Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Read online
Page 13
I hear Shade’s voice come over the microphone. Since she couldn’t come on the mission, she was tasked with running the command center.
“Clara, I need you to get back to the compound, now!”
I don’t like the way her voice sounds. I know something is wrong.
“Spit it out Shade. What’s wrong?”
“It’s the General.”
“What about him? What’s happened?”
I hear her voice crack a bit, and I can tell she’s crying.
“He’s been shot. Captain Adrian got here as quick as he could. Clara, he doesn’t think Jackson will make it through the night.”
I don’t remember leaving the house, or even reaching the compound. All I could think about was getting to Jackson.
Clara – Two Years Ago
“Clara, you have to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Look, I agreed to take you in, and teach you how to fight back. In order for us to begin our lessons, you have to get your strength back. I understand your lose, your grief. Use it to fuel your desire for revenge.”
Clara looked up from where she was sitting to meet Brina’s eyes. Brina had found her about to jump off the top of a building. All she could think about was ending her pain. Brina presented her with another way.
Clara took the spoon from Brina, and started to dig into her oatmeal.
“There you go. I promise with each day, you will start to feel better. You will never feel whole again, but the pain will lesson in time. Gain your strength, and then we’ll begin your training.”
Clara had done what Brina had asked of her. Two weeks later, she and Brina began intense training. For six months, Brina and Clara trained every day.
There were times that Brina would disappear for hours, but she always left Clara instructions on what to do for her training while she was gone. Clara never questioned where Brina went, and Brina never pushed her to talk about what happened.
After eight months, Brina finally deemed Clara ready for her first mission. She was given an easy target. It was one of the men who had been there that fateful night. Brina went with Clara, but made her take out the target herself. It was surprising to Clara how easy it was to pull the trigger.
Later that night, Brina found her in their living room, her legs pulled up to her chest. She was crying, and rocking back and forth.
Brina pulled Clara into her arms.
“Do you want to talk about it? I know killing for the first time is not easy.”
Clara wiped her eyes. “What scares me, is how easy it actually was. I don’t regret it. I thought it would make me feel better, but it doesn’t.”
“Clara, tell me what happened that night. You don’t have too, but if it helps you, I’m a good listener. If you don’t talk about it, it will eat you alive.”
Clara relented and told Brina everything. Brina was patient and didn’t say a word while Clara spoke. When Clara was done, Brina squeezed her hand.
“Thank you for trusting me with your story.”
“Have you ever been in love before? Sorry, I don’t mean to pry.”
“No, it’s all right. Yes, I’ve been in love.”
“What happened?”
“Life happened. I can’t be with someone while I lead this life. It wouldn’t be fair to them.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to love again. Losing Jonathan is unbearable. I don’t think I could put myself through this kind of pain again.”
Brina smiled at Clara. She lightly gave her a motherly kiss on her forehead. Clara had come to think of Brina as a second mother.
“My dear sweet Clara. Someday you’ll find love again. Do me a favor when you do, let it happen. Don’t fight it. In times like this, we have to hold on to something good, even if it eventually ends.
Clara – Present Day
I don’t think I have every prayed so hard since the night Jonathan died. I don’t know if God can forgive the things I’ve done, but I have to believe in miracles right now.
I had arrived back at the compound last night, and nothing could keep me from Jackson. I found him in the care of Captain Adrian. It was Shade who stopped me from rushing into the operating room.
“Clara, they’re doing all they can to save him. He’s lost a lot of blood. You have to let them do their job.”
I know Shade is right, but I want to be there with him.
I see Colonel Donavan out of the corner of my eye. I can tell he is just as worried. He sees me, and without saying a word, he opens up his arms for me. I run into them, and let the tears fall.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. Tell me what happened.”
“The guards were beating down the door. Jackson and Apollo pulled guns at the same time. I think Jackson knew what was going to happen, but he pulled the trigger anyway, but not before Apollo could get a shot off. The only saving grace is that Jackson aimed for the forehead, and Apollo wanted to keep him alive for experimental purposes, so he struck him in the chest. It appears he missed vital organs, but he’s lost a lot of blood.”
Clara remembered what Jackson had said about how Apollo was good at missing vital organs in order to keep someone alive.
“I’m grateful for the use of your jetpack. The office window was the only safe way out of that building. It took all my strength to fly us both out of there, but I managed to do it.”
I had insisted that Colonel Donavan take my pack. Their assignment was on the top floor of the capital’s government offices. It was just a precaution in case they couldn’t make it out of the building any other way.
“Thank you for getting him out of there.”
“He’s tough. He also has something to live for now.”
Clara knew he meant her, and she could only hope it would be enough.
Headquarters of the President – Present Day
“How in the hell could something like this happen?”
