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Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Page 11

  “I’ll agree with you there. I have to admit, he’s growing on me, but don’t tell him that.”

  I wink at her. “You’re secret’s safe with me.”

  I hang out with Shade a bit longer until Sgt. Jensen returns, and kicks me out so she can rest.

  Shade winks at me. “See what I mean. He’s so pushy.”

  Sgt. Jensen doesn’t say anything, but he slips a smile in my direction. I know she’s in good hands. I look forward to seeing this

  relationship grow. With the life we lead, a little bit of happiness is always welcome.

  Even with the intense workout Jackson put us through today, I find that I’m restless. I make my way to the common area, and I’m relieved to find it empty.

  I sigh in relief as I plop down on the sofa. It isn’t long before my peace and quiet is interrupted.

  “Hey Clara. Mind if I join you?”

  “Hey Braden. No, it’s fine. You can’t sleep either?”

  “No. I’m just coming off a reconnaissance mission. It always has me on edge, so when I return it’s hard to just turn it off. Out there you have to be on guard all the time.”

  “I can only imagine. You know I was thrown into this so fast, that I have yet to understand what all is going on.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know. I’m sure that the General will fill you in, in time. However, if you want to do some digging yourself, try the records room.”

  I ask myself how didn’t I know that there is a records room here? But then again, why would I? I haven’t been here that long. However, Braden has peaked my interest.

  “And where might that be located?”

  “I can show you.”

  “Lead the way.”

  I follow Braden to find this secret records room. I see now how I had missed it. There really is a hidden door in the command center that leads to the records room. I thought I would find a few boxes of paper, but what I find blows me away. Braden can see that I’m confused by what I see in the room.

  “Each secret compound holds the records that were banned when Caesar Valence took over The United States. Ours contains records from what used to be known as the East Coast, but is now known as East America.”

  “So, there are more compounds out there. More assassins?”

  “I really shouldn’t be the one to fill you in about all of this. General Blake would kill me if he knew I even brought you in here.”

  “Then why did you risk his wrath to bring me here?”

  “I wanted you to know where to find answers in case you don’t get them from him. You have a right to know what you’re fighting for.”

  Braden leads me to the wall of maps. I see the one of America before it was divided, and the America it is today. The map of the previous America is not the map that the President shows us. As I study the maps, I notice two states on the map that are not on the historical maps in our history books. I put my hand up, and touch where two states I’m not familiar with, California and New York, where once located.

  I ponder just how and when we could have lost two states on separate coasts, and why we aren’t told about it in today’s society?

  I was so lost in thought, that I hadn’t noticed that Braden had moved to stand very close to the left side of me. It’s clear that he has something important to say.

  “Clara, it really is a relief to see you alive. I don’t know if you knew this or not, but I had a major crush on you in school.”

  I laugh nervously. I don’t like where this conversation is heading.

  “No, I didn’t know that.”

  “I should’ve grew some balls and said something to you back then. Once I knew I was joining the assassins, I didn’t dare say a word about it to you. Before I thought you were dead, I would check up on you. You looked so happy with Jonathan. Forgive me for saying this, but I wished at times that it was me.”

  “Braden, as flattered as I am, you really shouldn’t say such things. That seems like such a long time ago.”

  “Maybe for you, but seeing you here now brings back the feelings I had for you then.”

  “Please don’t do this.”

  I really thought he would back off, but instead he does something I didn’t expect, he kisses me.

  As his lips pushed mine open, and he forced his tongue into my mouth, I knew I had to react quickly in order to diffuse the situation. It was no easy task, as I could feel his passion for me, but I most certainly didn’t feel the same way about him. I gathered all my strength and pushed him away from me.

  “Stop! I really can’t do this. I don’t know what made you think you could just kiss me like that, but I didn’t appreciate it one bit.”

  Braden looks a little irritated at my dismissal, but he soon softens.

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to make the same mistake of letting you go again. I know you’re probably still getting over Jonathan. I’m a patient man. I can wait.”

  Great, now I feel like a complete bitch. “Listen, it’s not that…”

  I don’t get to say another word, because we then hear Jackson and Donavan’s voices coming down the hallway. If they found us in here, Braden would get into a lot of trouble.

  We quickly enter the command center as the door opens and they walk in. The look on Jackson’s face tells me that he’s not only confused, but surprised at finding us in here. Braden starts talking fast, which only makes the situation look that much worse.

  “Sir, sorry to be in here passed curfew. Clara couldn’t sleep, so I was just showing her how some of the equipment worked in here.”

  Jackson raised his eyebrow at me in question.

  I really didn’t want to get into this right now. Instead of staying and explaining myself, I walk out of the room without saying a word.



  The assassination attempt went off without a hitch tonight. When the Leader had promised me a clear shot, he certainly delivered. It seems that some of the guards in the capital are also on our side.

