Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Page 9
“Why, don’t stop on my account. I’m quit enjoying the show.”
Jonathan turned to address the man. It was clear to Clara that he recognized him.
“Good evening Mr. Preston. If you’ll excuse us, we were just leaving.”
Mr. Preston put his hand on Jonathan’s chest to stop him. The movement took both he and Clara by surprise.
“I don’t think you two are going anyway just yet. You see, there’s some business that we must attend to.”
“I can’t imagine what business we would have at this hour. I will call on you first thing in the morning.”
Jonathan took Clara by the hand and tried to move around Mr. Preston, but was only greeted by five other men who had stepped out of the shadows.
Clara was starting to get a really bad feeling about the situation.
“Jonathan, what’s going on?”
Mr. Bentley stepped forward.
“Would you like to tell her or do you want me to? Very well, I’ll do it. You see Ms. Mitchell, it seems that Mr. Blake has broken the law.”
Clara looked up at Jonathan. “What is he talking about?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Mr. Preston addressed them again.
“Did you or did you not go to the President to ask permission to marry Ms. Mitchell? And, did the President not deny your request?”
Clara was shocked. “Is this true?”
Jonathan turned to look at Clara, pleading with her to understand.
“I did, but our fathers are going to petition the decision. I didn’t want to tell you until the decision was final. I was only trying to protect you.”
“You should’ve told me. I could’ve went to the President myself to plead our case.”
Mr. Preston let out a sarcastic laugh.
“You both could have pleaded until you were out of breath. It wouldn’t have mattered. You see Ms. Mitchell, you’re already spoken for.”
Clara was now starting to get angry. “What in the world are you talking about? I’m not promised to anyone.”
“Oh, but you are. You see, Jules claimed you for his own long before our boy here ever came into the picture. He has sent us to remind you who you belong to. Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, your choice.”
It was times like this that Jonathan wished he had his brothers’ killer instinct.
“If you will release us gentlemen, I will be sure to clear this matter with Jules tomorrow.”
Mr. Preston threw down the cigarette he had been smoking, and smiled.
“You’ve just made my night. I see that it’s going to be the hard way.”
Jonathan pushed Clara behind him.
“Let her go. This is between you and me.”
“You see, we can’t do that. Jules was adamant that she be taught a lesson as well.”
Mr. Preston nodded to Mr. Bentley who grabbed Clara and pinned her to his chest.
When Mr. Brently grabbed Clara, Jonathan saw red. “Let her go or I will...”
Mr. Preston was enjoying this. “Or you’ll do what, preacher boy?”
Clara gasped when Jonathan pulled a knife. She had no idea he even carried one.
Mr. Preston seemed annoyed. “Really, is that all you got? Now I’m just plain bored.”
He then pulled a gun, and without even so much as a flinch, he shot Jonathan in the stomach. Clara screamed and tried to break from Mr. Bentley, but his hold on her was too tight.
Clara watched as Mr. Preston spit on Jonathan’s body as he lay bleeding on the sidewalk.
“Now, you can watch us have a little fun with Clara before you die.”
Jonathan tried to struggle to get up, but another one of the men pinned him down with his foot. He was losing blood fast. Clara was screaming and fighting to get free, but her struggles were only in vain.
Mr. Preston walked over to her and ripped open her shirt to expose her. He then ran the knife Jonathan just held against her skin. Mr. Bentley placed his hand over Clara’s mouth to stifle her screams. It didn’t matter because nobody here would even
dare to step in and help her.
Clara was forced to endure each of them taking turns violating her. They never raped her, but to her they might as well have. Finally, Jules stepped out from the shadows.
“Enough! Let her go. It looks to me like she’s learned her lesson.”
Before they left her, Mr. Preston bent down and whispered in her ear, “I loved the way your body wriggled underneath mine. I only regret that we can’t finish this. Perhaps another time.”
Mr. Bentley let go of Clara who was still sobbing. Jules towered over her.
“You’re mine Clara. If you ever forget that again, I won’t stop them next time.”
Clara didn’t even watch him go. With what energy she could muster, she crawled over to Jonathan. She found him barely breathing.
“Hang on Jonathan. Don’t you die on me!”
Clara was pounding on Jonathan’s chest, but somewhere in her mind, she knew it was too late. With his last breath he was only
able to whisper a simple, “I’m sorry”.
Those were the last words Clara would ever hear Jonathan Blake speak.
Clara - Present day
I watch as Jackson punches the wall as hard as he can. I’m surprised he didn’t break his hand. He had asked me to tell him the truth. What did he expect?
“Feel better?”
“No. I wanted to know the truth even though I knew it would hurt. I’m sorry for what they put you through. I had no idea how far they took the attack. I’m beginning to understand now why you felt the need to fake your death.”
I nod in agreement. Telling him the story didn’t take the pain away, but it helped a little to finally share it with someone else.
