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Page 9
Georgina’s pulse kicked up as heat flared in his eyes.
“Uh… well…”
Simon started making chicken noises.
“Fine. Anything.”
Man, this is almost too easy.
Biting back an evil laugh, Simon circled Georgina’s velvet comforter draped form. She had left it on, per his request, and he loved the way she looked in it, like a Greek Goddess come to life.
A contrite goddess, willing to do anything to get back in his good graces. Well, they’d just see how Georgina defined anything.
Clearing his throat, he asked after something that, if she was smart, she would tell him was none of his business. “Would you say that you have an excessive list of sexual hang-ups?”
Georgina narrowed her eyes. “Define excessive.”
“Ever been tied up?”
“Ever had group sex?”
“Let’s try a tamer one. Ever gone bald down below?”
“Ever what?”
“Shaved the kitty. Waxed the peach. Took a blunt to the…”
Georgina shrieked and held up her hands. “I get it, I get it. No, I have never shaved off my pubic hair. Why, does it bother you that I’m not smooth down there?”
“Hell, no. Doesn’t matter to me, I’m just grateful you let me down there. I’m not about to get fussy.”
“I’ve thought about doing it but…”
“Afraid of the itchy growing-in stage?” he asked.
“That and well… lots of things about it make me uncomfort-
“Like what?”
“It just seems wrong, as if I’m regressing to when I was a little girl, before puberty. As if I’m giving up a symbol of my maturity.”
Simon raised an eyebrow at that. “Now tell me the real reason you don’t go bald.”
Georgina snorted. “How annoying to be attracted to a man that reads me so well,” she muttered. Simon grinned. So she thought he had her figured out, did she?
You wish.
“I think I’d feel vulnerable and exposed, stripped bare like that,”
Georgina went on.
Bingo. Get her to give you that one.
Simon pinned Georgina with a heated look and said, “Here’s what’s going to happen…”
“Uh-oh,” Georgina said, taking a step back.
Simon took her arms and pulled her closer. “You’ve got an impressive list of hang-ups and that can’t be good for your career.”
“What do my hang-ups have—?”
“Don’t interrupt,” Simon said in a mock command.
Georgina saluted him.
“One,” Simon said. “I’m going to pick one of your hang-ups and we’re going to…”
Georgina tensed. “Nope. Stop right there.”
Simon lowered his gaze, letting his lashes hide his eyes as he licked at his bottom lip. “I’m going to shave that gorgeous cunt of yours because I want to see you, bare and vulnerable…”
“Simon,” Georgina breathed. “Please don’t ask this of me.”
“I’m free to ask for what I want, and you’re free to refuse.
Remember, yes means yes and no means no. I’m not going to
force you to do anything you don’t want to,” Simon reminded her, watching as she bit her bottom lip and struggled with her unruly sexuality. If he was reading her right, the flush that was burning her cheeks and the slow dilation of her pupils, somewhere inside she wanted what he was offering. But he couldn’t push too hard… this had to come from her.
Slowly releasing her, Simon took a step back and then another.
Her eyes followed him, her expression a little desperate.
“I’ll be in the bathroom. You want this, come on in. You don’t…
well, I could use a shower. And Georgina, this isn’t a requirement.
If it’s a no, we’re still on until Monday.”
She nodded and Simon felt a slight shift in her, back towards the safe and narrow.
Oh, what the hell. Just a little push.
“And, if it’s no, I’m fully prepared to spend the rest of the weekend having sex the way a nice woman you want everyone to think you are would, straight missionary with the lights off.”
Georgina gasped at his statement, hating it that he could read her so easily. Hating that, given a choice between straight missionary and having him shave her… a jolt of heat seared down her spine at the mere idea of letting him do such a thing. Fortunately, the shaving was tame compared to her other hang-ups. He was again offering her what she wanted, but this time he was tossing in a choice, more of a challenge… almost daring her to accept.
“Why, you vile, manipulative…” Georgina seethed.
“That’s it, talk dirty to me,” Simon said then turned on his heel and strolled towards the bathroom.
The stunning sight of that rope drawn draped over his back is what stopped her from telling him exactly what he could do with his challenge.
He had neatly taken the reins, making this an issue of pride, a sexual game of chicken…who would blink first? Lousy, arrogant male that he was, Simon obviously assumed it would be her. Had last night taught him nothing?
“Oh Simon, simple, simple Simon…” Georgina murmured,
letting the comforter slide from her body. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”
Simon sat on the wide edge of the bathtub, his jeans riding low on his hips, his hair falling over his eyes, giving him a boyish appearance at odds with the black ropes wrapped around his arms.
He was fiddling with a razor he had found in the medicine cabinet, waiting to see if Georgina was going to decide he was an arrogant asshole and go to bed without him. There was a slight noise from the attic and he glanced up and there she was, standing naked in the doorway.
He said, “Come here,” his voice husky and low, relieved that he hadn’t driven her away.
Georgina sashayed, there was really no other word for it, towards him, her hair a wild tumble around her shoulders, her eyes heavy-lidded, that gorgeous hooker’s mouth soft and slightly open.
