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Page 7
“Please, Edna, for God’s sake!” he begged.
As if she hadn’t even heard him, she began to lick his cock.
It would have served her right if I hadn’t washed after I got out of Mae, he thought. The taste of shit would have turned her off.
But maybe not, he mused, recalling the many times she had licked his asshole. He wondered if she would do it now.
He squirmed, flopping his penis away from her mouth, and rolled onto his belly.
“So you want a little of that — huh, Mister?” she purred. “Well, I’m not too proud! You know that, darling.”
She stretched his buttocks apart and pressed her face between them. As her tongue began to swab his sensitive anus, trickling saliva into it, Thad became afraid that he couldn’t hold out.
He shoved his ass upward and wiggled it, grinding his asshole against her hot tongue. She pushed, breaking through the elastic ring, and her tongue slithered in and out of his aperture.
His cock began to harden against the bed.
“Jesus Christ!” he groaned. “If you have to lick something, go back to my pecker!”
Edna raised her head. “Your ass tastes so good, I don’t want to leave it! You must have just shitted, huh?”
“It was several hours ago,” he said. “But,” he added, remembering, “the john was short of paper.”
“Well, you’re pretty clean now!” Edna announced proudly.
He rolled onto his back and stared up at her.
“Ah-ha!” she said, grasping his dick. “You’ve got lead in your pencil, after all!”
“Edna, we’re through, damn it! Can’t you get that into your fuck-crazy head?”
“We’ll never be through,” she told him. “You just think on that, Thaddeus!”
She bowed her red head and began to suck his bristling cock.
He lay back and tried to enjoy it. He didn’t have to try very hard. Edna’s encircling lips, which glided silkily up and down on his rod along with her stroking tongue, reminded him that she was the best cocksucker he had come across in Centerville. She made an art out of it, which put her a notch above Mae and the others.
She bobbed her head slowly, enveloping his dick until her mouth was very low on his shaft, then she stroked her encircling lips all the way up across his corona, reversed directions, and dived again. Steadily, relentlessly, she sucked and tongue-stroked his quivering prick until he couldn’t think about anything except how wonderful it felt.
Finally she raised her head all the way and smiled at him in the dim light. “Take me with you, Thad,” she said.
“I can’t!”
“You can if you want to… and I know you really want to. You’re just fucking stubborn, that’s all. Well, baby, I can be stubborn, too!”
She bowed her head once again and resumed sucking his cock.
“Edna, cut it out!” he rasped.
She kept slowly pumping her mouth up and down on his rod.
He slapped her.
She raised her head and blinked at him, her cheek turning rosy. “Don’t do that!” she said, and her eyes flashed.
“Then leave me the hell alone.”
“But you’ve got a Goddamned hard-on!”
“So what? It’ll relax when I fall asleep.”
“Sleep? You could sleep now?”
“Just try me.”
“Well, shit!” she said.
“SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!” Edna cried.
“Get it out of your system.”
“Oh, how I wish I could!” she told him hatefully. “I wish I could shit all over you!”
She climbed off the bed and went padding through the dark house — looking for a drink, Thad assumed. He had known her to hit the bottle when things went wrong.
He grasped his hard cock and stroked it a few times, wondering if he should jack off. But he was too tired. He turned onto his side and tried to relax.
Edna came running back into the room.
“Marcella, huh?” she cried, waving the Mailgram at him. She had found it in his pants, which he carelessly had left in the living room.
“Give me that!” he demanded, leaping from the bed.
“Sure!” Edna threw it at him. “I read the name of the town where she is, and the name of the people she’s staying with! If you go to her, I’ll find you!”
“You fucking bitch!” he snarled. “Don’t you have any pride at all?”
“Not where you’re concerned,” she said, and dropped to her knees before him. “I just love this big, long dick of yours!” she whined, and grasped it. It was still hard.
She caught the knob in her mouth and began to pump her head forward and back.
What in God’s name am I going to do with her? Thad wondered. If he were a praying man, he would have prayed right then. But that was for suckers. Not only did he not believe in prayer, he didn’t believe in God, either. He only believed in good works. He was sincere about that. But he had worked long enough with Edna.
He slapped her again — so hard that he knocked her off his cock and sent her sprawling onto her back.
“Oooooh, you broke my Goddamned jaw!” she moaned.
“Shit!” he said, and stepped over her. He strode to the kitchen where he kept a bottle.
He tilted the jug in the darkness and drank down several ounces. He wiped his mouth as his throat burned.
She knows where I’m going, he thought. That means she can make all kinds of trouble unless I fix her good!
Murder flashed through his mind.
No, he decided. Too risky. Anyway, I don’t want to kill the bitch!
Buy her off?
In a pig’s ass!
SCARE her.
“Edna?” he called.
After a few moments, she appeared in the kitchen doorway, sniveling. She could rail, and she could cry. She could run the gamut.
She was like him — determined to get what she wanted.
But he was tougher, he believed.
He took a bread knife from a drawer, and its blade glinted in the pale light coming in through the window. “How’d you like to have your throat cut?” he asked.