“When I awoke in the hospital, my father was there by my side. I thought he would confront the President about what Jules had his men do to me, and for killing Jonathan. But, all he said is that it was best we forget it ever happened, and move on. My own father was telling me to forget that the love of my life had been murdered right before my eyes, and that he died in my arms. He wanted me to forget how those men had violated me. I couldn’t do it. I thought about committing suicide. I was actually going to do it to. I was standing on the ledge of an abandoned building, ready to jump, and end the pain, when Brina found me. She’s the one who came up with the idea of faking my death. She told me she would train me to protect myself, and to help me get revenge on the men who killed Jonathan. I never questioned how she knew about me, or how she even knew where find me. All I could think about was killing those men. I didn’t want to call it revenge. I liked the sound of retaliation much better. It became my motto as I trained to become a killer.”
It looked like Jackson was going to punch the wall again, so I was really confused when he instead pulled me into his arms.
I never really understood what all Clara had gone through, or what Jonathan must have been thinking as he watched the
love of his life being attacked, and being helpless to protect her.
When Clara was done with her story, all I could do was pull her into my arms. I needed her close to me. I needed to feel her in my arms, and to have her feel safe with me.
“I’m so sorry Clara. If only I had been there to stop them.”
“But you couldn’t have been. You couldn’t watch over him every second of the day. I want Jules to pay for this. I won’t stop until he’s dead.”
“It seems for once, that we want the same thing.”
I gently push the few stray hairs that had come out of her neat and tidy ponytail. She doesn’t shy away from my touch. She has been through so much. I want nothing more than to take her pain away. When her eyes met mine, I knew I was lost.
I can only whisper her name before my lips close over hers with immense passion, “Clara.”
Her body mol
ds to connect with mine, and I take that as an invitation. I gently push her up against the wall. She runs her fingers through my hair, and it’s almost my undoing. I reach up and undo her hair. I love the way it feels between my fingers. She moans softly in my ear, and I know there is no turning back. I reach down and pull her legs up to wrap around my torso. I’m ready to see this through and make her mine when my phone vibrates. I reluctantly pull back from her. I can see in her eyes that she is also starting to come back to reality.
“Are you going to answer that?”
I can’t answer her. It’s hard to think, much less find my voice. I gently put her feet down on the ground, and even though I don’t want to, I answer the phone.
“This better be a damn emergency, or someone is going to get throat punched.”
When Jackson set my feet back on the floor, I had to admit, I was a little disappointed. When the call came in, and he pulled away, I started to come back to reality. The problem is, I really don’t want to. I’m tired of hurting, and tired of the pain. I want to feel something. I need to feel something. The look on his face tells me the call isn’t a good one.
“What’s going on?”
“It’s Shade. She’s lost a lot of blood. They don’t know if she’ll make it through the night. I better go and tell Sgt. Jensen.”
All I can do is nod. “I’ll go with you.”
“Thank you.”
I follow him to Sgt. Jensen’s quarters. No surprise, he isn’t there. We find him already by Shade’s side. I place my hand on his shoulder. I know exactly what he’s feeling not knowing if she will live or die, and it breaks my heart.
“Seth, she’ll make it. She is one stubborn woman. I bet you that she defies death for no other reason but to spite it.”
He actually chuckles a little at my comment.
“You’re right Clara. That sounds like something she would do.”
“Listen, I’ll come back later to relieve you. I’ll sit with her for a while so you can get some rest.”
“Thank you, but I won’t be leaving this room until I know she’s going to be all right.”
“I wouldn’t expect you too. I’ll come and sit with her anyway if for nothing else but to keep you company.”
He smiles up at me briefly before turning back to stare at her.
I walk to the door, and turn back to watch Jackson says a few words to Sgt. Jensen. When he’s done, I say a quick goodnight and hurry out the door. I don’t know if he regrets our little moment earlier, and I don’t want to give him time to think about it.
Jackson - Present day
I couldn’t sleep at all that night. The story Clara told me only haunted my dreams. My body was also still reeling from our brief encounter in the hallway.
I had caught a glimpse of the old Clara as I watched her speak to Sgt. Jensen. I had fallen in love with the old Clara, but I lost my heart even more with the woman she’s become. I had always known there was more to her. I hated that death and pain are what brought it out of her, but she’s a survivor. I never want her to feel pain again. I’ll do everything in my power to keep her safe, and give her the retribution she seeks against the men who caused her pain.
I finally give up on any hopes of sleeping, and pull my restless body from my bed. Since I can’t sleep, I might as well get some work done, and check on Shade. With any luck, I can also steal a few moments alone with Clara. The thought of that only brings a smile to my face.
I finally convince Sgt. Jensen to rest his eyes for a bit while I sit with Shade. He now sleeps peacefully in the bed beside her. I truly hope that when she recovers, she realizes how much he cares for her.
It was another hour before I finally hear her stir a little. I can barely hear her utter one word, “water.”
I nod and go to fetch her a glass. I help her to sit up a little which is not an easy task as she curses at me the whole time. I finally get her in a comfortable position and hand her the glass.
“Easy Shade. Don’t drink too fast. You don’t want to make yourself sick.”
She gives me a look that tells me she doesn’t like being bossed around.
