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Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Page 12

  “I received a call this morning from the Leader. He has four targets for us tonight. It seems our targets are personal guards of President Valence. This hit includes Apollo.”

  I hear a few murmurs from the others. I remember Apollo. I hated the way he would stare at me when I would go visit my father. It was like he was thinking of ways to torture me. I shiver at the thought of him. He’s highly trained and dangerous. I have one guess who will go after him tonight, and I don’t like it.

  I focus my attention back toward Jackson.

  “We’ll have to split up in pairs tonight. I want each of you to be careful. If you feel you can’t take out your target, then abort the mission, and get your asses back here. Do I make myself clear? I don’t want to lose any of you.”

  We all nod in agreement, and he continues.

  “Here are the assignments for tonight. Sgt. Shade is still recovering, so she’s out. Sgt. Nyx and Sgt. Braden, you two will work together, here’s your target.”

  I watch as Jackson hands them a folder containing information about their target.

  “Captain Adrian and Sgt. Jensen, you’re a team tonight. Here’s your target. Major Phoenix and Sgt. Mitchell, you two will work together tonight. Here’s your target.”

  I was taken back by him calling me Sgt. Mitchell. He sees my confusion, and explains.

  “You’re one of us now. It’s time you earned rank like the rest of us.”

  I’m actually happy about this. I want to be part of this team, and he knows it. In that moment, I’m grateful to him.

  “Colonel Donavan and I will go after Apollo. I can’t have any of you going after him. We all know what he’s capable of. I have the utmost respect for all of you, but this one is also personal.”

  I wasn’t sure why it was personal for Jackson to take on Apollo, but I figured he had his reasons.

  “Now, get some rest and report back here at 2300 hours geared up, and ready for deployment.”

  I wait for everyone to leave. I want to know what Jackson meant by it being personal. Plus, even though I’m still mad at him, I want him to know I care about his safety.

  After everyone leaves, he turns to face me.

  “Is there something you wish to discuss Clara?”

  I’m relieved that he calls me by my first name now. If he had called me Sgt. in private, it would’ve broken my heart.

  “I have a question for you. You don’t have to answer it, but I would like to know. What do you mean it’s personal for you to go after Apollo?”

  “I’ll always be honest with you. If you wish to know, I’ll tell you. The scars on my stomach, come from him.”

  I remembered tracing those scars with my finger. Hell, I had even kissed them. I never asked about them, because I assumed they came with the job. I had no idea they were there because of Apollo.

  “When I was fifteen, my father thought it was a good idea to get me a job with him at the capital. He thought my loyalty to the government would be earned by working in the capital. I was delivering mail to the different offices when I happened to walk into Apollo’s office without knocking. I assumed he was gone for the day. I planned on putting the mail on his desk and leaving. Instead, I caught him with his pants down as he was screwing his secretary. He’s of course married, and didn’t want his wife to find out. I quickly left. I wasn’t going to tell anyone, it only fueled my hate for the government and their sick ways.

  It seems though that Apollo wanted to make sure I didn’t talk. One day he caught me in the basement mailroom by myself. I knew why he was there. I told him his secret was safe with me. “Oh I know it is”, he said to me. He went on to explain how he’s had his eye on me for some time now. It seemed to him that my loyalty to the government wasn’t as strong as my father let on. He said it was time that I learned a valuable lesson. Of course being me, you can imagine that I was quite the smart ass. I thought I was faster, but I was wrong. He caught me before I could get to the door. He knocked me out cold. When I later awoke, I was strapped to a surgical table. He was standing over me with a knife in his hand. He taunted me for a bit before stabbing me. The first stab hurt like hell. He knows where to aim in order to miss a major organ. After the second stab to the stomach, I started to black out. He threw cold water in my face to revive me. He said that one more stab should be enough for me to learn my lesson.”

  I was in shock of how sick and twisted Apollo could be toward others, let alone to a fifteen year old boy. I wanted to go and comfort Jackson, but I held back.

  “What did your father say? Didn’t he defend you?”

  “No, of course not. While the doctor was sewing me up, my father kept telling me it’s what I deserved. He agreed that Apollo had every right to punish me.”

  “How can your own father feel that way? I remember meeting him. He was so loving toward Jonathan. He always talked to me with respect. He treated me like a daughter.”

  “Yes, he loved Jonathan very much. To him, I was the mistake. I can’t blame him for loving you. It seems all the Blake men are drawn to you. Don’t pity me. Some of it I brought on myself. I just never could conform to what the government wanted me to be. I didn’t buy into this system then, and I don’t buy into it now.”

  I couldn’t stand the distance between us anymore. I walked over and embraced him.

  “I don’t pity you. I think you’re brave. A fifteen year old boy shouldn’t have to suffer like that. You give your heart and soul to this mission, and this is where you belong. Your men look up to you. They respect you. I may not fully understand the bigger picture, but I know someday you will tell me all of it.”

  “I will, I promise. We’ll discuss it after tonight’s mission. Of course, there are things that even I’m kept in the dark about. It makes me wonder if we’re actually fighting for a better

  America, or will we be turning it over to another madman.”

