Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Page 10
I feel Clara shudder beneath me as I remove her sweat pants. I let my lips follow along as they leave her legs. I can’t help but stare down at her. She is so beautiful that it pains me to even look at her.
I reach for her panties, but she stops me, and points to my pants. I chuckle a little. She’s a demanding little thing. Of course, I’m happy to oblige, but I soon find out that she wants to participate.
I don’t fight her when she pushes me onto my back, and proceeds to rid me of my pants. I try to control my breathing as she pushes not only my pants, but my underwear off and drops them to the floor.
“Clara, you’re not playing fair.”
“I never once said that I play fair.”
She lets out a surprise gasp as I catch her off guard, and have her pinned on her back. I feel her beneath me, and I can’t take anymore. I want her to be ready for me. I don’t want to hurt her. From what she told me, she’s still a virgin. I want her first time to be a pleasant experience. I want to take away the pain she felt when those men had violated her.
I keep her arms lightly pinned behind above her head. With my other hand, I explore her body. She starts to wriggle beneath me, and lifts her body upward in ecstasy. She knows what she wants, but she doesn’t know how to tell me. I will most certainly give her what she wants. I reach down and remove her panties. When I part her legs and explore her, she becomes wild with passion.
I hear her whisper, “Please.”
“Please what?”
“Take me Jackson. I want to feel you. I need to feel you.”
Hearing my name from her lips, and knowing that she’s thinking of me at this moment is all I need. She’s asking me to take her. I’m an obliging man, so I do what she asks me to do, and I finally enter her slowly, and make her mine.
Jules - Present day
“Thank you for coming on such short notice.”
“Did I have a choice?”
“I didn’t think so. What do you want from me Jules?”
“You need to watch your tone. You always were one for back talking authority. Perhaps I should teach you a lesson about respecting those in power.”
“You can do whatever you want to me. We both know that I don’t have a choice in the matter.”
“Oh, you have a choice. However, I think you prefer to help me out, versus the alternative.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“I need you to meet with Clara Mitchell.”
“Yeah, there is just one problem with that. She is six feet in the ground, or in your insanity, did you forget that.”
“That’s your final warning. Talk to me in that tone again, and I’ll go back on our deal. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I understand you.”
“Now, to answer your question, no I didn’t forget that she’s dead, or supposed to be dead. Our Clara is very much alive, and well. It seems she faked her own death.”
“What do you want me to do about it? If you know where to find her, why not just go and get her?”
“It’s not that easy. In case you haven’t noticed, there are a number of my father’s men whose bodies are starting to pile up. It seems our once dear sweet Clara has become somewhat of a killer. I need her taken by surprise. She trusts you. I need you to find her, and get her to let her guard down. If you do this, I’ll consider your debt paid. Don’t give me that look. Do you think she thought about you at all when she decided to fake her death? No, she didn’t. She couldn’t give two shits about you, so don’t fool yourself into thinking she does now.”
“I don’t blame her. With Jonathan’s murder, the brutal attack on her, and then her father turning her back on her, it’s no wonder she wanted to disappear.”
“Think whatever you want, you will fetch her for me, or not only will your precious fiancé die, I’ll kill your entire family. Now, if you do this, like I said, your debt is paid in full, and you can go and live happily ever after knowing your fiancé will live for many years to come. Do we have a deal or not?”
“Yes, we have a deal.”
“I had a feeling you’d see it my way.”
“I don’t even know where to find her?”
“I have a feeling she will be making an appearance at Jonathan’s church soon. It’s been confirmed by the current preacher that she’s been there to visit recently. It seems she pays a visit at least once a month to donate her money to those worthless lower class people. By my calculations, she’s overdue. Your job is to visit every day from now until she turns up. Don’t worry about your job, I’ll see that it’s there when your task is accomplished. There’s just one thing I want to make clear. If you try to warn her in anyway or fail to identify her to your escort, I’ll kill your fiancé on the spot. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I understand you perfectly.”
“Good, now get going. You have a church to go to, and an old friend to visit.”
Clara - Present day
As I slowly start to wake, I can feel his arms wrapped tightly around me. He’s holding me so tight, it’s as if he’s afraid to let go of me.
I roll over so that I’m now facing him. As far as I can tell, he’s still asleep. I take this time to gaze over his face. I don’t know how I missed it before, but there are subtle differences between him and his brother. I will always love Jonathan, but I feel my heart healing a little by being with Jackson. He’s dangerous, cocky, and spontaneous. He’s everything Jonathan wasn’t. It’s hard to believe that identical twins can be so different. Jonathan would have never done to me the things Jackson did to me last night.
The thought of last night, and what happened between us brings a reminder of my sore body. Making love the first time had hurt, but after the third time early this morning, the pain has subsided, leaving me wanting more.
