Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel) Read online
Page 25
“Welcome back,” I hear a deep, gravelly voice say as a shaft of light blinds me. I quickly squeeze my eyes shut, turning my head away from the brightness. But I have a killer headache, which causes even more pain to radiate through my skull. The new noises and light make me want to throw up.
“You’re one lucky young man.” The deep voice continues on, “I’m Dr. Johnson, by the way. I treated you for your injuries. Do you remember anything?”
“Just that I was walking towards my girlfriend, then something slammed into me. After that, I was knocked out. What happened to me?”
“As I was just explaining to your friends, and girlfriend, you’ve sustained a lot of injuries.” I can hear him moving around, but I haven’t opened my eyes yet. I prefer the darkness at the moment.
“You have a concussion, a few broken ribs, a broken arm, and a broken nose,” he continues. “With the injuries you sustained, and the type of accident you had, I’m surprised you didn’t break your jaw, shatter your cheekbone, crack your skull open, or lose any teeth in all of that.”
I can hear some rustling of papers in the background, and I’m presuming he’s checking my chart, but I can also hear a faint crying noise to my right. I slowly turn my head that way, and open my eyes to find Charlie.
She sniffles quietly in her huddled space in the room. I try to hold out my hand, but it flops heavily back to the bed. I realize then that it’s in a cast. I try again, and this time she comes over and, gently as she can, takes my hand into hers to hold.
“So, doctor,” I say, turning my head back slowly his way. “How long will I be laid up?”
“Well, that all depends on how well your body heals up. Being a dirt bike racer, you well know how sore your body is after each time you ride. Luckily for you, you’re still young, so it probably won’t slow you down as much. For now, we want to keep you overnight. Technically, we plan to keep you for two nights, so we can monitor your head injury. From there, we will reevaluate how you’re progressing, and then determine when we will let you leave, and what you should do for follow-up care. For now, I would suggest you lay off the racing for the foreseeable future. I’ve had plenty of men in here with injuries from this sport. Things as simple as losing their footing on a pedal, so their foot gets caught up and crushed. Or the ones who flip over their handle bar after hitting a muddy hole, and wind up fracturing their skulls. Some have had their teeth shoved up into their sinuses. There are all kinds of things that can happen out there, and I would hate to see you back here because of the sport. It’s very dangerous.”
I let out a groan from what he just told me, and the agony my body is in. “Maybe we can share horror stories involving injuries when one, my body isn’t trying to kill me now, and two—when my girlfriend isn’t sitting here. I really don’t want to terrify her more than she is already.”
The doctor chuckles. “I’ll send a nurse in with orders to up your pain medication dosage. You can have your friends visit, but not too long. You need some rest, but with that will come hourly wakeup calls. It comes with the territory of concussions, I’m afraid.” He nods at me with a humorous grin, then to Charlie before taking his leave.
“Charlie?” I have to make sure she’s really here.
“Yes, Nate?”
“Are you really here?” I quietly ask.
“Yes,” she’s just as quiet when she replies.
“Are you okay?”
She laughs, heartily.
“What?” I give her a sly smile, or as best as I can manage.
“You’re the one laid up, broken and bruised, and you’re asking me if I’m okay? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in days.”
She smiles sweetly down at me. “I’ve missed you, cowboy. But don’t think you’re getting off scot-free after the garbage you pulled.”
“Charlie,” I say in a serious tone, “maybe you shouldn’t be here. I love that you are, but I don’t want you stressed out because of me. Go home and rest.” I rub her hand with my good one.
“No. No, you don’t. And we’re not fighting about this. Especially right now, while your body needs to be calm and rest. We can talk about this later.” Her tone is sternly firm. I knew I would be in hot water with her. I don’t want to push my luck, but I don’t really want her wasting her time sitting here, babysitting me. I have to try one more time, though I selfishly want her here.
“I—” I start to say, until she kisses me, hard. I moan loudly, as my nose and head hate life right now. As much as I want to kiss her, the rest of me would rather pass out into a deep sleep until I can fully recover.
“Shut up, cowboy,” she says against my lips.
I manage a smile against hers, right before she kisses me again. She pulls away just in time for our friends’ to interrupt with a throat clear and a fake cough. I look up to find them gawking at us. “When did you hooligans show up? I can’t believe they let just about anyone in here, these days.” I try to laugh at my own joke, but end up in more pain than anything.
“You idiot! What were you thinking, man?” Holt chides me.
“‘Hello’ is how I usually start off my sentences when I see someone hurt. What about you, Charlie?” I ask, watching her fight a smile.
“Seriously, you could have been killed out there. You should have been killed. Racing is dangerous. Why do you think Charlie was always worried about you out there? Don’t think we haven’t read up on all of the crashes that have killed people, Mister!” Halley throws her full load of attitude and worry at me. “You’re lucky you’re in that bed and we can’t beat you for your idiocy!”
“What happened out there?” Tucker calmly asks from his side perch against the wall, where he holds Naomi’s hand.
“I wasn’t thinking.”
“That’s obvious.” Holt scoffs.
