Microsoft Word - Book 12 FINAL Read online
Page 16
"So, we kept it a secret. And we allowed you to be guarded so we would know if anyone found out. Our leader came to us a few weeks ago and told us about what had been happening with the New Council, he forbid us to tell anyone about who you were Shea, he said if anyone found out you would be in danger. Then he told us about some of the things the New Council had been dealing with. We agreed but when we left the office, we knew we would have to tell you. That is why we took the business trip now. We were planning on coming and joining you on tour, we thought we could help you make contact with the Council. I am so sorry that you found out like this. I swear, if we knew what was going to happen, we would have called and come earlier.” Her father said sadly and looked at her for her reaction.
Shea was in a state of shock; she felt betrayed, and sorry for her parents to have to deal with all this, she felt like her leader had let her down, he had been her mentor. She had loved learning from him, even if he was a little strict. Finally, she was pissed, she was old enough to make up her own mind about anything, and if they had information, they damn well should have told her. As she sat and processed the information, the anger began to take over.
Lev and Griff both felt it and tried to whisper something in her ear to calm her down, but she was having none of that. She shrugged them off and stood up. Shea was ready to begin yelling at the people she loved the most and Cami grabbed her arm and tugged her back.
“Hang on their sister,” Cami said slowly. “If you will all excuse us for a few moments, we need to confer with our friend her before she actually blows the blood vessel that us popping out of her head.”
Shea turned and looked at the woman and nodded, she needed to get away before she said something that she could not take back.
Cami and the rest of the girls walked into the main Pub area with her in tow. They walked right up to the bar, and Cami slammed her hand down and yelled. “Pints on the house!” Everyone cheered and then she whispered. “And a very tall glass of Sparkling Apple Juice in a champagne glass please.”
Chapter 17
Reggie sat back on the couch with a child on each arm and breathed a deep sigh. Today had been a long day. When Tripp had come and told them there were more than just Shea's parents missing they had been shocked. Pack, Prides, and other communities were calling in as news spread of the Fae village being destroyed.
Reggie and Casey were going to meet in the morning to decide on what funds, they would use to help the other people. There were a lot of people that needed help right now. Many of the families who were being affected were ones with children.
No one argued with it. They were all too concerned and busy, and the Council needed answers now. Reggie felt one of the twins move, trying to get closer to him, as if he knew that Reggie needed comfort.
He heard Levi come in the front door of their new home and smiled. His mate helped deliver his children here in this very room. Since then they had seen such a change come over him. Where he was once withdrawn and hard to reach, now he talked to them about how he was feeling and expressed himself daily, sharing his love for them.
He wished that Levi could get past what his parents had done. He was trying to be such a good father, making sure he would never be the same as his own father, that sometimes he missed the small things, like the babies smile.
But he was getting better. Ruby had been on his tail from the moment he had finally told them about his childhood the complete story. Ruby had been really upset about the way her mate had been treated as a child and even angrier the Alphas had not done a damn thing about it.
Levi had tried to explain, but Ruby had been too indignant. When Quin's parents came for the ceremony in a few months, he certainly hoped, she had calmed down before then. Because if she was anything like she was when she yelled at Quin, Reggie thought they were gonna have to get out a muzzle. She was going to piss off some strong Alphas.
Levi had smiled and hugged her when she had demanded that Quin apologize in front of the entire Council, the Alpha had done so too, with an embarrassed look on his face.
Reggie had been so proud of her; she had really stood up to him in order to make their mate feel like he had some closure. He wished that Levi could actually talk to his parents and tell them the effect they had on him.
He snorted to himself, like he didn’t need therapy too. His mother turned out to be a psycho, and his father was missing and presumed dead. He wondered if it should bother him more. He was close to Casey’s father when they were growing up, he always felt like he could tell him anything. With his own father, it felt like a duty to talk to him.
Yeah he had some issues that were going to have to be dealt with too.
“Hey baby.” Levi whispered so he would not wake the children.
Reggie grinned, "Which baby are you referring too?”
“Huh, guess we need to change that huh, I would never want you to get confused with me calling you an endearment; how would you feel if I call you sweetheart or darlin’ like Trace would say?” Levi said and carefully lifting one of the babies out of Reggie’s arms and settling into the seat next to him.
“I like darlin’, if you say it with that drawl.” Reggie teased.
“You got it darlin’. Now how was the rest of your day?” Levi said and leaned over and kissed him gently.
Reggie sighed and said, “Shitty, for the most part. We have so much work to do; Casey and I are meeting in the morning to release funds to help with the people who are in trouble. Seriously, I don’t think the bed and breakfast is big enough to handle all the people that Quin and the others are sending here. The Pack house is done, and so we have the guest wing. But who do we put where. I have no idea what we are supposed to do.”
“This is your job how?” Levi asked.
“Because we are all pitching in, smart ass. Ruby is working with some of the locals to get clothing and things for those who need it. Whoever is doing this is leaving a mess along the way.” Reggie said.
“I know,” Levi grumbled, “I was tasked to help head security with Tripp, for the time being. I’m just feeling a little out of sorts.”
