bb-6565_deep_crotch_mother_curt_aldrich_ Page 9
“Yes, Lord… yessss, Lord!” Marcella moaned as she flattened out. “Oooooh, I love you, God!”
“And God loves you, Sister Marcella!” Thad said, licking into her ear.
“So, what’s our first move?” she asked as they lay side-by-side on the bed, their hands clasped, both looking up at the ceiling. Thad still wore his shirt and socks. His cock was limp.
“We must find a location, of course,” he said.
“To live!” Marcella asked. “Together!”
“No! Certainly not. That would scandalize the town before we have a chance to get established.”
“But you told Floyd…”
“I will give you the money to rent a place for yourself and the children. I will take a room somewhere else.”
“Not with another woman!” Marcella exclaimed, sitting up. Her titties flopped.
Thad squinted up at her, his eyes glinting. “Anything I may do will be for the church… and for Him. I am surprised at you, Sister Marcella, for not understanding that.”
“Well, I do understand, Thad…” she purred, snuggling down next to him, “but I thought that, now that we’re alone here together…” She nibbled moistly at his lips.
“Nothing has changed,” he said, moving her back a few inches. “I am very fond of you, Marcella. You are the first deaconess of the church and my most trusted worker for the Lord. But His will comes first. Whatever He commands, I must do. And so must you, also.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you have to get involved with other women.”
“Perhaps it does.”
“Oh.” Marcella turned onto her back and pouted.
“Never mind,” Thad said softly. “We will be very close.” His fingertips ruffled the fur on her cunt.
“What am I going to do?”
“I will tell you when the time is right. For now, get your things packed.” Thad hopped up from the bed. “Is there a bathroom in this place?”
“Yes. Across the hall.”
Thad smiled, and Marcella watched him leave the room, his cock and balls swaying heavily.
Luckily neither the farmer nor his wife was in the hall when he crossed it to the john. He stood in front of the commode and vigorously pissed.
A cool shower cleansed him and put him in fine fettle so that, when he returned to Marcella’s bedroom, with a towel wrapped about his lean form, his penis had returned to a state of near-turgidity, arching thickly and lengthily forward from his pendulous nuts.
She still lay on the bed, butt-naked, hoping no doubt for another romp. But he disappointed her, stepping immediately into his shorts.
“Is there a local newspaper?” he asked.
“I don’t know, Thad,” she replied, half-sulking.
“Well, if not, I’ll see a real estate broker. There must be some suitable hall available, that we can rent for Sunday mornings. Otherwise we will buy a tent and pitch it on a vacant lot. That will suffice until we can float a loan and build our own edifice.”
“Yes, Thad.”
He reached into his pants, after pulling them on, and brought out a large roll of bills. Peeling off four fifties, he tossed them to Marcella.
“That ought to handle a month’s rent and some food for you and the kiddies,” he said. “Incidentally, how are they?”
“Oh, just fine.”
“That sweet daughter of yours — what is her name again?”
“Ah, yes. Beth.” He stepped to a mirror and combed his black hair. “She’s about twelve years old, isn’t she?”
“You know she is.”
“Mmmmm. I never got to know your children well enough.”
Marcella watched him. “If the Lord needs my help in arranging for a hall to rent…”
“I will bear that in mind,” Thad said with a smile as he turned to face her. “Now, you had better get dressed and go out looking for a place to live. Then come back here and I will be in touch with you before nightfall.”
“Yes, Thad.”
He left the room… and the house. He headed his car toward town.
Jasper Junction wasn’t much of a place. It wasn’t one which Thad would have chosen. But he had to indulge the whims of those who worked for him, to some extent, and if Marcella felt it was the location which the Lord had pointed out to her, he would make the most of it.
Any town in the Bible Belt offered an opportunity, he had learned.
He toured up and down the four-block stretch of Main Street, looking for a newspaper office. He found none. He stopped at the drug store and perused the stands in front of it. They bore city papers only. Jasper Junction was without its own periodical, it seemed.
