Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel) Read online
Page 4
Nathan is full-on grinning at me now, making butterflies dance all over the place inside my belly.
“A date, huh? I didn’t realize we had tipped the scales here.”
“Oh, well, I didn’t mean an actual date,” I stumble over my words in embarrassment. What was I thinking? Now he thinks I’m coming on to him, and assuming that there would be a date in the cards. Where’s a plant I can hide behind until it’s time to leave?
“If a date is what you wanted, why didn’t you just say so in the first place?” he teases back with a wink and a big smirk on his face.
Just as I’m about to reply, I’m saved by, “Hey Nate, are these seats taken?”
Off to the right side of me are his two friends, looking at us with goofy grins on their faces. Oh lovely, more hunky men to add to the mix. They must have over heard our flirting banter. This is not going to help my embarrassment go away.
Where the heck are my friends, anyway?
Poor Charlotte, sitting here looking so cute, squirming in her chair now that the guys have shown up. I would have said it was good timing earlier to help ease the tension of her shyness, but not so much now. We were just starting to get somewhere when she let a little feistiness show. I’m determined to bring that back out. For now, though, I’ll just have to bide my time.
“Tucker, Holt, this is Charlotte. Charlotte, these are my really good friends.”
“Charlotte, nice to meet you.” Tucker holds his hand out to shake hers. She timidly places hers in his for a quick shake, then snatches her hand back quickly, like she’s afraid to get burned.
“We thought we would come over here and save you from the likes of this guy.” Holt teases, with a lopsided grin and winks at her, causing her cheeks to blush slightly.
“Charlotte here was just asking me out on a date. We haven’t even had our first dance yet, and I’ve already scored a date. She’s a fast worker, this one. I say you two better watch it—she’s a tiger.” Winking over at Charlotte, I cause her face to deepen further with heat. I can’t help teasing her. She’s so cute, and I know it isn’t an act. She really does seem to have a hard time with attention coming from a man.
I know the guys heard our conversation when they walked up to the table, so why not just get it out of the way now before it becomes more awkward?
“We leave you alone for a few songs, and what happens when we come back? You start collecting men. What is this, Charlie’s Angels?” Charlotte’s blonde friend—the one with the watermelon moves—asks with a big, fat grin.
“Hello, Ladies. You must be Charlotte’s good-looking friend we saw earlier on the dance floor. Nice watermelon moves you have.” Holt says to the blonde, like he’s the big bad wolf and he’s about to eat her up.
Blondie laughs and sticks out her hand to Holt. “I’m Halley, and this is Naomi. We’re Charlie’s close friends. And you are?” she asks, looking over at Tucker.
“I’m Tucker, and the big bad wolf over there is Holt. And Prince Charming over here is Nathan. Charlotte was just asking him out on a date.”
At the mention of a date, Blondie’s eyebrows shoot way up. Way to go, Tucker! I scowl over in his direction. I don’t need them—or her friends, for that matter—to scare Charlotte away, or embarrass her further before I have a chance to dance with her.
This place just became too crowded.
“Charlotte, what do you say to that dance now? It looks like we’re outnumbered, so we’d better make a clean getaway.” The smile she gives me, and the relief that washes over her face, is enough to make me get out of the chair, walk over to her, gently grab her hand, and lead her to the dance floor before anyone else can take a jab or ask annoying questions.
We make it out on to the dance floor just in time for a slow song. “It must be fate,” I joke to Charlotte once we find a good spot close to the middle of the dance floor, far away from prying eyes.
“It’s more like really good timing, with lots of luck.” She quips back at me, making me smile.
Keeping hold of her hand, I lead her to stand in front of me. I place my other hand on her waist, while bringing her free hand to my shoulder. I gently pull her into me a little more, so there’s only a slight space separating our bodies from touching. I tuck our adjoined hands in between us and rest them on my chest, over my heart. Then I start to find our rhythm to the slow song with this blue eyed, brown haired beauty.
“Thank you for saving me back there. I don’t think I could have handled an interrogation from my friends. I think I can stave that off for a little while longer, like maybe the car ride home,” she chuckles.
