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Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Page 8



  I can understand Clara’s anger toward me. I want to give her time to come to terms with it, but I don’t want to lose her again. She’s part of my world now. A part of me is sad about it, but the selfish side of me is happy that I have her in my life again. I had given up on any chance of finding love. With Clara here by my side, for the first time in my life, I feel like it’s a possibility. The only problem is, getting her to realize it.

  I have so much anger inside of me that it begs to be released. I head to the gym hell bent on teaching the punching bag a lesson when I run into Nyx. I remember how he had challenged me earlier that day.

  “Let’s go Nyx.”

  “Go where General?”

  I didn’t have to utter another word, the look on my face told him exactly where we’re heading. Anyone else would have declined my invitation. They all know not to mess with me when I’m in a mood. But not Nyx, no, he just smiles at me mischievously, cracks his knuckles, and then answers me in only the sarcastic way he can.

  “It will be my pleasure to give you the beating you deserve, General.”

  Only ten minutes later, and with everyone else gathered around to watch, I have Nyx begging for mercy.

  “Damn General, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but it’s not good. It pains me to say this, but I give. You win.”

  I know Nyx never gives in, ever. I know what has gotten into me, but they don’t, nor do they need to know. I help Nyx up when I spot Donavan entering the room.

  “General, we’re being summoned by the Leader.”

  It’s supposed to be a night off for us. I can’t imagine what the Leader could want with us tonight.

  “Very well. Sgt. Jensen, please go and get Clara. Meet me in the command center in five.”

  I see Sgt. Jensen hesitate. I know he wants to ask about Shade, but I stop him before he does.

  “Sgt. Shade is still on probation. Therefore, she will not be attending this meeting, and I don’t want to hear one word about it otherwise. Do I make myself clear?”

  Sgt. Jensen gives me a salute. I know he wants to say something on Shade’s behalf, but when I give an order, it has to be obeyed. It is up to me to keep my men safe. The burden is a big one, but it’s mine to carry.

  I clear my mind, and then head toward the command center. I don’t like surprise missions, but they happen from time to time. I prefer to have time to strategize a plan in order to keep my men safe. It’s only a matter of time that our mission became more impromptu. With each leader we kill, we have to adapt, and be ready for anything. The President knows something is going on, and he’s upping his security. The game has just been taken up a notch, but I don’t just have my men to look after, I now have Clara to protect and watch over as well.

  As if she appears by me just thinking about her, I see her enter the room behind Sgt. Jensen. I don’t even glance in her direction. She needs time, and I will respect that. I turn toward the monitor and watch as the figure of the Leader comes into view. I brace myself for his instructions.


  Clara - Present day

  I’m excited, and a little nervous about my first mission with the assassins. When it was just me hunting down Jonathan’s killers, it was easy. I only had myself to worry about. Now, I have team members to look out for, and strict orders to obey.

  Even though I’m still angry with Jackson, I have to admit he’s something to watch when he strategizes a plan, and barks orders to his men. I can see that he truly cares about his men, and he thinks about their safety first.

  I try not to feel anything for him, but I can’t deny the way he makes me feel. I can’t think about all of that now. Right now I have to focus on my part in this mission. I can’t afford to be distracted by my thoughts of him.

  Later that night, I find myself hidden in the alleyway next to the home of our target. I know that Colonel Donavan is on the roof top across the street from us. He will be our sniper tonight in case anything goes wrong. Nyx is only ten feet in front of me. The Leader instructed Jackson to remain in the command center in order to guide us through this mission. Jackson wasn’t happy about letting me go out here without him, but even he has to take orders from someone.

  Jackson is in the command center watching over our every move on the screen. The mission only called for three of us. In my mind this could have been a one person job, but Jackson was adamant that I not go alone. Nyx had been all too happy to tag along with me. As for me, it’s been over a week since I’ve taken someone out. It scares me how killing has become second nature to me. I try and tell myself that it’s because of my need for revenge, but I can feel that there is something darker in me coming to the surface.

  Nyx gives me the signal that all is clear and we can continue forward. I then hear Jackson’s voice in my ear coming over the microphone.

  “Let’s take this nice and easy you two. I have our target in site. He’s sitting in the living room on the sofa. He appears to be distracted with something, and he’s alone. When you get in, go down the hallway, and then turn right at the end. It will lead you right to him. Take him out, and then get out of there quickly.”

  I then hear Nyx respond. “Roger that.”

  Colonel Donavan then comes over the microphone.

  “I have you two covered in case there’s any trouble.”

  I don’t respond. I’m focused, and my adrenaline is pumping. I watch as Nyx silently cuts a small hole in the glass of the back door, and reaches in to unlock it. From the command center, Captain Adrian has dismantled the alarm on the house. I follow Nyx through the long hallway. Before we reach our destination, I hear Colonel Donavan’s voice over the microphone trying to stop us.

  “Don’t move. It seems that he’s not alone after all.”