  After our mission was completed, all I could think about was getting back to the compound, and spending a few quiet moments alone with Clara. To my surprise, I find her with Sgt.

  Jacobs in the command center. I don’t know what was going on between Clara and Sgt. Jacobs when I walk in and find them together, but I sure as hell didn’t like it. I can tell she’s uncomfortable about something, and her quick exit only proves that I’m right. The guilty look on Sgt. Jacobs face tells me that something has happened here. Now I’m pissed.

  “Sgt. Jacobs, you’re violating the curfew. Report to Colonel Donavan in the morning for your punishment.”

  He salutes me. “Yes Sir.”

  I watch him go. I then turn to face Donavan who is smirking at me.


  I want to wipe that cocky sarcastic smile off his face.

  “It looks to me like you have a little bit of competition. It’s good for you.”

  “I’m not in the mood Donavan. Keep your damn opinions to yourself.”

  Only Donavan could get away with talking to me the way he does. He walks away laughing, and it only pisses me off that

  much more. I have to talk to Clara, now! I have to know what happened here tonight.



  Well, tonight was a total disaster. I had no idea that Braden had felt that way about me. The last thing I need is him trying to win me over. I already have enough going on in my life right now. This thing with Jackson is still new, and it seems to be moving faster than I had anticipated. If anything happens to him, I won’t be able to handle it. Losing Jonathan almost killed me. Losing Jackson would push me right over the edge.

  As if he knew I was thinking about him, Jackson barges into my room without even bothering to knock.

  “Don’t you know how to knock?”

  “What happened between you and Sgt. Jacobs?”

  “Wow! What, no hello, nice to see you. Oh, by the way the mission
went well.”

  I watch him run his hands through his hair. I know he’s trying to calm down. I don’t know what he thought happened tonight, but he’s overreacting.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not good at this. I just want to know what happened between you and Sgt. Jacobs tonight. Don’t tell me that it was nothing, because I saw the look on your face.”

  I cross my arms defiantly. I’m not sure if I want to tell him what happened the way he’s acting.

  “Come on. I said I was sorry. You know you can talk to me.”

  “Can I?”

  “Don’t be that way. I haven’t given you one reason not to trust me.”

  “Well, let this be a test then to see how you can handle yourself with the information I’m about to give you.”

  “I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  I don’t believe him. Jonathan was never quick to anger or to jump to conclusions. I have learned that Jackson is the total opposite.

  “Very well. Braden…”

  I see Jackson’s eyebrow raise in response to me referring to Sgt. Jacob’s by his first name.

  “Sorry, I mean Sgt. Jacobs told me about the hidden records room. He thought I should know what I was fighting for. Where I can find answers in case I don’t get them from you.”

  I can see Jackson’s mouth about to move in order say something that I won’t like, so I stop him.

  “Uh, uh. If you want me to tell you the rest of this story, you won’t say one word until I’m done.”

  Even though it’s killing him to remain silent, he nods his head in agreement so I can proceed.

  “He wouldn’t tell me anything himself, he said that should come from you, but that I needed to know where to find research if the time came, and I still didn’t have any answers. While in the records room, he told me that he’d always had a crush on me. Before I could stop him, he kissed me.”

  And just like I suspected, that’s when Jackson blew up.

  “I’m going to kill that little prick.”

  No surprise, Jackson heads straight for the door.

  I have to run in order to stop him in the hallway.

  “Stop! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “He had no right to touch you, much less kiss you. You’re mine, and he needs to know that.”

  I was caught off guard with his statement.

  “First of all, I’m not a piece of property that belongs to you. Secondly, you can’t barge into his room and beat him to a pulp over this. In his defense, he doesn’t know about us. But, if you go barging in there, then he will.”

  “I don’t care if he knows or not.”

  “Well, I do. It’s bad enough everyone else knows about us. I get sick of the little smirks and jokes at my expense. I’m telling you right now that If you so much as set a toe in his room, we’re through. I really don’t appreciate how you feel like you own me. In a relationship it’s fifty-fifty. As a matter of fact, I think it’s time we cooled this a bit until you learn how not to treat me as your property, but as your partner.”

  I’ve had enough. I start to walk around him when he stops me by grabbing my arm.

  “Please don’t do this. I admit I overreacted, but you have to understand that I can’t stand the thought of another man touching you, much less kissing you.”

  I yank my arm out of his grasp. I want him to know that I’m serious about what I said.

  “I mean it Jackson. We’re over until you can learn what it truly means to be in a relationship.”

  I don’t look back at him. If I do, I’ll cave. He has to learn to control his temper. I shut my door and lock it behind me. I would prefer to be sleeping in his arms tonight, but right now it’s not in the cards.


  Jackson - Present day

  I know that Clara is right, I have to learn to control my temper. I’ve always been a hot head, and quick to anger. Jonathan was the only calming force I had in my life. He used to calm me down after I had a fight with our father. He used to tell me that I was a lot like our father, and that’s why it was so hard for us to see eye to eye.

