not before Darcy got in one last hideous glare.
Colin did not care. She was a nuisance that he did not have time to deal with.
Daveena snorted in laughter as she watched her counterparts flee in humiliating defeat.
The leaf tornado then returned to the book, which promptly slammed shut, leaving behind a trail of swirling, dusty air.
Daveena slid from her hiding place, eyeing Colin. Would he have to fight her? He felt certain she was much too large for him to win. She stepped closer, her face showing signs of uncertainty. To both Colin’s and Jae’s bewilderment, her mouth twisted with the slightest hint of a smile, and then she turned and sauntered away.
“Okay, was not expecting that!” Jae mustered out.
“Which part?” Colin said hotly. “That they were spying? That Daveena didn’t pound on us?
Or that Magicante once again, saved the day?”
“All of the above, actually,” answered Jae.
“Our lucky day I guess,” said Colin, more calmly. “I’m sure peace won’t last on the Daveena front. Darcy is sure to win her back, somehow.”
“Very true,” replied Jae. “And on that note, you’d better get going, Colin.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he agreed.
He looked at the great expanse before him.
“Wish me luck,” he mumbled, taking his first steps into the valley of Eidolon.
A dust covered, oblong shaped mirror stood aside eight others, forming a circle inside a darkened room. A weathered and gaunt face materialized into one of them, followed by another and then another, until all but one held similar ghostly silhouettes.
“Why have you summoned us Freyne Rothrock?” a penetrating female voice demanded.
“Patience, Narona,” replied an ashen faced man, fr
om a nearby mirror. His voice lowered sardonically. “I have learned a terrible truth about our fearless leader, Fazendiin.”
“He’s not our leader,” another spoke firmly. “Simply the original of us.”
“Oh get on with it then, Rothrock. What is it you have discovered?” another spat out impatiently. “It won’t be long before he is aware of the summons, too.”
“Very well. I summoned you here today because we have all been betrayed!”
“This is not news, Freyne,” replied a bored voice. “We already know about the Projector. If this is all you called us here for…” the voice trailed off and the man’s face began to dissolve from the mirror.
“This has nothing to do with the Projector,” declared Freyne. “Fazendiin has broken the oath! He has fathered a child!”
Horrified chokes emanated from the mirrors, turning into malicious snarls as the gaunt faces sounded their fury over this news. The mirror of Narona Fentress cracked under the pressure of her enraged face.
“We all swore to it!” she bellowed.
“How dare he?” another voice growled in displeasure.
“How do you know this?” the man with the bored voice asked. His face reappeared, feigning interest.
“How is not relevant!” Freyne retorted. “A Projector is nothing compared to this treachery!
Power will no longer be equal amongst us if this Grosvenor’s offspring is allowed to live!” his grated voice echoed.
“He is coming,” someone then advised.
The displeased grunts quieted as the ninth mirror fogged over and a face materialized in the glass.
Jaurekai Fazendiin: the first born of the immortal Grosvenor.
“I thought I felt a summons, though weakly,” he said, peering at the others, suspiciously.
His gaze stopped on the mirror belonging to Freyne Rothrock.
“Yes. We grow tired waiting to make a decision about the Projector!” Freyne replied haughtily. “Something needs to be done! And now!”
The others agreed ardently.
“There is nothing to fret about,” said Fazendiin with amused insistence. “As we speak, the Projector is being tracked. There is no need for us to come out of hiding, when others can do the job for us.”