  Jackson does not sound happy. “What the hell is going on Colonel? My visual has gone blurry, and I can’t make out a clear image.”

  “It appears that our target is not alone. I have a clear view of him. Oh shit, you’re not going to like this.”

  Nyx and I give one another a confused look, but we don’t

  dare make a sound. We have to rely on the information from Colonel Donavan and Jackson. I then hear Jacksons voice.

  “What the hell is it Colonel?”

  “It’s like our target knew we were coming. He just stood up and pulled a body from the floor. He has pulled the person in front of him, and he has a gun to their head. He’s now smiling in my direction. Shit General, he knows we’re here.”

  “Colonel, who does he have with him?”

  “It’s Sgt. Shade.”

  I can hear a string of curses coming from Jackson.

  Nyx and I look at one another confused as to what Shade would be doing here, and in the hands of our target. I then hear Jackson telling us to pull back. With unspoken agreement, Nyx and I know we’re not leaving Shade in the hands of a madman. I nod to him, and lightly whisper back to Jackson and Colonel Donavan.

  “Colonel Donavan, do you have a shot?”

  “Negative. I don’t have a clear shot without hitting Shade.”

  “In that case, cover us, we’re moving forward.”

  I then have to cut off communication with Jackson, as he’s yelling at me now, instructing me to abort the mission. Nyx and I use sign language to communicate our next move.

  Colonel Donavan doesn’t have a clear shot, but Nyx will make sure I do. In the next moment, we hear our targets voice.

  “You might as well come out of your hiding place. I know you’re here. Come out and drop your weapon, or the bitch gets it. I already put one bullet in her, finishing the job won’t be a problem for me.”

  “A couple things go through my mind in that moment. One, I recognize his voice. The night of the attack threatens to come back to me. Second, I realize he thinks there is only one of us. This will play out to our advantage. Nyx nods in my direction, and I know he’s going to be the one to walk in there. It will be up to me to
take the bastard out.

  I watch as Nyx sets his gun down, and then he slowly puts his hands in the air. He shoots a wink in my direction before turning the corner.



  I watch helplessly as the worst case scenario unfolds before my eyes. What the hell is Shade doing there? I know this is not Clara’s first assassination, but I hate the thought of her being in harm’s way again. I can’t help but want to protect her. I should have never listened to the Leader. I should be with her now. The best thing I can do is walk Sgt. Nyx through a plan. Clara has turned off her microphone. I’m going to have some serious words with her when she returns. Right now, getting them all out safe is my top priority.

  The screen has come back into focus, and I watch as Nyx walks into the living room with his hands in the air. I hope they know what they’re doing. It seems as if he’s trying to distract the target. The man must not know Clara is there. I can tell that Shade has been hurt. I’m glad that Sgt. Jensen has the night off, or he would be worried sick over her, as I am over Clara.

  I watch helplessly as the lights go out. I hear the distinct sound of a gun going off, a piercing scream, and then nothing.


  Jackson - Present day

  I can’t think about anything else except getting to Clara. I’m grabbing my gun when I hear Donavan’s voice over the microphone.

  “General, the lights are back on.”

  I turn back to the monitor fearing the worst. I let out a huge sigh of relief when I see Clara hovering over the wounded target with her gun pointed at him. She still hasn’t turned her communication to the command center back on. My only link to her is through Nyx.

  “Sgt. Nyx, what’s going on?”

  “Sir, Sgt. Shade is hurt really bad. She needs medical attention right away.”

  “What does Clara think she’s doing?”

  “Sir, I don’t know what this guy did to piss her off, but she is hell bent on making him suffer before killing him. She wants me to get Shade out of here.”

  “How long do you think Sgt. Shade can hold on?”

  “By the looks of it, not much longer. I think we should trust Clara on this. She seems to have the situation under control.”

  I don’t like the thought of leaving Clara there by herself. At least Donavan is still able to get a shot off if needed.

  “Get Shade out of there, and back here for medical attention. Tell Clara to turn her communication back on.”

  “Sir, I have already told her, but it’s like she’s in some sort of trance. I don’t think Shade can hold on much longer.”

  “Get the hell out of there Sgt. Nyx. I will take care of the situation.”

  I watch as Nyx carries Shade out of the house. I order Major Phoenix to go and help them.

  I don’t know what in the world Clara is thinking or what she has in mind, but once she gets back to the compound, I’m going to have to teach her a lesson.



  I know that I’m deviating from the plan, but from the moment I heard his voice, something inside me just snapped. I watch as Nyx carries Shade out of the house. I want to be alone with this guy.

  I want to make him suffer the same way he made me suffer. I smile down at him as I reach for my knife.

  “So Mr. Preston, it seems that we meet again.”

  “Ah sweet Clara. I should have taken you and killed you when I had the chance. Jules was a fool to stop us from having our fun with you.”

  “Shut up. I don’t want to hear another word from you about that night, or I’ll cut out your tongue.”