“Why did you jump off your bike in a crazy way, and then try to rush it off the track like that?” Halley questions.
“I saw Dave, and then I couldn’t think or see right. I was raging, and saw red. I knew I had to get him away from Charlie, once and for all. That’s what I was trying to do, when something slammed into me and I went airborne.”
“Yeah, another rider hit you, which caused many others to crash. On. Top. Of. You! I still can’t believe you were able to walk away with the injuries you have, and nothing more,” Holt irately states.
“I know. I get it. I’m lucky to be here. I was distracted, okay?” I feel Charlie’s hand tug hard to pull away. “And no,” I look her in the eye, “you’re not leaving me to heal on my own again. I want you here.”
“Ouch. That was a low blow, don’t you think?” says Tucker, rather than Charlie.
“I’m tired, my head is killing me, and you are all in here making matters worse,” I say to my friends. “As for you, little one, I didn’t mean it to come out that way. I’m going crazy over here without you, and I don’t want to waste another day by being apart. I want you here while I recover.” I give her a pleading look. “Please?”
“You’re sure?” she timidly asks.
I nod at her question, trying to let everything in my eyes show her the truth of my words.
“I think she’s still waiting for a few specific words, right guys?” Halley chimes in.
“Would you give it a rest, woman?” Holt grumbles at her. “We are all mad, scared, and wanting to kick some sense into him. But we aren’t helping things.”
“Thank you, finally!” I say, but it could be at Holt, or to the nurse who just walked in with my medication.
“I see it’s a full house in here.” She observes as she walks over to my IV stand. “Nathan’s going to be groggy in a few minutes. So you’ll want to say your goodbyes now, before he passes out.” She smiles at my friends, and then administers the liquid medication into my IV. Once she completes her task, and checks if I need anything, she leaves the room.
“You heard the woman. Say your peace, and then get the heck out of here. I need my girl, and my beauty sleep.”
“I don’t know which one you need more, or which one will even save you.” Holt taunts, making the others laugh. “Try sleeping for another thousand years. Maybe your Princess will see your beauty then,” he continues ribbing me.
“Always the funny one, Curly.” Halley laughs.
They all say goodbye and take their leave, leaving Charlie behind.
“Has anyone told my family?”
“Yes. Carianna was here earlier. She left to get your dad. He was working late, and she couldn’t reach him. In fact, they should be back within the next 30 minutes, I would guess.”
“I really wish they weren’t coming by so late. I’m exhausted.”
“You do know it’s not in the middle of the night, right? I think it’s closer to 8pm.”
“Can I just hold you?”
“Is that even possible?”
“Anything is possible, if you let it be.” I quietly admit.
She looks at me with so much love in her eyes, for a few moments longer.
“If I get in trouble for this, you’re paying for it!” she scoots onto the bed and tries to maneuver her way into a comfortable position, though I know it’s not easy. I can’t move or help her. I feel like a useless gimp.
“You’re not a useless gimp.” She chuckles.
“How did you know I was thinking that?”
“You said it out loud. I think the pain meds are kicking in. Go to sleep, cowboy. I’ll update your family, then send them on their way with a promise that you’ll call them tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Charlotte,” I manage to say as my eyes start to get heavier.
The darkness and quiet, mixed with Charlie’s light breathing and the beeping of a machine, start to lull me to sleep when I think I hear her say, “I love you, Nathan. Sweet dreams.”
It’s a nice thought, and I’m hoping and wishing that’s what I really heard. I think it’s more like my mind is playing tricks on me. Either way, I fall into a deep sleep for the rest of the night.
NATE ENDED UP STAYING IN the hospital for a full week, instead of only two days. The doctors felt, with the head injury he had sustained and the broken ribs, that he could use more rest before sending him home. I think they were afraid he would try to do too much on his own. By staying there, he was forced to rest and take it easy. He will need to be off work for some time, which is unfortunate, as the accident happened during a crucial time for his company. I ended up staying every night with him, though I had to work in the day. His sister and dad took a more active role during that time, for once. It seems that his father had a wakeup call, where his family is concerned.
During his hospital stay, we didn’t really get into all that had started to go wrong between us. It wasn’t the time and place to worry over such things. We decided he should focus more on his recovery before diving into the arena of all the heartache we both suffered. Though, the first night I was there, I did tell him I loved him. I’m not sure he heard me, though, and it hasn’t come up again—nor has he declared such feelings back.
He’s been home for a full three days now, and we’ve spoken on the phone, mainly. I’m trying to give him space to recover, without hovering. I’m also being a big chicken by purposefully not talking about our relationship. I know now at least that we are still intact. He seemed clear on that matter at the hospital, when he wouldn’t let me go. The real crux of it all will be if he can come to terms with having a fully committed relationship, and if he can finally let me in the rest of the way. I’m tired of this back-and-forth that we have going on. He needs to be all in with me, or not at all. I can’t continue the way we have been.
My phone rings, and I see that it’s Halley. “Hey, lady,” I greet her.
“What’s shaking?” she asks.
“Not much.”
“Have you seen Nate since he came home from the hospital?”