  God how I miss him. I feel a little guilty knowing that if he was still alive, Clara would be with him, and not me. She has shown me what it’s like to care about someone other than my brother. I need her more than anything right now, but she won’t even speak to me. She had every right to push me away last night. I will do whatever it takes to win her back. I’m brought out of my thoughts when the call from the Leader comes in.

  “General Blake.”


  “I have a different mission for you and your group tonight. You won’t be taking out just one man, but four at one time.”

  “I don’t understand sir. We’re close to taking off those on the list. Who are these men?”

  “They are close and personal guards to Justice. One in particular, Apollo.”

  I’ve been itching to get my hands on that guy. He has committed indescribable acts to those in the lower class system. It was his idea to test out chemical weapons on helpless victims. I have seen what his testing has done to those people unfortunate enough to be selected for the experiments. The lucky ones die. The others, are left blind, deaf, mutilated, and at times in a state of such mental turmoil that they commit acts of violence just to be killed by the guards in order to end their suffering. Nobody should have to live like that. Plus, this one is also a personal one for me.

  “How do we find these men? I can’t imagine they would be stupid enough to be caught out in public together.”

  “You’re right. I need your team to split up. Things are

  heating up pretty fast. We need to start taking more risks. Justice has his troops trying to sniff us out. We need to send him a clear message tonight with these attacks.”

  I don’t like this one bit, but I’ve always known that this game would get kicked up one notch at a time. We’ve trained long and hard for this. My men are ready.

  “Very well Sir. Consider it done. Pass along the information concerning our targets, and I will get my men ready”

  “Thank you General. Your service to this country is admirable. Just one more thing. Don’t send Clara out on her own tonight.”

  “Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your interest in her?”

  “That General, is none of your business. Just make sure she stays safe. Can I count on you to make sure that happens?”

  “Yes Sir. I won’t let anything happen to her. You have my word.”

  “Thank you. Report back to me tonight. I want a full report on the mission.”

  “Yes sir.”

  I watch the monitor go black. It’s puzzling to me as to why the Leader would take such an interest in Clara. I can’t think any more on that right now. It’s time to strategize my plan, and then let my men know their missions for tonight.



  As pissed as I am at Jackson, I thought it would be easy to ignore him, but I find myself thinking about him all day long. The way his lips felt on mine. The way our bodies seem to fit together perfectly. I try not to think of the last time we made love. My body yearns for him. I have to get rid of some pent up frustrations. That’s why I’m now torturing myself with Major Phoenix. I remember the last time we were in this ring. Jackson had been jealous of him. I start thinking about him again, and it only serves for me to be placed flat on my back.

  “You seem a little distracted today. Does this have anything to do with our General?”

  “That, is none of your business.”

  “I know it’s not. I know I’m overstepping my bounds here, but we can all tell he cares for you a great deal. He’s never had anything like this before. Don’t give up on him. Just promise to give him some time to figure it out.”

  “Thank you for your concern. You’re right, you’re overstepping your bounds with this.”

  I feel bad for being such a bitch to Major Phoenix. He’s nothing but nice to me. He nods in my di
rection, and turns to leave.


  He stops, but doesn’t turn around to face me.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t take it out on you. It’s just that I have lost so much. This is new to me too.”

  “We’ve all lost a lot. When you find happiness, you have to enjoy it while you can. In our line of work, any day could be your last.”

  I watch him leave the room. I start putting my gloves away when Braden walks in the door. He’s the last person I want to see right now.

  “Clara. I need just a minute of your time, please.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to apologize for my behavior last night. If I had known that you and the General were together, I wouldn’t have been so bold. I hope you can forgive me.”

  The aggression I lost in the ring comes back full force. I had asked Jackson to leave it be, but it looks like he just couldn’t let it go.

  “I see the General paid you a visit.”

  “No, it was Shade who told me.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You see, Shade is my best friend. She’s like a sister to me. When I went to check on her this morning, I told her about kissing you last night. She quickly put me in my place about where your feelings belong. I’m so sorry, I feel like a complete idiot. I truly hope we can remain friends.”

  Now I feel like the idiot. I was so quick to blame Jackson for Braden’s knowledge of us. I hold out my hand for Braden to shake, sealing our truce.


  “Thank you. I promise you that it won’t happen again.”

  “I know. Thank you for apologizing.”

  “That’s not all I’m here for. We’re being summoned to the command center. It seems that we have a job tonight.”

  I follow Braden to the Command Center. As we walk in, I notice how Jackson’s gaze goes right to me, and then he notices who I just walked in with. I can tell he’s trying to swallow his anger. I choose to continue to ignore him. If he’s stupid enough to think that Braden and I have something going on, then he can continue to think that way.

  With everyone in the command center, Jackson begins the briefing for tonight’s mission.