  “What, and deny me the pleasure of forcing it into your pretty little mouth again. Oh, but I do remember the taste of you. What do you say for old times’ sake, how about a little kiss? I loved the way your body wriggled beneath mine.”

  Those words and his laugh pushes me over the edge, and I hit him as hard as I can. However, it doesn’t satisfy me, so I plunge my knife deep into his leg, close enough to his private parts to get his attention.

  “Next time, it won’t be your leg.”

  He’s screaming now. I decide that I no longer have the desire to torture him. I just want this to be over with. I can’t stand the sight of him any longer.

  “Stand up, and die like a man.”

  “Go to hell! You know it’s only a matter of time before Jules gets his hands on you. He knows you’re alive. He’s tracking you as we speak.”

  “I will die before I let him take me.”

  “We both know that can be arranged.”



  I try to remain patient while Clara does whatever it is she feels she needs to do. However, when I see the target sit up and reach for something, I give the command for Donavan to take him out. He must have had a gun hidden on him that none of us could see.

  “Sir, are you sure? I get the feeling Clara won’t like it one bit.”

  “Who do you take orders from Colonel, me or her?”

  Even though we’re friends, we have an understanding that when it comes to work, I’m in command. I hear Donavan mumble something under his breathe. But in the end, he does what I ask him to do, and he takes the shot.

  I watch as the targets head slumps forward. I then smile when I hear Clara’s microphone kick back on. That smile quickly falls from my face.

  “What the hell did you do that for? I had the situation under control.”

  “He was reaching for a weapon. I didn’t have a choice but to make the call.”

  “Don’t you think I knew that he had a gun? I wanted him to feel as if he had a chance before I ripped it away from him. You had no right to take this kill from me.”

  “I had every right. You didn’t stick to the plan. You turned off your microphone. You put yourself and my men in harm’s way. Your reckless behavior will get you or someone else killed. Get your ass back here to the compound. This discussion is not over.”

  “Go to hell. I don’t care who you think you are, you had no right. You don’t know what he did to me.”

  I hear her voice break a little before she cuts the communication between us again. She’s right, I don’t know what all the men did to her. After I thought she had killed herself, I snuck into the hospital to read her file about the attack, but I realize it wasn’t the whole story. I’ve tried hard not to push her for answers, but after tonight, answers are what I need from her the most.


  Clara - Present day

  I’m not an idiot. I know Jackson will be waiting for me when I reach the compound. I have so much anger raging inside of me that I welcome the fight. I thought I had my anger under control, but tonight only proved me wrong.

  I barely make it down the ladder, when I come face to face with a very pissed off Jackson. I immediately go on the attack before he can say one word to me.

  “You had no right to interfere.”

  “I had every right. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m the one in charge here. If anything happens to my men, it’s on me. You don’t get to go around ignoring my orders just because you’re pissed off and seeking revenge for Jonathan’s death.”

  “You have no idea what they did to me. You weren’t there to watch your brother take his last breath, but I was. So don’t sit there with that smug look on your face and tell me what I have a right to do, or not to do.”

  I watch him take a step back from me. I can tell that he carries some of the blame for not being there that night to save Jonathan.

  “Then make me understand. Tell me about that night. Explain to me why you felt the need to fake your death. I truly need to understand what you went through. If you’re going to be part of this team, I need to know what really happened that night.”

  I don’t really want to relive that night again. Brina used to tell me that it would eat me alive if I didn’t talk about it. Maybe she was right. I know how reckless I’ve been tonight. I take a deep breath to relax myself and decide to
give up the internal struggle inside of me.

  “All right, you win. I’ll tell you what you want to know.”


  Two years ago

  “Clara, just give me five more minutes, and I promise you

  that we’ll get out of this church.”

  “Thank goodness. I thought we were going to sleep here tonight.”

  Clara’s teasing giggle earned her a gentle squeeze of her hand. She watched as Jonathan started to wrap up his work.

  This church and the people of the lower class meant so much to him. She knew that when she had agreed to marry him, that she would also be married to the church, and assisting him with helping the people. It gave her great pleasure to see Jonathan helping those who couldn’t help themselves. She only hoped that she could measure up to his expectations.

  Jonathan locked up and grabbed Clara’s hand. As she tried to walk away, he pulled her back to him, and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “What was that for?”

  “For being the amazing woman that you are. And for agreeing to be my wife. I swear that I’m the luckiest man alive.”

  “Oh Jonathan, you shouldn’t say such silly things. We both know that I’m the lucky one in this relationship. I don’t deserve you. You’re way too good for me.”

  “Don’t let me hear you say that ever again. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. If one of us is to be not good enough for the other, then you’re most definitely out of my league. Now, enough of this talk. How about another kiss?”

  “Why Mr. Blake, what has gotten into you tonight?”

  Jonathan didn’t answer, he instead softly, but seductively, kissed her again.

  “Well, what do we have here?”

  Jonathan and Clara had been so immersed in the moment that they hadn’t heard the man approach them from behind.