“What’s up?” Reggie asked and stood to put the babies down, first, the one he was holding, and then the one Levi was holding.
Ruby walked in the door and quietly stepped into the room and said, “Everyone fall asleep?”
“Yep,” Reggie grinned and then motioned for them to follow him into their office in the next room.
Once they were all seated, Ruby looked at Reggie curiously. “Meeting?”
Reggie nodded his head. They decided when they were having issues to call family meetings to deal with stuff and not let if fester. Levi sighed and said, “Sid asked me to do him a favor and run and tell his brothers that they needed to call their parents. With all the shit that had gone down, he hadn’t had a chance. So I did, and Brian called while I was there.”
Reggie looked at Ruby and shrugged. “So?” Ruby said trying to prompt him.
“It’s the anniversary of my parent’s death today.” Levi said and looked at his mates, “I have no idea what I am supposed to be feeling. In one way, I guess I’m sorry they are gone and can’t see the man I have become and the family I built. And in another way I’m saying ‘fuck it’ I’m better off without them.” Levi said.
“What is wrong with feeling both?” Ruby said quietly.
“Cause it seems wrong.” Levi growled. “I don’t know why I am even wasting my time with these thoughts. I have a lot to do, but every time I go to start doing something I keep hearing the old man’s voice telling me what a screw up I am.”
Ruby stood up, walked to her mate, and bent over him grasping the handles of his chair and getting into his face. “You are not a screw up. You are a wonderful man who is the center of our world. Don’t you get it? We are a team. It does not work without you.
You are different boy they pushed around and bullied. Now you are an Enforcer, and a member of the New Council. You don’t need them, you have us.”
/> Reggie chuckled and said. “The mistress has spoken.”
“You are damn right; now, I think our man here needs a little reminder of exactly where he fits in here in this relationship,” Ruby said and grinned.
Reggie nodded and jumped up, they had set up a small bedroom off to the side of the office, for guests. Now it seemed they used it for their afternoon trysts that they kept having. It was easier than moving the children upstairs and keep them asleep.
Reggie went and checked on the babies who were still sleeping like babies. Locking the front door, he ran back to the room where Ruby had dragged their mate and was undressing him.
He took in the scene and grinned. They were kissing each other frantically, and trying to get undressed at the same time. He loved watching them when they were impatient.
Reggie quickly disrobed and then padded over to where Levi was struggling with Ruby’s top. He took over while Levi undressed. Ruby smiled and grabbed both of their cocks and held on, stroking them slowly and said. “This is where you belong, with us.”
Levi nodded and kissed Reggie while she stroked them. She knelt on the ground before them, and Reggie sucked in his tongue when she licked the tip of his cock. Levi groaned when she did the same to him. Why had he ever waited to admit she was his mate, he thought?
When he discovered she was his mate, Levi had run. He was afraid that he would be the same as his father, a drunken asshole, who beat his wife and kid. It took a lot to turn him around. More than just Reggie and Ruby being kidnapped four months of course, that got the ball rolling. Levi had been terrified when they disappeared.
He used his tracking skills every day trying to find them. And every night he had lain in his bed praying that he would find them safe. He had promised not to deny their mating anymore of the Gods would just return them to him. And they had.
But Levi still held a piece of himself back. He was worried. One drink and he knew he would be his father. Levi held such a tight rein on his actions that he never realized what he was doing. He was shutting out the two most important people in his life.
“You are gonna be in the middle today big guy. You need to have our special kind of loving.” Reggie whispered when he pulled back. Ruby worked their cocks making them harder by the second.
Reggie and Levi stood and explored each other’s body like they had never seen them before. Reggie touched his nipples and smiled because he knew how sensitive they were. While Levi sucked in Reggie’s ear lobe, which made him, shiver.
Ruby was working on both of them at the same time. She wanted to grin because she had learned most of this from the book Shea wrote. When she found something new, she always tried to see if it would really work. Like giving two men blow jobs. Shea had made sure in every scene she wrote, to explain how a woman would stroke on partner with her hand while sucking the other in her mouth and then switching back and forth.
It drove her men wild when she did that. It was all in the rhythm. It took a few times to figure that out. It was like rubbing your head and patting your stomach at the same time. You had to concentrate and get in a rhythm for it to work. Pump and suck then switch.
“I can’t take this anymore.” Levi growled and reached down and pulled her up.
“Wait,” she protested.
“No, I have to taste you,” he growled and pushed her to the bed until she fell in the middle giggling.
“Mr. Impatient,” she teased.
Reggie slapped a hand on Levi’s ass and said, “Yeah, let me work on that ass while you get her ready too.”
Levi grunted and grabbed Ruby’s legs and positioned them over his shoulders as he lay down between her legs and smiled. “Look at how pretty she is Reg; she is dripping for me to taste her.”
Levi swiped his tongue over her pussy lips, and she moaned loudly. This was one thing she never got tired of; her men could seriously have their tongues bronzed. They always pleasured her so much. Sometimes they would make her climax time after time with their mouths and then finally satisfy themselves.