Thad’s next stop was a real estate office, which appeared to be the main — or perhaps the only — one in town. He opened the front door and walked in.
The little office was deserted.
Thad stood between two desks, one with papers on it and the other bare, and his nostrils flared. Like a wild animal sniffing the wind for evidence of possible prey, he detected something. It was not a smell, literally speaking, but an intuitive feeling. Thad’s intuition, along certain lines, was highly developed.
He stepped to an open doorway at the rear of the office and found he was looking into the living quarters of the real estate broker. He boldly walked through the kitchen and into the bedroom beyond, his intuition giving positive guidance.
Another door stood partly open, a shaft of light slanting out. Thad stepped to that doorway and pushed the panel open fully.
He stared at a woman who was seated on a john, her skirt pulled up around her middle, baring gartered stockings and pale thighs. Blue panties were wound about her knees. She gasped.
“Oh,” Thad smiled, “I beg your pardon!”
Just then a splash told him that the woman had deposited a turd into the toilet bowl. Blushing furiously, she quickly grasped the flush handle and yanked it.
“How dare you walk in here!” she exclaimed, and pulled her dress down as far as she could. But the hem wouldn’t quite reach to her expanded brown stockingtops which were pulled into peaks by her garters. Her briefs remained exposed.
“Sorry,” Thad said easily, his confidence unshaken. “But the door to your apartment was open.”
“Well, get out!” she cried angrily as the toilet gurgled.
“Wouldn’t you rather have me help you?” Thad asked.
The woman wasn’t bad looking, though she was a bit older than Thad liked them — pushing forty, he judged, with hair that was dyed jet-black, heavily made up eyes, and false lashes. She was the vamp of Jasper Junction, he speculated — a widow or divorcee who had landed there in the hopes of using what was left of her physical appeal to charm the rubes into buying real estate from her.
“Stand up,” he said, “and I’ll wipe your bottom.”
Her mouth dropped open and she stared speechlessly at him.
“I’ll bet you’ve never had a man do that,” he opined.
“You are something else!” she said, as if awestruck by his utter nerve.
“Mm-hmm. Stand up.” Thad snatched some toilet paper off the roll.
The woman’s knees seemed to tremble as she rose, her blue panties forming a silken figure-8 around them, and she held her skirt at her waist. Thad noted that her pubic hair wasn’t as dark as the hair on her head, confirming the dye job.
“Bend forward,” he instructed, “and stick your little po-po this way.”
She did it. Her po-po wasn’t little, especially when spread and thrust upward by her bent pose. It wasn’t very dirty, denoting that she’d had a neat passage.
Thad wiped the crack of her ass, centering on her anus to remove all the brownish stain. He dropped the soiled paper and snatched some more.
“Use the Wet Ones in the cabinet,” she said tensely.
Thad knew she was enjoying herself in a perverse way.
After wiping her
cute little shit-hole for the second time with paper, and dropping the tissue into the pot, he found the moist wipes she had mentioned, yanked one from the receptacle, and set about to make her anus squeaky-clean.
“I like fastidious women!” he said, dropping the wet-wipe into the pot, then giving her a slap on one flank of her quivery rump.
She straightened and pulled up her panties. She was blushing intensely. But she also smiled.
“You’re not from around here!” she said. “You couldn’t be!”
“Right you are. Pastor Thaddeus Polk is the name, founder of the Church of Holy and Mysterious Revelation… at your service.”
“Well, I’ll be damned!” She was no longer blushing so hard. Mostly she seemed amused… and stimulated.
“Call me Thad. What do I call you?”
“Dotti. My name is Dorothy Fenster, like it says out front.”
“You know, I didn’t even notice the name. A sixth sense brought me to you. Do you believe that?”
“Ill believe anything now.”
“If you want to go out front, we can talk some business,” Thad suggested.
“I’ll talk business,” she replied, her dark eyes alight. “But not out there. Why don’t you go lock the front door? Turn the sign around so that it says ‘Closed’.”