The guard who had the unpleasant task of contacting the President about the death of Apollo, was now quivering in his boots. He was sure he would be punished somehow.
“Sir, we’re looking into the matter.”
“I want someone’s head on a platter. Do you understand me? You’ll bring me whoever is responsible for this, or it will be you who pays for this.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Now get the hell out of my site before I kill you just for spite.”
“Yes sir.” The guard left the room in lightning speed.
President Valence then turned to address his head of security.
“What do you make of this?”
“It seems a band of renegade assassin’s is at fault for this. Three other bodies of your personal guard were found murdered in their homes last night.”
“I can understand taking the others out somewhat easy, but what sick son of a bitch could get the best of Apollo? I want someone to answer for this. He was like a brother to me. I want his murderer found. Once he’s in my hands, I will make sure he, and anyone he cares about suffers immensely. I will take everything he holds dear and crush it.”
“No need to be so dramatic. Next thing you know, you’ll break out into a full song and dance about this.”
“You’re lucky we’re related. You push me too far at times.”
“Not by blood. And you’re lucky I don’t kill you in your sleep. Now, where were we? Oh yes, while you were in here about to have a coronary, I’ve sent the blood found at the scene to our lab to be analyzed. It’s possible that Apollo wounded the assassin. If this is the case, we’ll know who his murderer is soon enough.”
“Let me know the minute we have a match.”
“No, I thought I would wait a bit before telling you.”
“Don’t get smart with me.”
“Or you’ll do what? Admit it, you need me, not the other way ar
ound. Do you want to hear the rest of the news or not?”
“I swear, one of these days, I will teach you a lesson in respect. What else do you have for me?”
“I’m going to ignore that idiotic remark, for now. Here, we found these notes attached to the other three bodies. The one found in Apollo’s office was on his desk, pinned down by his own knife.”
“Let me see the note.”
President Valence looked down, and read the following words.
President Valence,
tick tock, times up, you’re next…
“Bring me Jules.”
“Of course, let’s bring the spawn of Satan into this.”
Five minutes later, following the head of security, Jules enters his father’s office.
“Father, I’m sorry to hear about Apollo. I promise you that I will revenge his death.”
Actually Jules could care less about Apollo. He really couldn’t stand him. He was jealous of the relationship that Apollo had with his father. Now, with Apollo out of the way, he would become his father’s right hand man. It was where he felt he should have been all along. He planned on killing Apollo eventually anyway. Someone simply did him a favor. For that, he would have the lab misplace the vials of blood. He didn’t care who killed Apollo. In time, his father would forget about justice for Apollo, and get back to running the country.
“I know you will. A father could not be prouder of his son. I want you to take Apollo’s place as my right hand man.”
Jules could have smiled, but he needed to act as if the announcement was a shock. “Why, I would be honored to take on the position.”
“Your first order of business is to track down his killer, and bring him to me.”
Jules would find a scapegoat and appease his father.
“Consider it done.”
“Be careful son. They may come after you next.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
As Jules turned to leave, a smile spread across his face. The difference between him and Apollo was that Apollo was weak. Jules would shoot first then ask questions later. Jules always looked forward to getting into the thick of the action.
He walked down the hall talking to himself. “Let them come for me. I’ll be ready.”
Clara – Present Day
Even though Captain Adrian has repeatedly told me that Jackson is now stable, I still refuse to leave his side.
Everyone takes shifts to bring me food and water. Shade brought me a better pillow and blanket to use. She said that when Sgt. Jensen was staying with her in this same room, he complained about the flat pillow and thin blanket. The best bed was reserved for the patients only.
I hate to see Jackson like this. I want him to know that I’m here for him. I will do whatever it takes to pull him out of this. I reach over, grab his hand, and give it a squeeze. The Captain told me that talking to him would help to pull him out of this.
“Hey there handsome. I really feel stupid sitting here talking to myself, so how about you wake up, and save me from this one sided boring conversation.”
No surprise, he doesn’t move. I don’t know what else to do, so I just keep talking to him.
“I want you to know that I love you. When you wake up, I’ll spend every day reminding you just how much. I loved your brother very much, but I know now that you and I were meant to be together. I keep thinking back over the times I spent with Jonathan, and I think I can just about pinpoint now every time you filled in for him. We had some really fun times. I want to have those again. Please come back to me.”
“Excuse me, Clara.”
As Nyx enters the room, I wipe my eyes for what seems like the millionth time.
“Yes Nyx. What can I do for you?”
“I know you don’t want to leave his side, but the Leader is asking to speak with you.”
“But, with Jackson down, that makes Colonel Donavan in charge.”
“He knows, but he wants to speak to you. I’ll stay with him. I will call you immediately if there is any change.”
I reluctantly release Jackson’s hand and stand to exit the room. Before I walk out the door, Nyx pulls me in for a hug.