She stopped a few feet away from him, jutted out her hip, crossed her arms under her breasts and met his gaze, a heated challenge shimmering in her eyes.
“Closer,” Simon said, his lips barely moving.
She took one step closer and waited, letting one eyebrow lift, that expression of cool disdain combined with the fact that she was gloriously naked making Simon want to toss the razor, grab her by the hips and bury his face between her thighs. But he didn’t. He had a reason for doing this, hell if he could remember it right now, but it had seemed important a few minutes ago.
“Closer,” he hissed.
When Georgina was nearly on top of him, he inhaled once
through his nose, caught the scent of her arousal and grinned. She had come to him, no more running away, no more hiding. This was going to be good… nerve-wracking but good.
“Put your foot up on the side of the tub,” he said, reaching over to turn on the water, giving her a minute to get herself steady as he got the water to a good temperature. Wetting a washcloth, he handed it to her and said, “Wash yourself. I can’t think straight with you smelling like sex.”
Instead of blushing or sputtering at his crudeness, she took the cloth and began to gently wipe between her legs, letting her head drop back as she rolled her hips, getting off on the feel of the ter-rycloth rubbing her sensitive flesh.
“That is so damn sexy,” Simon muttered, looking up at her. She met his gaze. “I can’t decide whether to shave you or eat you.”
Georgina dropped the cloth into the tub. Then she reached up and grabbed the shower-curtain rod with one hand, elongating her torso as her breasts lifted and the tips tightened. She rested her cheek on her upraised arm and let her eyes slide closed.
“This is your game,” she purred. “
It doesn’t matter to me what you do.”
Yeah, right… shave her and then eat her and we’ll see who’s able to play casual by the end.
He handled her carefully, slowly, drawing out the intimacy of the moment, the bathroom still and silent around them. When he was satisfied with the results, Simon rinsed the razor for the last time and turned off the water. Georgina looked down at the small patch of hair Simon had left her. She frowned, confused. “You’re done?”
Simon glanced up at her and shrugged. “I liked that thing you said about being a grown woman and not a little girl. As far as excuses go, it has merit. Women have hair down there, little girl’s don’t. And if I know anything about you, you are not a little girl.”
Georgina lost her detached, sex goddess mien and asked, “Then why did we do this?”
“To see if you trusted me,” Simon replied, remembering why he had started all this.
She chewed on her bottom lip for a second then asked, “Does this mean we’re done with the hang-ups for tonight?”
“Yeah,” Simon said. He was rewarded with a wide smile of relief. This was more than enough for tonight. Tomorrow maybe he’d push her again, but for now he just wanted to spread her out on that big bed in the attic and take his sweet ass time driving her as crazy as she made him, by doing nothing more strenuous than standing around converting air into carbon dioxide.
A definite imbalance of power that needs to be rectified, pronto.
To see if you trusted me…
Georgina would have spent a few minutes, okay hours, mull-
ing over that comment but Simon distracted her by leaning his shoulder into her upraised thigh and kissing her between her legs, a luscious, open-mouthed assault that let her know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was not something he was doing because it was expected but rather because he wanted to.
She grabbed the shower rod with both hands and hung on for dear life. Simon pushed his tongue so deep into her sex she wondered why his mouth hadn’t been included in one those female-centric tour guides as a not-to-be-missed attraction of the Southland.
“Good Lord…” Georgina panted, her knuckles going white as
the leg she was standing on began to tremble. Simon had drawn back and was now lapping at the newly bared skin of her outer lips.
The sensation was incredible, the skin unbelievably sensitive to the rasp of his tongue. When he slipped two fingers into her sheath, she surprised them both by coming. She grunted, a deep throated, animal sound that reverberated off the tile walls and sent Simon’s mouth into overdrive, licking and gently biting until Georgina was sobbing, her orgasm rolling on, an endless, swamping pleasure everywhere.
“The bed,” she gasped, knowing she was seconds from falling over into the tub, and she didn’t want to end the evening in the ER.
Simon got to his feet and was hustling her out of the bathroom so fast she slipped on the tile and had to grab him to keep from going down. She laughed. He cursed and picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder and walked through the attic with her hanging down his back, laughing even harder at his caveman antics. She was not a small woman by any stretch of the imagination and being carried was something that hadn’t happened to her since the third grade.
Simon dumped her onto the bed, shed his jeans and was ripping open a condom packet before she had her hair out of her eyes.
His face was flushed and he was a little wild around the eyes, a man in full rut. If he hadn’t had to get the condom on he would have already been inside her. Georgina fell back on the mound of pillows, spread her legs and ran her hands up over her breasts, arching her back in anticipation.
Simon knelt on the bed, one knee between her legs as he looked into her eyes.
“Damn,” he breathed, frozen in place, his gaze dropping to where her fingertips were lightly pinching her nipples, then down between her legs, her newly shaved sex wide open and ready for him. “Oh God…Georgina…”
Georgina leaned forward and pulled him over her, like a heavy, living blanket, all hard angles and lean planes, his skin hot and smooth, his muscles tensed and ready.