Thad smiled and went on the errand. When he returned to the bedroom, he wasn’t surprised to see Dotti standing in her stockings and blue underpants, next to the bed, her brown-nippled titties bare.
They weren’t among the best tits he’d ever seen or played with. They were rather hangy, which was to be expected at her age. But they were full enough to give her a look of mature voluptuousness.
The rest of her wasn’t bad — a trim waist, sleek white thighs, shapely legs in sheer nylons.
“Another thing I like about you is that you wear stockings and garters,” Thad said. “I certainly prefer them to pantyhose.”
“Don’t all men?” she asked, batting her long lashes.
Thad began to take off his clothes.
“Are you doing any good with the shit-kickers around here?” he asked.
“You’re remarkably earthy for a man of the cloth!” Her amusement obviously continued.
“I don’t believe I have to put on an act with you,” he said, stepping out of his pants.
Her smile faded. “I’m not sure I like that. I’m not trash.”
“I didn’t mean to imply you were,” Thad said, unbuttoning his shirt. “But you’re smart and sophisticated, and a man can come on straight with you, I judge. We’ve both been around enough to know what the world is like.”
“That’s true,” she agreed, and stripped down her panties.
Thad removed his shorts.
“Ooooh, my!”
“Like it?” Thad asked brazenly as he lifted his lengthy, semi-firm sausage and waggled it at the lady broker.
“Let’s just say that it looks like it can do the job.”
“It can tickle your tonsils,” Thad bragged.
“Do you need, uh, some special stimulation to get it up?” she asked, moving to him and raking her blood-red fingernails through the black hairs on his chest.
“No,” Thad replied. “But if you enjoy sucking cock, don’t let me discourage you.”
“You have a way of laying things on the line,” she said.
“I try to be honest — when I’m not preaching, that is.”
“No kidding, are you really a minister?” Dotti asked, reaching down to fondle his cock.
“Yeah, and I’m looking for a location here. That’s the business I wanted to discuss with you.”
“Well, first things first, honey,” she said, and sank to her knees.
His manly pride was half-elevated by that time and it waved twitchingly before her. Her red lips parted, and her rosy tongue came out.
Thad thought, as he frequently did at such times, about all the men in America who ached to have their cocks sucked but were married to women who wouldn’t do it… and he felt sorry for the women. He knew from experience that most women wanted to suck and only had to be given the right kind of encouragement, from a man who took charge. They had to be made to feel it was all right, that it was something taken for granted — no big thing. Then they would get down and love it.
Like Dotti was doing right then.
To be precise, she wasn’t sucking Thad yet, but was licking him all over. Most women liked to do that too, like they enjoyed licking a lollipop or an ice cream cone. Dotti seemed to enjoy it especially, swirling her damp tongue around the mauve-colored crown of his upthrust, throbbing organ, then swabbing along his shaft. She licked all the way to his balls and went to work on those hair-enshrouded shapes in their velvety sac.
Thad petted her hair lightly and stood with all the patience in the world, letting her get her fill.
She seized a nut in her mouth and sucked it. She rolled her eyes upward, to read his response, and he smiled wanly… approvingly.
“You’re good, baby!” he said.
She spat his first nut out and captured the other one. The bulbous shape pulsated in her warm, liquid mouth. After letting it pop out, she went farther and licked underneath his nut-sac while his balls straddled her nose. He liked the looks of that. His pecker stuck out high and waggled.
Dotti grasped his shaft, tilted it down, and clasped his fat cockhead in her eager mouth. She sucked heatedly, letting her long dark lashes drop to touch the pale skin of her cheeks. She bobbed her head forward and back, gargling on his long bone.
It got to be a bore after awhile, and he said, “How do you want to take it — front or back, top or bottom?”
“You’ll laugh,” she said, rising to her feet.
“Nope. I aim to please.”
“Well, lie down on your back and I’ll show you.” He followed directions.