  I could understand his concerns. I had plenty myself, especially since I didn’t know all of the details. I realize at that moment that we’re still holding on to one another. I look up into his eyes. It was a mistake.

  He whispers my name in a husky voice full of passion and longing, “Clara.”

  My body responds to him immediately, as his lips crash down on mine. We’re both so full of raw emotions that it takes over our reasoning. It seems that at least Jackson is able to think a little in the heat of passion. He pulls my legs up to straddle him as he walks us across the room.

  My back connects hard with the wall. As we’re frantically trying to consume one another, I feel the wall behind me move, and I realize he is taking us into the records room. The command center isn’t private. Anyone could walk in on us, and our need is so great that making it back to one of our rooms is out of the question.

  Jackson falls back onto the couch with me straddling him. I feel in control at that moment. I think he wants me to be in control. He’s surrendering to me, and it gives me a rush of pleasure. We quickly undress one another, but he lets me remain in control.

  “I need you Clara. I need to feel you.”

  I smile down at him. I’m an obliging woman. I again straddle him and give him what he wants.



  I awake a few hours later in a tangle of limbs. After our intense lovemaking, Clara and I had collapsed, and fallen asleep on the couch. She’s now wearing my t-shirt, and it looks better on her than it does me. I hate to wake her, but we have to get ready for tonight’s mission. I lightly kiss her cheek.

  “Love. It’s time to wake up.”

  “Just give me five more minutes please.”

  I laugh out loud. She’s the cutest thing ever.

  “Just five more minutes, and not one minute more.”

  I’m content to hold her for a few more minutes. Finally, I feel her stir as she turns to face me.

  “Promise me something.”


  “Promise me you’ll stay safe tonight. I know your fighting sk
ills are superb, but, I don’t have to tell you that Apollo is nuts. We both know that he doesn’t play fair. I can’t lose you.”

  “You won’t lose me. I promise. I love you.”

  I can tell that my declaration of love catches her off guard, but her response catches me way off guard, in a good way.

  “I love you too. I didn’t think it was possible to ever love again. The truth is, I fell in love with you years ago. I literally just didn’t know it.”

  Her admission of being in love me with makes me the happiest man alive, but I have to laugh at her little sarcastic remark at the end.

  “You don’t know how happy it makes me to hear that you love me. I dreamed of you saying those words to me someday. I always thought it would be just that, a dream.”

  “Well, it’s not. You’re stuck with me buddy.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  I kiss her again. It’s a possessive kiss, but only in a good way. I only want to show her how much I love her, and she returns the kiss with as much ferocity.

  “If we don’t move now, I can’t be responsible for what happens next, and we really have to get moving.”

  She sighs loudly, but she knows I’m right.

  “All right, but you have to let me up first.”

  I hadn’t realized that I have her pinned to the couch. I give her a quick kiss on the nose, and release her. I can’t help but watch her as she scrounges for her clothes. I’m intently watching her as she strips off my shirt, and throws it at me.

  “You might want this back.”


  I start walking away from the door leading into the command center, and head towards the opposite wall.

  “Where are you going?”

  “There’s more than one way to exit this room. Only I know about this one, and of course, now you.”

  “Where does this lead to?”

  “An old storage room we don’t use anymore. I closed it off so that I could keep this passage a secret.”

  Once we reach the storage room, I check to make sure that nobody’s in the hallway. Once I determine that it’s clear, I pull Clara out into the hall. We walk back to our rooms hand in hand, no words passing between us. I gently kiss her by her bedroom door, I pat her on the butt and give her a wink. She playfully scoffs at me, but gives me a smile as she closes the door. Man how I love that woman.


  Jackson - Present day

  The crazy notion that Donavan and I are sneaking into the capital office building has my adrenaline pumping. I crave danger and excitement. I always have. I used to think I had a death wish, but now I’ve come to terms with that it’s just who I am.

  I think back to the stolen moment with Clara before leaving the compound. A quick kiss, and a promise to one another to remain safe is the last thing we said to each other before splitting up. I watched her walk away with Major Phoenix. I know she’s in good hands.

  Now, as we crawl through the ceiling ventilation system, I have to shut off my emotions. If I think of Clara and her safety, I will put myself and Donavan at risk.

  When we reach the vent that leads to Apollo’s office, I can hear his voice. He’s not alone. Our briefing packet from the Leader stated that Apollo would be here tonight. He was lured in here by a young pretty face with a killer body. She doesn’t realize that she’s leading him to his death. She was paid a large amount of money to be here with him tonight.

  I hear her excuse herself to go to the bathroom. That is our queue to enter his office. I look toward Donavan, and he nods in my direction to let me know that he’s ready. I kick the vent in, and quickly drop to the floor with my gun aimed directly at Apollo’s chest.



  Major Phoenix and I sneak quietly through the neighborhood where our target lives. We are careful to stay out of the camera’s view. It takes us a while to get to the house, but if we’re caught on camera, or by anyone who might be out passed curfew, it wouldn’t be good.

