Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Read online
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“You will not get away with this. You can’t continue to play God with us. There will be a day when I will come for you. I’ll see you in hell for all the wrong you have done.”
The President didn’t move from where he was standing, he didn’t even flinch. Before Braden could get even remotely close to him, he was taken out by Apollo. Apollo then waved over a couple guards to carry Braden off.
Clara could only stare in shock at what had just taken place. The conversation she had earlier with her mother entered her mind. Her mother had tried to warn her that the President would do what he pleased with the people, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
Once Braden was removed from the room, the President turned to face the rest of the selectees.
“Let that be a lesson to each of you. Braden’s traitorous actions were the reason he was chosen for the lower class. We know everything about you. You will do well to remember that.”
Clara felt as if the President’s eyes were only on her while he spoke. She couldn’t imagine why he would be staring at only her. She didn’t want to be on stage anymore. She just wanted the ceremony to be over with.
There were two more selectees in front of her. The first one would be moved to the upper class from the middle, and the one before Clara would be moved from the lower class to the upper class. It was rare for that to happen, but it seemed to her that the boy deserved it.
Time seemed to stand still while the President took extra time calling her name.
“Now, we have Clara Mitchell. Please come forward.”
Clara stepped forward until she found herself standing next to the President. Jules chose that moment to creep up behind her, and whisper in her ear, catching her off guard.
“You better save the first dance for me. Say you will, or I’ll have to tell my father that you’re not behaving.”
Clara jumped at his voice. She felt like she was going to puke. She would have to agree to dance with Jules even though she didn’t want to. To refuse him would only bring her punishment.
“Very well then Jules, the first dance is yours.”
“I thought so.”
Jules hand lightly grazed her neck before he slipped back to where he’d been standing, and continued to watch the ceremony take place.
The President smiled down at her, and then turned to the audience to announce her selection.
“Clara Mitchell is an upstanding pillar of the community, and loyal to the government. She will remain in the upper class system where she belongs. Congratulations Clara.”
Clara breathed a sigh of relief over the announcement. She shook the President’s hand, as was customary, and moved to take her seat on the other side of the stage. She hadn’t realized that she was holding her breath while it was Ava’s turn for selection. She was relieved, yet again, to learn her friend would be staying with her in the upper class as well. Ava winked at Clara as she took her seat.
The President turned to address the selectees one final time.
“You are all an integral part of not only East America, but America as a whole. No matter your caste system now, you’re expected to pull your weight, support the government, and work hard to ensure order and peace is kept. Now, go forward and do great things. I will see you all at the ball. The ball is not optional. Refuse to go, and you will regret it.”
The parents in the audience grew quiet. To refuse the President, would mean severe punishment, maybe even death.
The parents were then dismissed to escort their children to the ballroom. Clara noticed that the parents who were losing their children to another caste system tried to put on a brave face for their children’s sake. Showing disapproval of the President’s orders would only make things worse for everyone.
As Clara made her way back to her parent’s, she couldn’t help but think back on a few things that were really bothering her. When the President gave his speech about keeping order and peace, he didn’t seem too passionate about it. It was like a speech he had rehearsed, but didn’t believe. She also couldn’t help but think of the speech Apollo gave at the beginning of the ceremony. Was America now safer in the hands of someone like Justice Valence?
Six Years Earlier ~Casting Ceremony Ball
Clara would have been perfectly happy skipping the ball, but she didn’t want to find out what the punishment was for doing so. However, the thought of dancing with Jules had her contemplating taking the punishment instead. He made her skin crawl. She was wondering how to get out of dancing with him, when Jules and his father approached her. Clara could feel Jules eyes bearing into hers. She ignored him, and when she looked to the other side of the President, she noticed that someone else was with them.
Next to the President was another boy who looked to be about her age. She would later learn that he’s eighteen, just two years older than her. She had never seen him before, nor did she remember him from the ceremony.
“Clara, come over here. I want to introduce you to Jonathan Blake. His father is to become head of my financial department. Jonathan has been selected to be a part of our religious team.”
Jonathan smiled at her and politely offered her his hand.
She nervously took it, and butterflies began to form in her stomach, as he lightly kissed the back of her hand. His eyes seemed to linger on her a little longer than usual. She was instantly intrigued by Jonathan. She had never met anyone on the religion team before. The President dictated what religion was to be practiced by the people. Her father had once commented that Caesar had felt it would keep people from killing one another for the sake of religion. Clara had always felt there was more to the story, but her father had refused to elaborate on it any further.
Clara could tell that Jonathan wanted to ask her something, but he seemed as nervous as she was. The way he looked down at the floor with uncertainty only made her like him even more. Finally, he found his voice.
“I was wondering Ms. Mitchell, if you would do me the honor of dancing with me?”
She was about to answer him, when Jules rudely cut her off.