Wanting to feel more of her, I draw her body closer to mine using the arm around her waist to pull her in, eliminating that last bit of distance between us. I can feel both of our heartbeats pitter against our joined hands as her left arm hesitantly leaves my shoulder to circle around my neck. I know I’m making her slightly uncomfortable, but for some reason, I can’t manage to stop the urge of needing to feel her closer, and wanting to hold her against me.
“I heard your friends call you Charlie earlier. What’s your preference? Or would you rather I stick with Charlotte?” I ask her on a quiet inhale of breath, smelling the scent of her hair and skin that’s right under my nose, all while loving the fact that she’s short and feels secure in my arms.
I have no idea what’s gotten in to me. I just barely met Charlotte, and I’m letting my emotions run rampant. Not that I can’t be the sweet, caring, and doting boyfriend-type. However, this girl pulls at my heartstrings a little harder than she should for just meeting me, and way more than any other woman I’ve met before her ever has.
I look down at her as she quietly contemplates allowing me to use her nickname, as if it might be too intimate for me to call her that. Finally, she says, “You can call me Charlie,” causing me to smile above her head.
“Charlie it is, little one.”
Earlier, Charlie had said that we might have had lots of luck when the slow song came on, saving the day between us and our friends. I’m starting to think that she’s right, as two more slow songs come on right after the first one ends, allowing me to hold on to her petite body a little longer. It’s either that, or someone tipped the DJ to play an extra one, which works out perfectly for me. Charlie finally let down her guard by the second song, and tentatively laid her head on my chest. She’s been quiet for most of our time on the dance floor, which allows me a little peace while blocking out everyone else around us but Charlie.
“I never did ask you—” Charlie startles me from my thoughts, raising her head as she hesitates before saying what’s on her mind. “Are you seeing anyone? I never asked, and here I am dancing with you with my head on your chest. I just—I just thought that maybe—well, maybe I was crossing the line by doing that.” And now she’s really embarrassed by her actions and words.
“I wouldn’t be out here with the town’s prettiest lady, holding her intimately, if I was seeing someone — causally or seriously.” I’m hoping for gentleness with that statement, as to not further embarrass her, yet also letting her know that I’m not that kind of guy, and how I don’t want to be anywhere else but here. “So the answer to your question, darlin’, is no.”
“I’m sorry. That probably came out rude, or like an accusation. I just felt dumb for not asking you earlier, and you can never tell with some of the guys who come here.”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. You had every right to ask. After all, it was only fair, since I asked you earlier if you were seeing someone. I’m not offended in any way, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but right here with you.”
Feeling her inhale and then exhale, she rests her head back on my chest as I hear, “Good.” If I could pull her in any closer, I would, but it’s not possible, as we are as close as we can be with our hands still between us.
Quietly sighing, I wonder what makes her so special that I have to know her. I guess only time will tell, if I dare to go there. Then again, I’m scared t
hat I actually want her to know more about me, and vice versa. And if I really want to stop being a coward with myself, then I already know that the answers to my rambling thoughts are a definite yes to wanting to know her better.
Only one more question remains: how far will I allow this to go?
Nathan keeps a strong hold on my hand as he leads me off the dance floor and back to the curious eyes of our friends. I can only imagine what they were talking about while we were away. At this point, I’m ready to go home. I’ve had a good night so far, and I loved being in the muscular arms of Nathan. Why let them ruin it with questions that, no doubt, they’re waiting to ambush us with? Sighing, I take a seat by Naomi, and to no surprise, our wonderful friends have left a seat open for Nathan to occupy, which just happens to be next to mine. How convenient. And do you think he’s let go of my hand for one second? Nope.
Feeling happy, I turn my head to the side, trying to hide my secret little smile. In the process of turning my head, I notice his friends. Holt and Tucker both raise an eyebrow at Nathan. Oh, the mischievous grins they give him. He must have given them some kind of signal, because they’re no longer looking inquisitive or teasing, and have gone back to talking to Naomi and Halley by the time I turn my head back to the group.
