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Page 12
Towards Riku’s affirmation, the one hundred seventy-seven peoples---- no, even
ShuVi who was at his side looked at him with round eyes.
“Well, the victory condition is~... even if I resume it al and say it, it’s so severe that you all wil start spacing out, but...”
But Riku, with a smile like a child who succeed in a prank, accepted---- and
----When he was a child, he thought that the world was much simpler.
There aren’t any competitions which can’t be won, and hard work wil definitely
pay off. Everything was possible.
That was the ignorant and foolish thinking of a child that didn’t know anything.
Looking at the world with such pure and unclouded eyes and thinking that, is
that wrong-----
“This world... was a really simple [game].”
----I knew it----I wasn't wrong.
“The Gods are just doing whatever they feel like seeking the Throne of Sole
God[Star Grail], while enjoying the game with an everything goes rule.”
Riku thought---- the story is simple then, right?
“Then---- here too, we should just create the rules the way we want it.”
While saying that, Riku played with a chess piece on his hand---- and looked at
ShuVi said that she wanted to know the answer that Riku’s [Heart] showed.
Then let’s answer---- After saying that, Riku saw ShuVi nodding.
Laughing fearlessly---- he announced the (answer)
---- The reasoning is, if you kil you will be kil ed. At heart, it’s because I don't want to kil anyone.
---- The reasoning is, if you let someone die you will die. At heart, it’s because I don't want to let anyone die.
---- The reasoning is, if you are perceived you wil die.
----At heart, if you're not perceived, no matter what il egal method is used it won't be seen as il egal.
---- The reasoning is, if you share their stage it wil be certain defeat. At heart, it’s because this kil each other thing should just eat shit.
---- The reasoning is, rules that aren’t enforced are meaningless.
---- At heart, it’s because there’s no worth to be felt, in a victory that opposes any of those.
And that’s all---- of the doing it the way I want.
At the answer (rules) given by Riku’s [Heart]---- Riku looked once again at the
one hundred seventy-seven peoples.
“We are [Ghosts]---- Without kil ing even a single one person, from any of the
races, including the Old Deus. Not even being perceived. Only---- [by inducing
the war situation]---- we will end this war.”
An emotional rule, exactly what’s appropriate to be called a “child’s nonsense”.
But at the same time, if it’s to end the war with just a human body, then there’s
no other way.
Ending the war with just a human body---- because that by itself is already a
“child’s nonsense”.
“It doesn’t even need to be said but, if we fail it wil be our annihilation.
Guarantees are, well~ absolutely useless. There’s a talking wolf inducing the
situation of the war----if just this fact even enters the vision of those guys,
certainly everything wil be over.”
In short---- Riku summarized.
“The Great War’s end (win), or our downfall (lose). It’s a gamble of all or nothing, without draws or renunciations.”
And then Riku let everyone take a peek at his “true nature”, something that no
one in that place ever did.
“The enemy is [God], the embodiment of despair, with a violence that sear
through the heaven and earth. The chances of victory are on the far end of one
in a one hundred quintil ion. Since making everything succeed while acting in
converts is our victory condition, then even if we win, it won’t remain in anyone’s
memory, nor in any records, neither wil it be talked about. We are [Ghosts] and
as such, [Ghosts] don’t talk. But you know, if----“
After defining this crazy insane world as a [game] and doing maneuvers to
challenge it, with an exceptional smile,
“If, we really accomplish this [game]... If we manage to [win]----”
He let out, as if defining it.
“Don’t you think that, we would be able to proudly die, knowing that we lived
cooler than anyone else?”
....... Well then.
“I want only the guys that want to start such a [game]---- to remain in this place.”
After finishing saying everything, Riku closed his eyes and waited for the
He smiled bitterly inside. There aren’t many people---- idiots, which would join
such a [game] out there.
The folks that Riku choose---- all of them without exception, are possessors of
superior intelligence and skil s.
Many times they ended in the verge of death, and those many times they
survived---- looking from the dwarves’ viewpoint they are worthless garbage.