“Thad!” Her eyes widened. “You don’t mean that!”
“Maybe if I were to cut off just one titty…” he suggested. The liquor was beginning to take hold of him strongly, tired as he was, and it showed in his eyes, making him look wild.
“You’re crazy!” Edna said, backing off as if she really believed it.
He advanced on her, holding the big knife in front of him. “Maybe I am.”
She turned and ran through the house to the front door. Thad followed. She yanked the door open and, streaked, butt-naked, into the night.
Thad shut the door and locked it. He sat down, with his back to the door, and laughed.
Crazy, he wasn’t. But a little drunk, he was. And he thought, in his inebriated condition, that he had gotten rid of the woman. He returned the knife to the kitchen and went back to bed.
Edna stood in the street without a stitch of clothes on and wondered what she was going to do. She didn’t dare return to Thad — not now, at least, while he was so wild. He might really cut off her tit — or worse, if anything could be worse than for a young, pretty woman to lose one of her titties.
She looked around. There was no one in sight.
She had friends in town, but they were all on the square side, and she wasn’t sure they would help her if she were to arrive naked at their door around midnight.
The cops? Forget it, Charley! They would simply throw her into the slammer… after they had helped themselves to her goodies, of course.
She wasn’t against the idea of swapping her ass to a stranger for assistance. But she wasn’t about to give up her sweet ass and her freedom, too.
Headlights appeared down the street, and Edna froze. She breathed hard, her nerves tense.
Take a chancel she decided. That was what she would have to do. But
she would wait and make sure it wasn’t a cop car.
She scurried in back of some bushes and watched the car approach. As soon as it got close enough to assure her there was no shape of cop-lights on the roof, she ran out.
The driver put on his brakes.
“For God’s sake!” a man’s white face said through the window.
He was middle-aged and mousy-looking, with rimless glasses and not much hair. There was nobody else in the car.
Edna smiled. “I need help,” she said simply.
The man’s eyes flicked up and down her nude form. He didn’t say anything. He looked scared.
“Well, will you help me or not?” she asked amiably.
“Wh-what’s the matter?”
“My man threw me out.”
“Just like that?”
“You can see, can’t you?”
“Yeah, I can see all right,” he said, and a little gleam came to his eyes.
“Do you like me?” Edna asked, deciding to play her top card.
Fear arose again. “Lady, I’m a married man!”
“Shit, what difference does that make?” she asked.
“G-get in.”
Edna ran around to the other side of the car and slid in beside the mousy fellow. Right up against him, in fact. She put her hand in his crotch.
His throat made a rattling sound.
“Well, drive!” Edna demanded.
“Yeah. I guess I’d better.” His voice was already getting raspy with lust. And that wasn’t the only symptom that appeared. His cock was stiffening, also.
Edna unzipped his pants.
“Ooh, God… don’t!” he bleated. “Not right here… while we’re… driiiiiivinnnnng!”
His cock was sticking up nude, and she was stroking it. The car weaved, threatening to run onto a sidewalk.
Edna took her hand away from him. “Watch where you’re going, for Christ’s sake!”
“Well, then… don’t… don’t… do what you were doing.”
Edna giggled. “You’ve got a pretty sensitive pecker.”
He groaned again, writhing, and she thought he might shoot off. But he didn’t.
“Do you live here in town?” Edna asked.
“No. My wife and I are visiting her mother. We’re on vacation.”
“Shit, that’s some lousy vacation — visiting your motherin-law!”
“I know it,” he said.
“Well, let’s see if we can’t liven your vacation up a little.” Edna was beginning to enjoy the situation. The guy was such a square! It would be fun to play with him and watch his eyes pop. It would be a good way to get back at Thad, also.
“There’s an all-night store over on Center Street,” Edna said.
“Yeah, that’s where I’m coming from. Mother Frisbee needed some warm milk to put her to sleep.”
Edna laughed. “No shit! And you got dressed to go out and get it? I don’t believe you, Fred!”
“My name is Harvey.”
“I’m Edna. Turn around and go back to that store, will you?”
“Why?” He blinked at her, trying not to look at her bare breasts.
“Because I need some clothes — or hadn’t you noticed? They sell blouses and pants there. Oh, and get me some panties too, will you? I don’t wear a bra.”
“I… I can’t walk into a store and ask for girls’ panties!”
“You don’t have to ask for them! Just pick them up. Pink… blue… white… any color’s okay.” Her eyes twinkled.
“B-but what will the clerk think of me, buying girls’ stuff?”
“Hell think you’re a swinger, Harvey! Now wouldn’t you like that?”
He slowed the car to a crawl. “Where are we going?”
“To the fucking store, Harvey!” she snapped.
“Ooh, I’ve never heard a girl use words like that!” he said, his cock twitching. It remained super-stiff.
“Say, how long since you’ve had a good piece?” Edna asked.
“I… well… my wife and I do it.”
“Is it good?” Edna purred, cuddling him.
“No!” he blurted.
“I’ll give it to you good,” she promised.
“Where?” he begged.
“Get the clothes first.”
Harvey turned the car around.
