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There were tears in Tosh’s eyes. “Those people were abandoned to die,” she said.
“Nothing but cold blooded murder if they were abandoned,” Thompson said.
“Did the computer have any information on where the other communities were,” the Captain asked.
“The nearest was 2000 meters into the far hills, according to the information I was able to gather. There were a number of cities in this civilization and I have a general idea of where they were located. I would speculate that they have all been buried as well. Some may have survived as this community,” Hadaie said.
“Then continue your analysis of the information and try and located more of these communities. There are a lot of unanswered questions that I want answers to, especially the one about a possible mass murder,” the Captain said.
The chime sounded and James Davidson answered the door. He and Sam Gardner had been waiting for the chance to talk to Mike Wilkes. Mike had been about to stream back to the planet when he remembered the company representatives were aboard. It was only a few steps to their stateroom. As the door opened, Mike stepped in and said hello.
“I was told Mister Davidson was in this stateroom,” he said questioningly.
“I’m Jim Davidson,” he said extending his hand.
Mike broke into a broad grin. “I’m Mike Wilkes,” he said taking Davidson’s hand. “I thought the company was only sending either the costumes or a program. I only heard this morning that you were aboard,” he said with a smile.
“Our fault,” Sam said taking Mike’s hand in turn. “We heard of your trouble and didn’t want to add to your burdens. I’m Sam Gardner.”
“We’re both shocked at what’s happened. I hope you know if there’s anything the company can do, please let us know,” Davidson said.
“Thanks, I appreciate your offer. Unfortunately this kind of changes things as far as the celebration goes. I don’t know what will be done now,” he said.
“Don’t worry about it Mister Wilkes. I talked to the Chairman and he said we will put ourselves at your disposal. If it takes a month, we will be here to make this event happen for your wife. She really impressed the Chairman, you know,” Sam said.
“I guess so, to make you two come all the way here.”
“Not just two of us. We brought the entire crew to man the figures and work some of our own magic. With your help, not only will your wife be surprised, but this whole planet will have a time they won’t forget,” James said.
“But why would you want to do this? You are a big company and...”
“Look Mike. You and your wife helped us more than you could know. You helped our company rediscover what got us here in the first place. We couldn’t let that go unrewarded. Besides, we make dreams come true, don’t we?”
Mike didn’t know what to say. The company had done a lot already. “Thanks guys. I really appreciate all the help you’ve given us here,” Mike said. “You can’t imagine the effect your programs have had on these people. They have brought the Therans and the people of Earth very close together and have helped them realize that all of us, even thousands of light years away, have a lot in common. It’s been wonderful,” he said.
“So we gathered from your wife’s messages. The Chairman is anxious to meet her,” James said.
“The Chairman of the company is here too?”
“Next cabin over. So don’t worry about the celebration. We can wait. You just find your son and get him back. When you need us, we’ll be here.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Then don’t say anything man,” Sam said slapping him on the arm. “Come on. The Chairman wants to meet you,” he said as he ushered Mike out the door.
As the last light from the sun flickered from the sky and the stars began to shine brightly, the shadows of ten ships slowly and silently made their way out of an Orupean port. Not a light showed from any ship as they slid down the channel toward the open sea. Nor was there the usual chug of huge reciprocating engines as they made their way beside the few homes that lined the channel. But the most noticeable aspect of the formation of ships was the one in the middle. Quite simply, she dwarfed the other ships by a large margin. Low to the water, one could only make out the outlines of her high towers and upper works. But there was no mistaking the three huge sets of guns that lined her decks fore and aft. Menacing and sinister, the behemoth slid silently past and away from land. Unseen from the shore, the wakes of each ship suddenly grew longer and the ships rapidly disappeared from sight.
After two days of planning, Mike called a meeting at the embassy. Captain Dickson and Thompson were there along with Hadaie and Tosh. James Ramey was there with Rokka, Panor and Josen, the ambassador and King Raterc. President Raphelli was unable to attend, but sent his representative, Ambassador Halan. Jo entered with Mike and sat in a seat away from the table. Ambassador Prentiss started the meeting.
“Thank you for coming today gentlemen. My assistant has come up with a plan and requested your advice. We would greatly appreciate anything you might offer,” he said.
Mike stood as the Ambassador took his seat. He looked solemnly at the men in the room. “I’ve been working through some plans over the past two days and I think we have worked out the problem areas. Commander Ramey recommended we fly a small team down there and get a step ahead of Brana. He selected an aircraft that I think will fill the bill for the task. It doesn’t get far ahead of the technology and if it is lost, wouldn’t be too great a danger. Studying the area around Brana’s base with Hadaie and Commander Thompson, we found several areas where we could operate without arousing suspicions.”