“I’ve gone over every day for short stays. Mainly, we talk on the phone about nothing of importance. I guess we’re both pretty good at avoiding the big elephant in the room.”
“You’re going to have to be the one who man’s up. I think he’s scared, and isn’t sure what to say at this point. Though, I know he does. He’s said as much.”
“It would be great to finally get to the bottom of our problems for the last month or so. He can’t keep me at a distance anymore. I won’t allow it. I deserve better than that, and so does he. I know where his problem stems from, but he has to know he can’t continue to live his life with so many ‘what if’s’, and not opening his heart up all the way to someone else.”
“Well, if there is anyone who can make that boy sing like a canary—it’s probably not you.” She laughs. “I’m kidding. But I do think you have something special, and if he knows your worth, he’ll do the right thing. For both of you. That I know for sure. He just feels like a jerk, and he’s really upset with himself.”
“How do you know all of this?”
“He’s been spilling the beans to his friends. Or, it’s more likely that they’ve not let up on him about what an idiot he’s been.”
“That’s not right. They need to leave him alone and let him come to his conclusions on his own.” I feel protective of Nate, and this is none of their business. If Nate wants to talk to me, he’s a big boy who can figure that out on his own.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. They really didn’t have to pry much out of him. It’s the same song and dance they’ve been having for a while now.”
“You tell your man to butt out, Halley. I’m serious. I know they care for both of us, and they want this to work out. I do, too. But this is my relationship with Nate, not theirs. He will come to me in due time. I’m growing more certain of that the more we speak.”
“Calm down, mama bear. They’re not causing him any harm. Everything is fine with the guys now. It was strained for a bit, and he just hid that part from you. They called a truce for a while, but there was still tension between them.”
“I plan to have the big talk with him by the weekend. So, what are you up to?”
“I was actually asked to see if you would go visit your favorite patient.”
“Why didn’t Nate just call or text and ask me himself?”
“You’ll have to ask him. I was only asked to make contact with you and get you to say yes. I was charged to do anything necessary to get you to his house.” She laughs.
“Well, gee—don’t make me feel all special or anything.” I sarcastically remark.
“Oh, relax. Go get ready, or you’re going there in whatever you have on.”
“A pajama party sounds fun right about now. We could definitely use a great distraction, one where fun and laughter are involved.”
“Stop procrastinating and get off the phone already.” She chuckles. “I’ll be there in an hour. Oh,” she says before hanging up, “and make sure you look really cute.” Then the line goes dead.
I get ready in record time and am waiting for her when she finally shows. She takes me to the guys’ place and parks in the driveway, then gets out.
“Where are you going?” I question her.
“To make sure you walk through the front door. Where else?”
“Okay, you can pipe it down already. I wasn’t going to say no. Geez,” I grumble.
We walk through the front door, and I’m immediately assaulted with the best aroma known to man. I’m not sure what they have in store, but the food smells fabulous. I walk in a little further and see that the dining room table is nicely set, and there are candles glowing. There are only two place settings, and I wonder who they are for. I look around for Nate, but don’t see him. I only see Holt and Tucker with big smiles on their faces as they load the table down with what looks like delicious food.
“What’s going on? And where is Nate?” I question the two men, who look like conspirators in a secret operation.
“Nate will be along shortly. He’s just cleaning up. We’re going to get ready and head out.” Tucker says, without really answer
ing my questions.
“Where to?” I inquiry.
“We have dates with two of Vacaville’s finest women. Though, Charlie—no one is quite the cream of the crop as you are.” Holt winks.
“Are you flirting with my woman?” I hear Nate say incredulously from behind me.
I turn to see that he’s cleaned up, but still not looking any better since the accident. His bruises are yellowing, but his nose and eyes are still darkly discolored. His poor arm is in a thick, heavy cast. He walks a little further into the room, and I can tell his breathing is a bit labored as he gingerly makes his way over to me. I can only imagine the pain he’s in. He wraps his good arm around my shoulders and reels me in to him.
“Hey, little one.” He feathers a light kiss against my left cheek. “I’ve missed your beautiful face today.”
I blush at his compliment and lean into him more, while trying not to hurt his ribs any more than they already do.
“It’s good to see you up and out of bed, lazy bones,” I smile up at him.
“Someone had to get up and fend for himself since his favorite nursemaid abandoned him.” He pouts.
“Was that your plan, then? To get Halley to call me up and bring me back here for your daily routine? A little laundry, even?”
“You know me so well,” he winks down at me.
“We’re out of here, if you don’t need anything else?” Tucker says, and I’m still left in the dark.
“No, we’re good. Thank you, for all you’ve done.” He looks to each of our friends. “Try not to get arrested while you’re out getting into trouble.”
Our friends head out on that cryptic note, which leaves me alone with Nate. He guides me over to a seat and helps me into it. “Be right back.” He kisses the top of my head, and then leaves the room.
I hear the front door shut and the turn of the deadbolt before Nathan reappears and takes his own seat.
“What’s all this all about?” I question him. I’m curious as to what he has planned, and what this all means.