While she’s dutifully drinking the water, I take her temperature like Captain Adrian had taught me to do. Lucky for her, he’s a really good doctor. Sgt. Jensen told me that Captain Adrian had attended medical school before joining the assassins. I don’t know what made him leave his life behind, but I’m sure he had a good reason.
I check the thermometer, and I’m relieved to see that her fever has finally broken. The color in her face isn’t perfect, but it looks better than it did last night.
Shade hands me back the cup.
“Thank you.”
“No problem. It was only water. Can I get you anything else?”
“No, I mean thank you, for saving my life. I was such a bitch to you. You could’ve left me there to die, but you didn’t.”
“Well, it wasn’t just me. You have Nyx to thank as well. I would also hope that you would’ve done the same for me.”
She actually smiles at me. I didn’t know she was even capable of smiling. “You can count on me to have your back from now on.”
I can’t help it. I smile back at her. “Ditto.”
I see her gaze move toward a peacefully sleeping Sgt. Jensen.
“What’s he doing here?”
“He’s worried about you.”
“He didn’t have to sleep here. I’m sure there are more important things for him to do than to watch me sleep.”
“Oh, I don’t think he would agree with that.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I think you two have a lot of talking to do when you’re up for it. It’s not my place to say.”
I see her glance over at Sgt. Jensen again, the realization settles over her face. I can’t believe she’s been so blind to how he feels about her.
The feel of a presence behind me brings me out of my thoughts, and before Shade can address him, I already know who it is.
“Good morning General.”
“Sgt. Shade. You’re looking better. I think it’s safe to say you’ll live to see another day.”
“General, I’m sorry about my actions. I wanted to prove myself to you and the team, but it was as if he knew that we were coming. He took me by surprise, and that has never happened before.”
I watch as Jackson struggles with his next words. I know he wants to have her transferred to another command post, but he would lose Sgt. Jensen too. I know it pains him to swallow his pride, and let things go.
“I think in light of things, you’ve learned your lesson. If you can promise me never to go rogue again, you can stay on here.”
“Yes sir. You have my word.”
I watch Major Phoenix enter the room. He says a quick greeting to Shade, and tells her he’s glad that she will make it, and then he pulls Jackson from the room.
I see Sgt. Jensen waking, and I take it as my queue to leave them alone. Before I walk out of the door, I hear Shade’s voice behind me.
“He’s in love with you, you know. Make sure you treat him well.”
All I can do is nod. I don’t know what else to say to that.
As I make my way back to my quarters, I stop short at the site in front of me. Jackson has his back to the wall, one leg pulled up, bent at the knee, and his arms crossed. He’s looking at me like I’m his prey. I don’t know what comes over me, but before he can move, I cross the distance between us, and I press my lips against his.
I swear if anyone calls me at this moment, I’ll kill them. I’m taken by surprise when Clara makes the first move this time. I was afraid she had thought last night was a mistake. I’m happy to find out she doesn’t think it was a mistake at all.
Somehow I manage to get her bedroom door open, and lock it behind me. I don’t want to
take any chances of being disturbed again.
I have to remind myself to take it slow with her. I’ve dreamed of this day for so long now that it’s hard not to just take her. Even when I thought she was dead, I still dreamed about her. Now here she is, and I’m finally going to live out my fantasy.
I pick her up and gently set her on top of her desk. I slowly unzip her hoodie, and find that it only covers a white tank top. I notice she’s wearing a pair of sweat pants, and I think how easy it would be to pull them down. I have to tell myself again to slow down.
I let the hoodie drop to the floor, and I gently place my lips to her neck. I want to kiss every inch of her. Of course, that may have to be round two, as I’m about to lose my self-control.
She pushes me back a little. At first I’m afraid she’s changed her mind, but then I smile when I realize that she wants to do some exploring of her own.
Jackson is acting like a greedy kid with a new toy. I’m new at this, but I know what I want, and I want to see him. I gently push him away from me. I see the confusion in his eyes at first, and then the passion when he realizes what I want. I pull his t-shirt over his head. I’ve seen him bare chested before, but this time I can truly appreciate the view in front of me.
I lightly run my hands over his chest and abs. I run my fingers lightly over the three scars on his stomach. I can only imagine where he got them. I feel him shake a little, and I love that I have an effect on him. I reach down to undo his jeans, but he stops me.
“Now, now, we must be fair about things. I seem to be missing a top, but you’re not.”
I lean back, and lift my arms to help him remove my shirt. He lets out a small string of curses when he notices that I’m wearing a bra. I chuckle a little at his annoyance. I don’t think he realizes how sexy he is when he’s pouting. Of course my chuckle is gone when he has my bra off in the blink of an eye. He holds it up, and dangles it in front of me, while wearing a cocky grin. I can’t help but laugh. I watch the bra slip off his fingers and my eyes follow it to the floor.
He leans in, and begins to explore my body even more. I don’t know how much more I can take, and we still have our pants on. The passion between us is undeniable. I watch as his lips leave my breasts to reclaim my lips. I don’t remember him moving us to the bed, and at this moment, I really don’t care.