Thompson stood and pointed to the map on the table. “We have studied their patrols and their usual troop movements. This area right here is outside their usual river patrols and would give us some cover. It’s within four miles of the base and we could scout the area from there.”
Mike pulled out an overhead photograph of the base and spread it out on the table. “The idea is to send two groups into the base, here, and here,” he said pointing to different places along the fence. “The teams are to blow down these two dampening towers. Now these are the two main ones, so if they go, it will leave them without most of their shielding system and be vulnerable for us to transport or to lend assistance. What I would like to do is knock this tower so that it lands here,” he said pointing to the fuel tanks near the hangers. “If these go, there will be so much confusion that I might get away with Timothy. At any rate, we all make our way to the plane and fly home. If we really get into a jam, we call for help. But only as a last resort.” He looked at Captain Dickson. “I hope you will be able to track our movements once I signal.”
“It will be difficult to pinpoint you in all those people so soon after the towers are gone,” the Captain pointed out. “It will mean us positioning the ship overhead as soon as the towers are blown. Even then, the DNA signatures between you and the Therans are very close. But we will be ready to lend a hand if necessary.”
The King looked at them. “I hear you say you will get Timothy out after the towers are blown, but you neglected to say how you would get in.”
Mike looked at him and stole a glance at Jo. She was sitting with her head down. It was obvious that she didn’t like the idea he planned.
“I plan on walking in with the materials Brana wants,” he said.
“You plan on giving him our technology,” Dickson said straightening up.
“Well, not exactly,” Mike grinned. “Yes, I plan on taking in a pack full of plans for materials that won’t work and offer him a few other things, like a particle pistol, radio and a scanner. Each will be armed with a destruct device that we can set off at our choosing. Plus the pistol will only be charged enough for a few shots. Even if he gets it, it will be of little use.”
“So he gets what he thinks he wants and lets you walk away? I doubt it,” Ambassador Halan said.
“That’s why it’s so important to create thes
e diversions. I just want to get Timothy and me together in one place. If I’m right, Brana will leave us alone with a guard while he takes charge. That’s when we break out.”
“How?” this time from Panor.
Mike shrugged. “Have to figure that out when we get there.”
The men looked at each other and then at Mike. The one thing that the plan counted on was surprise. If Brana caught them ahead of time, they would all be dead.
“Who do you want in your team?” the captain asked.
Mike shuffled a moment. “I want to take people I can trust and who know what I think. Of course I only want volunteers, but I am asking you to come with me,” he said. Then he looked around. Panor, Rokka, Josen, and Lieutenant Commander Hadaie, if he may come, and my father-in-law since he dreamed up the plane.
“Of course we’ll come,” said Josen, glancing at his father and brother.
Hadaie looked at the Captain. “I believe I could be of use sir.”
“As well as me,” said Ramey.
The captain smiled and nodded. “Of course. Are you sure this is enough?” he asked.
“I don’t,” the King interrupted. His face was thoughtful as he rose from his chair and looked at the table. “I have two men I would like to send along,” he said, then lifting a hand to stop interruption. “I can see the merit in your plan and understand why you would take your Theran family as well as your own. But in jungle warfare you will need someone trained to look for all kinds of trouble, both from Brana and nature. These two men know how to fight in this kind of scenario and their loyalty to me, and my wishes, is unquestioned. As far as seeing your technology, I trust these men with my life, and they have never once betrayed my confidences. So I ask you to take them along, if only to humor an old man,” he finally said with a smile.
Mike looked at the others. “If you guys don’t mind, I wouldn’t mind the extra help.”
“Good!” the King said. “I will have them meet you with their gear. Where will you begin?”
Mike smiled at him. “We will meet at my home tomorrow morning. Make sure they pack everything they will need for at least a week of camping,” he said. “In the meantime, the rest of us are going to be doing some training on how to fly our machine.”
“I will have them there,” the King said.
Ambassador Prentiss stood. “It seems we have a plan then. Again, I appreciate the help from everyone here. With luck, we will get Timothy back safely. When should you all meet for this training you spoke of?” he said.
“One hour, right back here. And bring what you need, there may be no time to go back home,” Mike said.
“Then my best wishes to you all,” Prentiss said.
They all got up and began talking to each other as they left the room. Dickson stopped Mike and moved close. “Are you sure you don’t want your father to go along?”
Mike looked the captain in the eye. “As much as I might, I don’t think I can trust him to go along with the team,” he said. “Quite frankly, I don’t need the arguments.”
Dickson nodded. “I understand Mike, and I will keep him aboard. But there’s one thing you haven’t covered in your briefing. What do you plan on doing with Brana after you get Timothy back?”
“That will be left to the Therans, Captain. They must take care of their own mess,” he said. Captain Dickson smiled at Mike and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you and your team coming straight up?” he asked.