Even while being garbage, they are owners of extraordinary ability---- that’s why,
Riku smiled bitterly inside.
----Probably, no one wil remain right. They aren’t insane. If it’s about being
stupid, then I alone am enough.
If it goes to that then, it can’t be helped. At the worst, with ShuVi---- we wil show that we’l make it happen with just the two of us.
The chances of victory are on the far end of null, so far that goes beyond the
cold horizon of Nirvana.
......Well, to be honest I haven’t thought of many plans that we can do something
about it with just the two of us, but…
Even so-----
While thinking that, after counting a few minutes, he opened his eyes.
“.......Ahh~ I’l be honest okay?”
Riku said towards everyone there that had an amazed face as if asking until
when he would keep his eyes closed.
He said towards the one hundred seventy-seven folks----- in other words,
towards the result of zero withdrawers.
“You guys, I thought you were a little cleverer than that, but…”
To that Riku---- the one hundred seventy-seven [ghosts] smiled bitterly, and said.
“Hey hey General, don’t come out with a wrong reading from the very start
alright, the future wil look bleak you know?”
“Riku-san, you said clever humans but---- at this point do you stil think that
there’s such a thing in this world?”
“Crazy insane? Something more insane than this world, it’s too late for it to exist
“If they are clever then, they would choose death in this world. And the cleverest
ones, would choose to not even be born...”
“The ones here---- Are the ones who came and survived until today---- Riku, it’s
the ones you chose you know.”
Or something like that, everyone nodded while laughing.
“It’s that thing, the representative of the fools doing his selection, isn’t it.”
Smiling bitterly---- Riku laughed. Right, it’s exactly that.
----Humans are fools.
It’s exactly becau
se they are fools, that they avoid being kil ed by that
foolishness by polishing their knowledge, their wisdom.
The ones what survived until today---- In a world without any worth in living,
even so they survived.
The ones who betted al their knowledge, wisdom and skil s for that sake-
----The proud fools, if they aren’t the venerable weak, then what would they be?
“Unintentionally being born in this world.”
“Meaninglessly living while sipping mud.”
“But coolly dropping dead, meaningfully---- isn’t it perfect.”
“Is there any greater freedom than that, boss?”
“Until the very end we will act cool and entrust it to you. Our way of life---- take care of it, General.”
Riku hid his face, as if amazed from the bottom of his heart, and murmured.
“...You guys, be it this one or that one, you’re all going insane. So much that it’s reliable---- then.”
As if, spil ing happiness from the bottom of his heart---- and then---- he spread
the map.
What the humans, in order to survive, have been updating for five years---- no,
even before that---- the game board.
While the one hundred seventy-nine [Ghosts] including Riku and ShuVi, looked
over the game board knitted with countless corpses-
Riku started talking about a detailed plan-----
“Now---- let’s start the game.”
“----Ashieit [Swear upon the Commands].”
That’s right---- But toward everyone who answered like always, Riku said.
“...That word is now forbidden. We move by swearing upon the rules we agreed
on, not by a command.”
“It’s ----- Aschente [Swear upon the Agreement].”
----And thus the secret maneuvers of the ones who didn’t exist, silently started.
Having the hope for the future stolen, despairing even at the despair, and finally
getting tired of even that.
Not to wait, but for the sake of finding it out---- the one hundred seventy-nine
ghost fleet moved----
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
“...Riku, as expected... ShuVi... don’t get... the [heart]...”
The meeting ended, and on the hideout’s entrance while playing card games
with Riku, ShuVi spil ed that.
ShuVi saw---- Every single person in that place, touched Riku’s [heart], and
resonated with it.
Everyone but one---- excluding her own, ShuVi looked downwards.
Only her, not being able to understand that---- it was terribly sadly, she
“...Riku, and the others’... plan, each of them... has less than... 1%... success
Let alone, the chances of every single one of them succeeding---- thinking
logically zero would be the appropriate----
“Hm~ hey, ShuVi.”
