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Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel) Page 9

  “So, Charlotte, why are you sitting all the way over there on the other side of the blanket?” I raise an eyebrow at her, trying to help her tumble over that line she’s not sure how to cross.

  “Me? I think it’s you who’s on the wrong side.”

  “Are you asking what I think you’re asking?”

  “Umm —I’m not sure. What do you think I’m asking?” Now she just seems confused.

  Leaning over, I hold out my hand for her to grab on to. She looks at it hesitantly, then looks me straight in the eye as she latches on so I can pull her right between my legs. She’s still sitting on her knees as I’m now propped up on my elbows, staring right back at her. She gives me a small smile, and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, unsure of what to do next. So, I decide for her, and pull her straight down on top of my me. She has no choice now but to lay her head against my chest. I won’t keep her this way. I just wanted to hold her for a moment.

  Sitting up, I gently push her away and get her to turn around and then plant her right back between my legs and help her lean back against me. “Let’s watch the sun set, beautiful.” I whisper into her ear, feeling her body shudder against me. “Cold?”

  “No,” she barely whispers. I wrap my arms around her and hold her a little tighter as we watch the sun go down. As it starts to grow darker, the glow from the mason jars start to filter through the night, making for an intimate ambience. I’ll have to remember to thank Calissa for being so romantically inclined to add that detail.

  “This is really nice, and peaceful. It’s great to be able to enjoy the beauty of this ranch, and with exceptional company. Thank you, Nate, for thinking of this date. I’m having a really good time.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, short stuff.” I give her another squeeze.

  “What do you think our friends are up to?”

  “Probably trying to figure out where we went, and why we’re not answering our phones or dancing at Texas Jacks.” I feel her silent laughter as her body shakes against my chest.

  “They’re going to bombard us the moment we step back into the center of their worlds, you know. Neither one of us is going to get out unscathed.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about them, sweetheart. Right now, it’s just you and I, and I really want to dance with you.”

  Charlie stands up, and then helps to pull me to my feet.

  “What will we dance to? Are you going to serenade me?”

  I laugh hard at that one. “Trust me, you don’t want that. If you want to save your ears, and not have any nearby animals whine, then you’ll have to make do with the truck’s radio.”

  I snatch up my keys from the blanket and walk over to the truck, opening the door so I can start her up. I find the right CD and slide it into a slot in the dashboard. I key up the perfect song, and then flip on the headlights so we have a spotlight to dance in before making my way back to Charlie.

  She’s just standing there, watching me as I slowly make it back to her side. The moment I reach her, I gently haul her up against my chest and wrap both arms around her waist, causing her to wrap her arms around my neck. The song starts playing, and I lean my forehead against the top of her head and sway our bodies to the beat of the song.

  Tonight has been perfect, even if a little awkward a time or two, and I really should have made a better attempt to get to know more about her life, or share more about me. My heart’s just not into discussing the family hoopla at the moment. I really just want to be with her and share these kinds of moments before I get too deep into whatever this is that’s going on.

  We dance for a while, listening to the different slow songs on the mixed CD I had made for tonight. She seems content to stay in my arms just the way we are, and I love every single moment of her body pressed against mine.

  She pulls away slightly and looks up at me, and at the same time I dip my head down to take in her beautiful blue eyes. When I do, I see her face is filled with so much emotion, that I can’t take it anymore. I have to kiss this woman with every fiber of my being. I start to lower my lips to her pretty plump ones, but stop just a hairs breadth away from kissing her.

  “Charlie, I’m going to kiss you now,” I whisper, giving her a chance to back out. After all, I did promise to go slow with her, and tonight I’ve done a few things that wouldn’t be considered slow. She blinks once, then twice, and finally, ever so slowly, closes her eyes and tilts her face towards mine. That’s all the permission I need as I crash my lips into hers.

  The moment our lips collide, I feel that instant connection we have, but overwhelmingly so. Being lost in the pleasurable sensation of my mind and body, I was unaware of the moment that I started backing her up towards the truck. I push her up against the hood, lifting her up until her back is fully pressed on top, all while I continue to devour her luscious lips.

