The Barrier: The Teorran of Time: Teen Fantasy Action Adventure Novel Read online
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There were so many, that when one ship fell another took its place. Jerim flew back toward the city center making his way to the Fire Wyverns. The deep red and charcoal black Wyverns waited near the city’s main port. Medrith's sharp claws gripped the tree tops as she landed.
"What are your orders?" Ada asked.
Long copper red hair flowed off the back of her head. Her oval face delicately pointed was garnished with a dusting of ginger freckles on her high cheeks.
"Keep your forces here on Srinna Vossa."
Ada nodded then shot into the sky. Her platoon had more experience in battle and riding but found it hard to keep up with her ferocity. She had more to prove than just being able to lead her people. Gavin Rhill murdered her father trying to find the scroll and she was just plain pissed.
Medrith released the branches and the tree tops flicked back and forth. Before Jerim could make it more than a hundred yards, a deafening crack scorched the night sky leaving a scar of brilliant birthstone light. Shattered crystals tumble to the ground, breaking the barrier into the city.
A flood of red robed Velsharoon rushed the main port. Medrith stopped dead in her tracks, rolled her head down, flipped upside down and shot back toward the open gate. When Jerim reached the north side of the island he saw Ada’s forces engaged with the oncoming attackers.
Shrieks of agony cried out as massive blasts of fire billowed from the guts of the fire wyverns. The sky lit up as though it were noonday as everything nearby melted and withered. Another deafening crack reverberated across the sky as another crystal shattered. Small bursts of icy white lighting strikes tangled with shots of bright blood red, sprinkled the horizon. Jerim tried to deny the pulsing knot growing in his stomach. A small ball of flaming gas appeared to grow a little bigger.
"The comet of Sariandi, the Goddess of Destruction," Medrith said .
"I guess it’s true then."
"The Commission is here on the east shores," Medrith said.
Medrith stretched out her long neck. Jerim laid closely to her as she beat her wings toward the east shore. When they reached the shore they descended like a falling stone. Medrith pulled up at the last second and set down without even a thud. Jerim dismounted and ran through the sand and waited as the enormous air ships slipped up onto the fading sand. Half lowered planks plunged into the soft moist grit upon reaching the shore.
Trendell, the leader of the armed forces from Akraven scaled the long plank and asked, "Jerim, what are the damages?"
"We have lost two of the towers," Jerim said. He gripped the short stalky brute of a man tightly at the forearm. "We need to evacuate the city and secure the inner buildings."
The clanking and banging of swords, spears and armor overpowered the distant sounds of agony. Hordes of men in rows of fours rushed from the ship's cargo bays. The shores filled with men standing at attention awaiting orders.
"Yes Sir," Trendell said.
He banged his hand against his chest. Turned leading with his head and briskly reached the front line. The Commission was divided into ranks of archers, spear and swords men and elemental mages. Trendell shouted out the orders. With an enormous shout, the Commission broke up, each group making their way to their destinations.
"Jerim, we saw a battle already in action. Why are we just now evacuating the city? Shouldn't we have done that sooner?"
"I know you're a by-the-book kind of guy, but this one is nothing the books have ever talked about."
"What do you mean by that?" Trendell asked.
"The Sariandi Comet is upon us,”
"Well then we fight to the death,"
"With honor, brother,"
"With honor," Trendell repeated as he gripped Jerim's forearm.
Trendell joined his men in the barrage of oncoming Velsharoon. Ada moved to the sky as the Commission contended fiercely with the Velsharoon. She turned her attention to the oncoming airships and joined her second battalion. A group of Velsharoon yelped as large vines wrapped around their bodies and swallowed them into the ground.
Jerim had commanded the foliage around the inner buildings to devour the Velsharoon. The suns first rays broke dancing on the heavy smoke that filled the sky. Bursts of flames erupted here and there around the island as rain and wind storms chased blood red lighting strikes.