“Sorry Casanova, she’s promised the first dance to me. Isn’t that right Clara?”
Jules gave Clara a look that said, “I dare you to defy me.”
She sighed in defeat. “That’s correct Jules. Sorry Jonathan, perhaps the second dance then?”
Jonathan smiled at her again, and she thought he had the cutest smile she had ever seen. She couldn’t wait to find out more about him. In the meantime she had to let Jules lead her onto the dance floor.
When they stepped onto the dance floor, Jules placed his hand a little too low for Clara’s liking.
“Would you mind moving your hand up higher please?”
Jules gave her a mischievous smile.
“So sorry, my dear. It’s just that my hand rests more comfortably there.”
“I don’t care what is comfortable to you. Move it, or I will walk off this dance floor right now.”
Jules pulled her closer to him in a tight grip, and bent down to whisper in her ear, “You do that, and I will make you pay. You’re mine. You will do well to remember that.”
Clara shivered. Jules had never spoken to her with such possessiveness before. He had always been a jerk, but never possessive.
When the song was finally over, she didn’t even wait for him to walk her back to her assigned table. As she approached her chair, she made eye contact with her mother who was wearing a worried look on her face. Clara waved her off. The last thing she needed was her mother stepping in to fix the situation. She had to handle this on her own or Jules would never leave her alone.
Clara was about to take her seat when she remembered her promise to dance with Jonathan. She glanced around the room and spotted him a few tables down, staring at her. She gathered her nerve and approached Jonathan for the second dance that she had promised him earlier. She knew she would enjoy dancing with him way more than dancing with Jules
“It seems that
Jules has a thing for you. I’m not intruding am I?”
“No, not at all. He may be interested in me, but I have no interest in him whatsoever. No thank you.”
“Glad to hear it. I mean, I don’t mind a little competition, but I would prefer to not compete with Jules Valence for your attention.”
Clara blushed. She was happy to hear that Jonathan was interested in her. They continued to dance the remainder of the song in blissful silence.
Clara would be glad when the ball finally come to an end. She had enjoyed dancing with Jonathan, and did so a couple times, but she was ready to call it a night.
By the end of the ball, Clara was smitten. Not only was Jonathan a gentlemen, but he was very good looking. He was tall, almost six feet tall. He had jet black hair and light grayish blue eyes. He had a way of making her feel like they were the only two on the dance floor. He had asked her for her number, and she had obligingly given it to him.
To Clara’s surprise, Jules didn’t demand that she dance with him again. She could however from time to time feel his eyes on her while she danced with other boys, especially when she danced with Jonathan.
Clara watched as the parents escorted their children from the ballroom. Some were celebrating that their child would remain with them, while others were just trying to enjoy the time they had left together before saying goodbye. She felt that there had to be another way, but she was in no position to speak of such things.
As Clara made her way toward her parents, she noticed that they were not alone. Security guards were talking with her parents, and it seemed to be a heated discussion.
Her mother made eye contact with her, and then shook her head at Clara, as if to say, stay put. As panic started to set in, she made another move toward her parents. Before she could take another step, arms embraced her midsection from behind.
“Now, now, Clara, you don’t listen very well, do you? Your mother clearly wants you to remain here.”
“Let go of me.”
“Um sorry, I can’t do that.”
“Why not? What is going on?”
Jules laughed maliciously in her ear.
“Take one last look at your mother. This will be the last time that you’ll see her alive.”
Clara started to struggle against him to try and free herself from his grasp, but he was stronger. Tears of frustration started to stream down her face. She watched helplessly as the guards put her mother in handcuffs, and her father didn’t do a thing to stop them.
“Let go of me. I have to help my mother.”
“Sorry my dear, I can’t do that. Besides, there is nothing you can do to help her.”
Clara was sobbing even harder now.
“What is happening? Where are they taking my mother?”
Jules bent down to again whisper in her ear.
“Your precious mother is being taken to the prison to await her trial.”
Clara started to shake her head in denial. She slightly collapsed against Jules, not caring what he thought of her in that moment.
She felt defeated. She didn’t know why her mother was being taken away in handcuffs, or why her father didn’t even try to help her.
“I don’t understand. Why are they taking her to prison?”
“Why, my dear sweet Clara, that is where we take all traitors of the government to await trial, and ultimately their execution.”
Present Day ~ Jackson
When I saw Clara last night sitting in the chair, and very much alive, I almost fainted myself. I had to play it cool in front of my men. Showing any sign of weakness is forbidden in my group. It’s how we stay safe, how we stay alive.
I’ve been tracking this lone wolf for weeks. I couldn’t have some renegade assassin out there. It was dangerous, and not to mention, it posed a threat to our mission.