“I like to mount this way,” she said, turning her ass toward him as she swung astride his lanky, cock-bristling form. She reached underneath her crotch and held his pillar straight up. Grinding her hips, she screwed her pussy down onto him, gasping with pleasure.
“Now I like to lean way forward,” she said, “and rub my clit hard against your cock and balls!”
“Fuck away, baby!” he told her.
“Oooh, yesssssss!” she breathed, and began bumping.
Thad watched her arched ass rise and fall, framed by her garter belt and stockingtops. Her cute asshole winked at him from between her quivering buttocks. Her pubic bump rubbed the underside of his shaft and, when she had him all the way in her, rubbed his balls, as well. She rotated her pussy as she pumped.
She wasn’t the tightest. That had to do with her age, also, he realized, and forgave her for it. Anyway, the firm stroking pressure of her clit and mons against the sensitive underside of his cock more than made up for it, and he writhed pleasurably, jabbing up into her against her thrusts.
She grasped one of his feet and pulled it to her mouth. Her wet tongue brushed his toes, moving back and forth, her saliva trickling between them. Finally she clasped his big toe in her mouth and sucked on it while she fucked him hard.
Her ass bobbed with furious intensity before his eyes. He stroked his hands up and down the outside of her legs, across her stockingtops and along her garters. He slapped her shivery flanks.
All the while she rubbed rapidly up and down on his cock, grinding against his pulled-up, throbbing nuts, and her wet, hungry hole devoured his eight inches of bone-hard flesh.
She bore against the underside of his cock with even greater intensity, grinding and bumping… panting… yelping… then letting out a squeal of delight as her bottom bounced up and down jerkily, quivering like Jell-O.
He spurted up into her, and his jism doused her flames.
“A church, huh?” she said, shuffling through her listings. “Well, the only place in town that would do is the hall where they hold the Farmers’ League meetings. That will hold a couple of hundred people.”
��ll take it!” Thad said as he stood next to her desk and looked over her shoulder.
“It may not be so easy to get. It’s owned by old Barnaby Rhodes, the richest man in town, and he’s such a strong Baptist that I doubt if he’d let another congregation get started under his roof.”
“Have you ever fucked him?”
“Hmmm?” Dotti looked up.
“Well, have you?”
“God, no! Old Barney must be at least sixty-five. I doubt if he has another fuck in him.”
“No wonder you don’t have a fancy office, honey, and all kinds of money in the bank! You’ve got a chicken streak!”
“Because I don’t go around fucking everybody! Thad, this is a small town. I bat my lashes at them, and flash some thigh when I get the chance, but I don’t dare come on like a ten-dollar whore!”
“Well, I’ve got a girl who can crumble Barney’s cookies! Where can he be found?”
“Wait a minute! What is this about another girl?”
“She’s a deaconess of the church,” Thad said. “A very spiritual type.”
“But she’s going to make Barney?”
“Only if the Lord tells her to.” Thad winked.
“You’re not a preacher,” Dotti said. “You’re the devil himself!”
“How can you say that,” he grinned, “when you never heard me preach?”
“Barney lives in a big white house, just off Main Street on First. I wish you and your deaconess luck!”
“Thanks, Dotti. Oh,” he added, as if by afterthought, “you won’t mind if I come back and bunk with you tonight, will you?”
She blinked. “From the way you talked about that deaconess, I figured you were living with her.”
“No, she’s got a couple of kids. Anyway, our relationship is on a very high plane.”
“Bullshit!” Dotti said. But she laughed.
“Well? Can I come back tonight or not?”
“I suppose so. Drive down the alley, park in back, and use the rear door. For God’s sake, make sure nobody sees you. I’ve got a reputation to protect.”
Dotti rose from her chair, and Thad drew her into his arms. They kissed, and her slippery tongue snaked its way into his mouth. He stroked her shivery buttocks.
She felt his cock tense against her, and she began to grind her hips. Thad pulled back.