Pictures and Stories from Uncle Tom's Cabin Read online
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The purpose of the Editor of this little Work, has been to adapt it forthe juvenile family circle. The verses have accordingly been written bythe Authoress for the capacity of the youngest readers, and have beenprinted in a large bold type. The prose parts of the book, which arewell suited for being read aloud in the family circle, are printed in asmaller type, and it is presumed that in these our younger friends willclaim the assistance of their older brothers or sisters, or appeal tothe ready aid of their mamma.
JANUARY, 1853.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by JOHN P. JEWETT AND COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.
Published by John P. Jewett & Co., Boston.
Come read my book good boys and girls That live on freedom's ground, With pleasant homes, and parents dear, And blithesome playmates round; And you will learn a woeful tale, Which a good woman told, About the poor black negro race, How they are bought and sold.
Within our own America Where these bad deeds are done, A father and a mother lived Who had a little son; As slaves, they worked for two rich men, Whose fields were fair and wide-- But Harry was their only joy, They had no child beside.
Now Harry's hair was thick with curls And softly bright his eyes, And he could play such funny tricks And look so wondrous wise,
Oh children dear, 'twas sad to hear, That for the trader's gold, To that hard-hearted evil man Her own sweet boy was sold.]
That all about the rich man's house Were pleased to see him play, Till a wicked trader buying slaves Came there one winter day.
The trader and the rich man sat Together, at their wine, When in poor simple Harry slipped In hopes of something fine. He shewed them how the dandy danced, And how old Cudjoe walked, Till loud they laughed and gave him grapes, And then in whispers talked.
The young child knew not what they said, But at the open door Eliza, his poor mother, stood, With heart all sick and sore. Oh children dear, 'twas sad to hear, That for the trader's gold, To that hard-hearted evil man Her own sweet boy was sold.
And he would take him far away, To where the cotton grew, And sell him for a slave to men More hard and wicked too. She knew that none would heed his woe, His want, or sickness there, Nor ever would she see his face, Or hear his evening prayer.
So when the house was all asleep, And when the stars were bright, She took her Harry in her arms, And fled through that cold night:-- Away through bitter frost and snow Did that poor mother flee; And how she fared, and what befell, Read on, and you shall see.
Before setting out, Eliza took a piece of paper and a pencil, and wrotehastily the following note to her kind mistress, who had tried in vainto save little Harry from being sold:--
"Oh missus! dear missus! don't think me ungrateful; don't think hard ofme. I am going to try to save my boy; you will not blame me! God blessand reward you for all your kindness!"
Hastily folding and directing this, she went to a drawer and made up alittle package of clothing for her boy, which she tied firmly round herwaist; and so fond is a mother's remembrance, that even in the terrorsof that hour she did not forget to put up in the little package one ortwo of his favourite toys.
On the bed lay her slumbering boy, his long curls falling negligentlyaround his unconscious face, his rosy mouth half open, his little fathands thrown out over the bed-clothes, and a smile spread like a sunbeamover his whole face. "Poor boy! poor fellow!" said Eliza, "they havesold you, but your mother will save you yet."
It was some trouble to arouse the little sleeper; but after some efforthe sat up, and began playing with his wooden bird, while his mother wasputting on her bonnet and shawl.
"Where are you going, mother?" said he, as she drew near the bed withhis little coat and cap.
His mother drew near, and looked so earnestly into his eyes, that he atonce divined that something unusual was the matter.
"Hush, Harry," she said; "mustn't speak loud, or they will hear us. Awicked man was coming to take little Harry away from his mother, andcarry him 'way off in the dark; but mother won't let him--she's going toput on her little boy's cap and coat, and run off with him, so the uglyman can't catch him."
Saying these words, she had tied and buttoned on the child's simpleoutfit, and taking him in her arms, she whispered to him to be verystill; and, opening the door, she glided noiselessly out.
It was a sparkling, frosty, starlight night, and the mother wrapped theshawl close round her child, as, perfectly quiet with terror, he clunground her neck.
At first the novelty and alarm kept him waking; but after they had gonea considerable way, poor Harry said, as he found himself sinking tosleep--
"Mother I don't need to keep awake, do I?"
"No, my darling; sleep now, if you want to."
"But, mother, if I do get asleep, you won't let him get me?"
"No! so may God help me!" said his mother with a paler cheek, and abrighter light in her large dark eyes.
"You're _sure_, an't you, mother?"
"Yes, _sure_!" said the mother, in a voice that startled herself; for itseemed to her to come from a spirit within, that was no part of her; andthe boy dropped his little weary head on her shoulder, and was soonasleep.