When my men had captured the lone wolf, I would never had believed it was Clara. Hell, I buried her, or so I thought, shortly after my brother was murdered. I can see why she would go after those men. Damn, I wanted to kill them after they had murdered my brother, and tortured Clara. I had to play by the rules though. It took six men, and a hell of a lot of tranquilizers to convince me otherwise. If I made one wrong
move, our whole operation would be jeopardized. It has taken years to get where we are today. We’re so close to accomplishing what we set out to do. However, I still can’t help but feel like I failed my brother, and Clara.
It wasn’t until I’d received a letter from the Leader of the Rebellion telling me to stand down, that I began to cool my jets. He promised me that I would have revenge, it would just have to be when someone else gave the order.
After I told Clara who I was, she had walked out the door without another word. I was just glad she didn’t faint again. I know she has a lot of question, and I will answer them in time, but right now I have to get my men ready for our next target. We’re so close to moving on to the next phase of our plan.
Having Clara here will be a distraction for me. I don’t know how I will convince her to stay out of this fight, to stay out of harm’s way. Now that I know she’s alive and well, and here under my protection, I don’t want to lose her again. I can’t lose her again.
As I pace the floor in the bedroom that I was given, even though I had so kindly declined it, I become angrier by the minute. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Jonathan has a twin brother. One he failed to mention to me, at all. I feel so betrayed by the man I loved and still love, the man I seek revenge for, the man I buried. For a moment I think about the secrets I carry, but I quickly push those thoughts away. I don’t owe Jackson anything, much less an explanation of why I had faked my own death.
As soon as I get a chance, I’m running from this place, and next time, I won’t be as easy to catch. I still have men on my list that I need to hunt down and eliminate. Nothing, not even Jonathan’s twin brother, can stop me.
The Capital – Present Day
Jules watches as his father, Justice, proceeds to teach one of their guards a lesson. Derek was supposed to be guarding Kristopher Bentley. Now, because of his stupidity, Kristopher is dead.
Justice holds Derek up off the floor by his shirt. His face is inches from Derek’s.
“Because of your mistake, another one of my Commanders is dead.”
Derek tries one last attempt to plead his case to the President. “Sir, it wasn’t my fault. Mr. Bentley told me to take the night off. He had some hot little number with him, and he was interested in getting to know her a little better.”
Jules could have sworn the veins in his father’s face were going to pop. He watched as Justice roughly threw Derek to the floor.
“You know I don’t care what excuses you try and give me. You should have been guarding him. You know how I feel about people who let me down. A life for a life.”
Justice signals for Apollo to finish the job, but Jules steps in to stop him. It has been awhile since Jules had done bodily harm to anyone, and he’s just itching to kill someone.
“Father, let me have the honor of finishing this scum. I will make sure he suffers greatly before I end him.”
Derek is shaking his head back and forth, and trying to move away from the sadistic father and son. He knows that if Justice lets Apollo kill him, it will be over quickly. However, if Jules is allowed to carry out the punishment, he would suffer at the hands of a madman. He had witnessed many tortures and executions by Jules’ hands. Derek couldn’t let him carry out his punishment.
Justice smiles at his son. “Very well then, he’s all yours. Just make sure the other guards witness what happens when they fail me.”
Jules smirked at Derek. “I’ll make sure that none of them will ever let you down again.”
Justice put his hand on his sons shoulder. “You make me proud.”
“Thank you.”
As Justice leaves the room to attend to other business, Ju
les pulls out his knife, and smiles sadistically at Derek.
“I know one thing for sure, I’m going to love this far more than you are.”
As Justice makes his way down the hall, and away from the torture room, he smiles when he hears Derek’s screams of pain.
Once Jules has his fill of torturing Derek, he finally ends his life by cutting his throat. He wipes the blood off the knife with his shirt and faces the guards in the room with a stern look. He does so to make sure they receive the message. When he’s satisfied that they have in fact received the message, he leaves without saying another word and heads toward his apartments.
His father had given him a set of apartments in the Capital building shortly after he had turned eighteen. That was the same year, he had told his father that he had to have Clara Mitchell.
He still remembered how beautiful she had looked the night of her choosing ceremony. He should have just taken her that night, and been done with it, but her mother had been arrested for treason, and Clara had been whisked away shortly after by her father.
His father had told him to be patient, that he would make sure Clara was his. As time passed and she still didn’t belong to him, he became anxious. When he heard that Jonathan Blake had intentions of marrying her, he had reacted. Now, three of the men he had sent to teach Clara a lesson that night were dead.
Jules didn’t believe in coincidences. He knew something was going on, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
He had to admit he hadn’t been happy with how the men had treated Clara that night, but she had needed to learn that she belonged to him. She had also needed to learn her place in his world.
Jules walks over to where a framed picture of Clara sits on his dresser. It had been taken at the ceremony ball, and he had made the photographer give him a copy.
He gently picks up the photo and speaks to it, as if he were speaking to Clara herself.