I can’t help myself, and I smile.
“Are you going to lie there smiling and staring at me, or are you going to kiss me good morning?”
Insufferable man. His eyes are still closed. How did he know I was smiling at him?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not smiling.”
“Oh yes you are.”
“But your eyes are closed. How do you know what I’m doing?”
“Trust me, after what I did to you last night, you’re smiling.”
In spite of his egotistical remark, I laugh.
“Well excuse me, cocky much? I must’ve not done a very good job with my part, because I don’t see you smiling.”
“I’m sure with a little more practice, you’ll have me smiling in no time. Owe! What was that for?”
“You know I’m only teasing. If I could make love to you all day, every day, then I would. In case you haven’t noticed, you’ve worn me out. I’m also not smiling, because we have to get up and get our day going. Our day off is over. It’s time to we got back to training.”
“Well, by my clock we technically we have twenty minutes before we need to be up.”
I see his eyes open wide as he smiles back at me.
“Well then why didn’t you say something sooner, why are we wasting time talking then?”
He doesn’t even give me a chance to answer him.
Waking up with Clara in my arms was more than I could have ever hoped for. I have dreamed of this moment for so long, it almost doesn’t seem real.
After making love for the fourth time, I watch as she climbs out of bed, and heads to the shower. I love watching her bare bottom walk away from me. Of course I would like it better if it were back in bed with me.
The last thing I want to do is leave this bed, but unfortunately duty calls. We’re getting closer to making our next move. Once we eliminate the threats on our list, we can proceed with the next phase of our plan. I realize that Clara doesn’t know the full history o
f what lead our country to become what it is today, and what lead us to become assassins. I make a mental note to explain it all to her, and soon. I don’t want any more secrets between us.
I check the hallway to make sure nobody’s around, and then I sneak out of Clara’s room. We both agreed that it’s best to keep our relationship secret for a while. After a quick shower, I head into the dining facility. As I enter, my men stop talking. It’s suddenly so quiet in the room that you could hear a pin drop.
Major Phoenix is the first to speak. “Good morning General.”
“Morning Major.”
I then notice the smirk on Nyx’s face.
“Did you sleep all right General?”
“I did. Why are you asking?”
“Oh, no reason.”
He winks at me, and the rest of the men snicker. I realize that attempting to keep what happened between Clara and I last night a secret was useless. It seems someone must have overheard us, and instead of keeping it to themselves, they have decided to make it common knowledge.
“Shut up. If you giggling twits have so much energy this morning, then it looks like we need to kick our training up a notch today.”
That definitely got their attention. They may be crass at times, but they know better than to say a word to Clara when she walks in. It doesn’t matter though, as she can already tell by the atmosphere in the room that something’s up. She looks over at me, and all I have to do is nod, and she knows that our little secret is out. To her credit, she doesn’t turn red or seem the least bit concerned about it. The Clara I used to know would’ve been bothered by it. I’m in awe at how strong she’s become. In this line of work, you can’t be weak. Being weak only serves in getting you killed.
I can tell that Jackson is making his men suffer for whatever comments they made at breakfast about us before I had joined them. However, I also have to pay for their stupidity.
After two straight hours of a hard core work out, Jackson finally lets us take a break. Nobody says a word as we all collapse onto the ground in a state of exhaustion.
“Well, this is a sorry bunch of assassins if I ever saw any.”
I recognize that voice. But, it can’t be. Before I can look up to confirm my suspicions, I hear Jackson respond to the newcomer.
“Tell me about it. I keep trying to make men out of them, but I’m no miracle worker. I think you’re my only success story.”
I hear a lot of mumbled sarcastic comments from the others around me. I then hear Jackson and the other man laugh. I find the strength to raise my head, and just as I suspected, I’m staring at my old classmate, Braden Jacobs.
Braden stops talking when he finally notices me.
“Holy shit, I thought I was only hearing rumors. Clara Mitchell is really alive, and here training to be an assassin.”
I give a little wave. Not sure what else to do or say in this situation, and to be honest, I’m too tired to do anything else.
Braden walks over to me and puts his hand out to help me up.
“Hello Clara.”
I let him pull me to my feet, and before I can say a word, he embraces me. He lets me go, and starts talking excitedly.
“Man am I glad to see you alive. You smell like death, but you’re alive. You have to tell me everything? I really want to hear how you came to be here. I just can’t picture you as an assassin.”
Jackson comes over to join us.
“Our little Clara here has you fooled. It seems she was already quite the assassin before coming to us. Remember the renegade we were looking for?”
“Well, here she is.”
I can see the disbelief cross Braden’s face. He only remembers me as the sweet and innocent Clara that once put our class in an uproar to save a poor defenseless mouse that had accidentally found his way into our classroom.