“My wife and Mother Frisbee are expecting me,” he said, worried.
“Fuck them!” Edna replied.
“The way you talk!”
“Don’t you think you’d better stuff your dick back into your pants?” Edna suggested. “I’d do it, except I’m afraid it would make you too excited.”
“It… it’s still stiff!” Harvey moaned, glancing down.
“Why is that? I’m not doing anything to it.”
“Yes, but you’re naked!”
“And naked girls really turn you on, hmmm?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“Well, think pure thoughts, because you’re going to have to get out of the car in a minute. And park somewhere in back, where it’s dark. But I guess I don’t have to tell you that.”
He drove to the far side of the store’s parking lot and stopped where a large tree shielded the car from the only overhead light. No other cars were parked nearby at that late hour.
Harvey wrestled his penis back into his clothes, though it remained pretty stiff. He squirmed uncomfortably and said, “This is embarrassing.”
“Don’t take all day in the store,” Edna said. “If a cop car comes around, I’ll get busted for sure.”
“Okay… okay.” Harvey started to get out, then stopped. “A blouse, pants and panties. What sizes?”
Edna told him.
For a second time he started to get out and stopped. “Hey, wait a minute! I’m going to have to pay for those clothes.”
“Afraid so, Harvey. I don’t have any money on me.”
“Well… heck! That’s going to be eight or ten dollars, maybe more.”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” Edna promised.
He looked into her green eyes. “Really?” Though he was in his mid-forties, he seemed as insecure as a high school sophomore.
“Yes! Really! Now get the lead out, will you?”
He got out of the car, took a step away and turned back. Edna had the feeling that he was worried about leaving her in his car, for fear she might drive off with it. He had put the keys in his pocket, though.
Maybe, she speculated whimsically, he was afraid to let her out of his sight, for fear he might wake up and never see her again.
Without saying anything, he turned back toward the store and walked to it. Edna did some serious thinking while he was gone. By the time he returned, she had a scheme mapped out.
Slightly red-faced, Harvey handed the store bag to her. “I never want to go through that again!” he said as he got into the car. “Buying girls’ panties! You should have seen the way that kid looked at me!”
“Thanks, Harvey.”
“The stuff came to thirteen ninety-five.”
“Thanks, again.” Edna threw the bag onto the back seat.
“Well, aren’t you going to put the clothes on?”
“Not quite yet.” She snuggled up to Harvey.
“Heyyyy…” he protested huskily. But he didn’t push her away.
“You were afraid about not getting your money’s worth,” she said. “Do you figure a blow job is worth thirteen dollars?”
“A b-blow job?” he echoed stupidly, as if he didn’t know what she meant.
Could he be that dumb? Yes, he could be, Edna decided.
“I’m offering to suck your cock,” she whispered in his ear.
“Okay!” he responded eagerly. “But we can’t do it here! You said yourself that the cops might come around.”
“You can keep watch for them while my head is down,” Edna replied, and she unzipped his trousers once more.
She found his organ semi-hard when she hauled it out and a few quick strokes of he
r hand completed the process. He watched her titties tremble.
“Ooh, God!” he husked, squirming. “My wife never did that, even when we were first married.”
“What? Give you a blow job?”
“No! Play with me the way you’re doing.”
“But she does give you blow jobs, huh?” Edna’s eyes sparkled in the dim light.
“Are you kidding? I n-never had my… cock… sucked by anyone!”
“Oooooh, poor baby…!” Edna cooed, and wriggled sensuously as she bowed her head to his lap.
“Aaaaah!” he exhaled sharply when her tongue touched his prick.
She chuckled softly and licked all over the quivering pinkish bulb of his pecker.
“Keep watching for the cops now, Harvey,” she warned, her lips brushing his slippery glans.
He didn’t say anything. He was holding his breath.
When Edna clasped the knob of his penis in her warm, wet mouth, he audibly exhaled again. One of his hands went into her tousled red hair and the other reached underneath her bent body to grasp a soft, springy-firm breast. She began to suck him while slowly bobbing her head.
“Aaaaw… gosh!” he exclaimed, again acting like a sixteen-year-old.
Edna pumped her sucking mouth more rapidly on his dong, not wishing to prolong the act. He writhed excitedly and began bouncing on the car-seat.
Edna’s head bumped the steering wheel, but she kept going. She sucked his cock as heatedly as she could and was not surprised that in less than ten seconds his firm tube quivered between her lips.
“AAAWWWGH!” he rasped pleasurably, and his spasming glans jetted man-cream along her tongue and into her throat.
She gulped and gurgled, continuing to suck him, and he spurted again and again. One of his hands continued to clutch her head, the other her titty. Her nipple was firm against his palm.
As soon as she was sure he was through shooting, she swallowed the last of his jism, raised her head a little, and licked his penis clean. Then she sat up and smiled.
Harvey leaned back against the car seat, his mouth open and his eyes shut. He was breathing hard.
“Was that good?” she asked unnecessarily.
“Wowww!” he said.
“All right. Now let’s drive.”
Edna reached over the seat for the bag of clothes, her tits trembling.