We sit at the table for another hour and a half talking, and a few times getting up to dance. The dancing was mainly Halley and Naomi, accompanied by Holt and Tucker. I don’t mind, though. I prefer to sit and watch—especially now that I have someone else at my side to keep me company. During that time, Nathan has either held my hand, or kept his on my thigh, causing me to shiver as goose bumps form from the touch of his hand. Feeling his fingers lightly brush my leg above my knee sends a thrill down my spine. Part of me, during those times, thought that I should remove his hand. But then I would talk myself out of it, remembering that I made a promise to myself to be more open and less shy tonight. Also, I couldn’t deny how good his hand felt, either.
All around, it’s been a win-win situation, if you ask me.
The night is wearing on, and it’s getting late. Even though I’ve had three cokes, I’m tired. We’ve been here going on three hours, and I’ve had a long week with work. Meeting Nathan and his friends has been a lot of fun, but dancing with Nathan was definitely the highlight of my night. I’m ready to go home, hit the pillow, and let Nathan invade my dreams.
Motioning to me, Naomi asks if I’m ready to settle up and head out. Giving her a smile, I reply, “I do believe my glass slipper is about to turn into a pumpkin if we don’t get going soon.” At that, Nathan squeezes my hand, giving me a cute, lazy smile.
“Are you sure you ladies have to leave already?” Tucker asks.
“Unfortunately, we do. I have too much to do tomorrow, and I need to sleep so I don’t waste the day away. We also all came together, so it’s best that we stick together when we leave. It’s smart and safer that way. Plus, we have to walk a bit to our truck,” I tell him. Could I sound any more ridiculous? I shouldn’t be allowed around good-looking men. It’s like my brain and mouth keep feeding the ramble meter.
“Perfect, we should get going ourselves. We’ll walk you out, and to your truck. We might even be parked close to each other.” Holt tells us through a charming smile, which seems to widen a little more when he looks at Halley.
“Holt’s right, Tuck. We should get going, unless you plan on backing out of tomorrow? Or did you forget already?” Nathan ribs Tucker with a cocky grin, while I’m wondering what’s up with tomorrow and secretly wishing I could go along.
“Look here, cowboy. I’m not backing out, and no way am I losing more money to you, either. So get that stupid smile off your face.” Tucker fires back.
“I feel like I’ve been watching a comedy act between the Three Stooges all night. Don’t you think, ladies?” Halley asks Naomi and I with a teasing smile, making us laugh. Leave it to her. She’s a straight-forward person, and doesn’t mind saying what she thinks when she wants to.
“Woman! You did not just go there.” Holt holds his hand over his heart, like she’s wounded him, or his pride—or both. It’s all an act with this guy. You can tell he’s a big ham who loves attention, and eats it up. From what I’ve seen of him so far, he’s a perfect match for Halley. They are both witty and blunt people. I have to wonder if he has a serious side to him, or if he’s one big jokester. I also wonder, for her sake, if he’s a player.
I don’t know much about Tucker, though. He clearly keeps up with the best of them, and he’s just as good looking as Holt is. I saw how the women in this place kept eyeballing our table when the guys decided to stick around. Especially this one redhead, who couldn’t keep the pout off her lips every time she looked at Holt. I’m not stupid. I know we got the men that a lot of the women want. Our table felt like it had one giant target on it, and the weapon of choice tonight would be the daggers in the other women’s eyes. Funny thing is, the men didn’t even notice, or seem to care. They seemed happy and content to be where they were. So, the question is, what the heck are they doing with us? It’s not like we aren’t a catch or anything, but don’t they want these other women, too?
I’m not saying that all the women here were being horrible with their looks. Just a few zoned in on us, especially the redhead. I have a feeling she could be trouble down the road. I sure hope not, though. I’m not one who loves drama, and Halley wouldn’t have a problem speaking up in a confrontation. I think it was more jealousy than anything hateful with these women, and I try to let the feeling of impending doom go.