Sections of brilliant white stone walls on the outer perimeter now sat in rubble. Storms of arrows went buzzing and fizzing through the sky. Metal boots slogged through the slippery sludge of fallen comrades. Swords swooshed and clanked as they met other swords. The further the comet came the stronger the Velsharoon became making it harder for the Commission.
Chaos and confusion surged through the city. A sea of red cloaks engulfed every road and alleyway, throwing magic and swinging swords at everything that moved. The white stone was now stained red and smeared with black shadows of what used to be men.
"Fall back and send a squad to the city center. Set up blockades," Trendell called.
Through the clouds that hung over the island, he saw the comet barreling toward them with a shield of fiery damnation. His heart sank into his stomach and a tightening in his chest nearly took the breath from him. He swooped his sword upward and blocked a dart of lightening aimed directly at his chest.
"There's more than one person that can use the power of the comet." Queen Ambrosia said through gritted teeth.
Her eyes drooped heavily, sagging under the pressure of no sleep.
"What are you going to do?" Aarin asked.
"Sink the island and destroy Srinna Vossa.”
She walked sternly toward her deep oak desk. Aarin's stomach lurched inside him as the words hit his mind.
"With this," she pulled out a long parchment that was rolled tightly. “The Incantation of Undin," she said, fingering the edge trembling.
"And how will sinking the island stop Gavin Rhill?"
"I will take every last person with it so that he will never be able to find the Binding of the Crypt spell," she said dropping one end.
"You're going to kill all of your people?"
"Would you rather be tortured by Gavin Rhill and the Shadow?"
He paused and then said softly, "No, I guess not."
"Then make your peace now because as soon as the comet is at the highest point in the sky everything will be over."
Her stomach lurched too as she felt the despair of not being able to raise her child and see her grow into a woman. Her wonderful council and all of her loved ones, it was almost too much for her to bear.
"What shall I tell the armies?" he asked.
"That its time, and send Jerim."
Aarin bowed, his once childlike eyes glazed over. Queen Ambrosia studied the scroll once more. She sat it on the desk and walked to the edge of the balcony. One hand on the cold stone, the other gripped her blue sapphire stone necklace. She wore a gold and teal blue robe and her delicately woven crown. The anguished cries of her people now sat on numb ears. A small pink hand gripped the lower half of her robes. With the innocence of young age a small girl, gazed up.
"Mommy, what's happening?" Serin asked.
"Oh, my dear little one." The Queen picked up her baby girl. She buried her little girl's teary face into her shoulder. "Shhh shhhh shhh," Queen Ambrosia whispered.
Jerim walked briskly up behind her, his clashing and clanking hidden under booms and crashes from the distance.
"My Queen,"
His heart skipped a beat and he swallowed hard shoving the bile back into his stomach when he saw the little princess in her arms.
"It's time," she whispered.
She could hardly see his bruised face through the heavy shield of tears.
"Is there another way?" he asked.
"There is no other way."
"Alright," he said.
He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his embrace. Her long blonde hair tickled his skin. His hand r
ested on the side of her face. He leaned in, slowly and thoughtfully, he kissed her. She returned his kiss. Just like the one and only time they had been together.
"I love you. I always have," Jerim said.
"I love you too," she said, "I have to tell you something."
"Serin is yours, not Mikal's." He pulled back and then, smiled his intoxicating smile. "You're not mad?" she asked, "I'm sorry I never told you."
"Nor should you have."
"Mommy, I'm scared." The tiny voice came as she played nervously with her mother's hair.
Queen Ambrosia studied her daughter's face one last time and said to her gently, "You go with your father."
"Into the sky with the flyers, ok?" she gave her the last kiss she would ever give her.
"But when will I see you again?"
The queen gave Serin to Jerim and he wrapped her in her blanket.
"Go... take her to the wyverns and get her out of here."