  This kiss—there are no words for it. I now know what it’s like to get lost in the moment with her sweet mouth. It’s powerful, and possibly heartbreaking. I believe this woman could either mend my heart or break it, and I don’t know which one terrifies me more.

  The moment my back dips onto the hood of his truck, my heartbeat kicks into overtime. I’ve been waiting for this moment to happen, and now it feels so surreal to have Nate kissing me. This is such a heady feeling, and it’s in this moment that I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he possesses my heart.

  I hold him firmly to me while he feasts upon my lips, like he can’t get enough. He pulls me tighter to his body, causing my legs to instinctively go around his waist, holding on for dear life while he kisses me senseless. There’s a strong connection between us, and I know he has to feel it, too.

  He pulls back from our amazing kiss to gaze into my eyes. I can only stare back at him in a daze, while my lips feel tingly and thoroughly used. I run my hands through his hair, trying to sort out my thoughts. But only one keeps circling through my mind: How far is Nathan willing to go to hold on to this connection we can’t run from?

  I see a play of emotions dance all over his face as he waits for my reaction to the best kiss I’ve ever experienced in my adult life. There’s only one thing to say here.


  I slowly smile up at him as I bring one finger to my lips, feeling how plump and swollen they are. He just smiles back, like he’s on top of the world.

  I WAKE UP FROM A foggy, dream-induced state to the annoying sound of my cell phone vibrating across the top of my dresser. When I got home last night, I turned it back on, since Nathan and I had turned both our phones off so no one could harass us during our date. I had planned to sleep in, so I set it to vibrate and promptly passed out with Nathan on my mind and a smile on my well-kissed lips.

  Now, I’m awakened by the irritating clatter of my phone bouncing around and pulled away from my dream starring Nathan. I already know it’s going to be either Halley or Naomi on the other end. Why did I turn my phone on before bed? I guess it’s better to be the phone than pounding on my front door, or worse—both of them jumping on my bed to wake me up, since they both have a key. Sighing, I roll over and drag my body from the warmth of my bed to get it against my will. I know they’ll keep calling—or just show up—so I might as well get this over with.

  “No. You can’t come over, and no, I’m not going to be a part of your torture session of questions.” Yep, that’s how I groggily answered the phone.

  I hear chuckling on the other end of the line and pull the phone away from my ear to see that it’s Nate’s number. Great. Just put me out of my misery now, I practically groan as I crawl back to my bed and flop back down.

  “Good morning to you, too, little one. Expecting an interrogation so soon, are you?”

  “Do you not know my friends? I’m surprised they’re not here in my apartment, screaming the walls down already.” I say as I roll onto my side and snuggle back into the warmth of my covers.

  “Oh, I’m sure they’ll be calling shortly. I just heard the guys talking to them on sp
eaker phone. I’m pretty sure they’re going to come over and kidnap you for breakfast. They’re looking for the dish on last night, which was perfect, by the way. But don’t worry, I didn’t tell the guys much.”

  I’m beaming a big, silly smile into the phone as I hear him say it was perfect.

  “So, the reason I called was to tell you thank you, again, for being my date last night. The guys have been harassing me all morning, as I can’t get the smile off my face. And who could, after that kiss!”

  Now I’m sure my face is beet red, but I don’t care because one, no one is here to see me, and two, I can’t stop thinking about that kiss, either.

  “I have things to do today, but I couldn’t get on with my day until I heard your voice,” he continues.

  “So basically, what you’re saying is, your day is now complete because of me? You’re welcome.” I laugh into the phone.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, smarty pants. Keep that up, and no more kisses for you.” He teasingly threatens.

  “As if you could hold back on kissing. You’re just as addicted as I am—admit it.”

  “Is that so?” I hear the smugness in his tone. Shoot. I shouldn’t have given him that in.