“No shit. I’m sorry Clara, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around this.”
With Braden in shock, I’m finally able to get a word in.
“It’s good to see you too Braden. You were the last person I expected to see here, but now thinking back on the night of our casting ceremony, I see that you staged it all.”
Jackson had filled me in between our other activities last night about how he had become the General of the assassins. Now I wonder how many others selected for the lower class belonged to this group.
“I couldn’t stand back and not do anything to try and change things. When I was approached about joining the assassins, I jumped at the chance, even if it meant leaving those I cared for behind.”
When Braden mentioned leaving those he cared for behind, I notice how his eyes lock intensely with mine. He couldn’t be talking about me. We were friends, but nothing more, hell we weren’t even really close friends. Sure I thought he was the best looking guy in our class with his wavy golden locks and hazel eyes, but I never entertained the idea of there being an “us”. I decide to shake it off. After all, I’m physically and mentally tired. I’m in desperate need of a hot shower.
“If you’ll excuse me gentlemen, Braden is right, I do smell like death. I need to hit the showers before our meeting.”
Braden put his hand on my arm to stop me.
“It’s good to see you again.”
I give him a weak smile. “It’s good to see you too.”
I know Jackson is busy, so I didn’t expect to hear his voice behind me before I reach my quarters.
“You know, the shower will go twice as fast if you let me wash your back?”
“Hmm, it’s an interesting concept, but I think it will actually take twice as long.”
“How do you figure that?”
“Well, it seems that you can’t resist me.”
He gives me that mischievous sexy smile that I’m growing quite fond of.
“Why love, you better be careful, you’re starting to sound like me.”
“We can’t have that now, can we? Two oversized egos won’t fit in the shower at the same time.”
“Want to bet on it?”
That’s my Jackson, he loves a challenge, and you know what, I lost that bet.
Jackson - Present day
I feel like I’m starting to become a softie. Having Clara here is turning me into a love struck puppy. After our very steamy shower together, I had to get away and clear my head. As much as I enjoy having her around, I can’t lose my edge. Too much is at stake for me to get distracted from the mission. Of course I won’t give up my alone time with her either. I just need to find a good balance.
I’m lost deep in thought when Captain Adrian finds me.
“Yes Captain.”
“The Leader is requesting your presence in the command center.”
“Very well Captain. Let him know that I’ll be right there.”
I watch him salute me, and walk in the direction of the command center. I take a deep breath, and follow him to see what our mysterious Leader wants now.
I greet a blurred screen. Someday, it would be nice to know who we’re working and sacrificing our lives, and the lives of others for.
“General Blake. I heard about the commotion with Mr. Preston. I trust Sgt. Shade will make a full recovery.”
“Yes sir, she’s in stable condition.”
“Good. How did our newest recruit hold up?”
I give our Leader a brief overview of everything that happened. I left out a few minor details about Clara going renegade. He doesn’t need to know everything that goes on here.
“It sounds like she’s turning out to be a valuable asset to your team.”
“Yes Sir, she is.”
“Glad to hear it. I have a new mission for you. This will only require yourself, and the services of your sniper Colonel Donavan. Our target will be mobile this evening. I’ll get you a clear shot.”
“He’ll be expecting us. I’m sure his security will be double
“Like I said, I’ll get you a shot.”
“Count us in then.”
Without another word, the monitor goes dark, and just like that I have another mission.
When Jackson had filled me in about his mission tonight, I asked to go with him. I didn’t push the issue when he said no. I owed him that much. I won’t always be so obedient, but after what I put him through the other night, he gets to win this round. Instead of sulking in my room, I decide to go check on Shade.
“Hey gimp, how’s it going?”
“Shut up smart ass.”
This was how it was between us now. We’ve found a mutual respect, and understanding between us. I know better than to pity her, so I’ve taken to giving her sarcasm, and she happily returns it. Knowing her personality, our little banter is actually helping her to recover.
“Where’s your nurse?”
“What nurse?”
“You know, the tall, dark, and handsome one that won’t leave your side for a second.”
“Oh yeah, that one. I sent him to get something to eat. It wasn’t easy, I had to sign a contract stating that I wouldn’t up and die while he was gone.”
“He cares for you.”
“I know.”
“But you don’t return his feelings?”
“It’s not that. It’s just that I’ve never thought about him like that before. It’s all still new. He’s growing on me though. Even with his pushy ways.”
I laugh. I think we’re both doomed to care for pushy men. “You have to admit though, that his broodiness is a little sexy.”
At first she gives me a smirk, but then she relents and smiles. She seems to be smiling a lot more lately, and I like this side of her a whole lot better than when we first met.