When morning came, as poor Harry complained of hunger and thirst, shesat down behind a large rock, which hid them from the road, and gave hima breakfast out of her little package. The boy wondered and grieved thatshe could not eat, and when putting his arms round her neck he tried toforce some of his cake into her mouth, it seemed to her that the risingin her throat would choke her.
"No, no, Harry, darling! mother can't eat till you are safe! We must goon--on--till we come to the river." And she hurried again into the roadand proceeded on her journey.
When the trader came to take away Harry, he was in a great rage, becauseneither the boy nor his mother could be found. The master who sold himwas also very angry, and ordered two of his negroes, called Andy andSam, to bring out two of the swiftest horses, and help the trader topursue Eliza, and take Harry from her. Andy and Sam did not like thatwork, but being slaves, they dare not disobey. However, they did whatthey could to detain the trader; for, pretending to be in great haste,they squalled for this and that, and frightened the horses, till theyran off over hedges and ditches, with Andy and Sam after them, laughingtill their sides ached as soon as they got out of sight. The trader allthe while stood cur
sing and swearing, like a wicked man as he was.
When the horses were caught, they were so tired with their race, that hewas fain to let them stay and rest till dinner-time. But whendinner-time came, Chloe the cook, of whom you will hear more in thecourse of the story, spilled one dish, kept another long in baking; andso the trader did not get his dinner till it was late in the afternoon.
The horses were brought out at last, and he set off with Sam and Andy inpursuit of poor Harry and his mother. They had gone a great way by thistime, and Eliza's feet were sore with walking all the night and day, andHarry was ready to lie down and sleep on the snow. As the sun wassetting, they came in sight of the great river Ohio. There was no bridgeover it. People crossed in boats in the summer time, and in winter onthe thick ice, with which it was always covered. Now it was the month ofFebruary. The ice had broken, because spring was near. The river wasswollen over all its banks, and no boatman would venture on it. Therewas a little inn hard by, and there poor Eliza hoped to get a littlerest for herself and Harry, who was now fast asleep in her arms. She hadjust sat down by the fire, when, who should ride into the yard but thetrader and his guides. The swift horses had brought them much quickerthan she and Harry could walk, but the weary mother would not lose herchild. She darted out with him that moment, and the verses will tell youby what means she escaped.
From her resting-place by the trader chased, Through the winter evening cold, Eliza came with her boy at last, Where a broad deep river rolled.
Great blocks of the floating ice were there, And the water's roar was wild, But the cruel trader's step was near, Who would take her only child.
Poor Harry clung around her neck, But a word he could not say, For his very heart was faint with fear, And with flying all that day.
Her arms about the boy grew tight, With a loving clasp, and brave; "Hold fast! Hold fast, now, Harry dear, And it may be God will save."
From the river's bank to the floating ice She took a sudden bound, And the great block swayed beneath her feet With a dull and heavy sound.
So over the roaring rushing flood, From block to block she sprang, And ever her cry for God's good help Above the waters rang.
And God did hear that mother's cry, For never an ice-block sank; While the cruel trader and his men Stood wondering on the bank.
A good man saw on the farther side, And gave her his helping hand; So poor Eliza, with her boy, Stood safe upon the land.
A blessing on that good man's arm, On his house, and field, and store; May he never want a friendly hand To help him to the shore!
A blessing on all that make such haste, Whatever their hands can do! For they that succour the sore distressed, Our Lord will help them too.
When the two negroes saw Eliza's escape, they began to laugh and cheer;on which the trader chased them with his horsewhip, cursing and swearingas usual. But he could not get over the river, and went in very badtemper to spend that night at the little inn, determined to get a boat,if possible, and catch Harry in the morning. The man who had helpedEliza up the river's bank, showed her a pretty white house at somedistance, where a kind gentleman and his wife lived. The dark night hadfallen, the tea-cups were on the table, and the fires were bright inkitchen and parlour, when the poor mother, all wet and weary, her feetcut by the sharp ice (for she had lost her shoes in the river), walkedin, with Harry still in her arms. Before she could ask for shelter, shedropped down fainting on the floor. The good people of the housethought she was dead, and raised a terrible alarm. Mr. and Mrs. Bird raninto the kitchen to see what had happened. They were good, kind people,and great in that place, for Mr. Bird was a member of the AmericanParliament. He kept slaves himself, and tried to think it was no sin. Hehad even been trying that very night, in conversation with his wife, todefend a law lately passed, which forbade any one to give shelter topoor runaway slaves. But Mrs. Bird would listen to no defence of such alaw, and said, "It is a shameful, wicked, and abominable law, and I'llbreak it for one the first time I have a chance, and I hope I shall havea chance too. I know nothing about politics, but I can read my Bible,and there I see that I must feed the hungry, clothe the naked, andcomfort the desolate; and that Bible I mean to follow. No, no, John,said she, you may talk all night, but you would not do what you say.Would you now turn away a poor, shivering, hungry creature from yourdoor because he was a runaway? Would you, now?"