“Yes sir,” he said. “It will be a long night and I need to get some things together first.”
“Whatever you need Mike. I’ll check in on you when you get there,” he said, and then he turned and left the room.
Mike walked over to Jo and sat beside her. Jim Ramey gave her a kiss on the cheek and winked at Mike before he left the room as well. She looked up at him.
“Are you sure this is the only way?”
“It’s the only way I could think of.”
“Mike, I don’t want to lose both of you,” she said taking his hands in hers. He could tell from her eyes that she was frightened at the prospect.
He smiled and lifted her face in his hands. “I’ll work very hard to see that you don’t,” he said smiling. He gave her a kiss and rubbed the tears from her eyes. “I seem to remember one day when you saved me,” he said smiling into her eyes. “Now it’s my turn,” he said. He pulled Jo to him and felt her tears wet his cheek as she wrapped her arms around him.
“And look what I got for my troubles,” she said as she began to cry. He held her tenderly and kissed her cheek.
“Just a piano player,” he said jokingly. The effect was soon apparent. Jo pulled away with a smile on her face, although the tears still filled her eyes and lined her cheeks. Mike rubbed the tears away with his fingers.
“I want you to promise me one thing. No matter what happens, I want you to go on with your anniversary celebration concert.” She started to object, but Mike stopped her. “I want to know Brana failed to stop us from what we believe is right. I don’t want him to win in the slightest. Even if I don’t make it, I want what we have done to go on. That will make me very happy,” he said to her.
Jo smiled through her tears and nodded. “I promise,” she said. “My heart won’t really be in it, but I’ll do it,” she said bravely.
Mike pulled her to him and gave her a long kiss. “That’s my Mom,” he said. Then he stood and pulled her up with him. “Come on, let’s get you home,” he said. “And then I have to get some training in before we leave.” They both walked slowly out of the room and down the hall. Neither noticed the King and the Orupean ambassador deep in conversation in a corner of the hall.
“So that’s the plan, Ash,” James Ramey said as he sat in the Wilkes’ quarters on the ship. “Not too bad either; for a young man. Even the Captain was impressed. Sure there are a few holes, but it’s basically sound.”
“And he didn’t mention needing my help?” asked Wilkes.
“Sorry Ash, he didn’t,” Ramey said. “Can you blame him?”
Wilkes had a forlorn look that echoed his feelings. Now he was feeling the shame of his own son. “No, I guess I can’t,” he said, then broke into a weak smile. “At least he has good sense.”
Mary Wilkes placed her hand on his shoulder. “You’ll be watching after him, Jim?”
“Of course. He and I are the only ones trained on the plane so far and I do have some training in ground combat. We’ll manage. Besides, the King is sending two of his men trained in jungle warfare to help us out. It’s a good idea and they could be a valuable asset when we get there.”
“Then I can’t ask for more,” she said with a smile. “Sharon and I are going to stay with Jo at her home. She’s going to need all the help she can get. The Captain is letting us take a shuttle down for our use.”
Ashley Wilkes sat upright, his face suddenly active. “There’s a problem,” he said.
“What problem?”
“He’s forgotten about those shuttles Brana has. If they are going to get away with that airplane, those shuttles would eat them alive,” Wilkes said with some alarm.
Ramey thought a moment. “You’re right, Ash. Mike was planning on those towers knocking out the fuel, but if he keeps some fueled and ready...”
“As I would,” Wilkes added.
“Then we need to do something about it,” Ramey said getting out of his chair.
“Hang on a sec, Jim. I want to ask a favor of you,” Wilkes said.
Jim stood a moment and then sat back down. This was the first time he had heard Wilkes ask anybody for anything personal. “What do you need, Ash?”
“Look, I know I’ve been a total loss for a long time. Even my own son can’t stand to be with me. But I want to be of some help, even if nobody knows about it but you,” he said.
“OK, what do you want to do?”
“Let me handle this problem. I don’t know how yet, but let me figure it out. I promise to follow the rules Mike has laid out and use only t
he technology he has approved,” he said. “Look, I got to do something, even my wife is going down to help out.”
Jim Ramey looked at Wilkes a long time. There was something new there, something humble and genuine. Maybe he was changing. He smiled at Ash and Mary. “I may regret this later on, but OK. Just promise me you will clear it with the Captain and Thompson before you fly off the handle, then if you can’t come up with something, let us know. I’ll keep our little secret till the last minute. But make sure it will work. I don’t care to get my butt shot off just as we start to bring Timothy home,” he said.
Ashley Wilkes stood and extended his hand. The shake was warm and friendly. “I promise I won’t let you and Mike down again.”
Jim looked back at the two of them. “If you do, I’ll let Mary take care of it,” he said, then turning and leaving the room.
“What are you going to do, Ash?” she asked.