Simon kissed her, his tongue entering her mouth as his cock penetrated her sex. When he was seated fully within her, he pulled his mouth away and whispered, “I was going to go slow, make you as crazy for me as I am for you but you—”
“Yeah, right,” Georgina panted, rolling her hips up to take him even deeper. “Remember what I said last night? If I were any crazier for you, I would have jumped you at Valerie’s party.”
Simon buried his face against her neck and whispered, “Son of a bitch,” as he drew back his hips, leaving her until just the head of his cock was inside her. “It makes me crazy to think I could have had you three weeks ago.”
Georgina laughed at his reaction then gasped when he slammed into her, hard.
Again. And again, straightening his arms until he was looming over her, driving into her until she couldn’t lift her hips, couldn’t match his thrusts, could only wrap her hands around his forearms and accept the pleasure he was giving her. She arched her neck until only the crown of her head was touching the pillows.
“Look at me,” Simon ordered, his voice gravely and harsh.
Georgina tensed, remembering that this was what she’d been afraid of, that he used pleasure to strip her bare, until he could see down into her soul, a witness to all her secrets. Every time before, he’d been as lost and dazed as she but this was different. She felt very much at his mercy, open and vulnerable.
“I said look at me,” Simon growled, bending his elbows until his chest brushed her breasts, until he stopped moving, holding her there on the edge of completion, and she wanted to come more than she wanted to hide so she opened her eyes and saw him, di-sheveled, breathing hard through his mouth, his gaze intent on her, his expression almost pleading.
Georgina gently cradled his jaw in her hand and let him look his fill, open and unafraid because he knew about everything she had spent years trying to hide and he had wanted her anyway.
“Simon,” she breathed and kissed him, softly, gently, worshipping a mouth that had given her so much pleasure, by word as well as deed. She tightened deep inside, the kiss enough to finish her, sending her into a gentle, rolling orgasm that took him down with her. He shuddered as he buried his hands in her hair, her name coming out of his mouth on a groan, a dying man’s last gasp, before he thrust once more and went still, pressing his forehead to hers, jaw clenched, held tight in the sweet agony of completion.
Georgina held him close, absently running her hands up and down his back until he abruptly pulled away and disappeared into the bathroom.
Oh God, if he ran away tonight… Georgina closed her eyes and rolled onto her side, her back to the door. She’d made the mistake of watching him leave her last night and she wasn’t about to do it again.
“Where the hell are the sheets,” Simon grumbled a few minutes later.
“You came back,” she murmured, rolling onto her back. “Oh, the sheets… I sort of…”
Simon just grunted as he crawled into bed next to her. “Forget the sheets, move over, you’re on my side.”
“Oh… sorry.”
Settling down next to her, Simon paused halfway through getting the comforter over them and asked, “What side do you sleep on, anyway?”
“The side you’re on.”
“Can you live with that side?”
“Uh… sure.” Georgina would have made some blasé comment
about how it didn’t really matter, since they only had tonight and tomorrow night to worry about, but Simon rolled her onto her side and wrapped his long, warm body around hers. He was asleep within two minutes.
Georgina frowned. She didn’t want to go to sleep. There was so much more she wanted to do with him and there was only so much time.
Simon snuffled out a soft snore into her ear.
Georgina giggled.
Simon snored. Were fantasy men
allowed to snore? Apparently hers was.
Georgina lay there in the dark, allowing her mind to wander until it stumbled over something Simon had said earlier that evening.
“I have degrees in both political science and journalism.”
She had reacted so poorly he hadn’t had the chance to tell her where he had earned those degrees.
Georgina snorted. Simon had probably gone to some beer
soaked campus where they gave out grades during toga parties and…She caught herself before she went any further. There was something about her assumption that felt mean and, oddly enough, disloyal.
“Simon,” Georgina whispered, gently shaking the arm he had wrapped around her waist.
“Where did you go to college?”
Simon propped himself up on one elbow and stared down at her as if she had lost her mind. “Come again?”
“I asked where you went to college.”
“And this is important at two in the morning because?”
“Just answer the question.”
“Harvard,” he muttered then flopped over onto his back with a tortured groan. “Bad enough you keep me up all hours fulfilling your voracious sexual appetites and now this.”
Georgina stared sightlessly up at the ceiling, only half-listening to Simon’s bitching.
“Hey,” Simon said, waving his hand in front of her face. “You okay over there?”
“Harvard?!” Georgina asked, turning her head on the pillow to glare at him.
“Yeah, so what’s the big deal? Lots of people went to Harvard.”
“People like former Vice-President Al Gore went to Harvard!”
“Yeah and Tommy Lee Jones was his roommate. What’s your
“You! You are my problem!” Georgina said, clambering over
him to get out of bed. “You tell me about your childhood, about the hand-me-down clothes and the fist-fights over who got the last pork-chop and then you think it’s no big deal that you went to Harvard?”
Simon sat up, his brow creased as he watched her furiously pacing back and force next to the bed. “Lots of poor kids go to Harvard,” he said. “They have these things called scholarships and…”