As if cutting off ShuVi’s thoughts, Riku said.
“That thing you said just now, probabilities was it? Is it fine with this?”
Riku doesn’t possess the Ex-Machina’s mathematical knowledge. He asked----
judging solely by ShuVi’s actions.
“If you throw a dice the probability of a six coming out is one in six. If you do that twice consecutively the probability of it coming out will turn into one in thirty-six---- I don’t know about percentage, but the calculations are more or less like
this right?”
“......That’s, right...... that’s why----“
ShuVi could affirm that she never once underestimated Riku. But she couldn’t
hide her surprise on how easily Riku got the Ex-Machina’s logic, and that’s why,
she tried to talk about that success chance----
“Then I’l tell you something good. That calculation---- is mistaken.”
---- And then, she froze.
“If you throw a dice the probability of a six coming out is one in six. But in this
game that calculation is wrong.”
That’s because, Riku said while he cut the deck and smiled bitterly.
“If six come out you win, other than it all the others means losing. In other
words---- it’s “one in two”.”
----Il ogical. But the probability depends on which view points and conditions the
calculations are made, and that’s an important factor.
Al or nothing---- if you calculate from Riku’s point of view, that logic can be
raised without contradictions.
A human made an Ex-Machina, furthermore an [Proofer], confute----- moreover,
To the ShuVi whose thoughts froze due to so much shock, Riku continued.
“And then the second mistake. If you throw a dice and six come out in the first
time---- then “if you throw it ten thousand times consecutively then it also can
come out consecutively”... that’s why those calculations are really, mistaken.”
“......Wrong...variability, if weaved... on the contrary, if its thrown ten thousand times, distribution error, convergence...”
The probabilities of a six coming out when you throw a dice, isn’t restricted to
one in six. There’s much variability.
But if you increase the number of attempts, the probabilities wil converge and
the calculation instead wil be easy. In other words it’l become just like the
planned result----
ShuVi tried to refute like that, but Riku laughed and grinned.
“Weave everything? Even what you can’t know, and what you can’t imagine too?
Then for example----“
----That’s right, for example, Riku said-
“Something “that shouldn’t exist” (we), sneakily altering it into a dice that won’t
give anything but a six, or something like that?”
-----You can’t weave it. At the very least, not in the “first attempt”.
But if you continue you wil notice the irregularity, the reason for the error will be found---- after thinking this far ShuVi froze.
Finally----inside ShuVi, Riku’s words, the meaning of the plan got through.
The true meaning of, no one must be perceived, it must not be noticed---- and
“...Artificially manipulate, the battle situation...without, drawing attention---- within the range, of “error”....”
The already impossible to predict----going against the “variability that was
Riku nodded towards ShuVi’s conclusion----that mathematically, any more
calculations about this wil be too troublesome.
“This is called cheating. Interesting right?”
----Even so, ShuVi stil doesn’t understand. You can’t talk about this [game] by
using the Probability Theory.
She was able to understand that. But, even so, why----
“...Why, can you turn... the lowest... probability... into, the value you, expect?”
After ShuVi looked straight at Riku and asked---- Let’s see, Riku started thinking.
He can answer whatever he wants---- If you don’t believe you can’t do it, or
something like that?
By believing, by having hope there’s no need for a basis, or something like that?
----But Riku thought, that the answer ShuVi wanted surely wasn’t that kind of
While looking outside the entrance---- to the world that was becoming a star of
death---- Riku answered.
“ShuVi, what are the percentages of... coming out the [result] of humans
surviving in this world?”
“.........I got, it.”
bsp; After Riku said that with a creepy wry smile, ShuVi recognized. Probability
Theory is, just statistics after all.
Before the result of a [miracle], any calculations at all are dismissed. Then
paradoxically that is----
“...If you make a...”miracle” happen... something like, Probability Theory,
becomes... far-fetched.”
Riku laughed, and nodded at ShuVi’s answer.