He bowed and leaped off the stone carved terrace onto Medrith's back. The Queen sent a furling burst of air under the wyvern throwing them into the sky above. Medrith pulled in her wings and shot through the sky like an arrow. To fight a war was one thing but to give up one's own flesh and blood is another. When the queen could no longer see them, she threw up her arms. Using the islands powers that came from the center of the Teorran Belt, she shouted at the top of her lungs the incantation, drawing the power of the comet into her being.
Gavin's calculated plan turned to a frenzy of rash thoughts and feelings. Everywhere he searched he couldn’t find the scroll. Even with his search spell, it had continued to elude him. He pulled and shoved every book and piece of parchment out of his way. He hurled a massive spell around the room. Glittering strands of text danced and swayed around him and one by one disappeared. The words he longed for were not found. The only words present were those left by the Grand cleric.
Gavin Rhill,
You will never have this scroll as I have destroyed it once and for all.
If you continue your quest you will be met with certain death. FOREVER!
Did you think that you were the only one that could use the comets power?
Grand Cleric Massue
Gavin was shocked out of his delirium with the sudden shift and sensation of falling. He ran to the window, the clouds of dust and smoke began to rise. He slammed his fists on the stone wall.
"She's... sinking... the... city," he yelled.
He threw out his arms and sucked out all of the light and vanished into thin air. A whipping wind storm shot through the city, wiping out everything in its path. Debris floated upward as the ground fell out from under it. The comet’s power helped Queen Ambrosia stand perfectly still while chanting. Even as the island fell, she was as firm as she had at first. The last words she uttered were that only a blood heir could enter the secrets of the forgotten city.
The Teorran fountain fell into the center of the ground below, allowing the islands to plummet into a new existence. Enormous rock walls encompassed the fallen earth covering everything under hundreds of feet of earth. It left only a few of the spires that were still intact standing, as a reminder of what the glorious city once was.
The Tavern
Seconds before a deafening crack of thunder rolled across the sky. A flash of lightening crossed the darkened skies that frequent this isolated island. The ever-persistent clouds never gave much warning, before unleashing their wrath, making this part of the sea barren of much life.
"Let's get a drink before we ship off, we’re only half way around the Turbulent Reef." Merrick said.
He lashed the mooring line to the dock as Shaz scaled the plank. Shaz pulled his tunic tight around his neck and walked briskly toward The Screaming Siren Tavern. They trudged up the hill shielding their eyes from the wind and dirt. Before they made it half way up the path, the heavens opened and dumped the heavy rain. The soft dirt quickly turned to mud. Merrick gripped the heavy latch and flung open the door, which smacked against the stone wall with a BANG.
A pitch black jaguar prowled in behind the men like a shadow. No one noticed her until her bright yellow orange eyes cautiously scanned the room. Jagwynn accompanied Shaz everywhere he went, since he'd found her in the forest and raised her. It was however, more than an owner and a pet. She understood his thoughts better than anyone else. It was as if she could read them.
The tavern hardly felt quaint, but it was warm. Sailors, deckhands, and the occasional outlaw, stop here to get a quick reprieve. The Screaming Siren was designated as neutral territory. Small wooden tables were strewn throughout the tavern in no particular order. Large silver platters of meats and bread covered the tables. The pungent odor of alcohol mixed with sweat and tobacco filled the air. Each time the heavy wooden door swung open, eddies of cold air wafted throughout the room. Half burned candles in sconces let off as much feeble light as they could. Long wood planks hung over large tables and acted as crude chandeliers, which were covered in spent wax.
The massive ornately carved fireplace filled one full wall. The waning fire warmed the tavern with its simmering, crackling embers. Serving wenches busily moved from table to table, helping hungry, thirsty and the occasionally rude and grabby customers. Their floor-length colorful skirts brushed and swooshed around as they maneuvered around.
"Quickly Shaz, before Yerild sails off without us," Merrick said.
Merrick pulled off his wet cloak and tucked it in the crook of his elbow. His broad width navigated through the crowded room toward the bar.
"Do you think Captain Yerild is crazy enough to set sail in this storm?" Shaz asked.