  “Hey, just trying to feed your ego. Someone has to!” I grin to myself for that one.

  “You’re playing with fire, woman.” He chuckles. “Are you free later tonight? I thought we could hang out at Texas Jacks and do some two-stepping. What do you say?”

  “Sure, if you plan for me to trample on your toes—count me in! Do you want me to meet you there?”

  “What? Why would I want to meet the prettiest girl in town at T.J.’s? No. I pick my girl up—she doesn’t meet me anywhere. Not if I can help it, at least. Just make sure you’re ready at eight, wearing a sexy jean skirt and your boots.”

  “And will you be wearing your butt-hugging jeans?” I can’t help but giggle as I say that. It seems a little crazy to say it, but it feels good to try my hand again at flirting. “It would be a crime if you didn’t. I need something to keep me motivated for when I run into Halley and Naomi in a little while. You know, in case I feel like strangling them, instead I’ll picture your sinful-looking butt.”

  “Charlotte Davenport!” He bursts out laughing. I hear the phone muffle a bit, then I hear him yelling to the guys, “You won’t believe the things Charlie’s saying to me right now. I think she needs to see the priest and do ten Hail Mary’s.”

  “Oh shush! I can hear you, by the way, and I’m not even Catholic!” I roll my eyes, even though he can’t see it.

  “I think an alien came and spirited Charlie away if she won’t see a priest,” he continues talking to the guys. “She’s talking about my sinful butt.”

  “I think it’s time for me to go.”

  “Charlie, you’ve definitely shocked me. Where’s my shy girl? I think your feisty side is coming out. Are you going to treat me to more of that later?”

  “If you came to dinner at my parents’, then yes, I would. Though, it wouldn’t be flirty.”

  “Fine, fine. I’ll stop. Promise.” I can tell that the tone he’s using is still playful, but a little different now. What did I say?

  “I’ll be ready at eight. Until then, try to keep your mind focused on your day before you wind up in a ditch.”

  “Yes, ma’am. See you soon, short stuff.” He hangs up first.

  I toss the phone on the bed and pull the covers up over my face. I really want a few more hours of shut-eye before I have to face the firing squad.

  “Charlotte Davenport!” I hear a while later, but really—according to the clock—it’s only been like 45 minutes. Groaning, I roll over and look up to see my two best friends standing over me.

  “Wake up, you hard-sleeping rock!” Halley pulls back the covers. “Time to get up. I can’t believe you’ve kept us waiting until now!”

  “This is exciting, Charlie!” Naomi chimes in. “You’ve officially gone on your very first date, like ever!” She’s practically jumping up and down. She isn’t really, but she looks like she wants to.

  “It was not my first date, come on—I’ve been on quite a few in the past.” I remind them both as I sit up, running my hand over my hair and tucking some stragglers behind my ear. “Remember there was Sheldon my junior year of high school, and Phil at the end of senior year. Then there were Khalid, Art, and Bill during our freshman year of college.” I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

  “Okay, fine, but the high school boys don’t really count, and the college guys were only a few dates each. So, I’m not counting them because none of them were serious,” says Halley.

  “How can you tell that this one’s different?” I ask, because really, I want to know.

  “I see the way he looks at you, and vice versa. Let’s not forget that the guys told us earlier all about how he can’t stop smiling. It’s a whole new ballgame, sister!” she says.

  I climb out of bed and stretch all of my limbs, yawning really big before making my way into the kitchen, knowing they’ll follow as I go. “I hope you ladies brought me some cocoa and donuts, or something else to eat. I’m starving!” I call over my shoulder.

  “We figured as much. We really wanted to take you out to eat, but then we considered the time, and knew we wouldn’t make it out ‘til lunchtime. So, ta-dah! Here we are.” Naomi says, grinning from ear to ear at me. “Now, grab your drink and the breakfast sandwich we brought you and spill the beans, already! We’re dying over here for the hot goss!”