Sighing to myself, I realize that I’m lapsing back into being insecure as I feel Nathan’s hand in mine. He’s giving it a squeeze while his eyes shoot me a questioning look.
“You okay there, Charlie? You seem to have disappeared for a minute. Are we that boring? The Two Stooges aren’t entertaining enough?” He chuckles, bumping my hip with his side. I notice that he left himself out of the comedy group, which makes me give him a soft smile.
“Oh, she found your secret out, Nate. Now she knows what a bump on a log you are. She just took a trip in time through snoozville, and realized that she has to get out while she can before she sleeps through your relationship.” Holt cracks himself up at my expense.
“Yeah, real funny, Curly,” Nathan throws back at him, cracking the rest of the group up. “How old are you, again?”
“Curly. I like it. I think that’s your new name, babe.” Halley taunts Holt.
At this point, we’re close to the exit, and Holt decides to chase Halley out the front door, right past Dave.
Dave stops us, pulling me in for a big hug, and forcing Nathan to let go of my hand. I automatically miss the heat and strength of his hand surrounding mine. I know Dave means well, and after all, he looks after us when we’re here. So I can’t blame him for giving me a hug, which is a habit for him. He lets me go and hugs Naomi, then releases her, too.
“You ladies need an escort out to the lot? I can get Tim to come up here and take over for a few,” he says while eyeing Tucker, but more specifically, Nathan. Okay, what’s that all about?
“No, we’re good. Nathan, Tucker, and Holt are walking us out. Thanks, Dave. You’re the best. Always looking out for us and making sure we’re good,” Naomi says, saving us from what felt like an awkward situation coming on.
“Are you sure? Charlie?” Dave asks, looking at me. He’s holding my eyes for a minute longer than usual. “It’s no bother. I do it every time you ladies come out. It’s really not a problem. And do you even know these guys?” he asks, looking dubiously at Nathan. “No offense, Nate. I know you’re a good guy, but I doubt the ladies know you well enough to know that.”
Wow. Dave seems to be in overprotective mode right now. “It’s okay, Dave,” I say, laying my hand on his arm. “They’re really good guys, so I’m not worried. It seems like you know them pretty well. That just endorsed my approval for them walking us to our truck even more. Thanks!” I say it with a smile that I hope will ease hi
s mind and let us go without any more issues.
He lets out a long breath. “Sure. Yeah, they are pretty good guys. I’m just being overprotective. You know me.” He smiles, sounding a little deflated. The weird tension in the air evaporates as he lets us go with one more hug, saying goodbye, and to be safe driving home.
INSTEAD OF JUST HOLDING CHARLIE’S hand, I decide to wrap my arm around her as we walk out the front door, letting Dave know she’s taken.
I have no idea what that was all about, but the next time I’m in Texas Jacks, you better believe I’m going to find out. Charlie said she didn’t have a boyfriend, but she didn’t mention that Dave was into her. Either she has no clue, or she chooses to ignore it. I really have no idea what she thinks, but I don’t like it.
Turns out the girls are parked only a few cars away from ours, which is good. I’m tired, and not in the mood to backtrack. It’s also a good thing we walked the girls out; the odds are better with three men rather than one if something were to happen to them.
We walk over to my truck and stop as we notice that Halley is laughing herself silly. I raise my eyebrows at Holt and he just points to the sticker on the back of the truck, which Charlie reads out loud.
“That’s not a leak. My Ford’s just marking its territory.”
“You know what ‘Ford’ stands for right?” she asks, and before I can answer, she says, “Fix or Repair Daily.” Halley laughs again.
“Woman, you need some new jokes. I can share plenty of my jokes with you any time you want, all you have to do is share one thing with me.” Holt teases her.
“And what’s that, Curly?” she replies.
“Your phone number.” Holt says matter-of-factly.
“Oh, is that all?” she asks coyly. “I’m not just a ‘call for a good time’ kind of lady, you know, so how do I know you don’t plan on adding it to your little black book for just that?”
“That’s the thing. You won’t know, unless you give me your number so you can find out.”