Shaz ran his fingers through his long pale blonde hair and pulled the soaking wet locks from his handsome face. He slipped off his cloak, revealing a slender but muscular build. Several patrons mumbled to each other as he and Jagwynn worked their way through the smoke-filled room. Shaz was used to being gawked at, his whole life he'd been the only one he knew with blonde hair.
"Yerild is a wild card. I wouldn't put it past him, son," Merrick said, he slapped a copper on the counter, "Two laagers, please."
Shaz saw a hooded figure with large beady gray eyes and a nose that resembled a beak, sitting in a corner. Its hands appeared crippled and its frame was bent in half. It was if he was half-man-half-crow. Jagwynn arched her back as a low rumbling growl broke her lips. Shaz reached down and scratched behind her ears to calm her. The bird creature withdrew into his hood and hissed back at the jaguar. A shiver ran down Shaz's back as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Shaz wasn’t sure why he felt that way and shook it off as nothing but nerves. Shaz sidled up next to Merrick at the bar, when he saw a second hooded figure, in the opposite corner of the room. The man sat up and stared in is direction. His hood covered most of his face, which made Shaz uneasy.
"Where are you two gents from?" asked the barkeep.
He set two tankers on the bar. Shaz took the frothy beverage and gulped it down. The second man stood and began making his way toward them. He was tall, strong and had an heir of authority about him. Ceros pulled back his hood and opened his robe, resting his hands on his hips. Bright colored cloth draped and encircled his stately frame starting at his forehead and ended at the floor.
"I would like to introduce myself," he stated in a low voice. He bowed to each of them, "My name is Ceros. I'm a High Cleric to The Sun Goddess. It is imperative that I talk with you both at this moment, privately."
He indicated to his booth.
"Um..." Shaz said.
He looked at his father who held up his hand to silence him.
"Please Shaz, may we talk?" Ceros asked. Shaz sized him up, noting his curved sword and its size. "It is imperative that we talk at this instant. Merrick, I'm sure you appreciate the magnitude of this day."
"Father, what is he talking about? What about this day?" Shaz
asked with one eyebrow raised, his words slow and deliberate.
Merrick stared at the stranger. He knew Shaz was not a boy anymore and sighed. "I guess Yerild's going to have to wait after all."
Ceros motioned for them to sit and slid in across from them. An unfamiliar feeling took over Shaz’s senses. He searched the room and found that the beaked figure in the opposite corner was no longer there, but he could still feel its presence. He found it skirting around a table of outlaws pretending to talk to them.
"Let me first tell you how pleased I am to finally meet you," Ceros said.
His lips half bent into a well-groomed grin under a dark beard. Shaz's mind circled back to the man sitting in front of him, "Obviously you've not been made aware of your unique situation," Ceros said.
"It was his mother's wishes," Merrick said.
"Not tell me what?"
"Shaz, you've been chosen by the Sun Goddess," Ceros stopped Shaz from asking another question, "You possess special abilities that can assist the Dodjen in their fight against the rising evil in our land."
"Dodjen?" Shaz asked.
Shaz kept the birdman in his periphery as he tried to assimilate the new information.
"The Dodjen are a secret society commissioned of the Sun Goddess. We've been around since the dawn of time. The scales have been tipping ever so slowly towards the darkness since the rise of the wicked necromancer, Gavin Rhill. He leads a large and powerful army called the Velsharoon," Ceros said.
Shaz found himself nodding, as though he already knew this, but how? He thought.
"You are a literal descendant of The Tooatha De Danann, an ancient people blessed with extraordinary gifts."
"But I don't have any gifts," Shaz said.
The creature was now standing only a few feet away. Shaz wondered why Merrick and Ceros didn't show concern. The pit in his stomach continued to grow, Could they even see it, he wondered.
"Merrick isn't your blood father,” Ceros said. "He raised you as his own, but Reinholt is your blood father and you are the heir to his kingdom."