Now, if the truth must be told, Mr. Bird was a very kind man, and couldnot in his heart give a very decided reply to his wife; and it was justat this moment that poor Eliza and little Harry came to his door. As wesaid, Mr. and Mrs. Bird ran to the kitchen to see what had happened.They found poor Eliza just recovering from her faint. She stared wildlyround her for a moment, and then sprang to her feet, saying, "Oh! myHarry! have you got him?" The boy at this ran to her, and put his armsround her neck. "Oh! he's here, he's here!" she exclaimed. And then shecried wildly to Mrs. Bird, "O, ma'am, do protect us, don't let them gethim!"
"Nobody shall hurt you here, poor woman," said Mrs. Bird. "You are safe;don't be afraid."
"God bless you," said the woman, covering her face and sobbing, whilepoor little Harry, seeing her crying, tried to get into her lap.
With many gentle and womanly offices which no one knew better how torender than Mrs. Bird, the poor woman was rendered more calm. Atemporary bed was provided for her near the fire; and after a shorttime, Eliza, faint and weary with her long journey, fell into a heavyslumber, with little Harry soundly sleeping on her arm.
"I wonder who and what she is," said Mr. Bird, when he had gone back tothe parlour with his wife.
"When she wakes and feels a little rested, we shall see," said Mrs.Bird, who began to busy herself with her knitting.
Mr. Bird took up a newspaper, and pretended to be reading it, but it wasnot long before he turned to his wife and said, "I say, wife, couldn'tshe wear one of your gowns; and there's that old cloak that you keep onpurpose to put over me when I take my afternoon's nap, you might giveher that; she needs clothes."
Mrs. Bird simply replied, "We'll see;" but a quiet smile passed over herface as she remembered the conversation they had had together that verynight before Eliza and little Harry came to their door.
After an hour or two, Eliza awoke, and Mr. and Mrs. Bird again went tothe kitchen. As they entered, poor Eliza lifted her dark eyes, and fixedthem on Mrs. Bird, with such a forlorn and imploring expression, thatthe tears came into the kind-hearted woman's eyes.
"You need not be afraid of anything; we are friends here, poor woman!Tell me where you came from, and what you want?" said she.
"I came from Kentucky," said poor Eliza.
"And what induced you to run away?" said Mrs. Bird.
The woman looked up with a keen, scrutinising glance, and it did notescape her that Mrs. Bird was dressed in deep mourning.
"Ma'am," she said, suddenly, "have you ever lost a child?"
The question was unexpected, and it was a thrust on a new wound; for itwas only a month since a darling child of the family had been laid inthe grave.
Mr. Bird turned round and walked to the window, and Mrs. Bird burst intotears; but, recovering her voice, she said--
"Why do you ask that? I have lost a little one."
"Then you will feel for me. I have lost two, one after another--leftthem buried there when I came away; and I had only this one left. Inever slept a night without him; he was all I had. He was my comfort andpride day and night; and, ma'am, they were going to take him away fromme--to _sell_ him--a baby that had never been away from his mother inhis life! I couldn't stand it, ma'am. I knew I never should be good foranything if they di
d; and when I knew the papers were signed and he wassold, I took him and came off in the night, and they chased me--the manthat bought him and some of master's folks, and they were coming downright behind me, and I heard them--I jumped right on to the ice, and howI got across I don't know, but first I knew a man was helping me up thebank."
"Crossed on the ice?" cried every one present.
"Yes," said poor Eliza, slowly. "I did, God helping me. I crossed on theice, for they were behind me--right behind--and there was no other way!"
All around were affected to tears by Eliza's story.
Mr. Bird himself, to hide his feelings, had to turn away, and becameparticularly busy in wiping his spectacle-glasses and blowing his nose.
After a short pause, Mrs. Bird asked:--
"And where do you mean to go to, my poor woman?"
"To Canada if I only knew where that was. Is it very far off ma'am?"said she, looking up with a simple and confiding air to Mrs. Bird'sface.
"Poor woman," said Mrs. Bird, "it is much further off than you think;but we will try to think what can be done for you. Here Dinah," said sheto one of the servants, "make her up a bed in your own room close by thekitchen, and I'll think what to do for her in the morning. Meanwhile,never fear poor woman, put your trust in God, He will protect you."
Mrs. Bird and her husband re-entered the parlour. She sat down in herlittle rocking chair before the fire, swinging it thoughtfully to andfro. Mr. Bird strode up and down the room, grumbling to himself. Atlength, striding up to his wife, he said:--
"I say, wife, she'll have to get away from here this very night. Thattrader fellow will be down after her early to-morrow morning."