  This is a textbook assignment. I know President Valence’s guards are highly trained, but this one won’t know what hit him. The Major and I decided that he would take him out. I don’t really feel like killing anyone tonight. I’m here strictly for backup in case anything goes wrong.

  I allow myself to think of Jackson for two seconds before we break into the house through the basement window. I say a silent prayer for his safety as we make our way to our targets bedroom.

  As the Major crosses the threshold, something jumps out at me. Thank goodness Brina taught me not to scream when something catches me off guard. Whatever it is, it scared the crap out of me.

  I look down with my night vision goggles, and realize it’s a damn cat. I roll my eyes and look up to see Major Phoenix silently laughing at me. I know I won’t hear the end of this.

  He turns back to the target. The man is asleep. It almost seems unfair how easy this is, but these men are evil, they have to be stopped, and in the next few seconds, that is exactly what Major Phoenix does.



  I can see that I’ve caught Apollo off guard, but not for long. Donavan is still in the vent with his gun trained on Apollo. This seems almost too easy.

  What Donavan and I didn’t account for, was the female returning, and with a gun. I hear the click behind my head. It seems that even though she was paid a great deal, she’s a traitor.

  Apollo smiles at me.

  “Ah Jackson Blake. I have to say I’m surprised to see you alive. You see, I was expecting someone tonight thanks to our little friend here, but not you. It seems someone paid her a lot of money to lure me here. I however, paid her twice that amount for her cooperation. Now, I suggest your friend in the vent drop his gun, or he can watch you die.”

  “He’s bluffing Colonel.”

  “Am I?”

  I hear the gun go off, and feel the bullet graze my head. A small stream of blood begins to trickle down my face. I have to remain calm, and let him think he has the upper hand in this situation.

  “Colonel, do as he says and drop your weapon.”

  I hear a string of curse words before I see the gun drop to the floor.

  Apollo addresses me again.

  “Now, let’s have your friend join us down here, shall we.”

  “Come down Colonel.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Donavan drop from the vent. Apollo sits down in his chair, places his hands behind his head, and leans back. Only he can be as cocky in a moment like this. He truly believes he has us beat.

  “It seems that the lesson I taught you years ago wasn’t enough. I’m going to enjoy teaching you another lesson. This time, I won’t go as easy on you.”

  “Easy? You sick son of a bitch. You call stabbing me in the stomach three times easy.”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. It could have been much worse. I could have killed you. This time, you won’t live. After I have my fun torturing you, and your friend here, I will kill you both. Of course only, after you beg me to. And you will beg me to. I have big plans for you two. The guards should be here any moment to take you two to the lab.”

  I need to distract Apollo long enough to take out the girl, and get back the upper hand. I make a slight movement with my finger. It’s enough for Donavan to understand what I’m communicating to him.

  “Would it be too much trouble to ask for something to stop the bleeding from my head?”

  “Yes it is. However, I’m feeling generous tonight.”

  He tosses me a box of tissues, and it’s all I need to make my move.

  I let the box drop to the floor as if I missed them. I bend over pretending to pick them up. At that moment, everything happens so fast. I pull the knife from my boot, and as Donavan makes his move to take out the girl, I fling the blade at Apollo. It hits him in the chest, but I miss his heart. My aim is good, but with the angle I had to work with, it hits him just above his heart. At least I tell myself it was the angle.
I think a part of me wants to prove to myself that I can take him.

  I can now hear pounding on the door. The guards have arrived only to find the door locked, thanks to Donavan. When I had flung my knife at Apollo, he had quickly taken out the girl and hit the lock on the door. I watch as Apollo pulls the knife from his chest. Blood is oozing from the wound.

  “You’re going to wish you hadn’t missed my heart.”

  I realize in that moment that I need to end him quickly. I would love to have more time to make him suffer as I did, as others have, and still do because of him. Unfortunately, the arrival of the guards have changed our plans a bit.

  “We have to go General.”

  I pick up the gun the girl had, and point it at Apollo as he raises a gun in my direction.

  “So Jackson, what are you going to do now?

  I know this is going to hurt, but I have to take him out.

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  He smiles at me one last time.

  “I see. In that case, I’m taking you with me then.”

  “Well then, I guess I’ll have some company in hell.”

  I pull the trigger, and watch as his body slump back into

  his chair. The bullet hit him right between the eyes. This time, I didn’t miss. I turn to face Donavan, and notice his face has gone white.


  I look down and notice the blood coming from my chest. I can now feel the burning sensation, and it hurts like hell.

  The only words I can utter before the darkness overtakes me is, “Tell Clara that I love her.”



  Seriously Clara, we just killed a target, and you’re worried about feeding his cat.

  “It’s not the cat’s fault his owner was a sadistic human being. I can’t leave him here to starve.”

  “Fine. Feed him and let’s get out of here.”

  I feed the orange tabby and pet him for a moment. He reminds me of a cat I had when I was a child. That was a different time. I was young and naive about everything. Now, I’m a cold blooded assassin hell bent on making those who killed Jonathan pay. I want justice. Even with my newfound position, I’m still seeking retaliation for their crimes.