  I give her a funny look. “Hot goss? Who even says that? Never mind, I don’t want to know. It was probably some ridiculous celeb. Moving on—” Well, I guess it’s in for a penny, in for a pound. Time to rip the old Band-Aid off by getting it over with straight out of the gate.

  I look each one in the eye, seeing how anxious they are to hear what happened. “We kissed.” Okay, I might have told them flat out, but I know my cheeks are stained red at the moment.


  No one makes a sound for like a full five seconds before they both are high-fiving the other. “Well? What are you waiting for?” Halley asks as she’s pushing me into the recliner, right before they both make themselves at home on the couch. “Was it sweet? Was it straight up hot as sin? Don’t leave your girls hanging!”

  “Best kiss ever! Does that work for you?” They both stare at me with wide eyes. “Really though, the date was very sweet,” I say, as I tuck my stocking feet up and under me on the chair. “He had a picnic set up and waiting for us at his friend’s ranch in Dixon. We talked a little, ate dinner, watched the sunset, and danced in the truck’s headlights as our spotlight. He even had mason jars with candles burning in them for a romantic setting. Then, he told me he was going to kiss me right before he slammed his lips on to mine.”

  “Wow.” Naomi whispers. “Who knew Nate was so romantic like that!”

  “I’m impressed.” Halley says, as she regards the happy look on my face. “Did he walk you to your door and kiss you one last time?”

  “He walked me to the door and kissed me on the cheek before we said goodnight. He waited until I had my door locked before he left.” I tell them, as I sip my hot cocoa.

  “Any future plans?” Naomi asks.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact.” I say right before I take a big whopping bite of my sandwich. Mmm, so good. It’s a bacon, egg, and cheese croissant. “He’s taking me out tonight to T.J.’s.”

  They look at each other, then both break out into knowing smiles.

  “What?” I ask suspiciously, around another bite of my sandwich.

  “Oh, I’m sure his friends will be there, too. That means we should all go and hang out.” Halley says, with her own secret smile. I narrow my eyes at her.

  “Halley, is there something you want to share with the rest of the class?” I have a suspicion that she and Holt have something going on, but it’s yet to be confirmed.

  “Trust me, if there was, you both would be the first to know. For now, it’s all fun,
harmless flirting when we run into them or via texts. Holt hasn’t asked me out yet. I think he may be a bit of a player. You know, every group has to have at least one, and I think he’s our group’s playa–playa.” She gives a saucy wink and a bit of an over done laugh. Mmm–hmm, sure. I thought she was developing feelings for him. “Anyway, enough of that arrogant hothead. Time to move on to something fun to do until it’s time to hang out with the guys later.”

  “Whoa. Back the train up. Who says we’re all hanging out later? Nathan asked me out. He’s also picking me up tonight.”

  “No need to get in a tizzy. We’re going to show up on our own and hang out with the other guys, if you want to join us. No pressure. Don’t worry, we would never infringe on your date. We like Nate too much to interfere. We’re all for Operation Nate the Great.” I cringe once I hear the silly name they came up with. Great. Well, what can I do? They are my best friends, and they both want the best for me.

  “Fine,” I give in. “What did we want to do today?”

  “Well,” Naomi slowly draws out the word, “we were thinking that we wanted to check out the race track. You know, the one that Tucker is always at.” They both laugh.

  “Why are you two laughing? What did I miss?”

  “Oh, just his crazy ex-girlfriend, Lisa.” Halley rolls her eyes.

  “Wait, when did you run into her?” I don’t recall having a conversation about them meeting his ex, or going to the track.

  “Well, you’ve been busy and preoccupied with Nate, I guess it’s slipped our minds.” Naomi looks a bit guilty for not sharing their outing with me. “We went out there the other day, as he invited us to come chill with him. Though, now I wonder if it was to help scare off his ex?” Naomi fills me in, but is now contemplating his real motives.

  “Maybe he really did want to hang out and it had nothing to do with her. Don’t over think it.” Halley warns her. “Remember, this is Tucker were talking about,” she laughs. “It’s not complicated like that with him.”