“So sweet,” Levi muttered and Reggie grabbed Levi's head and turned it, so he could kiss him. He licked her excess juices form Levi's mouth and said. “Yum,” she giggled again, when Reggie wagged his eye brows at her.
Levi drove back into her pussy, and she writhed to try to make him get to her clit, but he held her firmly with his arms. She growled a little and then relaxed and let the sensations flow over her.
Reggie grabbed a bottle of lube after massaging his mate’s ass and back and flipped it open. He poured a generous amount of lube in his hand before getting more and thickly coating his mate’s back hole. He loved it when he topped Levi. It didn’t happen often enough for his tastes, but he was happy each time. Levi was a much more dominant wolf in the bedroom. Reggie accepted that and loved it when he was in the middle too.
He pushed a finger inside just the opening of his mate’s ass, and then smiled when he felt the man shiver in anticipation. Ruby was watching him with half-opened eyes and nodded her encouragement. This is what their mate needed; he needed to feel their connection and ground himself. Reggie and Ruby had both discovered when Levi started to pull away from them, what they needed to do. Remind him, he was loved and special, no matter what his parents thought.
Ruby’s parents had taken over as the role of parents for all of them since Levi and Reggie’s both were gone. She was glad her parents loved her mates, and seemed to know when they needed reassurance as well. She was excited about the fact that her family was going to come to Milliken for the ceremony. They had been here a few times, but something always seemed to happen to make them not be able to visit for long periods of time. This time they were staying for a week, to take care of the babies for them.
Reggie pushed a second finger in his mate and then twisted them to stretch him more.
He grinned when Levi pushed back against his hand. He knew the man loved having his ass played with but just could not express it.
Ruby felt the tingling begin in her toes and let it flow up her. When Levi sucked her swollen clit finally, she exploded on his mouth.
Levi crawled up Ruby’s front and kissed her stomach and then her nipples, taking time to raise each one to a peak before continuing to her throat and then her lips. He kissed her deeply, and she tasted herself on his tongue. It made her feel so naughty when they did that.
With one fast thrust, he entered her pussy and stifled her scream with his mouth.
Reggie smiled and then lined up his cock with Levi and waited when the man pulled back out of Ruby, he bumped against his cock he was holding.
He heard Levi groan and the small penetration, and he moved a little closer each thrust until Levi was fucking himself with Reggie’s cock. He lost patience for how slow Levi was going, and he grabbed his mate’s hips and buried himself in his ass with one thrust, which caused him to slam into Ruby, who was enjoying the movements.
Levi held himself and allowed Reggie to set the pace, and when Reggie pulled out so did, he and then Reggie pushed them both forward. It didn’t take long for both of the men to begin panting and moving faster each of them concentrating on making the other feel good. Reggie reached around and cupped his mate’s balls while he pulled back, and Levi growled.
“Now,” Reggie cried and pumped three more times and released his seed. Levi and Ruby came with a cry at the same time, and they collapsed on the bed breathing heavily.
When he could finally talk Reggie said, “Now what are you?”
“Your mate, I love you both so much," Levi said thickly with emotion filling his voice.
“Both of his mates smiled and snuggled in together. They knew the outside world would invade soon enough. There was too much to be done, but at this moment, they were content to hold one another.
The girls sat in the Pub area trying to get a hold of Shea’s anger. All of them knew how she felt, and could sympathize, but telling a person that really didn't help. Cami and Jo had figured tha
t out after the fourth or fifth Chosen had been found. They were a high maintenance group.
“So basically what you’re saying is. That you are pissed about being lied to and all that shit?” Jo said and burped a little.
Shea laughed and grabbed her glass and nodded her head. "Wouldn't you be?”
Jo laughed loudly and said, "Ummm, kettle talking to pot, been here done that, waste of time and energy.”
“So what, I’m supposed to just accept the way it is and what about the guys? They are my mates, but why the hell would they want to be in such a screwed-up thing?” Shea said miserably. She had been sitting for the last half hour thinking about how screwed up her life was. Heck she would not want a mate with the mess she had coming with her. It seemed like Lev and Griff had it all together too like she had a few days ago.
Their lives were mapped out for them. They were excited for the next phase of their lives, and there she was a bumbling mess of emotion that seemed to cry at the drop of a hat.
Casey sat forward and said. “Honey, let me tell you something about the men that we have all been mated to. The gods would not have chosen a wussy for any of us. They’re good men, ready to take on the world for us. You just have to reach out and grab it. If you don’t you’re the one who will lose out.”
Shea sat back and thought about what they said. They were right. There was nothing she could do about the past; it was over, now she had to do something about the future, her future. She had two hot looking mates, ready and willing to take care of her, a career that was going to prove to be very useful in the coming months. She had connections everywhere. Many of her fans were closet readers and did not like to admit what they read. She didn't care, to each his or her own. But she received fan letters from surprising places. And she knew that if she called, they would be more than happy to meet with her.
Wow, she was going to have to figure out how to break it to them the books they read were actually real. Well, somewhat real, there was a little more drama in their world right now.