“Have faith. He’ll pull through this.”
All I can do is nod. The tears are threatening to fall again. I haven’t cried this much since I lost Jonathan. I thought I had lost the ability to cry at all, until now.
I walk into the command center, and Colonel Donavan nods in my direction.
“I’ll leave you two alone for a moment.”
I can’t imagine what the Leader wants to talk to me about.
“Hello Clara.”
“Leader. I must confess, I don’t understand why you’ve called me in here. Surely Colonel Donavan is capable of running this group while the General is down.”
“I just wanted to find out how you’re doing. If this is too much for you, I can pull you out of there, just say the word.”
“I’m fine. I thank you for your concern, but I’m nobody. Don’t waste your time on me.”
“Oh, but you are someone special, and don’t forget it. Now, how is the General?”
I decide to ignore his first comment.
“He’s still unconscious, but we’re hopeful that he will make a full recovery.”
“I’m told that you haven’t left his side. You must really care for him.”
I didn’t see where this was any of his business, but I was too tired to lie.
“Yes sir. I do.”
“I see. Do yourself a favor. Get out of that hole, and get some fresh air. It will do you some good.
“I will think about it, sir. Now, if that is all, I would like to get back to Jackson in case he wakes up.”
“Of course. Remember what I said. I can pull you out of there at any time.”
“Thank you, but I belong here.”
“Very well. Good day to you then.”
“Good day.”
As I walk back to the make shift hospital, I can’t help but think that was one of the strangest conversations that I’ve had in a long time.
It’s been three days since Jackson was shot, and he hasn’t woken up yet. Now, I’m angry. I recognize the stages of grief, and quickly realize that I’m now in the anger part of it. I can’t help myself, I start yelling at him.
“Get up damn you! You don’t get to do this to me. If you die on me, I will never forgive you. Do you hear me? I can’t sit here anymore, and watch you slowly die. I’m done crying over you, you big jerk. Get up, Get up, Get up…”
I’m still screaming this when Captain Adrian comes in and stops me.
“Clara. That won’t do you or him any good. What you need is to get out of here for a bit. Get some fresh air. It’s night, so you can go out there undetected. Just give yourself an hour. Take your microphone, and I will call you if there is any change.”
I hesitate. Can I really leave him here?
“He’s heavily medicated. I don’t think he’ll wake up for some time. Sgt. Jacobs is heading out to patrol the lower class, and to check on a church.”
“What church?”
“The one Jonathan used to preach at. Jackson has us patrol it when we’re out to make sure the people there get what they need. He felt it was the only way to honor his brother.”
“He never mentioned this to me before.”
“He’s not one to brag about his good deeds. He wouldn’t want his bad boy reputation to be ruined.”
“I can see that. My visit to the church is overdue. I was also visiting when I could to help out. I will only be gone one hour. You will call me if there are any changes?”
“Yes, I promise. Now go before Sgt. Jacobs leaves.”
I place a kiss on Jackson’s forehead, and walk out the door.
I catch up with Braden at the hatch.
“Mind if I tag along?”
“Hey there. Of course not. I’m surprised you’re heading out. Has there be
en a change with the General?”
“No, no change. I could use some fresh air. Major Adrian has promised to call me if there are any changes. I would like to visit the church. A little extra praying couldn’t hurt.”
“All right then, let’s blow this joint.”
On foot, it only takes us twenty minutes to get to the church. We pull our hoods over our heads to try and blend in with the night, and not bring unwanted attention to ourselves. We check our microphones to make sure we’re connected with the command center.
Colonel Donavan has his eyes on us from the monitor. I hear his voice come over the microphone.
“Good to see you getting away for a bit Clara. He’s in good hands. I’ll be watching over you, and listening in. Any sign of trouble, and you two hightail it back here.”
Braden and I answer in unison. “Roger that.”
We giggle a little, and it feels good to laugh. When I see the church, it feels like I’m visiting an old friend.
Braden and I enter the doors as quietly as we can. This is the hour of prayer. It’s a time where people can come, and be in silence.
I whisper to Braden, “I’m going to get a little closer to the alter. You coming?”
“Nah, I’m afraid the roof may cave in if I step another foot inside. I’ll be back here watching over you.”
“Thank you. I won’t be long.”
I’m about half way to the altar before I step into a pew. I don’t want to draw attention to myself. However, these people see enough torture every day, it’s doubtful they would even notice me.
I bow my head and begin to pray. I pray for forgiveness for those I’ve killed. I pray for the strength to do what I must, but most of all, I pray for Jackson’s recover. When I’m done, and I open my eyes, I’m surprised to find someone sitting next to me.
I recognize the voice. It was a voice I didn’t think I would ever hear again. Even though I long to have my friend back, I can’t give myself away.
“I’m sorry miss. You must have me confused with someone else.”